Thought for Today

Thought for Today

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Proverbs Day Six

Proverbs Day Six

"Many hands make light work."
"कई लोगों के लग जाने पर भारी काम भी हल्का हो जाता
है।" Meaning: When people cooperate and work together, tasks become easier and more manageable.
Example: The volunteers quickly finished the cleanup because many hands make light work.

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
"उपलब्ध चीज़, अनुपलब्ध चीजों से अधिक मूल्यवान
हैं।" Meaning: It's better to have something certain or guaranteed than to risk losing it for something more desirable but uncertain.
Example: He decided to keep his stable job instead of pursuing a risky business opportunity, believing that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

"The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing."
"बायाँ हाथ नहीं जानता कि दाहिना हाथ क्या कर रहा है।"
Meaning: Lack of coordination or communication between individuals or groups can lead to confusion or inefficiency.
Example: The different departments in the company often work independently, resulting in problems because the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

"Give him an inch, and he'll take a mile."
"उसे एक इंच दो, और वह एक मील ले लेगा।"
Meaning: If you grant someone a small favor or concession, they may try to exploit it for greater advantage.
Example: She loaned her friend a small amount of money, but he kept asking for more; give him an inch, and he'll take a mile.

"Right-hand man."
"दांया हाथ व्यक्ति।"
Meaning: Referring to someone's most trusted or reliable assistant or supporter.
Example: In the absence of the CEO, he acted as the right-hand man, making important decisions.

"Many things in a small compass."
"एक छोटे से कंपास में बहुत सी चीज़े
ं।" Meaning: Describing something compact that contains a lot of content or information.
Example: The guidebook was small but packed with valuable travel tips; many things in a small compass.

"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."
"वह हाथ जो पालना झुलाता है वह दुनिया पर राज करता है।
" Meaning: Women who raise and nurture children have a significant influence on the future.
Example: She believed that her role as a mother was essential because the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

"A heavy purse makes a light heart."
"भारी पर्स हल्का दिल बनाता है।"
Meaning: Financial security and prosperity often lead to happiness.
Example: After receiving a raise at work, she felt much happier; a heavy purse makes a light heart.

"The devil finds work for idle hands."
"शैतान बेकार हाथों के लिए काम ढूंढता है।
" Meaning: People who have nothing to do may engage in mischief or wrongdoing.
Example: To keep the children out of trouble during the summer break, she enrolled them in various activities, believing that the devil finds work for idle hands.

"You can't see the forest for the trees."
"आप पेड़ों के लिए जंगल नहीं देख सकते।"
Meaning: Focusing on small details can prevent you from seeing the bigger picture.
Example: He spent so much time perfecting individual paragraphs in his essay that he lost sight of the main argument; you can't see the forest for the trees.

"Don't cross the ocean for someone who wouldn't jump a puddle for you."
"किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति के लिए समुद्र पार मत करो जो तुम्हारे लिए पोखर नहीं कूदेगा।"
Meaning: Don't go to great lengths for someone who wouldn't make a small effort for you.
Example: She traveled thousands of miles to help her friend, but he couldn't even pick her up from the airport; don't cross the ocean for someone who wouldn't jump a puddle for you.

"Still waters run deep."
"अभी भी गहरी पानी है।"
Meaning: Quiet or calm individuals often have hidden depths of knowledge or emotions.
Example: He may seem reserved, but still waters run deep; he's incredibly knowledgeable about history.

"You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails."
"आप हवा को निर्देशित नहीं कर सकते, लेकिन आप अपनी पाल को समायोजित कर सकते हैं।"
Meaning: You can't control external forces, but you can adapt and change your approach.
Example: The project faced unexpected challenges, but they adjusted their strategy to overcome them; you can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

"Every wave has its foam."
"हर लहर का अपना झाग होता है।"
Meaning: In every situation, there are positive and negative aspects.
Example: While the job required long hours, it also offered great career growth; every wave has its foam.

"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."
"चुनौतियां ही मनुष्य को साहसी बनाती हैं।"
Meaning: Overcoming challenges and adversity helps develop expertise and resilience.
Example: Despite facing numerous setbacks, she became a highly skilled project manager; a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

"He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance."
"जो एक दिन उड़ना सीखेगा उसे सबसे पहले खड़ा होना, चलना, दौड़ना, चढ़ना और नृत्य करना सीखना होगा।"
Meaning: To achieve greatness, one must first master the fundamentals and build a strong foundation.
Example: Before becoming a successful pilot, he honed his skills in various aspects of aviation; he who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance.

"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."
"बंदरगाह में एक जहाज़ सुरक्षित है, लेकिन जहाज़ों का निर्माण इसके लिए नहीं किया जाता है।"
Meaning: Staying in your comfort zone may keep you safe, but it prevents you from reaching your full potential.
Example: She decided to leave her secure job to start her own business, believing that a ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

"The sea is not a miser; it throws up all sorts of things."
"समुद्र कंजूस नहीं है; यह हर तरह की चीज़ें फेंकता है।"
Meaning: The ocean can reveal unexpected treasures and surprises.
Example: After a storm, the beach was littered with seashells, driftwood, and other intriguing items; the sea is not a miser; it throws up all sorts of things.

"One drop of water helps to swell the ocean."
"पानी की एक बूंद समुद्र को बढ़ाने में मदद करती है।"
Meaning: Even small contributions or efforts can have a significant impact when combined with others.
Example: Each volunteer's donation helped fund the new community center; one drop of water helps to swell the ocean.

"The deeper the sea, the calmer the surface."
"समुद्र जितना गहरा होगा, सतह उतनी ही शांत होगी।"
Meaning: People with greater knowledge or experience often appear more composed and serene.
Example: Despite the challenges, he remained calm and composed, knowing that the deeper the sea, the calmer the surface.

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