Proverbs Day Seven

Proverbs Day Seven

Proverbs Day Seven

Proverb Translation Meaning Example
The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat. हड्डी जितनी करीब होगी, मांस उतना ही मीठा होगा। The closer you are to something, the more you can appreciate its value. He found that living in the countryside brought him closer to nature, and he appreciated its beauty even more; the nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat.
Nearer the church, farther from God. चर्च के जितना निकट, ईश्वर से उतना दूर। Being overly concerned with religious practices or appearances may not necessarily lead to a closer relationship with God. Some people attend church regularly but lack a genuine connection with their faith; nearer the church, farther from God.
Nearer is God's shirt, but He does not put it on. परमेश्वर की कमीज उसके निकट है, परन्तु वह उसे नहीं पहनता। Although solutions to problems may seem readily available, they require effort and action. He had the tools to repair his car, but he procrastinated; nearer is God's shirt, but He does not put it on.
Nearer the dawn, darker the night. भोर जितनी करीब होगी, रात उतनी ही अंधेरी होगी। Challenges may intensify just before a breakthrough or success. The team faced many difficulties in the final stages of the project, but they knew that nearer the dawn, darker the night.
The nearer the kin, the more they sinn'. परिजन जितने करीब होंगे, वे उतना ही अधिक पाप करेंगे। Family members may sometimes engage in wrongdoing or conflicts due to their close relationship. Sibling rivalries can be intense because the nearer the kin, the more they sinn'.
Look before you leap. छलांग लगाने से पहले देखो। Think carefully about the consequences before taking action. He decided to research the job market thoroughly before quitting his current job; look before you leap.
The nearer to the church, the farther from God. चर्च के जितना निकट, ईश्वर से उतना ही दूर। Being overly pious or self-righteous may lead to hypocrisy. He acted morally superior to others but often engaged in unethical behavior; the nearer to the church, the farther from God.
The nearer the land, the rougher the sea. जमीन जितनी करीब होगी, समुद्र उतना ही उग्र होगा। Challenges often intensify as one approaches their goals or destination. The final stages of a project required more effort and attention to detail; the nearer the land, the rougher the sea.
The nearer the fountain, the muddier the water. फव्वारा जितना करीब होगा, पानी उतना ही गंदा होगा। The closer you are to the source of information or gossip, the less reliable it may be. Rumors about the company's future were spreading, but they realized that the nearer the fountain, the muddier the water.
Nearer the heart, farther the tongue. दिल के जितना करीब, जीभ उतनी दूर। People tend to be more reserved or cautious when discussing personal matters. She didn't share the details of her relationship with colleagues because nearer the heart, farther the tongue.
A little ointment is better than a great deal of balm. थोड़ा सा मरहम बहुत सारे बाम से बेहतर है। Sometimes, a simple solution or remedy is more effective than a complex one. She applied a little ointment to the minor cut on her hand, and it healed quickly; a little ointment is better than a great deal of balm.
A fly in the ointment. काम बिगाड़ना। Something small or insignificant that spoils an otherwise pleasant situation. The unexpected rain was a fly in the ointment during their picnic; it disrupted their plans.
Like a sore thumb. एक दुखते हुए अंगूठे की तरह। Something or someone that stands out conspicuously and doesn't fit in. His casual attire at the formal event made him look like a sore thumb among the well-dressed guests.
He who has been bitten by a snake fears a piece of string. जिसको साँप ने काटा है वह डोरी के टुकड़े से डरता है। Past experiences can make people overly cautious or fearful of harmless things. After a bad investment, he was hesitant to try any new opportunity, fearing that he who has been bitten by a snake fears a piece of string.
A poultice for every sore. हर घाव के लिए एक पुल्टिस। Suggesting a tendency to offer overly complex or unnecessary solutions to problems. Instead of simple advice, he provided a long list of recommendations for dealing with the issue; it was like a poultice for every sore.
Oil and ointments make the body smooth. तेल और मलहम शरीर को चिकना बनाते हैं। Self-care and grooming can enhance one's appearance. She followed a skincare routine, believing that oil and ointments make the body smooth.
The ointment doesn't cure the burn. मरहम से जलन ठीक नहीं होती। Superficial remedies may not address the underlying problem. Taking pain relievers helped temporarily, but the ointment doesn't cure the burn; the real issue was stress.
Don't rub salt in the wound. जख्म पर नमक मत छिड़को। Avoid making a bad situation worse by adding insult or injury. After she lost her job, her friend didn't rub salt in the wound by bragging about her own success.
The ointment pot is oft the dirtiest. मरहम का बर्तन सबसे गंदा होता है। Sometimes, those who appear virtuous or righteous may have hidden flaws. He presented himself as a model citizen, but the ointment pot is oft the dirtiest; he had a criminal record.
A soothing ointment for troubled times. परेशान समय के लिए एक सुखदायक मरहम। Referring to something that provides comfort or relief during difficult situations. Music was her soothing ointment for troubled times; it helped her relax and cope with stress.
The farther you go, the more you learn. आप जितना आगे जाएंगे, उतना अधिक सीखेंगे। The more experiences you have and the more you explore, the greater your knowledge and wisdom. He traveled extensively, and with each journey, he gained valuable insights; the farther you go, the more you learn.

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