Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 4 – The Rattrap

Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 4 – The Rattrap

Summary: "The Rattrap" by Selma Lagerlof

"The Rattrap" by Selma Lagerlof tells the story of a wandering peddler who views the world as a giant rattrap, enticing people with false promises only to ensnare them in troubles. The peddler, after stealing money from a kind old man, gets lost in a forest and finds shelter with a generous family on Christmas Eve. Despite suspicions about his character, the family treats him with kindness. In return, the peddler leaves behind the stolen money and a note expressing gratitude. The story explores themes of redemption, kindness, and the potential for goodness in all individuals.

English Words with Hindi Meaning

  1. Rattrap: A metaphor for the world, where individuals are lured by false promises and trapped by their desires.
    चूहाट्राप - दुनिया का एक अलंकार, जहां व्यक्ति झूठे वादों से प्रेरित होते हैं और अपनी इच्छाओं से फंस जाते हैं।
  2. Kindness: The act of being generous and compassionate towards others.
    दयालुता - दूसरों के प्रति उदार और दयालु होने की क्रिया।
  3. Generosity: Willingness to give and share with others without expecting anything in return.
    उदारता - दूसरों के साथ देने और साझा करने की इच्छा बिना किसी उत्तरदायित्व की उम्मीद किए।
  4. Redemption: The action of being saved or saved from sin, error, or evil.
    पुनःउद्धारण - पाप, गलती या दुष्टता से बचाया जाने का कार्य।
  5. Repentance: Feeling regret or remorse for past actions and resolving to change one's behavior.
    पश्चाताप - पिछले कार्यों के लिए पछतावा या पछतावा का भाव और अपने व्यवहार को बदलने का संकल्प।
  6. Forgiveness: The act of pardoning someone for their mistakes or offenses.
    क्षमा - किसी के गलतियों या अपराधों के लिए क्षमा करने का कार्य।
  7. Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
    सहानुभूति - दूसरों की भावनाओं को समझना और साझा करना।
  8. Compassion: Sympathetic concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
    दया - दूसरों के कष्टों या दुर्भाग्यों के प्रति सहानुभूति भाव।
  9. Perseverance: Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
    सहनशीलता - सफलता प्राप्त करने में कठिनाइयों या देरी के बावजूद किसी काम की दृढ़ता।
  10. Hope: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
    आशा - किसी निश्चित चीज़ के होने की उम्मीद और इच्छा।
  11. Despair: The complete loss or absence of hope.
    निराशा - आशा का पूर्ण नुकसान या अभाव।
  12. Loneliness: Feeling sad and alone due to lack of companionship or understanding.
    अकेलापन - संगता या समझ की कमी के कारण उदासीनता और अकेलापन का अनुभव।
  13. Trust: Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
    विश्वास - किसी के या किसी चीज़ के विश्वसनीयता, सत्यता या क्षमता में मजबूत विश्वास।
  14. Deceit: The action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.
    धोखा - सत्य छुपाकर या गड़बड़ करके किसी को धोखा देने का कार्य या अभ्यास।
  15. Self-awareness: Conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires.
    आत्म-जागरूकता - अपने आत्म-स्वभाव, भावनाएँ, उद्देश्य और इच्छाओं का चेतन ज्ञान।
  16. Selflessness: Concern for the well-being of others rather than oneself.
    अल्पहितुता - अपने लिए नहीं, दूसरों के हित के लिए चिंता।
  17. Materialism: The belief that material possessions and wealth are the most important aspects of life.
    भौतिकवाद - यह धारणा कि भौतिक संपत्ति और धन जीवन के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पहलु हैं।
  18. Humility: Modesty or a low view of one's own importance.
    विनम्रता - आत्म-महत्व की मान्यता या निम्न महत्व की दृष्टिकोण।
  19. Acceptance: The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
    स्वीकृति - किसी चीज़ को प्राप्त करने या लेने के लिए सहमति देने की क्रिया।
  20. Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
    टिकाऊपन - कठिनाइयों से तेज़ी से बाहर आने की क्षमता; मजबूती।
  21. Friendship: A relationship of mutual affection between two or more people.
    मित्रता - दो या दो से अधिक व्यक्तियों के बीच सहानुभूति के रिश्ते।
  22. Isolation: The state of being separated from others.
    अलगाव - दूसरों से अलग होने की स्थिति।
  23. Honesty: Truthfulness and sincerity in one's actions and words.
    ईमानदारी - किसी के कार्यों और शब्दों में सत्यता और ईमानदारी।
  24. Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
    अखंडता - ईमानदार और मजबूत नैतिक सिद्धांतों की गुणवत्ता।
  25. Appreciation: Recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.
    प्रशंसा - किसी के या किसी चीज़ के अच्छे गुणों की पहचान और आनंद।

Understanding the text

1. How does the peddler interpret the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the ironmaster and his daughter?

The peddler interprets the acts of kindness and hospitality shown by the crofter, the ironmaster, and his daughter with a mix of suspicion, gratitude, and disbelief. Initially, he is surprised by the genuine warmth and generosity extended to him, as he is accustomed to being treated poorly due to his vagabond lifestyle. When the crofter welcomes him into his cottage without hesitation, provides him with food, and shares his own personal stories, the peddler feels a sense of unwonted joy at being treated with such kindness. Similarly, when the ironmaster's daughter, Edla, insists on bringing him home for Christmas despite her father's initial reluctance, the peddler is taken aback by her compassion and hospitality. He finds it hard to believe that he is being treated so well, especially considering his past experiences of being mistrusted and rejected. However, as the story progresses, the peddler begins to appreciate the sincerity of their actions, realizing that they genuinely want to help him. Ultimately, he is deeply moved by their kindness and decides to reciprocate by leaving behind the stolen money and expressing his gratitude through a heartfelt letter.

2. What are the instances in the story that show that the character of the ironmaster is different from that of his daughter in many ways?

Instances in the story highlight the differences between the ironmaster and his daughter:

  • Perception of the Peddler:
    • The ironmaster hastily assumes the peddler is an old comrade, showing rash judgment. In contrast, his daughter, though initially suspicious, demonstrates perceptiveness by noticing the peddler's fear and considering alternative explanations for his behavior.
  • Response to the Peddler's Identity:
    • The ironmaster reacts with indignation and accuses the peddler of deceit when he discovers the truth. Conversely, his daughter responds with empathy and compassion, understanding the peddler's circumstances and choosing to treat him with kindness.
  • Hospitality Extended:
    • While the ironmaster extends hospitality begrudgingly and with skepticism, his daughter willingly invites the peddler into their home, ensuring he is cared for and treated with dignity despite the misunderstanding.
  • Treatment of the Peddler's Gift:
    • The ironmaster doubts the sincerity of the peddler's gift and views it as evidence of dishonesty, whereas his daughter appreciates the gesture as an act of repentance and forgives him, seeing beyond the surface to recognize his humanity.
  • Disposition towards the Peddler:
    • Throughout the story, the ironmaster displays impatience and a lack of understanding towards the peddler, while his daughter consistently demonstrates empathy, kindness, and a willingness to see the best in others, regardless of their circumstances.

3. The story has many instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others’ behaviour. Pick out instances of these surprises.

Instances of Unexpected Reactions in the Story

  • Crofter's Hospitality:
    • The peddler is surprised by the crofter's unexpected kindness and hospitality when he welcomes him into his cottage for the night, contrary to the peddler's expectations of being denied shelter.
  • Ironmaster's Invitation:
    • The ironmaster's invitation for the peddler to spend Christmas with his family comes as a shock to both the peddler and the ironmaster himself, given the initial misunderstanding of the peddler's identity.
  • Edla's Compassion:
    • Edla's decision to bring the peddler home for Christmas despite her father's reluctance is an unexpected reaction, showing her compassion and empathy towards a stranger in need.
  • Peddler's Gesture:
    • The peddler's unexpected act of leaving behind the stolen money and a letter expressing gratitude and respect for Edla's kindness surprises both Edla and the ironmaster, demonstrating his remorse and appreciation for her hospitality.

4. What made the peddler finally change his ways?

Impact of Edla Willmansson's Kindness on the Peddler

The peddler's transformation stemmed from the kindness and compassion shown to him by Edla Willmansson. Despite her father's initial skepticism, Edla treated the peddler with respect and warmth, offering him hospitality and understanding. Her unwavering kindness touched the peddler's heart, prompting him to reflect on his actions and reconsider his way of life. Edla's gesture of forgiveness and acceptance, exemplified by her Christmas gift and invitation for the following year, inspired the peddler to embrace a new path. It was Edla's love and compassion that ultimately prompted the peddler to undergo a profound change in his ways.

5. How does the metaphor of the rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament?

The metaphor of the rattrap serves to illustrate the human predicament by depicting life as a relentless cycle of temptation and entrapment. The peddler's realization that the world is akin to a giant rattrap suggests that individuals are constantly lured by the promise of riches, joys, and comfort, only to find themselves ensnared by their desires and circumstances. Just as the peddler falls prey to the allure of stolen money and becomes lost in the forest, humans often succumb to the temptations of material wealth and societal expectations, leading to feelings of confinement and despair.

The metaphor further emphasizes the notion that individuals are trapped by their own actions and choices, unable to escape the consequences of their decisions. Despite the peddler's initial belief in the world's benevolence, he ultimately recognizes its deceptive nature and the futility of pursuing fleeting pleasures. This realization echoes the broader human experience of grappling with existential questions and the pursuit of happiness in a world fraught with challenges and uncertainties.

Moreover, the act of the peddler leaving the rattrap as a Christmas present symbolizes his acknowledgment of the cycle of temptation and redemption. By offering the rattrap as a gift and expressing gratitude for being treated with kindness, the peddler acknowledges his own capacity for change and growth. This gesture suggests that individuals can break free from the metaphorical rattrap of life by embracing compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude, thus finding redemption amidst adversity.

6. The peddler comes out as a person with a subtle sense of humour. How does this serve in lightening the seriousness of the theme of the story and also endear him to us?

The peddler demonstrates a subtle sense of humor through his perception of the world as a giant rattrap. Despite the seriousness of his predicament and the overarching theme of deception and entrapment, the peddler finds amusement in likening his experiences to the workings of a rattrap. This wry perspective adds a layer of levity to the story, allowing readers to find amusement in the peddler's cynical outlook on life.

Furthermore, the peddler's humor serves to humanize him and endear him to readers. In the face of adversity, he maintains a resilient spirit and a penchant for finding irony in his circumstances. This ability to find humor amidst hardship not only lightens the seriousness of the story's theme but also makes the peddler a relatable and likable character. By sharing in the peddler's wry observations and humorous musings, readers develop a sense of empathy and connection with him, ultimately rooting for his redemption and growth throughout the narrative.

A Short Story Inspired by "The Rattrap"

In a remote village nestled amidst towering pines and winding rivers, there lived a solitary peddler named Thomas. With a tattered rattrap slung over his shoulder, he roamed the countryside, selling his wares to anyone who would spare a coin.

Thomas led a life of hardship and toil, surviving on meager earnings and occasional acts of charity. But despite his struggles, he harbored a peculiar fascination with the world around him. He often mused about the traps and snares that fate laid out for unsuspecting souls, likening life itself to a grand rattrap.

One wintry evening, as Thomas trudged through the snow-covered forest, he stumbled upon a quaint cottage nestled amidst the trees. Seeking shelter from the biting cold, he knocked timidly on the door, half expecting to be turned away.

To his surprise, the door swung open to reveal a kindly old man named Jacob, who welcomed Thomas with open arms. Over a crackling fire and steaming bowl of stew, Jacob regaled Thomas with tales of his youth and the wonders of the world beyond the forest.

As the night wore on, Thomas found himself drawn to the warmth of Jacob's hearth and the companionship of his newfound friend. For the first time in ages, he felt a glimmer of hope stirring within his weary heart.

In the days that followed, Thomas stayed on at Jacob's cottage, helping with chores and sharing in the simple joys of country life. He marveled at the beauty of the forest and the kindness of its inhabitants, realizing that perhaps there was more to life than just survival.

But just as Thomas began to let his guard down and embrace the warmth of friendship, a shadow from his past reared its ugly head. A band of ruffians, intent on mischief and mayhem, descended upon the village, threatening to disrupt the peace that Thomas had come to cherish.

In a daring act of bravery, Thomas rallied the villagers to defend their homes and drive away the intruders. With courage and determination, they stood their ground, refusing to be cowed by fear or intimidation.

As the dust settled and the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, Thomas realized that he had found more than just shelter in Jacob's cottage—he had found a sense of purpose and belonging that he had long thought lost.

And so, with a grateful heart and a renewed sense of hope, Thomas bid farewell to his friend Jacob and set out once more into the wide world, his rattrap slung over his shoulder and a smile on his lips. For he knew that no matter where his journey took him, he would always carry with him the memories of the kindness and courage he had found in the most unexpected of places.

From this story, we learn several valuable lessons:

  1. Kindness and Hospitality: The importance of extending kindness and hospitality to others, even strangers, as demonstrated by Jacob's welcoming attitude towards Thomas.
  2. Friendship and Companionship: The significance of forming meaningful connections and friendships, as Thomas finds solace and companionship in Jacob's company.
  3. Courage and Bravery: The power of courage and bravery in facing challenges and standing up for what is right, as exemplified by Thomas rallying the villagers to defend their homes against the intruders.
  4. Finding Purpose: The idea that even in the most unexpected places and circumstances, one can find purpose and meaning, as Thomas discovers a sense of belonging and purpose in the village.
  5. Optimism and Hope: The importance of maintaining optimism and hope, even in the face of adversity, as Thomas embarks on his journey with renewed hope and a positive outlook.

Overall, the story teaches us about the transformative power of kindness, friendship, courage, purpose, and optimism in navigating life's challenges and finding fulfillment.