Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Buddhism MCQs

Buddhism MCQs

  1. Who is considered the founder of Buddhism?

    A) Mahavira

    B) Gautama Buddha

    C) Makkhali Gosala

    D) Confucius

  2. In which country did Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, attain enlightenment?

    A) India

    B) Nepal

    C) Sri Lanka

    D) Thailand

  3. What is the term for the state of supreme liberation and enlightenment in Buddhism?

    A) Moksha

    B) Samsara

    C) Nirvana

    D) Karma

  4. The Buddha's teachings are collected in a set of scriptures known as:

    A) Vedas

    B) Upanishads

    C) Tripitaka

    D) Bhagavad Gita

  5. What is the name of the first sermon delivered by the Buddha after attaining enlightenment?

    A) Dhammapada

    B) Vinaya Pitaka

    C) Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

    D) Jataka Tales

  6. What is the symbol of Buddhism that represents the Buddha's teachings?

    A) Lotus flower

    B) Dharma wheel

    C) Bodhi tree

    D) Stupa

  7. What are the Three Jewels or Three Refuges in Buddhism?

    A) Buddha, Dharma, Sangha

    B) Karma, Nirvana, Samsara

    C) Meditation, Compassion, Wisdom

    D) Enlightenment, Liberation, Renunciation

  8. The Buddha was born as a prince in which ancient Indian kingdom?

    A) Magadha

    B) Kosala

    C) Vajji

    D) Kapilavastu

  9. What is the name of the Buddha's father?

    A) Suddhodana

    B) Ananda

    C) Mahapajapati Gotami

    D) Rahula

  10. The Four Noble Truths are fundamental teachings in Buddhism. What is the first noble truth?

    A) The truth of suffering (Dukkha)

    B) The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Nirodha)

    C) The truth of the end of suffering (Nirodha)

    D) The truth of the cause of suffering (Samudaya)

  11. What is the name of the Buddhist monastic community?

    A) Sangha

    B) Sutra

    C) Bhikkhu

    D) Vihara

  12. Which Buddhist tradition emphasizes meditation and mindfulness practices?

    A) Theravada

    B) Mahayana html Copy code

    C) Vajrayana

    D) Zen

  13. The Buddhist concept of "Anatta" refers to:

    A) Impermanence

    B) Non-self

    C) Liberation

    D) Compassion

  14. Which Buddhist festival celebrates the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and death?

    A) Vesak

    B) Asalha Puja

    C) Magha Puja

    D) Kathina

  15. Who was the Buddha's first disciple and a close companion?

    A) Sariputta

    B) Ananda

    C) Maha Kassapa

    D) Upali

  16. What is the name of the Buddhist practice of giving without expecting anything in return?

    A) Dana

    B) Sila

    C) Samadhi

    D) Panna

  17. The "Middle Way" in Buddhism refers to:

    A) The path between indulgence and asceticism

    B) The path between desire and renunciation

    C) The path between ignorance and enlightenment

    D) The path between attachment and detachment

  18. Which Buddhist symbol represents the Buddha's footprint and his presence on earth?

    A) Stupa

    B) Bodhi tree

    C) Dharmachakra

    D) Padmasambhava

  19. The Buddhist concept of "Karma" refers to:

    A) The law of cause and effect

    B) The cycle of birth and death

    C) The ultimate reality

    D) The state of ultimate liberation

  20. What is the name of the Buddha's cousin and attendant who became one of his foremost disciples?

    A) Sariputta

    B) Ananda

    C) Mahakassapa

    D) Rahula

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. B) Gautama Buddha
  2. A) India
  3. C) Nirvana
  4. C) Tripitaka
  5. C) Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta
  6. B) Dharma wheel
  7. A) Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
  8. D) Kapilavastu
  9. A) Suddhodana
  10. A) The truth of suffering (Dukkha)
  11. A) Sangha
  12. D) Zen
  13. B) Non-self
  14. A) Vesak
  15. B) Ananda
  16. A) Dana
  17. A) The path between indulgence and asceticism
  18. B) Bodhi tree
  19. A) The law of cause and effect
  20. B) Ananda