NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science

Chapter List

History - Our Pasts - I

Geography - The Earth Our Habitat

Civics - Social and Political Life - I

Chapter 1: What, Where, How and When?

This chapter introduces students to the study of history, explaining the significance of time, places, and sources of historical information.

Chapter 2: From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food

This chapter covers the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agriculture, highlighting the development of farming and domestication of animals.

Chapter 3: In the Earliest Cities

This chapter explores the rise of early cities in the Indian subcontinent, focusing on the Indus Valley Civilization and its urban planning and culture.

Chapter 4: What Books and Burials Tell Us

This chapter examines ancient texts and burial practices to understand the beliefs, social structures, and lives of early people.

Chapter 5: Kingdoms, Kings and an Early Republic

This chapter discusses the formation of kingdoms, the roles of kings, and the establishment of early republics in ancient India.

Chapter 6: New Questions and Ideas

This chapter explores the emergence of new philosophical and religious ideas, focusing on Buddhism and Jainism.

Chapter 7: Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War

This chapter narrates the story of Emperor Ashoka, his conquests, and his subsequent adoption of Buddhism and non-violence.

Chapter 8: Vital Villages, Thriving Towns

This chapter examines the life and economy of villages and towns, highlighting their interdependence and economic activities.

Chapter 9: Traders, Kings and Pilgrims

This chapter focuses on trade routes, the spread of religions, and the influence of traders, kings, and pilgrims in ancient times.

Chapter 10: New Empires and Kingdoms

This chapter discusses the rise of new empires and kingdoms, their administration, and their impact on the Indian subcontinent.

Chapter 11: Buildings, Paintings, and Books

This chapter explores the cultural heritage of ancient India through its architecture, art, and literature.

Chapter 1: The Earth in the Solar System

This chapter introduces the solar system, describing the Earth’s position and its relationship with other celestial bodies.

Chapter 2: Globe: Latitudes and Longitudes

This chapter explains the concepts of latitudes and longitudes, their significance, and how they are used to locate places on Earth.

Chapter 3: Motions of the Earth

This chapter describes the Earth's rotation and revolution, explaining how these motions cause day and night, and the seasons.

Chapter 4: Maps

This chapter introduces the concept of maps, different types of maps, and their uses in representing various geographical features.

Chapter 5: Major Domains of the Earth

This chapter covers the major domains of the Earth - the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere - and their interrelationships.

Chapter 6: Major Landforms of the Earth

This chapter explores the major landforms on Earth, including mountains, plateaus, and plains, and their formation processes.

Chapter 7: Our Country - India

This chapter provides an overview of India's geographical features, including its location, physical divisions, and political boundaries.

Chapter 8: India: Climate, Vegetation, and Wildlife

This chapter discusses India's diverse climate, natural vegetation, and wildlife, highlighting their importance and conservation.

Chapter 1: Understanding Diversity

This chapter introduces the concept of diversity in India, emphasizing the significance of various cultures, languages, and religions coexisting harmoniously.

Chapter 2: Diversity and Discrimination

This chapter discusses how diversity can lead to discrimination, addressing the need for equality and respect for all individuals.

Chapter 3: What is Government?

This chapter explains the role and functions of the government, its importance, and the different levels at which it operates.

Chapter 4: Key Elements of a Democratic Government

This chapter outlines the key elements of a democratic government, including participation, accountability, and the rule of law.

Chapter 5: Panchayati Raj

This chapter describes the Panchayati Raj system, its structure, functions, and its role in rural governance in India.

Chapter 6: Rural Administration

This chapter examines the administrative structure and functions in rural areas, focusing on land records, police, and revenue systems.

Chapter 7: Urban Administration

This chapter discusses the administration of urban areas, including the roles of municipalities and municipal corporations.

Chapter 8: Rural Livelihoods

This chapter explores various sources of livelihood in rural areas, such as farming, animal husbandry, and non-farm activities.

Chapter 9: Urban Livelihoods

This chapter examines the diverse livelihoods in urban areas, including formal and informal sectors, and the challenges faced by urban workers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the importance of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science?

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science provide detailed explanations and answers to the questions in the NCERT textbooks, helping students understand the concepts clearly and prepare effectively for exams.

2. How can NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science help in exam preparation?

These solutions cover all important topics and provide step-by-step explanations, helping students grasp the concepts better and practice effectively, leading to improved performance in exams.

3. Are NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science available online?

Yes, NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science are available online on various educational websites and platforms, making them easily accessible for students.

4. Can NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science be used for competitive exam preparation?

Yes, these solutions are very useful for building a strong foundation in social science, which is essential for various competitive exams and Olympiads at the school level.

5. Do NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science cover all chapters?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science cover all the chapters included in the NCERT textbooks for History, Geography, and Civics, providing comprehensive coverage of the syllabus.