Chapter Three Mango Treat

Chapter Three Mango Treat

NCERT Solutions for Class One Mathematics Chapter three - Mango Treat

The birds are watching a squirrel eating a mango. 🐦🐿️🥭

One bird joins. Now 2 of them are eating the mango. 🐦🐦🥭

One more bird joins. Now 3 of them are eating the mango. 🐦🐦🐦🥭

One more bird joins. One more bird joins. Now 5 of them are eating the mango. 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🥭

dhup! Now 4 of them are eating the mango. 🐦🐦🐦🐦🥭

Let us Read

  1. Identify the birds in the picture.
  2. Answer: The birds are sparrows. 🐦

  3. How many animals or birds were eating the mango in the beginning?
  4. Answer: One squirrel was eating the mango in the beginning. 🐿️

  5. How many more animals or birds joined every time?
  6. Answer: One more bird joined every time. 🐦

  7. What is 1 more than 1, 1 more than 2… up to 9?
  8. Answer: 1 more than 1 is 2, 1 more than 2 is 3, 1 more than 3 is 4, 1 more than 4 is 5, 1 more than 5 is 6, 1 more than 6 is 7, 1 more than 7 is 8, 1 more than 8 is 9. 1 ➡️ 2 ➡️ 3 ➡️ 4 ➡️ 5 ➡️ 6 ➡️ 7 ➡️ 8 ➡️ 9

  9. How many animals and birds ate the mango at the end?
  10. Answer: At the end, 9 birds and animals ate the mango. 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐿️

One more bird joins. One more bird joins. One more bird joins. Now 6 of them are eating the mango. 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🥭

One more bird joins. Now 7 of them are eating the mango. 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🥭

Now 8 of them are eating the mango. 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🥭

Now 9 birds and animals ate the mango. 🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐿️🥭

Let us Talk

Talk about counting numbers as the animals join. Enact the story where all children play the role of different animals or birds and make their respective sounds. Talk about different birds or animals, their sounds and their habitats. 🐦🐿️🐕🐈

Match the number of birds with the number of fingers. ✋

Show 3 fingers to your friend. Your friend has to show 3 fingers but in a different way. Similarly, you can play for other numbers. What are the different ways of showing 4 fingers using one hand? ✋

Let us Play — Mime with Fingers

Match the fingers with correct number of dots (one has already been done for you). ✋

Let us Play Outside

Children can move in a circle by holding hands and singing songs. A child claps and says four. All children can make groups of four by holding hands. The left out children can count the number of children in each group. Similarly, children continue this game by saying different numbers up to 9. 👫👭