Solutions of class one mathematics chapter one Finding the Furry Cat!

Solutions of class one mathematics chapter one Finding the Furry Cat!

Chapter one - Finding the Furry Cat!

Let us Sing

Looking, looking, looking
Looking for my furry cat!

Are you sitting on the window shed?

Are you sleeping under my bed?

Where are you my furry cat?

Looking, looking, looking
Looking for my furry cat!

Are you inside the backpack?

Are you outside the red rack?

Where are you my furry cat?

Let us Play — Find the Things

  • Look for a white thing which is hidden near the board and under the table.
  • Look for a red thing which is outside the classroom and under the tree.

Think and Answer

  1. The red ball is above/under/on the bed.
  2. The cat is inside/outside/on the car.
  3. The man is lying under/inside/on the tree.
  4. The cow is inside/top of/outside the house.

Answer is

  1. The red ball is under the bed.
  2. The cat is on the car.
  3. The man is lying under the tree.
  4. The cow is outside the house.

Our National Flag

Look at our National Flag which is also known as tiranga. How many colours are there?

Tick the correct option:

  • Which colour is at the top of the tiranga? white/saffron/green
  • Which colour is below the white colour on the tiranga? pink/saffron/green
  • Which colour is above the green colour on the tiranga? white/saffron/yellow
  • Where is the ashoka chakra on the tiranga? on a corner/in the middle/on a side

Tick the correct option is:

  • Which colour is at the top of the tiranga? Saffron
  • Which colour is below the white colour on the tiranga? Green
  • Which colour is above the green colour on the tiranga? White
  • Where is the ashoka chakra on the tiranga? In the middle

National Flag of India

1. Tricolor Design: The Indian national flag features three horizontal stripes of different colors - saffron, white, and green.
2. Saffron Stripe: The topmost stripe is saffron, symbolizing courage and sacrifice.
3. White Stripe: The middle stripe is white, representing truth, peace, and purity.
4. Green Stripe: The bottom stripe is green, standing for faith, fertility, and prosperity.
5. Ashoka Chakra: The white stripe has a navy blue Ashoka Chakra with 24 spokes in the center, symbolizing the eternal wheel of law.
6. Proportions: The flag's proportions are in a 2:3 ratio, meaning its length is 1.5 times its height.
7. Adopted Date: The current design of the national flag was adopted on July 22, 1947.
8. Designer: The flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya, an Indian freedom fighter.
9. Flag Code: The Indian Flag Code governs the usage, display, and handling of the national flag to maintain respect and dignity.
10. Symbol of Unity: The flag represents India's unity in diversity, symbolizing the nation's values and heritage.

Chhuk Chhuk goes our Train!

Chhuk chhuk! Chhuk chhuk!
Goes our train.
Over the hills and down to the plains.
Chhuk chhuk! Chhuk chhuk!
Goes our train.

Bogies before my bogie,
Bogies after my bogie,
Make a chain,
Over the rivers and in the rain.
Chhuk chhuk! Chhuk chhuk!
Goes our train.

Let us Play

I have put all the leaves in one group and chalk pieces in another group.
I have put all the pebbles together.

Let us Do

Suwali has placed all the buttons in three groups.

Help Suwali to sort these buttons in other ways by drawing them.