Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Waves

Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Waves

NCERT Class 12 Physics - Chapter 8: Electromagnetic Waves

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves
  • Displacement Current
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Characteristics of Electromagnetic Waves
  • Uses of Electromagnetic Waves
  • Maxwell’s Equations
  • Production and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves

Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are waves that consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields and propagate through space. They are a fundamental aspect of electromagnetic theory and play a crucial role in various technologies.

Displacement Current

Displacement current is a concept introduced by James Clerk Maxwell to account for the changing electric field in a capacitor, which produces a magnetic field similar to that produced by a conduction current. It is given by:

Id = ε0 (dΦE/dt)

where Id is the displacement current, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, and dΦE/dt is the rate of change of the electric flux.

Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are generated by the acceleration of charged particles. These waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses all types of electromagnetic radiation, ranging from gamma rays with very short wavelengths to radio waves with very long wavelengths. The spectrum includes:

  • Gamma Rays
  • X-Rays
  • Ultraviolet Radiation
  • Visible Light
  • Infrared Radiation
  • Microwaves
  • Radio Waves

Characteristics of Electromagnetic Waves

Key characteristics of electromagnetic waves include:

  • They travel at the speed of light (c) in a vacuum, which is approximately 3 x 108 m/s.
  • They do not require a medium to propagate.
  • The electric and magnetic fields oscillate perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation.
  • They carry energy and momentum.

Uses of Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves have a wide range of applications in various fields, including:

  • Communication (radio, television, mobile phones)
  • Medical imaging (X-rays, MRI)
  • Remote sensing and radar
  • Cooking (microwaves)
  • Industrial applications (laser cutting, welding)

Maxwell’s Equations

Maxwell’s equations are a set of four fundamental equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interactions. These equations are:

  • Gauss's law for electricity
  • Gauss's law for magnetism
  • Faraday's law of induction
  • Ampère's law (with Maxwell's addition)

Production and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are produced by the acceleration of charges. They propagate through space as oscillating electric and magnetic fields, traveling at the speed of light. The process can be described using Maxwell's equations and the wave equation derived from them.

Word Meanings

Electromagnetic Waves

Waves consisting of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space.

Displacement Current

A term in Maxwell's equations representing the rate of change of the electric field in a region, producing a magnetic field.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

The range of all types of electromagnetic radiation, from gamma rays to radio waves.

Gamma Rays

High-energy electromagnetic waves with very short wavelengths, typically less than 0.01 nanometers.


Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometers, used in medical imaging.

Ultraviolet Radiation

Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from 10 to 400 nanometers, just beyond the visible spectrum.

Visible Light

The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye, with wavelengths ranging from 400 to 700 nanometers.

Infrared Radiation

Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from 700 nanometers to 1 millimeter, commonly associated with heat.


Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from 1 millimeter to 1 meter, used in communication and cooking.

Radio Waves

Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths longer than 1 meter, used in broadcasting and communication.

Maxwell’s Equations

A set of four fundamental equations describing the behavior of electric and magnetic fields.

Gauss's Law

A law stating that the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the charge enclosed by the surface.

Faraday's Law

A law stating that a changing magnetic field induces an electric field.

Ampère's Law

A law stating that magnetic fields are generated by electric currents and changes in electric fields.


A measure of how an electric field affects, and is affected by, a dielectric medium.

Speed of Light (c)

The speed at which electromagnetic waves propagate in a vacuum, approximately 3 x 108 meters per second.


Regular variation in magnitude or position around a central point.

Wave Equation

A mathematical equation describing the propagation of waves through a medium.

Electromagnetic Induction

The process by which a changing magnetic field induces an electric current.


1. What are electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves are waves consisting of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space.

2. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all types of electromagnetic radiation, from gamma rays to radio waves.

3. What is displacement current?

Displacement current is a term in Maxwell's equations representing the rate of change of the electric field, which produces a magnetic field.

4. How are electromagnetic waves produced?

Electromagnetic waves are produced by the acceleration of charged particles.

5. What is the speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?

The speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum is approximately 3 x 108 meters per second.

6. What is the significance of Maxwell's equations?

Maxwell's equations are fundamental in describing the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, and they form the foundation for understanding electromagnetic waves.

7. What is the relationship between electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave?

In an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetic fields oscillate perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation.

8. Why is the electromagnetic spectrum important?

The electromagnetic spectrum is important because it encompasses all types of electromagnetic radiation, each with unique properties and applications in various fields such as communication, medicine, and industry.

9. What are gamma rays used for?

Gamma rays are used for sterilizing medical equipment, cancer treatment, and in nuclear reactions.

10. How do X-rays work in medical imaging?

X-rays penetrate the body and are absorbed by different tissues to varying degrees, allowing for imaging of bones and internal organs.

11. What is ultraviolet radiation?

Ultraviolet radiation is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light, often associated with sunburn and fluorescence.

12. What is the visible spectrum?

The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye, ranging from violet (400 nm) to red (700 nm).

13. What are the applications of infrared radiation?

Infrared radiation is used in night-vision equipment, remote controls, and thermal imaging.

14. How do microwaves cook food?

Microwaves cook food by causing water molecules in the food to vibrate, producing heat that cooks the food.

15. What is the use of radio waves in communication?

Radio waves are used for transmitting audio and video signals in radio and television broadcasting, as well as in mobile phones and wireless networks.

16. What is Gauss's law for electricity?

Gauss's law for electricity states that the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the charge enclosed by that surface.

17. What is Faraday's law of induction?

Faraday's law of induction states that a changing magnetic field induces an electric field.

18. What is the principle behind electromagnetic induction?

Electromagnetic induction is based on the principle that a changing magnetic field generates an electric current in a conductor.

19. How do electromagnetic waves propagate in space?

Electromagnetic waves propagate in space as oscillating electric and magnetic fields, traveling at the speed of light.

20. What is the significance of the speed of light in electromagnetic theory?

The speed of light is a fundamental constant in electromagnetic theory, determining how fast electromagnetic waves travel in a vacuum.