Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Color Changer
Proverbs Day Nine

Proverbs Day Nine

"Anger and haste hinder good counsel."
Meaning: Implying that making decisions in anger and without careful consideration can lead to poor choices.
Example: He regretted sending that angry email without thinking it through; anger and haste hinder good counsel.

"A soft answer turns away wrath." Meaning: Responding to anger or aggression with kindness and calmness can diffuse a tense situation.
Example: Instead of yelling back at the customer, the customer service representative gave a soft answer, which turned away wrath.

"Speak when you are angry, and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret."
Meaning: Warning against saying hurtful things in the heat of anger, as they may lead to lasting regrets.
Example: He lashed out at his friend during an argument, and later he realized that he had spoken when he was angry, making the best speech he'd ever regret.

"An angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes."
Meaning: When someone is angry, they may speak without thinking, leading to further trouble or misunderstanding.
Example: He was so furious that he started yelling at his partner without considering the consequences; an angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes.

"He who angers you conquers you."
Meaning: Allowing someone else's anger to provoke you gives them power over your emotions and actions.
Example: Instead of reacting to the provocation, she remained calm, understanding that he who angers you conquers you.

"Anger is a short madness."
Meaning: Describing the irrational and destructive nature of intense anger.
Example: He broke a valuable item in a fit of anger, later regretting his actions, as he acknowledged that anger is a short madness.

"The best cure for anger is delay."
Meaning: Suggesting that taking time to cool off before reacting to anger can lead to better decisions and resolutions.
Example: Instead of responding immediately to the provocation, he took a walk to calm down, knowing that the best cure for anger is delay.

"Use your brain before your brawn."
Meaning: Advising people to think and strategize before using physical strength or force.
Example: Instead of trying to force the door open, he used his brain to find the key.

"A small brain can outwit a large one."
Meaning: Intelligence and cleverness can overcome physical advantages.
Example: Despite being physically smaller, she outsmarted her opponent in the chess match; a small brain can outwit a large one.

"You can't put old heads on young shoulders."
Meaning: Experience and wisdom come with age and cannot be given to the young.
Example: He tried to advise his teenage son, but the boy didn't listen; you can't put old heads on young shoulders.

"If you have a brain, you have a world."
Meaning: Emphasizing the importance of knowledge and intelligence in expanding one's horizons.
Example: He valued education because he believed that if you have a brain, you have a world.

"The brain may devise laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps o'er a cold decree."
Meaning: Highlighting the influence of emotions and impulses over rational thinking.
Example: Despite knowing the rules, he acted on his anger impulsively; the brain may devise laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps o'er a cold decree.

"Brain is better than brawn."
Meaning: Intelligence and mental abilities are often more valuable than physical strength.
Example: In the competitive world of business, having a sharp brain is often more advantageous than sheer physical strength; brain is better than brawn.

"An empty brain is the devil's workshop."
Meaning: Suggesting that idleness or lack of mental stimulation can lead to negative thoughts and actions.
Example: During summer break, he encouraged his children to read and learn to keep them busy, as an empty brain is the devil's workshop.

"A sound mind in a sound body."
Meaning: Stating the importance of both mental and physical well-being.
Example: She maintained a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly and engaging in mental challenges, believing in a sound mind in a sound body.

"The brain is wider than the sky."
Meaning: Highlighting the limitless potential of human intelligence and imagination.
Example: When he gazed at the stars, he felt that the brain is wider than the sky; there were no boundaries to what he could conceive.

"The brain works better when it's connected to the heart."
Meaning: Emphasizing the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence in decision-making.
Example: As a leader, she knew that the brain works better when it's connected to the heart; she considered the feelings and well-being of her team members.

"Once bitten, twice shy."
Meaning: After a negative experience, people tend to be more cautious to avoid a similar situation.
Example: She had invested in a risky business before and lost money, so she was hesitant to invest again; once bitten, twice shy.

"Lightning never strikes twice in the same place."
Meaning: Unlikely events or disasters are unlikely to happen again in the exact same way.
Example: After surviving a car accident, he believed that lightning never strikes twice in the same place and continued driving without fear.

"You can't have your cake and eat it twice."
Meaning: You can't consume or enjoy something and still possess it for future use.
Example: He wanted to sell his antique car but also drive it occasionally; his friend reminded him, "You can't have your cake and eat it twice."