Chapter 11 Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter

Chapter 11 Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter

NCERT Class 12 Physics - Chapter 11: Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
  • Electron Emission
  • Photoelectric Effect
  • Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect
  • Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light
  • Einstein's Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation
  • Particle Nature of Light: The Photon
  • Wave Nature of Matter
  • Davisson and Germer Experiment
  • Electron Diffraction
  • De Broglie Hypothesis

Introduction to Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

The dual nature of radiation and matter refers to the concept that light and particles exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. This duality is fundamental to the understanding of modern physics.

Electron Emission

Electron emission is the process by which electrons are released from a material. It occurs through different mechanisms such as thermionic emission, field emission, and photoelectric emission.


Thermionic emission occurs in vacuum tubes where electrons are emitted from a heated cathode.

Photoelectric Effect

The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a material when it is exposed to light of sufficient frequency. This effect provided evidence for the particle nature of light.


When ultraviolet light shines on a zinc plate, electrons are emitted from the surface of the plate, demonstrating the photoelectric effect.

Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect

The experimental study of the photoelectric effect involves measuring the kinetic energy of emitted electrons and the stopping potential required to halt them, under different light intensities and frequencies.


Experiments show that increasing the frequency of incident light increases the kinetic energy of emitted electrons, but the number of electrons depends on the light's intensity.

Photoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of Light

The wave theory of light could not explain the photoelectric effect, as it predicted that light of any frequency should eventually cause electron emission, which was not observed experimentally.


According to wave theory, lower frequency light should still cause electron emission if the intensity is high enough, but experiments showed no electrons were emitted below a certain frequency threshold.

Einstein's Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of Radiation

Einstein proposed that light consists of discrete packets of energy called photons. His photoelectric equation relates the kinetic energy of emitted electrons to the energy of incident photons:

KE = hν - φ

where KE is the kinetic energy, h is Planck's constant, ν is the frequency of light, and φ is the work function of the material.


Using Einstein's equation, if light with a frequency of 1015 Hz shines on a metal with a work function of 2 eV, the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons can be calculated.

Particle Nature of Light: The Photon

Photons are the quanta of light that exhibit particle-like properties, such as carrying discrete amounts of energy proportional to their frequency (E = hν).


The photoelectric effect demonstrates the particle nature of light, where photons impart energy to electrons, causing their emission.

Wave Nature of Matter

According to the wave-particle duality, particles such as electrons also exhibit wave-like properties. This was proposed by de Broglie, who suggested that any moving particle has an associated wavelength.


Electrons in a beam can exhibit diffraction patterns similar to light waves, demonstrating their wave nature.

Davisson and Germer Experiment

The Davisson and Germer experiment provided experimental evidence for the wave nature of electrons. They observed diffraction patterns when a beam of electrons was scattered by a crystal.


In the experiment, electrons were scattered by a nickel crystal, and the resulting diffraction pattern confirmed de Broglie's hypothesis about electron wavelengths.

Electron Diffraction

Electron diffraction is a phenomenon where electrons exhibit wave-like behavior and form diffraction patterns when passing through a crystal or a slit.


Electron diffraction patterns are used to study the atomic structure of crystals, similar to X-ray diffraction techniques.

De Broglie Hypothesis

The de Broglie hypothesis states that any moving particle has an associated wavelength, given by the equation:

λ = h/p

where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck's constant, and p is the momentum of the particle.


An electron moving with a momentum of 10-24 kg m/s has a de Broglie wavelength that can be calculated using the above equation.

Word Meanings

Dual Nature

The property of particles and radiation exhibiting both wave-like and particle-like behavior.

Electron Emission

The release of electrons from a material through various mechanisms.

Thermionic Emission

The emission of electrons from a heated material.

Field Emission

The emission of electrons from a material due to a strong electric field.

Photoelectric Emission

The emission of electrons from a material when it is exposed to light of sufficient frequency.

Photoelectric Effect

The phenomenon of electron emission from a material due to light exposure.


A quantum of light carrying energy proportional to its frequency.

Kinetic Energy

The energy possessed by a moving object.

Work Function

The minimum energy required to emit an electron from a material.

De Broglie Wavelength

The wavelength associated with a moving particle, as proposed by de Broglie.

Diffraction Pattern

The pattern of dark and bright regions resulting from the diffraction of waves.


The product of an object's mass and velocity.

Planck's Constant

A fundamental constant (h) used in quantum mechanics, with a value of approximately 6.626 x 10-34 Js.

Wave-Particle Duality

The concept that particles and radiation exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties.


The smallest discrete amount of any physical property, such as energy.


The bending of waves around obstacles or through slits, resulting in interference patterns.

Ultraviolet Light

Light with wavelengths shorter than visible light but longer than X-rays, often causing photoelectric emission.

Vacuum Tube

An electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum, often using thermionic emission.

Electron Beam

A stream of electrons moving in the same direction, often used in diffraction experiments.


1. What is the dual nature of radiation and matter?

The dual nature of radiation and matter refers to the fact that both exhibit wave-like and particle-like properties.

2. What is electron emission?

Electron emission is the process by which electrons are released from a material, occurring through thermionic emission, field emission, or photoelectric emission.

3. What is the photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a material when exposed to light of sufficient frequency.

4. How does the photoelectric effect support the particle nature of light?

The photoelectric effect supports the particle nature of light because it shows that light consists of photons, which impart energy to electrons, causing their emission.

5. What is Einstein's photoelectric equation?

Einstein's photoelectric equation is KE = hν - φ, where KE is the kinetic energy of emitted electrons, h is Planck's constant, ν is the frequency of light, and φ is the work function of the material.

6. What is a photon?

A photon is a quantum of light that carries energy proportional to its frequency.

7. What is the de Broglie hypothesis?

The de Broglie hypothesis states that any moving particle has an associated wavelength, given by λ = h/p, where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck's constant, and p is the momentum of the particle.

8. What is electron diffraction?

Electron diffraction is the phenomenon where electrons exhibit wave-like behavior and form diffraction patterns when passing through a crystal or a slit.

9. What is the Davisson and Germer experiment?

The Davisson and Germer experiment provided evidence for the wave nature of electrons by observing diffraction patterns when electrons were scattered by a crystal.

10. What is the work function of a material?

The work function of a material is the minimum energy required to emit an electron from the material.

11. How does the photoelectric effect disprove the wave theory of light?

The photoelectric effect disproves the wave theory of light because it shows that light must have a certain frequency to emit electrons, which cannot be explained by wave theory alone.

12. What is thermionic emission?

Thermionic emission is the release of electrons from a heated material.

13. How is the kinetic energy of emitted electrons related to the frequency of incident light?

The kinetic energy of emitted electrons is directly proportional to the frequency of incident light, as described by Einstein's photoelectric equation.

14. What is field emission?

Field emission is the release of electrons from a material due to a strong electric field.

15. What is the significance of Planck's constant?

Planck's constant is a fundamental constant used in quantum mechanics, representing the proportionality between the energy and frequency of a photon.

16. What is the wave-particle duality?

The wave-particle duality is the concept that particles and radiation exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties.

17. What is a quantum of light?

A quantum of light, or photon, is the smallest discrete amount of light energy, with properties of both particles and waves.

18. How does the de Broglie wavelength change with momentum?

The de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum of a particle; as momentum increases, the wavelength decreases.

19. What is the relationship between energy and frequency for a photon?

The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency, given by the equation E = hν.

20. What is the photoelectric threshold frequency?

The photoelectric threshold frequency is the minimum frequency of incident light required to emit electrons from a material.