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Directive Principles of State Policy

Directive Principles of State Policy(DPSP)

Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) in the Indian Constitution are a set of guidelines and principles given to the government to help guide its policies and decisions in order to establish a just and equitable society. These principles, while not legally enforceable by the courts, hold immense significance in shaping the policies and actions of the government. DPSPs are enshrined in Part IV (Article 36 to Article 51) of the Indian Constitution, and they complement the Fundamental Rights.

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These Directive Principles, although not legally enforceable, serve as a moral and political obligation for the government. Over the years, several laws and policies have been enacted to align with these principles, making them a crucial aspect of governance in India. While Fundamental Rights are justiciable, the Directive Principles provide a roadmap for a more just, equitable, and compassionate society. In essence, they reflect the ideals and aspirations of the Indian Constitution and guide the state in its quest to create a better future for its citizens.

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The implementation of (DPSP)

The implementation of Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) is a crucial aspect of governance in India. DPSP provides guidelines for the government to frame policies and laws in order to establish a just and equitable society. In this context, let's explore the implementation of specific DPSP articles, namely Article 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 48क, 49, and 51, along with related government schemes and initiatives:

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The confrontation between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy

  1. Article 32 - Right to Constitutional Remedies
  2. Kerala Education Bill, 1959
  3. 25th Amendment Act, 1971
  4. Kesavananda Bharati Case, 1973
  5. 42nd Amendment Act, 1976
  6. Minerva Mills Case, 1980

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The Importance of DPSP

 Social and Economic Transformation
 Balancing Individual and Collective Interests
 Instrument of Social Justice
 Legal and Policy Framework
 Adaptable to Changing Circumstances
 International Commitments
 Constitutional Values
 Interpretive Tool

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The Important Features of DPSP

 Non-Justiciable Nature
 Socialist Ideals
 Democratic Governance
 Aid to Weaker Sections
 Promotion of Social Justice
 Equal Pay for Equal Work
 Agricultural and Rural Development
 Protection of Environment
 Educational and Cultural Upliftment
 International Peace and Relations

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History of DPSP

 Background during British Rule
 Influence of International Documents
 Constituent Assembly Debates
 Drafting Committee
 Incorporation into the Constitution
 Balancing with Fundamental Rights
 Amendments and Evolving Interpretations
 Thoughts of different thinkers

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 Differences between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy pdf Download

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Indian Constitutional Article PDF Download

Indian Constitutional Amendments list PDF Download

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 Objective Questions Related to The Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) PDF 3 Download

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 Sample Questions Paper Related to The Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) PDF Download

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