Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Ada Pradhaman Recipe

Ada Pradhaman Recipe


For Cooking Ada:

  • 1 cup rice ada (rice flakes)
  • Water, as needed

For Pradhaman:

  • 1 cup jaggery, grated or chopped
  • 1 can (400 ml) coconut milk (or freshly extracted coconut milk)
  • 2-3 pods of cardamom, powdered
  • 1/4 cup ghee (clarified butter)
  • 10-12 cashew nuts
  • 10-12 raisins
  • A pinch of salt


Cooking Ada:

  1. Preparation:
    • Wash the rice ada under running water to remove any impurities. Soak it in enough water for about 30 minutes.
  2. Cooking:
    • In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add the soaked rice ada and cook until it becomes soft and translucent. This usually takes about 15-20 minutes.
    • Once cooked, drain the water and rinse the ada under cold water to stop the cooking process. Set aside.

Making Pradhaman:

  1. Prepare Jaggery Syrup:
    • In a separate pan, add grated or chopped jaggery along with a little water. Heat over medium-low heat until the jaggery melts completely and forms a syrup. Strain to remove any impurities.
  2. Boil Jaggery Syrup:
    • Return the strained jaggery syrup to the pan and bring it to a gentle boil. Allow it to simmer for a couple of minutes until it thickens slightly.
  3. Add Cooked Ada:
    • Add the cooked rice ada to the jaggery syrup and mix well. Let it simmer for a few minutes to allow the flavors to blend.
  4. Add Coconut Milk:
    • Pour the coconut milk into the pan containing the ada-jaggery mixture. Stir well to combine.
    • Allow the mixture to simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, until it thickens to the desired consistency. This may take around 10-15 minutes.
  5. Flavoring:
    • Add powdered cardamom to the pradhaman and mix well. It adds a delightful aroma and flavor to the dish.
  6. Prepare Tempering:
    • Heat ghee in a small pan. Add cashew nuts and raisins, and fry until they turn golden brown.
    • Pour this tempering over the pradhaman and mix well. It adds a crunchy texture and enhances the taste.
  7. Final Touch:
    • Add a pinch of salt to balance the sweetness of the pradhaman. Stir well.
  8. Serve:
    • Serve the warm Ada Pradhaman as a delightful dessert after meals or during festive occasions.

Enjoy the rich and flavorful Ada Pradhaman, a cherished dessert in South Indian cuisine!