Chapter 7: Our Tree

Chapter 7: Our Tree

NCERT Class 1 English Mrigold, Chapter 7: Our Tree


"Our Tree" is a lovely poem that explores the relationship between children and their favorite tree. It talks about the activities children enjoy under the tree and the different aspects of nature that the tree supports. Through this chapter, students learn to appreciate nature and understand the importance of trees in our lives.

Topics Covered

  • The Importance of Trees
  • Activities Under the Tree
  • Seasons and the Tree
  • Learning About Nature
  • The Tree's Inhabitants

Detailed Explanation

The Importance of Trees

Trees are vital for the environment as they provide oxygen, shelter, and food. In the poem, the tree is depicted as a source of joy and a gathering place for the children.


The children play games, read stories, and have picnics under the shade of the tree. It is a central part of their community life.

Activities Under the Tree

The poem describes various activities that children enjoy under the tree, such as swinging, reading, and watching birds.


On a hot summer day, the tree's shade becomes a perfect spot for the children to gather and share stories while enjoying the cool breeze.

Seasons and the Tree

The poem illustrates how the tree changes with the seasons, providing different experiences throughout the year.


In spring, the tree blossoms with flowers, attracting bees and butterflies. In autumn, the leaves turn golden, creating a beautiful scene for the children to enjoy.

Learning About Nature

Through their interactions with the tree, children learn about various plants and animals that depend on the tree for survival.


The children observe a nest of birds in the tree and learn about how birds build their nests and raise their young.

The Tree's Inhabitants

The tree is home to many creatures, providing a habitat and resources for them to live and thrive.


Squirrels are often seen darting up and down the tree, collecting nuts and playing with each other, much to the delight of the watching children.

Word Meanings

Vital: Absolutely necessary or important; essential.
Depicted: Represented or described in words or art.
Blossoms: Flowers on a tree or plant.
Habitat: The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.
Thrive: Grow or develop well or vigorously.


1. Why are trees important?

Trees provide oxygen, support wildlife, and offer shade and beauty to our surroundings.

2. What activities do children enjoy under the tree?

Children enjoy playing games, reading, swinging, and watching birds and animals.

3. How do trees change with the seasons?

Trees blossom in spring, provide shade in summer, turn golden in autumn, and are often bare in winter.

4. What can children learn from observing trees?

They learn about the different plants and animals that live in trees and how they interact with each other.

5. How does the poem describe the tree?

The poem describes the tree as a friend and a central part of the children’s activities and community life.

6. What is the significance of the tree in the poem?

The tree symbolizes life, community, and the beauty of nature.

7. What animals are mentioned in the poem?

Birds and squirrels are among the animals that are highlighted in the poem.

8. How do trees benefit the environment?

Trees help in purifying the air, providing habitat for animals, and offering shade and beauty.

9. What does the tree provide for the children?

The tree provides shade, a place to play and learn, and a setting for various adventures.

10. Why is the tree considered a central part of the community?

It is a gathering place where children and adults alike can enjoy nature and each other’s company.

11. What changes do the children observe in the tree?

The children observe changes such as blossoming flowers, changing leaves, and new animal inhabitants.

12. How does the tree contribute to the children’s understanding of nature?

The tree serves as a living classroom where children can observe and learn about the natural world.

13. What lessons can children learn from the tree?

They learn about the cycle of seasons, the importance of caring for nature, and the interdependence of life.

14. How do animals use the tree?

Animals use the tree for shelter, food, and as a place to raise their young.

15. What do the children do under the tree in different seasons?

In spring, they enjoy the blossoms; in summer, they play in the shade; in autumn, they watch the leaves fall; and in winter, they marvel at the bare branches.

16. How does the tree affect the children’s daily life?

The tree provides a constant source of joy, learning, and connection to the natural world.

17. What role does the tree play in the poem’s narrative?

The tree acts as a central character that brings together various elements of nature and community.

18. How does the poem encourage children to value trees?

By highlighting the tree’s beauty, utility, and the joy it brings, the poem instills a sense of appreciation for nature.

19. What makes the tree a good gathering place?

Its ample shade, beauty, and the diverse life it supports make the tree an ideal spot for gathering.

20. How does the tree support various life forms?

The tree provides a habitat, food, and protection for numerous species, illustrating the interconnectedness of nature.