Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Anti-Defection Law Quiz

Anti-Defection Law MCQ

1. What is the purpose of the Anti-Defection Law in India?

a) To prevent corruption in politics

b) To promote transparency in governance

c) To discourage elected representatives from switching parties

d) To enhance voter participation in elections

2. Which amendment to the Indian Constitution introduced the Anti-Defection Law?

a) 42nd Amendment

b) 73rd Amendment

c) 74th Amendment

d) 91st Amendment

3. What does the Anti-Defection Law prohibit elected representatives from doing?

a) Resigning from their position

b) Voting against their party's whip

c) Contesting in elections

d) Criticizing the government

4. Who decides on cases of defection under the Anti-Defection Law?

a) President of India

b) Prime Minister

c) Speaker of the House

d) Chief Justice of India

5. How many members of a political party need to defect to be considered as a "split" under the Anti-Defection Law?

a) One-third

b) One-half

c) Two-thirds

d) Majority

6. What action can the Speaker of the House take against a member found guilty of defection?

a) Issue a warning

b) Expel the member from the House

c) Impose a fine

d) Suspend the member temporarily

7. Which of the following is NOT a ground for disqualification under the Anti-Defection Law?

a) Voting or abstaining from voting contrary to any direction issued by the political party

b) Resigning from the political party

c) Joining another political party

d) Membership in a coalition government

8. How long does a member disqualified under the Anti-Defection Law remain ineligible for re-election?

a) 1 year

b) 2 years

c) 3 years

d) 4 years

9. What does the term "whip" refer to in the context of the Anti-Defection Law?

a) Punishment for defection

b) Direction issued by the Speaker

c) Order given by the Prime Minister

d) Directive issued by the party leadership to its members to vote in a certain way

10. Which of the following is NOT exempted from disqualification under the Anti-Defection Law?

a) A member voluntarily giving up membership of the party

b) A member voting against the party's whip in case of a merger

c) A member holding a ministerial position

d) A member joining another political party after being expelled from the original party

11. Who can challenge the decision of the Speaker regarding defection under the Anti-Defection Law?

a) President of India

b) Prime Minister

c) High Court

d) Supreme Court

12. What happens if a member is found guilty of defection by the Speaker under the Anti-Defection Law?

a) The member loses his/her seat in the House

b) The member is suspended for a specific period

c) The member is fined

d) The member is warned and allowed to continue serving

13. Which of the following statements is true regarding the Anti-Defection Law?

a) It applies only to Members of Parliament (MPs) and not to Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLAs)

b) It applies only to Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLAs) and not to Members of Parliament (MPs)

c) It applies to both Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLAs)

d) It applies only to nominated members of the House

14. What does the term "floor-crossing" refer to in the context of the Anti-Defection Law?

a) Moving from one floor of the House to another

b) Voting or abstaining from voting against the party's whip

c) Crossing party lines during a debate

d) Crossing the aisle to sit with members of another party

15. Which amendment to the Indian Constitution inserted the Tenth Schedule, also known as the Anti-Defection Law?

a) 42nd Amendment

b) 52nd Amendment

c) 73rd Amendment

d) 91st Amendment

Quiz Answers

  • To discourage elected representatives from switching parties
  • 91st Amendment
  • Voting against their party's whip
  • Speaker of the House
  • Two-thirds
  • Expel the member from the House
  • Membership in a coalition government
  • 2 years
  • Directive issued by the party leadership to its members to vote in a certain way
  • A member holding a ministerial position
  • Supreme Court
  • The member loses his/her seat in the House
  • It applies to both Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of Legislative Assemblies (MLAs)
  • Voting or abstaining from voting against the party's whip
  • 91st Amendment