Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Branches of Physics Quiz

Branches of Physics Quiz

1. What branch of physics deals with the motion of macroscopic objects and the forces acting upon them?

2. Which branch of physics studies the interactions between electrically charged particles and magnetic fields?

3. What field of physics examines the relationships between heat, temperature, energy, and work?

4. Which branch of physics investigates the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels?

5. What are the theories proposed by Albert Einstein to describe the effects of gravity and the relationships between space and time collectively called?

6. What area of physics studies the behavior and properties of light?

7. What branch of physics focuses on the fundamental particles that make up the universe and the forces governing their interactions?

8. What field of physics investigates the properties and behavior of celestial objects and phenomena?

9. Which branch of physics studies the physical properties of solid and liquid materials?

10. What area of physics explores the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei?