Paper I - History

Paper I - History

Paper I - History


Part A - History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition and Heritage of Rajasthan

  • Major Landmarks in the History of Rajasthan:

    From Pre-historic time to close of 18th century, Important dynasties, their administrative and revenue system.

  • Salient Events of 19th & 20th Centuries:

    Peasant & Tribal Movements, Political Awakening, Freedom Movement, and Integration.

  • Heritage of Rajasthan:

    Performing & fine Art, Handicraft, Architecture, and major sites of World Heritage and Tourism in Rajasthan, Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music, and Folk Dance.

  • Important Works of Rajasthani Literature and Dialects of Rajasthan.
  • Saints, Lok Devtas and Eminent Personalities of Rajasthan.

Paper I - Indian History & Culture

Part B - Indian History & Culture

  • Indian Heritage:

    Fine Art, Performing Art, Architecture & Literature from Indus Civilization to British Era.

  • Religious Movements and Religious Philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India.
  • History of Modern India:

    From beginning of 19th Century to 1965 A.D: Significant events, personalities, and issues.

  • Indian National Movement:

    Its various stages & streams, important contributors, and contribution from different parts of the country.

  • Socio-religious Reform Movements:

    In 19th and 20th century.

  • Post Independence Consolidation and Reorganisation:

    Accession of princely states & Linguistic reorganisation of the states.

Paper I - History of Modern World

Part C - History of Modern World (up to 1950 A.D.)

  • Renaissance and Reformation.
  • American War of Independence, French Revolution (1789 A.D.) and Industrial Revolution.
  • Imperialism and Colonialism in Asia and Africa.
  • Impact of World Wars.

Unit II - Economics: Indian Economy

Part A - Indian Economy

  • Agriculture:

    Growth and productivity trends in Indian agriculture. Food processing sector and food management. Agricultural reforms and challenges.

  • Trends in Industrial Sector:

    Industrial Policy and Industrial Finance. Liberalization, Globalization, Privatization, and economic reforms. Infrastructure and economic growth.

  • Inflation, Prices, and Demand/Supply Management.
  • Centre-State Financial Relations and Latest Finance Commission:

    Fiscal Responsibility & Budget Management Act and fiscal reforms in India. Budgetary trends and fiscal policy.

  • Tax Reforms in India:

    Subsidies - cash transfer and other related issues. Trends in revenue and expenditure.

  • Role of Government in Economic Activities:

    Private, Public, and Merit Goods. Social Sector - poverty, unemployment, and inequality. Healthcare and Education Policy. Problem of regulatory effectiveness. Redefining the role of state in economic development and an employment-oriented growth strategy.

Part B - World Economy

  • Global Economic Issues and Trends:

    Role of World Bank, IMF & WTO. Sustainable Development and Climate Change.

Part C - Economy of Rajasthan

  • Agriculture Scenario:

    Production and productivity. Water resources and Irrigation. Agricultural marketing. Dairy and animal husbandry.

  • Rural Development and Rural Infrastructure:

    Panchayati Raj and State Finance Commission.

  • Institutional Framework for Industrial Development:

    Industrial growth and recent trends. Khadi and village industries.

  • Infrastructure Development:

    Power and transportation. Private Investment in Infrastructure and Public Private Partnership projects - outlook and prospects.

  • Major Development Projects of Rajasthan:

    State budget and Fiscal management issues and challenges.

  • Economic Welfare Schemes of Rajasthan:

    Social Justice and Empowerment. Basic Social Services - education and health.

  • Poverty, Unemployment, and Sustainable Development Goals.

Unit III - Sociology, Management, Accounting & Auditing

Part A - Sociology

  • Development of Sociological Thought in India:

    Caste and Class in Indian Society: Nature, Origin, Functions, and Challenges. Processes of Change: Sanskritization, Westernization, Secularization, and Globalization.

  • Challenges before Indian Society:

    Issues of Dowry, Divorce, and Child Marriage. Corruption, Communalism, Poverty, Unemployment, Drug Addiction. Vulnerable sections especially Dalit, Elderly, and Disabled.

  • Tribal Community of Rajasthan:

    Bhil, Mina (Meena), and Garasia - Problems and Welfare.

Part B - Management

  • Modern Concept of Marketing:

    Marketing Mix - Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Supply Chain Management, Logistics Mix. E-Commerce and E-Marketing. Business and Corporate Ethics.

  • Sources of Finance:

    Short and Long Term. Capital Structure, Cost of Capital, Distribution of Profit. Banking and Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs), Stock Market, Multi-National Companies (MNCs), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Foreign Institutional Investment (FII).

  • Leadership Theories and Styles:

    Group Behaviour, Individual Behaviour, Attitude, Values, Team Building. Motivation Theories, Conflict Management, Time Management, Stress Management. Training, Development, and Appraisal Systems.

  • Entrepreneurship:

    Incubation, Startups, Unicorns, Venture Capital, Angel Investors. Management of Essential Services: Education Management, Healthcare and Wellness Management. Tourism and Hospitality Management.

Part C - Accounting & Auditing

  • Basic Knowledge of Double Entry System of Accounting:

    Techniques of Analysis of Financial Statements, Responsibility and Social Accounting.

  • Meaning & Objectives of Auditing:

    Social, Performance, and Efficiency Audit. Elementary Knowledge of Government Audit.

  • Basic Knowledge of Performance Budgeting:

    Zero-Base Budgeting.