Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Ajivakas MCQs

Ajivakas MCQs

  1. The Ajivakas were an ancient religious sect that originated in:

    A) India

    B) China

    C) Greece

    D) Persia

  2. Who is considered the founder of the Ajivaka sect?

    A) Mahavira

    B) Gautama Buddha

    C) Makkhali Gosala

    D) Zarathustra

  3. The Ajivakas were contemporaries of which other major religious figures in ancient India?

    A) Mahavira and Buddha

    B) Shankaracharya

    C) Adi Shankara

    D) Kabir

  4. What was the primary belief system of the Ajivakas?

    A) Non-violence (Ahimsa)

    B) Hedonism

    C) Fatalism

    D) Monotheism

  5. Makkhali Gosala, the founder of the Ajivaka sect, was associated with which historical figure?

    A) Chandragupta Maurya

    B) Ashoka the Great

    C) Alexander the Great

    D) Gautama Buddha

  6. The Ajivakas believed in the concept of:

    A) Karma

    B) Reincarnation

    C) Determinism

    D) Liberation

  7. Which Indian emperor was said to have been influenced by the teachings of the Ajivakas?

    A) Ashoka the Great

    B) Chandragupta Maurya

    C) Kanishka

    D) Harsha

  8. The term "Ajivaka" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Ajiva," which means:

    A) Righteousness

    B) Non-violence

    C) Livelihood

    D) Liberation

  9. The Ajivakas were known for their adherence to a strict code of:

    A) Asceticism

    B) Hedonism

    C) Materialism

    D) Ritualism

  10. What was the attire typically worn by the followers of the Ajivaka sect?

    A) Yellow robes

    B) White robes

    C) Black robes

    D) Blue robes

  11. The Ajivakas rejected the authority of the:

    A) Brahmins

    B) Kshatriyas

    C) Vaishyas

    D) Shudras

  12. Which Indian philosopher is said to have engaged in debates with Makkhali Gosala, the founder of the Ajivaka sect?

    A) Shankaracharya

    B) Nagarjuna

    C) Chanakya

    D) Mahavira

  13. The Ajivakas believed that human actions were:

    A) Predestined

    B) Random

    C) Influenced by divine intervention

    D) Determined by one's willpower

  14. Which of the following concepts was NOT central to the philosophy of the Ajivakas?

    A) Anatta (Non-self)

    B) Anicca (Impermanence)

    C) Dukkha (Suffering)

    D) Karma (Action)

  15. The Ajivakas were known for their rigorous:

    A) Meditation practices

    B) Ritualistic ceremonies

    C) Study of scriptures

    D) Ascetic lifestyle

  16. Makkhali Gosala, the founder of the Ajivaka sect, was a contemporary of:

    A) Mahavira

    B) Gautama Buddha

    C) Confucius

    D) Socrates

  17. The Ajivaka sect declined in prominence after the rise of:

    A) Buddhism

    B) Jainism

    C) Hinduism

    D) Christianity

  18. Which of the following Indian states was NOT associated with the Ajivakas?

    A) Magadha

    B) Kalinga

    C) Kosala

    D) Vajji

  19. The Ajivakas believed that the universe operates according to:

    A) Divine will

    B) Natural laws

    C) Human desires

    D) Chance

  20. What was the primary occupation of many Ajivaka followers?

    A) Mendicancy

    B) Agriculture

    C) Trade

    D) Priesthood

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. A) India
  2. C) Makkhali Gosala
  3. A) Mahavira and Buddha
  4. C) Fatalism
  5. D) Gautama Buddha
  6. C) Determinism
  7. A) Ashoka the Great
  8. C) Livelihood
  9. A) Asceticism
  10. C) Black robes
  11. A) Brahmins
  12. D) Mahavira
  13. A) Predestined
  14. D) Karma (Action)
  15. D) Ascetic lifestyle
  16. A) Mahavira
  17. A) Buddhism
  18. B) Kalinga
  19. A) Divine will
  20. A) Mendicancy