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Thought for Today

Adjective: The Power of Descriptive

Adjective: The Power of Descriptive

Adjective Definition:

An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun by providing additional information about its qualities or attributes. Adjectives can provide information about size, shape, color, texture, quantity, personality, emotion, and more.

Type of Adjectives:
  1. Descriptive Adjectives:
    These adjectives describe the qualities or attributes of a noun or pronoun.
    Example :
    Beautiful, tall, blue, round, etc.
  2. Quantitative Adjectives:
    These adjectives indicate the quantity or amount of a noun or pronoun.
    Example :
    Few, many, much, some, etc.
  3. Demonstrative Adjectives:
    These adjectives point out or indicate a particular noun or pronoun.
    Example :
    This, that, these, those, etc.
  4. Possessive Adjectives:
    These adjectives show ownership or possession of a noun or pronoun.
    Example :
    My, your, his, her, our, their, etc.
  5. Interrogative Adjectives:
    These adjectives are used to ask questions about a noun or pronoun.
    Example :
    which, what, whose, etc.
    Rules to Apply:
  1. Adjectives usually come before the noun they modify.
    Example: A green tree.
  2. Adjectives can be separated by commas when there are more than two adjectives modifying the same noun.
    Example: A big, round, red apple.
  3. Adjectives can be used in comparative and superlative forms to compare the qualities of two or more nouns or pronouns.
    Examples: bigger, biggest, more beautiful, most beautiful.
  4. Some adjectives can be used to modify non-countable nouns or pronouns while others can only modify countable nouns or pronouns.
    Example: much water (non-countable) vs. many books (countable).
  1. Adjective + Noun/Pronoun
    Examples: Delicious food
  2. Adjective1 + , + Adjective2 + , + Noun/Pronoun
    Examples: A big, round, red balloon
  3. Comparative form: more/less + adjective + than + noun/pronoun
    Examples: This dress is more beautiful than that dress. /li>
  4. Superlative form: the + most/least + adjective + of + noun/pronoun
    Examples: This is the most expensive car in the showroom.

Form of Positive, Comparative, Superlative degree

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