NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 8 – Going Place

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 8 – Going Place

Here are Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 8 – Going Place Question-Anawer

1. Sophie and Jansie were class-mates and friends. What were the differences between them that show up in the story?

Sophie and Jansie were classmates and friends, but they were very different. Sophie was a dreamer who had big ambitions and lots of fantasies. She wanted to be wealthy and famous. Jansie, on the other hand, was practical and realistic. She knew her limitations and accepted them.

2. How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father?

Sophie’s father is a practical man who gets angry when she talks about her dreams. He's described as a sweaty, plum-faced man with rough manners and unhealthy eating habits. He enjoys football and celebrates his team's victories at the pub

3. Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? From her perspective, what did he symbolise?

Sophie preferred her brother Geoff because he was quiet and lost in thought, which she admired. She believed Geoff symbolized access to a mysterious world she longed to be a part of, imagining herself welcomed there. Geoff represented freedom from their dull life.

4. What socio-economic background did Sophie belong to? What are the indicators of her family’s financial status?

Sophie came from a lower-middle-class background. Indicators of her family's financial status include their small, cluttered house, the mention of Jansie considering a job at the biscuit factory, Geoff working as a mechanic, and her father riding a bicycle to the pub.

Working With The Words:

Notice the following expressions. The highlighted words are not used in a literal sense. Explain what they mean.

  1. Words had to be prized out of him like stones out of a ground.
  2. Sophie felt a tightening in her throat. If he keeps his head on his shoulders.
  3. On Saturday they made their weekly pilgrimage to the United.
  4. She saw… him ghost past the lumbering defenders.

Answer :-

• "Words had to be prized out of him" means he spoke sparingly, and his words were valuable.
• "Tightening in her throat" signifies feeling choked up or emotional.
• "If he keeps his head on his shoulders" means making sensible decisions.
• "On Saturday, they made their weekly pilgrimage to the United" refers to their regular visit to a significant place.
• "She saw… him ghost past the lumbering defenders" means silently moving past the defenders.

Writing :-

1. Think of a person who you would like to have as your rolemodel.

Write Answer YourSelf "This Answer a is sample" :-

If I were to choose a role model, it would likely be someone who embodies qualities such as wisdom, compassion, resilience, and a dedication to continuous learning. Perhaps someone like Marie Curie, whose groundbreaking work in science and her perseverance in the face of adversity inspire me. Or maybe Nelson Mandela, whose unwavering commitment to justice and reconciliation despite years of imprisonment exemplifies true leadership. Ultimately, I admire individuals who make a positive impact on the world and strive to leave it better than they found it.

Word Meaning
Social Mobility The ability or desire to move upward in social status or class.
Aspiration A strong desire or ambition to achieve something.
Conformity Compliance with societal norms or expectations.
Disillusionment Feeling of disappointment or dissatisfaction when one's hopes or expectations are not met.
Generation Gap Differences in attitudes, values, and beliefs between older and younger generations.
Identity Crisis A period of uncertainty and confusion about one's sense of self.
Alienation Feeling of isolation or estrangement from society or oneself.
Resilience The ability to bounce back from adversity or setbacks.
Self-Discovery The process of exploring and understanding one's own identity, values, and desires.
Perseverance Persistence and determination in the face of obstacles or difficulties.
Ambition Strong desire or drive for success, achievement, or recognition.
Escapism The tendency to seek distraction or relief from unpleasant realities, often through imagination or entertainment.
Materialism Excessive focus on material possessions or wealth.
Individuality Uniqueness or distinctiveness of a person's character or identity.
Empowerment The process of gaining control or authority over one's life or circumstances.
Adversity Difficulties or challenges; a state of hardship or misfortune.
Obligation A moral or legal duty to do something.
Fulfillment Satisfaction or contentment derived from achieving one's goals or desires.
Idealism Pursuit of noble or lofty ideals, often with an emphasis on perfection or excellence.
Realism Acceptance of the actual state of affairs; practicality or pragmatism.
Sacrifice Giving up something valuable or important for the sake of something else.
Opportunity A favorable or advantageous circumstance or situation.
Rebellion Resistance against authority or societal norms.
Ambiguity Lack of clarity or certainty; the presence of multiple possible meanings.
Resentment Bitterness or indignation resulting from a perceived injustice or unfair treatment.