Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Color Changer
Proverbs Day One

Proverbs Day One

"Actions speak louder than words." Meaning: What people do is more important than what they say. Example: Instead of promising to help, John mowed his neighbor's lawn without being asked. Actions speak louder than words.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Meaning: Don't judge someone or something based solely on appearance. Example: Although the restaurant looked old and shabby, the food was delicious. Don't judge a book by its cover.

"All that glitters is not gold." Meaning: Not everything that appears valuable or attractive is actually valuable. Example: The expensive-looking watch turned out to be a cheap imitation. All that glitters is not gold.

"Honesty is the best policy." Meaning: Being truthful is the most morally upright choice. Example: Even though it was difficult, Sarah admitted her mistake. Honesty is the best policy.

"A penny saved is a penny earned." Meaning: Saving money is as valuable as earning it. Example: By avoiding unnecessary expenses, he managed to save a lot of money. A penny saved is a penny earned.

"Too much of a good thing can be bad." Meaning: Excess can lead to negative consequences. Example: Eating too much chocolate, though enjoyable, can lead to health issues. Too much of a good thing can be bad.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Meaning: Strong and determined individuals persevere during difficult times. Example: Despite facing numerous challenges, the athlete continued to train diligently. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

"Good things come to those who wait." Meaning: Patience can lead to favorable outcomes. Example: After years of hard work, he finally received the promotion he deserved. Good things come to those who wait.

"You reap what you sow." Meaning: Your actions have consequences, whether good or bad. Example: By studying diligently, she earned top grades in her exams. You reap what you sow.

"It's a good horse that never stumbles." Meaning: Even the best can make mistakes. Example: The experienced pilot made an unexpected error during the flight. It's a good horse that never stumbles.

"All is well that ends well." Meaning: The outcome determines the overall success or happiness of a situation. Example: Despite the challenges they faced, the project was completed successfully. All is well that ends well.

"You cannot draw blood from a stone." Meaning: You cannot expect something from a person or thing that does not possess it. Example: Asking him for money is futile; he's broke. You cannot draw blood from a stone.

"If the cap fits, wear it." Meaning: If a description or criticism applies to you, accept it. Example: When they called her a hard worker, she took it as a compliment because it applied to her. If the cap fits, wear it.

"It's better to be safe than sorry." Meaning: Taking precautions is wiser than facing regrets later. Example: He wore his helmet while biking, saying, "It's better to be safe than sorry."

"Where there's a will, there's a way." Meaning: Determination and resolve can overcome obstacles. Example: Despite limited resources, she pursued her dream because she believed, "Where there's a will, there's a way."

"Still waters run deep." Meaning: Quiet or reserved individuals often have hidden depths of knowledge or emotion. Example: Though he seemed introverted, he had a deep understanding of literature. Still waters run deep.

"It's a deep well that has no bottom." Meaning: There's always more to learn or discover. Example: In the world of science, there is always more to explore. It's a deep well that has no bottom.

"You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." Meaning: Achieving something worthwhile may require sacrifices or difficulties. Example: Starting a business often involves financial risks and challenges. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

"If the shoe fits, wear it." Meaning: If a statement or criticism is true about you, acknowledge it. Example: When he was called a procrastinator, he admitted it was true. If the shoe fits, wear it.

"A rising tide lifts all boats." Meaning: General improvements benefit everyone. Example: Economic growth in the region led to increased opportunities for all businesses. A rising tide lifts all boats.

"An empty vessel makes the most noise." Meaning: People who lack knowledge or substance often talk the most. Example: Despite his loud claims, he couldn't provide any evidence to support his ideas. An empty vessel makes the most noise.

"Empty pockets teach you a million things." Meaning: Financial difficulties can be a valuable source of life lessons. Example: After going through a period of financial hardship, she learned to budget wisely. Empty pockets teach you a million things.

"Empty barrels make the most noise." Meaning: Talkative individuals who lack substance are often the loudest. Example: The meeting was dominated by empty rhetoric, with little meaningful discussion. Empty barrels make the most noise.

"You can't draw water from an empty well." Meaning: You cannot expect something from a source that has nothing to give. Example: Asking him for more help when he has already given everything is like trying to draw water from an empty well.

"Empty vessels may make the greatest sound, but they are not the most musical." Meaning: Outward appearances and loudness are not indicative of inner qualities. Example: The flashy performer's concert had a lot of noise, but the true musician's performance was more meaningful. Empty vessels may make the greatest sound, but they are not the most musical.

"An empty stomach has no ears." Meaning: Hunger can make it difficult to concentrate or listen. Example: During the long hike, their hunger made it hard to focus on the guide's instructions. An empty stomach has no ears.

"A house full of guests is an empty purse." Meaning: Hosting many guests can be costly. Example: After hosting a big family gathering, their savings were significantly depleted. A house full of guests is an empty purse.

"An empty sack cannot stand upright." Meaning: Without support or substance, one cannot succeed or endure. Example: Without proper training, the team couldn't handle the competition. An empty sack cannot stand upright.

"A heart without love is an empty shell." Meaning: Emotions and love give meaning and depth to life. Example: After the loss of her partner, she felt like her life had become an empty shell. A heart without love is an empty shell.

"Empty words can never fill an empty stomach." Meaning: Promises or talk alone cannot satisfy basic needs. Example: Instead of empty assurances, the hungry child needed a meal. Empty words can never fill an empty stomach.

"Haste makes waste." Meaning: Acting too quickly can result in mistakes that lead to more work or loss. Example: Rushing to finish the project, he made several errors that required extensive revisions. Haste makes waste.

"More haste, less speed." Meaning: When you rush, you often end up taking more time to complete a task. Example: Trying to finish the race quickly, he tripped and fell, costing him more time. More haste, less speed.

"Act in haste, repent at leisure." Meaning: Making impulsive decisions can lead to regrets that last a long time. Example: He hastily sold his valuable antique collection and regretted it later. Act in haste, repent at leisure.

"Haste is from the devil." Meaning: Rushing or impatience can lead to negative outcomes. Example: His impulsive investment decisions led to significant financial losses. Haste is from the devil.

"Look before you leap." Meaning: Think carefully before taking action to avoid potential problems. Example: Before accepting the job offer, she researched the company thoroughly. Look before you leap.

"The more haste, the less speed." Meaning: Rushing through a task often results in a slower completion due to errors. Example: While typing quickly, he made numerous typos that he had to correct later. The more haste, the less speed.

"Hasty climbers have sudden falls." Meaning: Those who seek success too quickly are more likely to experience setbacks. Example: He rushed into a risky business venture and experienced a significant financial setback. Hasty climbers have sudden falls.

"Haste and anger are a poor foundation for action." Meaning: Decisions made in a hurry and while angry are often unwise. Example: He sent an angry email without thinking, and it damaged his professional relationships. Haste and anger are a poor foundation for action.

"Haste is the enemy of perfection." Meaning: Trying to finish something quickly can lead to a lack of attention to detail. Example: The chef, in a rush to serve, didn't give the dish enough time to cook perfectly. Haste is the enemy of perfection.

"He who hesitates is lost." Meaning: Overthinking or delaying action can result in missed opportunities. Example: She missed out on the chance to invest in the booming stock market because she hesitated. He who hesitates is lost.

"Fear is the mind-killer." Meaning: Fear can paralyze and cloud one's judgment. Example: His fear of public speaking prevented him from pursuing leadership roles. Fear is the mind-killer.

"There is no fear where there is no love." Meaning: Love can dispel fear and provide courage. Example: Her love for her family gave her the strength to confront her fears. There is no fear where there is no love.

"Fear of a danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than the danger itself." Meaning: Anticipating danger can be more frightening than the actual threat. Example: The thought of an upcoming medical procedure was more distressing than the procedure itself. Fear of a danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than the danger itself.

"Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." Meaning: Fear can magnify perceived threats. Example: In the dark forest, every rustle of leaves seemed like a lurking danger. Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.

"He who fears something gives it power over him." Meaning: Fearing something too much can make it control your actions. Example: His fear of failure prevented him from taking risks and pursuing his dreams. He who fears something gives it power over him.

"Fear knocked at the door, faith answered, and no one was there." Meaning: Faith can overcome fear, and often, the fear was baseless. Example: She feared losing her job, but when she took action, she realized her job was secure. Fear knocked at the door, faith answered, and no one was there.

"In times of fear and panic, one's true character is revealed." Meaning: How a person reacts under pressure shows their real nature. Example: During the crisis, her calm and leadership demonstrated her true character. In times of fear and panic, one's true character is revealed.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Meaning: A deep reverence and respect for the divine lead to wisdom. Example: His spiritual journey began with a profound fear of displeasing God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

"Fear has many eyes and can see things underground." Meaning: Fear can make one overly suspicious and perceptive. Example: Her constant fear of betrayal made her see hidden motives where none existed. Fear has many eyes and can see things underground.

"When fear enters the door, courage is needed to show it out." Meaning: Overcoming fear requires deliberate courage and action. Example: Confronting his fear of heights, he climbed the mountain with determination. When fear enters the door, courage is needed to show it out.

"Adversity builds character." Meaning: Facing challenges and hardships can help develop one's personality and resilience. Example: After overcoming a series of setbacks, he emerged as a stronger and more determined individual. Adversity builds character.

"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors." Meaning: Difficulties and challenges are necessary for personal growth and skill development. Example: The tough projects at work taught her valuable skills that smooth projects couldn't. Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.

"Every cloud has a silver lining." Meaning: Even in difficult situations, there is a positive aspect or outcome. Example: Despite losing his job, he used the time to start his own successful business. Every cloud has a silver lining.

"Adversity makes strange bedfellows." Meaning: People may form unusual alliances when facing a common challenge. Example: Political rivals came together to address a crisis in the country. Adversity makes strange bedfellows.

"Necessity is the mother of invention." Meaning: Adversity or need can inspire creative solutions. Example: Faced with a shortage of resources, they found innovative ways to solve the problem. Necessity is the mother of invention.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Meaning: Strong individuals rise to the occasion during difficult times. Example: Instead of giving up, he worked harder when faced with a challenging project. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

"Out of difficulties grow miracles." Meaning: From adversity, remarkable and unexpected solutions or outcomes can arise. Example: Despite limited resources, the team managed to complete the project ahead of schedule. Out of difficulties grow miracles.

"Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it." Meaning: Difficult times can showcase one's true talents, while success can mask them. Example: During the economic downturn, her ability to navigate financial challenges became evident. Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it.

"The darkest hour has only sixty minutes." Meaning: Even in the most challenging times, difficulties are temporary. Example: Though it felt like an endless struggle, they eventually overcame the crisis. The darkest hour has only sixty minutes.

"Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men." Meaning: Just as fire purifies gold, adversity tests and strengthens individuals. Example: The hardships he faced in his career molded him into a resilient and successful leader. Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men.

"Honesty is the best policy." Meaning: Telling the truth is the most morally upright choice. Example: She admitted her mistake to her boss, following the belief that honesty is the best policy.

"The truth shall set you free." Meaning: Being truthful can relieve one of burdens and guilt. Example: After confessing to the crime, he felt liberated, realizing that the truth shall set you free.

"Truth is stranger than fiction." Meaning: Real-life events can be more remarkable or surprising than fictional stories. Example: The bizarre series of events in the news proved that truth is stranger than fiction.

"Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes." Meaning: It's important to be honest, even when it's difficult or intimidating. Example: She testified in court, trembling with fear, but she spoke the truth, as they say, "Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes."

"Half a truth is often a whole lie." Meaning: Providing incomplete information can be misleading and deceitful. Example: He only told part of the story, making it seem like he was innocent, but half a truth is often a whole lie.

"Truth is the daughter of time." Meaning: The complete truth may only be revealed with the passage of time. Example: It took years of investigation to uncover the truth behind the historical event. Truth is the daughter of time.

"A lie has no legs." Meaning: Lies eventually crumble and are exposed. Example: His web of lies unraveled when evidence contradicted his claims. A lie has no legs.

"The truth is in the wine." Meaning: People may be more honest or open when they've consumed alcohol. Example: During the candid conversation over a glass of wine, he finally revealed the truth. The truth is in the wine.

"Truth comes out in the end." Meaning: Eventually, the truth becomes known or apparent. Example: Despite attempts to conceal the facts, the truth came out in the end.

"Truth is the highest thing that man may keep." Meaning: Maintaining honesty and integrity is of utmost importance. Example: He refused to compromise his principles, believing that truth is the highest thing that man may keep.

"Let bygones be bygones." Meaning: Forgive and forget past grievances. Example: After their argument, they decided to let bygones be bygones and move forward.

"Let sleeping dogs lie." Meaning: Avoid stirring up old or potentially troublesome issues. Example: It's best to let sleeping dogs lie rather than reopening past disputes.

"Let nature take its course." Meaning: Allow events to unfold naturally without interference. Example: Instead of trying to control everything, sometimes it's best to let nature take its course.

"Let the cat out of the bag." Meaning: Accidentally reveal a secret. Example: He accidentally let the cat out of the bag by mentioning the surprise party.

"Let your hair down." Meaning: Relax and be yourself, especially in social situations. Example: At the weekend retreat, she finally let her hair down and had a great time.

"Let the chips fall where they may." Meaning: Accept the consequences, whatever they may be. Example: She decided to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

"Let the dead bury the dead." Meaning: Move forward and don't dwell on past losses or issues. Example: After his friend's funeral, he decided to let the dead bury the dead and focus on his own life.

"Let your conscience be your guide." Meaning: Make moral decisions based on your inner sense of right and wrong. Example: She chose to help the stranger because she believed in letting her conscience be her guide.

"Let the good times roll." Meaning: Enjoy and celebrate the joyful moments. Example: At the party, they decided to let the good times roll and danced all night.

"Let's agree to disagree." Meaning: Accept that there are differences of opinion and avoid further argument. Example: In a friendly debate, they decided to let's agree to disagree and moved on to other topics.

"Let the cat have the cream." Meaning: Allow someone to enjoy their well-deserved rewards. Example: After a hard day's work, he let the cat have the cream and treated himself to a relaxing evening.

"Let the buyer beware." Meaning: Buyers should be cautious and informed about their purchases. Example: The old saying "let the buyer beware" reminds us to research before making significant purchases.

"Let's not reinvent the wheel." Meaning: Avoid unnecessary work by using existing solutions. Example: Instead of creating a new presentation from scratch, let's not reinvent the wheel and use the template we already have.

"Let the shoe fit." Meaning: If the description or criticism applies to you, accept it. Example: When they called him a perfectionist, he let the shoe fit because it was true.

"Let the game begin." Meaning: Start a competition or challenge. Example: With the referee's whistle, the players lined up and let the game begin.

"Let your light shine." Meaning: Show your talents and abilities to the world. Example: She was encouraged to let her light shine and pursue her passion for music.

"Let's make a clean breast of it." Meaning: Confess and be honest about a wrongdoing. Example: Realizing the importance of honesty, he decided to let's make a clean breast of it and admit his mistake.

"Let the sun go down on your anger." Meaning: Resolve conflicts before the end of the day. Example: After their disagreement, they decided to let the sun go down on their anger and reconciled.

"Let the facts speak for themselves." Meaning: Allow evidence or data to support your argument. Example: In the courtroom, the lawyer relied on the evidence to let the facts speak for themselves.

"Let the grass grow under one's feet." Meaning: Be inactive or procrastinate. Example: He couldn't afford to let the grass grow under his feet if he wanted to meet the deadline.

"Better late than never." Meaning: It's preferable to do something late than not do it at all. Example: She finally completed her degree at the age of 40, proving that better late than never.

"Better safe than sorry." Meaning: It's wiser to take precautions than to face regrets later. Example: He always wore a helmet when riding his bike because he believed in better safe than sorry.

"Better to be safe than sorry." Meaning: It's better to be cautious and avoid potential risks. Example: They decided to cancel their outdoor event due to the storm forecast, thinking better to be safe than sorry.

"Better a live coward than a dead hero." Meaning: It's more important to prioritize safety over bravado. Example: He chose to retreat from the dangerous situation, remembering better a live coward than a dead hero.

"Better the devil you know than the devil you don't." Meaning: It's preferable to deal with a familiar problem or person than an unknown one. Example: Despite his flaws, they kept their old landlord because they believed in better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

"Better a lean peace than a fat victory." Meaning: It's better to settle for a compromise or peaceful resolution than to seek total victory and cause harm. Example: The nations decided to negotiate and achieve a lean peace instead of continuing a destructive war.

"The better part of valor is discretion." Meaning: It's often wise to avoid unnecessary risks, even if it means appearing less brave. Example: Instead of confronting the armed intruder, he wisely called the police, recognizing that the better part of valor is discretion.

"Better a small fish than an empty dish." Meaning: It's better to have something, even if it's modest, than nothing at all. Example: He accepted the job with a lower salary because he knew that better a small fish than an empty dish.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one." Meaning: It's more valuable to have something exceptional with imperfections than something ordinary without any. Example: She cherished her unique, albeit imperfect, antique necklace, understanding better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one.

"Better a handful of dry dates and content therewith than to own a vineyard with a constant thirst for more." Meaning: It's better to be content with what you have than to constantly desire more and never be satisfied. Example: He lived a simple life and was content with his modest income, believing in better a handful of dry dates and content therewith than to own a vineyard with a constant thirst for more.