Chapter 16: Electromagnetic Waves

Chapter 16: Electromagnetic Waves

NCERT Class 12 Physics - Chapter 16: Electromagnetic Waves

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves
  • Displacement Current
  • Maxwell’s Equations
  • Electromagnetic Wave Equation
  • Properties of Electromagnetic Waves
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Applications of Electromagnetic Waves

Introduction to Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are waves that are formed by the vibrations of electric and magnetic fields. They can travel through a vacuum and do not require a medium.


Light waves and radio waves are examples of electromagnetic waves.

Word Meaning: Electromagnetic Waves

Waves that are formed by the vibrations of electric and magnetic fields.

Displacement Current

Displacement current is a concept introduced by Maxwell, which accounts for the changing electric field in the capacitive part of an electric circuit.


When a capacitor is being charged, the changing electric field between its plates creates a displacement current.

Word Meaning: Displacement Current

A current that accounts for the changing electric field in a circuit.

Maxwell’s Equations

Maxwell's equations are a set of four fundamental equations that describe how electric and magnetic fields interact and propagate. They are crucial in understanding electromagnetic waves.


Maxwell's equations predict the existence of electromagnetic waves and explain how they are generated by varying electric and magnetic fields.

Word Meaning: Maxwell’s Equations

A set of four equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields.

Electromagnetic Wave Equation

The electromagnetic wave equation is derived from Maxwell’s equations and describes the propagation of electromagnetic waves through a medium or vacuum.


The wave equation shows that electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum.

Word Meaning: Electromagnetic Wave Equation

An equation that describes the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

Properties of Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves have several key properties: they are transverse waves, they can travel through a vacuum, they travel at the speed of light, and they exhibit phenomena such as reflection, refraction, and diffraction.


Light reflecting off a mirror and bending through a lens are examples of the properties of electromagnetic waves.

Word Meaning: Transverse Waves

Waves in which the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, from low-frequency radio waves to high-frequency gamma rays.


The spectrum includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Word Meaning: Electromagnetic Spectrum

The range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

Applications of Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves have a wide range of applications in various fields such as communication, medicine, and technology. They are used in radio and TV broadcasting, medical imaging, and wireless communication.


Mobile phones use microwaves for wireless communication, while X-rays are used in medical imaging to view the inside of the human body.

Word Meaning: Applications

The practical uses of electromagnetic waves in various fields.


1. What are electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves are waves formed by the vibrations of electric and magnetic fields that can travel through a vacuum.

2. What is displacement current?

Displacement current is a current that accounts for the changing electric field in a circuit.

3. What are Maxwell’s equations?

Maxwell's equations are a set of four equations that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields.

4. What does the electromagnetic wave equation describe?

The electromagnetic wave equation describes the propagation of electromagnetic waves through a medium or vacuum.

5. What are the properties of electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves, can travel through a vacuum, travel at the speed of light, and exhibit reflection, refraction, and diffraction.

6. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

7. What are some applications of electromagnetic waves?

Applications include radio and TV broadcasting, medical imaging, and wireless communication.

8. How do electromagnetic waves travel?

Electromagnetic waves travel by oscillating electric and magnetic fields and can move through a vacuum.

9. What is the speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?

The speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second (the speed of light).

10. What is reflection of electromagnetic waves?

Reflection is the bouncing back of electromagnetic waves when they encounter a surface.

11. What is refraction of electromagnetic waves?

Refraction is the bending of electromagnetic waves as they pass from one medium to another with different densities.

12. What is diffraction of electromagnetic waves?

Diffraction is the spreading out of electromagnetic waves when they pass through a narrow opening or around an obstacle.

13. What is the significance of Maxwell’s equations?

Maxwell's equations are fundamental in understanding how electric and magnetic fields interact and propagate, predicting the existence of electromagnetic waves.

14. How is the electromagnetic spectrum divided?

The electromagnetic spectrum is divided into regions based on frequency: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

15. What are radio waves used for?

Radio waves are used for communication purposes such as radio and TV broadcasting and mobile phone signals.

16. How are X-rays used in medicine?

X-rays are used in medical imaging to view the internal structure of the body, such as bones and organs.

17. What is the role of microwaves in communication?

Microwaves are used in wireless communication technologies such as Wi-Fi and satellite communication.

18. How do optical fibers use electromagnetic waves?

Optical fibers use light waves to transmit data at high speeds over long distances with minimal loss.

19. What is the significance of the visible spectrum?

The visible spectrum is the range of electromagnetic waves that are visible to the human eye, allowing us to see colors.

20. How do ultraviolet rays affect the skin?

Ultraviolet rays can cause skin damage, including sunburn and an increased risk of skin cancer.

What We Learn From This Chapter

This chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of electromagnetic waves, their properties, and their applications. We learn how electromagnetic waves are generated and propagated, the significance of Maxwell's equations, and the various practical uses of different types of electromagnetic waves in communication, medicine, and technology. Understanding the electromagnetic spectrum helps us appreciate the wide range of frequencies and their specific applications in everyday life.