Thought for Today

Thought for Today

National Commission for Women Questions

National Commission for Women MCQ

  1. When was the National Commission for Women (NCW) established?

    a) 1986

    b) 1992

    c) 2001

    d) 2010

  2. What is the primary objective of the National Commission for Women?

    a) Promoting women's education

    b) Ensuring gender equality and empowerment of women

    c) Regulating the economy

    d) Enforcing criminal laws

  3. Who appoints the Chairperson and members of the National Commission for Women?

    a) Prime Minister

    b) President of India

    c) Chief Justice of India

    d) Parliament

  4. What is the tenure of the Chairperson and members of the National Commission for Women?

    a) 3 years

    b) 5 years

    c) 7 years

    d) 10 years

  5. What is the jurisdiction of the National Commission for Women?

    a) Limited to cases involving domestic violence

    b) Limited to cases involving dowry harassment

    c) Extends to all matters relating to women's rights and welfare

    d) Limited to specific regions of India

  6. Who can approach the National Commission for Women to file a complaint regarding women's rights violations?

    a) Only Indian citizens

    b) Only government officials

    c) Any individual, including foreigners

    d) Only registered NGOs

  7. Which article of the Indian Constitution empowers the National Commission for Women to protect and promote women's rights?

    a) Article 19

    b) Article 21

    c) Article 32

    d) Article 42

  8. What action can the National Commission for Women take upon finding evidence of women's rights violations?

    a) It can directly punish the accused.

    b) It can only issue recommendations to the concerned authorities.

    c) It can file a case in the Supreme Court.

    d) It can impose fines on the accused.

  9. Which of the following is NOT a power of the National Commission for Women?

    a) Conducting investigations

    b) Issuing arrest warrants

    c) Making recommendations to the government

    d) Summoning witnesses

  10. What is the procedure for filing a complaint with the National Commission for Women?

    a) Complaints can only be filed in person at the NCW office.

    b) Complaints must be filed within 30 days of the occurrence of the violation.

    c) Complaints can be filed online, by post, or in person.

    d) Complaints must be filed through a lawyer.

  11. Which international convention formed the basis for the establishment of the National Commission for Women?

    a) United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

    b) Geneva Conventions

    c) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    d) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

  12. What is the NCW's role in cases of violence against women?

    a) Providing legal aid to the victims

    b) Conducting public awareness campaigns

    c) Recommending measures for women's safety and rehabilitation

    d) Enforcing criminal laws against the perpetrators

  13. Which of the following statements about the National Commission for Women's annual reports is true?

    a) They are only submitted to the President of India.

    b) They contain statistical data on women's rights violations.

    c) They are published in English only.

    d) They are not made available to the public.

  14. What is the NCW's role in cases of sexual harassment at the workplace?

    a) Providing counseling to the victims

    b) Mediating between the victim and the accused

    c) Recommending disciplinary action against the accused

    d) Enforcing criminal laws against the accused

  15. Which organization works closely with the National Commission for Women to promote women's rights in India?

    a) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

    b) World Health Organization (WHO)

    c) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

    d) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

  16. What is the NCW's role in cases of dowry harassment?

    a) Providing financial assistance to the victims

    b) Mediating between the victim and the accused families

    c) Recommending legal action against the accused

    d) Conducting awareness programs to prevent dowry-related crimes

  17. Can the National Commission for Women initiate legal proceedings on behalf of women victims?

    a) Yes, always

    b) No, never

    c) Yes, if requested by the victim

    d) No, it can only provide legal advice

  18. What measures does the NCW undertake to promote gender equality and women's empowerment?

    a) Providing vocational training to women

    b) Advocating for legislative reforms

    c) Conducting research on women's issues

    d) All of the above

  19. How does the National Commission for Women ensure compliance with its recommendations by the concerned authorities?

    a) Through legal enforcement mechanisms

    b) Through financial incentives

    c) Through public awareness campaigns

    d) Through diplomatic channels

  20. Which of the following statements about the National Commission for Women is true?

    a) It operates independently of the government and reports only to the President.

    b) Its jurisdiction is limited to specific regions of India.

    c) It can only inquire into violations of women's rights by public servants.

    d) It was established primarily to regulate the economy.

Quiz Answers

  1. b) 1992
  2. b) Ensuring gender equality and empowerment of women
  3. a) President of India
  4. b) 5 years
  5. c) Extends to all matters relating to women's rights and welfare
  6. c) Any individual, including foreigners
  7. d) Article 42
  8. b) It can only issue recommendations to the concerned authorities.
  9. b) Issuing arrest warrants
  10. c) Complaints can be filed online, by post, or in person.
  11. d) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
  12. c) Recommending measures for women's safety and rehabilitation
  13. b) They contain statistical data on women's rights violations.
  14. c) Recommending disciplinary action against the accused
  15. d) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  16. c) Recommending legal action against the accused
  17. c) Yes, if requested by the victim
  18. d) All of the above
  19. a) Through legal enforcement mechanisms
  20. a) It operates independently of the government and reports only to the President.