Class 11 History Chapter 1: The Harappan Civilization MCQs

Class 11 History Chapter 1: The Harappan Civilization

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Explanations:

  1. What was the primary occupation of the people of the Harappan Civilization?

    • a) Agriculture
    • b) Trade and Commerce
    • c) Fishing
    • d) Hunting

    Answer: b) Trade and Commerce

    Explanation: The Harappan Civilization was known for its extensive trade networks, indicated by the discovery of seals, weights, and measures across various archaeological sites. This suggests that trade and commerce were significant economic activities.

  2. Which river was the Harappan Civilization primarily associated with?

    • a) Nile
    • b) Ganges
    • c) Indus
    • d) Tigris

    Answer: c) Indus

    Explanation: The Harappan Civilization flourished along the banks of the Indus River and its tributaries, such as the Saraswati River. This geographical feature played a crucial role in the civilization's development.

  3. What type of script was used by the Harappan Civilization?

    • a) Sanskrit
    • b) Cuneiform
    • c) Hieroglyphics
    • d) Undeciphered script

    Answer: d) Undeciphered script

    Explanation: The script used by the Harappan Civilization remains undeciphered, posing a challenge for historians and archaeologists to fully understand the civilization's language and written records.

  4. Which of the following was a characteristic urban feature of the Harappan cities?

    • a) Grid layout
    • b) Circular houses
    • c) Pyramid structures
    • d) Nomadic settlements

    Answer: a) Grid layout

    Explanation: Harappan cities exhibited a well-planned grid layout with streets running perpendicular to each other, indicating advanced urban planning and organization.

  5. What evidence suggests that the Harappan Civilization had a sophisticated drainage system?

    • a) Absence of sanitation facilities
    • b) Presence of public wells
    • c) Discovery of underground tunnels
    • d) Inadequate housing structures

    Answer: b) Presence of public wells

    Explanation: The presence of public wells in Harappan cities implies the existence of a sophisticated drainage system to manage wastewater and maintain hygiene within the urban settlements.

  6. Which metal was extensively used by the Harappans for making tools and artifacts?

    • a) Bronze
    • b) Iron
    • c) Gold
    • d) Silver

    Answer: a) Bronze

    Explanation: Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was widely used by the Harappans for crafting tools, weapons, and various artifacts, indicating their advanced metallurgical skills.

  7. What was the probable cause of the decline of the Harappan Civilization?

    • a) Natural disasters
    • b) Invasion by Aryans
    • c) Internal conflicts
    • d) Economic collapse

    Answer: a) Natural disasters

    Explanation: Some scholars suggest that natural disasters such as floods or tectonic shifts might have contributed to the decline of the Harappan Civilization, leading to the abandonment of many urban centers.

  8. Which of the following was NOT a prominent feature of Harappan society?

    • a) Social stratification
    • b) Equality among genders
    • c) Craft specialization
    • d) Religious rituals

    Answer: b) Equality among genders

    Explanation: While the Harappan Civilization displayed remarkable urban planning and technological advancements, gender equality was not a prevalent feature, as evidenced by distinct roles and divisions within the society.

  9. What type of animals were commonly depicted on Harappan seals?

    • a) Elephants
    • b) Lions
    • c) Bulls
    • d) Tigers

    Answer: c) Bulls

    Explanation: Harappan seals often depicted images of bulls, suggesting their significance in religious or cultural contexts, possibly representing symbols of power or fertility.

  10. Which Harappan site is believed to have been a major center for maritime trade?

    • a) Mohenjo-Daro
    • b) Lothal
    • c) Harappa
    • d) Kalibangan

    Answer: b) Lothal

    Explanation: Lothal, located in present-day Gujarat, is believed to have been a major center for maritime trade, as evidenced by its dockyard and the discovery of seals and artifacts associated with seafaring activities.

  11. What type of pottery was characteristic of the Harappan Civilization?

    • a) Black-on-red ware
    • b) Grey ware
    • c) Red ware
    • d) Painted pottery

    Answer: b) Grey ware

    Explanation: Grey ware pottery, known for its fine craftsmanship and utilitarian designs, was characteristic of the Harappan Civilization, reflecting the sophistication of their ceramic production techniques.

  12. Which Harappan city was known for its Great Bath?

    • a) Mohenjo-Daro
    • b) Harappa
    • c) Dholavira
    • d) Rakhigarhi

    Answer: a) Mohenjo-Daro

    Explanation: Mohenjo-Daro is famous for its Great Bath, a large public bathing area constructed with bricks and featuring an advanced drainage system, indicating the importance of ritualistic bathing practices in Harappan society.

  13. What was the primary material used for construction in Harappan cities?

    • a) Mud bricks
    • b) Stone blocks
    • c) Timber
    • d) Concrete

    Answer: a) Mud bricks

    Explanation: Harappan cities were primarily constructed using mud bricks, which were molded and sun-dried, reflecting the availability of raw materials and the ingenuity of ancient urban builders.

  14. Which Harappan artifact is believed to have served as a form of currency or a measure of value?

    • a) Terracotta figurines
    • b) Copper tablets
    • c) Gold jewelry
    • d) Rectangular seals

    Answer: d) Rectangular seals

    Explanation: Rectangular seals found in Harappan sites often bear inscriptions and motifs, indicating their possible use in economic transactions, administrative purposes, or as markers of ownership and identity.

  15. What architectural feature was unique to Harappan citadels?

    • a) Ziggurats
    • b) Stupa
    • c) Granaries
    • d) Fortification walls

    Answer: d) Fortification walls

    Explanation: Harappan citadels were fortified structures surrounded by massive walls, suggesting defensive measures and the importance of protecting urban centers from external threats.