A Happy Child

A Happy Child

NCERT Class 1 English - Chapter 1: A Happy Child

Chapter Overview

"A Happy Child" is a delightful poem from the Class 1 English textbook "Marigold" by NCERT. The poem captures the essence of a child's joy and innocence, highlighting the simple pleasures of life. The child in the poem expresses happiness with a carefree attitude, enjoying the beauty of nature and the world around.

Poem Text

My house is red - a little house;
A happy child am I.
I laugh and play the whole day long,
I hardly ever cry.

I have a tree, a green, green tree,
To shade me from the sun;
And under it I often sit,
When all my play is done.

The poem describes a child's contentment and joy. The child lives in a small red house and spends the day laughing and playing. The child rarely cries, showing a cheerful disposition. A green tree near the house provides shade, and the child enjoys sitting under it after playing.

Comprehension Questions and Answers

Question Answer
What color is the child's house? The child's house is red.
How does the child spend the day? The child spends the day laughing and playing.
What does the child do under the tree? The child sits under the tree after playing.
Why does the child rarely cry? The child rarely cries because they are happy and content.

Activity Questions and Answers

Question Answer
Draw a picture of your house. Students are encouraged to draw a picture of their house, using their creativity.
What do you like to do in your free time? Students should write about their favorite activities they enjoy doing in their free time.
Can you name some things that make you happy? Students should list things that bring them joy, such as playing with friends, reading books, etc.

A Happy Child - NCERT Class 1 English

Questions and Answers

Q1. What Does the Little Girl Do All Day?

Ans: The little girl laughs and plays all day long.

Q2. How is the Tree of the Little Girl?

Ans: The little girl’s tree is green in colour.

Q3. When Does the Little Girl Sit Under the Tree?

Ans: The little girl sits under the tree after all her play is done.

Q4. What Does the Tree Shade the Little Girl From?

Ans: The tree shades the little girl from the sun.

Q5. Who is the Narrator of the Chapter “A Happy Child?”

Ans: The narrator of “A Happy Child” is a little girl. She is a very happy girl.

Q6. How is the House of the Narrator of “A Happy Child?”

Ans: The narrator of the poem “A Happy Child” has a little red house.

Antonyms and Synonyms


  • Happy - Sad
  • Little - Big/Large
  • Day - Night
  • Green - Brown (in the context of a tree)
  • Play - Work


  • Happy - Joyful/Cheerful
  • Little - Small/Tiny
  • Laughs - Giggles/Chuckles
  • Shade - Cover/Shelter
  • Tree - Plant/Wood

Important Word Meanings in Hindi

  • House - घर
  • Red - लाल
  • Happy - खुश
  • Child - बच्चा
  • Laugh - हंसना
  • Play - खेलना
  • Hardly - मुश्किल से
  • Ever - कभी
  • Cry - रोना
  • Tree - पेड़
  • Green - हरा
  • Shade - छाया
  • Sun - सूरज
  • Under - के नीचे
  • Sit - बैठना
  • Done - समाप्त

Very Important to Learn from this Chapter

This chapter teaches us the importance of simplicity and happiness in life. Here are some key points to learn from "A Happy Child":

  • Joy in Simple Things: The little girl finds joy in simple activities like laughing and playing, teaching us to appreciate the small pleasures in life.
  • Connection with Nature: The little girl's interaction with her green tree highlights the importance of connecting with nature and enjoying its beauty.
  • Happiness and Contentment: The little girl's happiness with her little red house and her surroundings shows that true happiness comes from contentment with what we have.
  • Relaxation and Rest: Sitting under the tree after playing signifies the need for rest and relaxation, balancing active and quiet times in our lives.
  • Positive Outlook: The overall cheerful and positive tone of the chapter encourages maintaining a positive outlook on life.