Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Fundamental Rights MCQs

Fundamental Rights MCQs

  1. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with Fundamental Rights?

    • a) Part II
    • b) Part III
    • c) Part IV
    • d) Part V 📜

    Correct answer: b) Part III

  2. How many Fundamental Rights are guaranteed to the citizens of India?

    • a) 5
    • b) 6
    • c) 7
    • d) 8 🛡️

    Correct answer: b) 6

  3. The Right to Equality includes which of the following rights?

    • a) Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression
    • b) Right to Equality before Law
    • c) Right to Education
    • d) Right to Freedom of Religion 🤝

    Correct answer: b) Right to Equality before Law

  4. Which Fundamental Right prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Cultural and Educational Rights 👥

    Correct answer: a) Right to Equality

  5. Which article of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression?

    • a) Article 14
    • b) Article 19
    • c) Article 21
    • d) Article 25 🗣️

    Correct answer: d) Article 25

  6. The Right to Education is a part of which Fundamental Right?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Constitutional Remedies 📚

    Correct answer: d) Right to Constitutional Remedies

  7. Which Fundamental Right guarantees protection against arrest and detention in certain cases?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Constitutional Remedies 🚔

    Correct answer: b) Right to Freedom

  8. The Right to Constitutional Remedies empowers citizens to move the courts if their Fundamental Rights are violated under which article?

    • a) Article 31
    • b) Article 32
    • c) Article 33
    • d) Article 34 ⚖️

    Correct answer: b) Article 32

  9. Which Fundamental Right is violated if a person is forced into beggary or any other form of forced labor?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Religion 🚫

    Correct answer: b) Right to Freedom

  10. Which Fundamental Right guarantees the right of every citizen to practice and propagate their religion freely?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Religion 🕌

    Correct answer: b) Right to Freedom

  11. The Right to Property was originally a Fundamental Right but was removed and made a legal right under which amendment?

    • a) 42nd Amendment Act
    • b) 44th Amendment Act
    • c) 52nd Amendment Act
    • d) 61st Amendment Act 🏠

    Correct answer: d) 61st Amendment Act

  12. Which Fundamental Right ensures equal access to public places like shops, hotels, and places of public entertainment?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Religion 🏪

    Correct answer: a) Right to Equality

  13. The Right to Privacy is derived from which Fundamental Right?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Life and Personal Liberty 🔒

    Correct answer: b) Right to Freedom

  14. Which Fundamental Right guarantees protection against arbitrary arrest and detention?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Life and Personal Liberty 🗝️

    Correct answer: b) Right to Freedom

  15. Which Fundamental Right ensures that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Life and Personal Liberty ⛓️

    Correct answer: b) Right to Freedom

  16. The Right against Exploitation prohibits trafficking in human beings and forced labor under which article?

    • a) Article 21
    • b) Article 22
    • c) Article 23
    • d) Article 24 👩‍🔧

    Correct answer: c) Article 23

  17. Which Fundamental Right guarantees equality of opportunity in matters of public employment?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right against Exploitation
    • d) Right to Constitutional Remedies 👨‍⚖️

    Correct answer: a) Right to Equality

  18. The Fundamental Right to Education is primarily aimed at providing free and compulsory education to children up to the age of:

    • a) 10 years
    • b) 12 years
    • c) 14 years
    • d) 16 years 🎓

    Correct answer: d) 16 years

  19. The Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, is derived from which Fundamental Right?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Right to Life and Personal Liberty
    • d) Right to Education 📜

    Correct answer: c) Right to Life and Personal Liberty

  20. Which Fundamental Right ensures the protection of interests of minorities?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Cultural and Educational Rights
    • d) Right to Religion 🕊️

    Correct answer: c) Cultural and Educational Rights

  21. The Right to Freedom of Religion is subject to public order, morality, and:

    • a) Health
    • b) Reasonable restrictions
    • c) Security
    • d) Social welfare 🙏

    Correct answer: d) Social welfare

  22. Which Fundamental Right guarantees the protection of interests of Scheduled Tribes?

    • a) Right to Equality
    • b) Right to Freedom
    • c) Cultural and Educational Rights
    • d) Right to Religion 🏞️

    Correct answer: d) Right to Religion

  23. The Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression does not include the freedom to:

    • a) Criticize the government
    • b) Form associations or unions
    • c) Spread hate speech
    • d) Attend political meetings 📢

    Correct answer: c) Spread hate speech

  24. The Fundamental Right to Education aims to achieve which of the following goals?

    • a) Eradicating illiteracy
    • b) Promoting scientific temper
    • c) Advancing equality
    • d) All of the above 📖

    Correct answer: d) All of the above

  25. The Fundamental Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression is not absolute and can be restricted on the grounds of:

    • a) Sovereignty and integrity of India
    • b) Security of the state
    • c) Public order
    • d) All of the above 🚫

    Correct answer: d) All of the above

Explanation of MCQs

  1. Part III of the Indian Constitution is where Fundamental Rights are enshrined. It outlines the fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens of India.

  2. There are six Fundamental Rights guaranteed to the citizens of India: Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and Right to Constitutional Remedies.

  3. The Right to Equality includes the Right to Equality before Law, which ensures equal protection of laws to all citizens irrespective of their status or background.

  4. The Right to Equality prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth, ensuring equality of opportunity to all citizens.

  5. Article 19 of the Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression, allowing citizens to express their opinions freely.

  6. The Right to Constitutional Remedies empowers citizens to move the courts if their Fundamental Rights are violated, ensuring effective enforcement of Fundamental Rights.

  7. The Right to Freedom guarantees protection against arrest and detention in certain cases, ensuring personal liberty to citizens.

  8. Article 32 of the Indian Constitution provides for the Right to Constitutional Remedies, allowing citizens to directly approach the Supreme Court for the enforcement of their Fundamental Rights.

  9. The Right against Exploitation prohibits trafficking in human beings and forced labor, ensuring dignity and protection to vulnerable sections of society.

  10. The Right to Freedom of Religion guarantees the freedom of conscience and the right to practice and propagate religion freely.

  11. The Right to Property was originally a Fundamental Right but was removed and made a legal right under the 44th Amendment Act, 1978.

  12. The Right to Equality ensures equal access to public places like shops, hotels, and places of public entertainment, prohibiting discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.

  13. The Right to Privacy is derived from the Right to Life and Personal Liberty, ensuring protection against unwarranted intrusion into one's personal life.

  14. The Right to Life and Personal Liberty guarantees protection against arbitrary arrest and detention, ensuring the right to life and personal liberty to citizens.

  15. The Right to Life and Personal Liberty ensures that no person shall be deprived of their life or personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law.

  16. Article 23 of the Indian Constitution prohibits trafficking in human beings and forced labor, ensuring protection against exploitation.

  17. The Right to Equality guarantees equality of opportunity in matters of public employment, ensuring fair treatment in public employment.

  18. The Fundamental Right to Education aims to provide free and compulsory education to children up to the age of 14 years, ensuring access to education for all.

  19. The Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, is derived from the Right to Life and Personal Liberty, ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.

  20. Cultural and Educational Rights aim to protect the interests of minorities and ensure the preservation of their culture, language, and religion.

  21. The Right to Freedom of Religion is subject to reasonable restrictions on the grounds of public order, morality, and other specified grounds.

  22. Cultural and Educational Rights ensure the protection of interests of Scheduled Tribes, safeguarding their distinct culture and heritage.

  23. The Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression does not include the freedom to spread hate speech, as it may incite violence or disrupt public order.

  24. The Fundamental Right to Education aims to achieve various goals such as eradicating illiteracy, promoting scientific temper, and advancing equality in society.

  25. The Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression is not absolute and can be restricted on the grounds of maintaining sovereignty and integrity of India, security of the state, public order, morality, and decency.