Constituent Assembly of India

Constituent Assembly of India

Constituent Assembly of India

The Constituent Assembly of India was a sovereign body responsible for drafting the Constitution of India. It was convened to fulfill the objective of creating a constitution that would govern the newly independent nation of India after gaining independence from British colonial rule on August 15, 1947.

Key Points:

Topic Description
Formation The Constituent Assembly was formed in two stages. The first was the Constituent Assembly of India, established in 1946, which had members elected by the provincial assemblies. The second was the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, later known as the West Pakistan Constituent Assembly, for the regions that now make up Pakistan.
Members The assembly consisted of 389 members initially, and this number later increased to 395. These members were selected from various communities, regions, and social backgrounds to ensure diverse representation. Prominent leaders like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, and Rajendra Prasad played vital roles in the assembly.
Objectives The primary objective of the Constituent Assembly was to draft a constitution for India that would establish a democratic and sovereign nation while addressing the diverse religious, social, and cultural interests of its people. It aimed to secure justice, liberty, and equality for all citizens.
Committees To expedite the drafting process, various committees were formed within the assembly. The most notable of these was the Drafting Committee, chaired by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, which was responsible for preparing the final draft of the constitution.
Adoption of the Constitution The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on January 26, 1950. This date is now celebrated annually as Republic Day in India.
Features of the Constitution The Constitution of India is one of the longest written constitutions in the world and incorporates various principles, including federalism, parliamentary democracy, and a fundamental rights framework. It also enshrines the ideals of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.
Continuity After adopting the constitution, the Constituent Assembly transitioned into the Provisional Parliament of India until the first general elections were held in 1952. This marked the beginning of India as a republic under its new constitution.

Downloadable Resources:

Resource Link
The Constituent Assembly of India PDF Download Click Here
Constitution Making Committees PDF Download Click Here
The Objective Resolution PDF Download Click Here
The Objective Resolution Question PDF Download Click Here
The Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly of India PDF Download Click Here
The Drafting Committee Questions PDF Download Click Here
Munshi-Ayyangar Formula and Debates PDF Download Click Here
Name of Women in Constitutional Assembly PDF Download Click Here
Challenges Before the Constituent Assembly PDF Download Click Here
Indian Constitutional Article PDF Download Click Here
Indian Constitutional Amendments List PDF Download Click Here
Nature and Characteristics of Indian Constitution Click Here