Paper II - Administrative Ethics

Paper II - Administrative Ethics

Unit I - Administrative Ethics

  • Ethics and Human Values:

    Lessons from lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers, and administrators. Role of family, society, and educational institutions in inculcating values.

  • Ethical Concepts:

    Rit and Rin, concept of Duty, concept of Good and Virtue.

  • Ethics in Private and Public Relationships:

    Behaviour, Moral and Political attitudes of administrators. Philosophical basis of Integrity.

  • Ethics of Bhagavad Geeta and its Role in Administration.
  • Gandhian Ethics.
  • Contribution of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India & World.
  • Ethical Concerns, Dilemmas, and Challenges in Administration.
  • Ethical Decision-Making and Contributing Factors:

    Social justice, humanitarian concerns, accountability in governance, and code of ethics.

  • Case Studies on Above Mentioned Topics.

Unit II - General Science & Technology

Chemistry in Everyday Life

  • States of Matter
  • Atomic Structure
  • Metal, NonMetal, and Metalloids
  • Metallurgical Principles and Methods
  • Important Ores and Alloys
  • Acid, Base, and Salts; Concept of pH and Buffers
  • Important Drugs (Synthetic and Natural)
  • Antioxidants, Preservatives, Insecticides, Pesticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Fertilizers, Binders, and Sweeteners
  • Carbon, Its Compounds, and Their Domestic and Industrial Applications
  • Radioactivity - Concepts and Applications

Physics in Everyday Life

  • Gravitation
  • Human Eye and Defects
  • Heat
  • Static and Current Electricity
  • Magnetism, Electro-Magnetism
  • Sound and Electromagnetic Waves
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  • Nuclear Fission and Fusion

The Cell

  • Control and Coordination
  • Reproductive, Excretory, Respiratory, Circulatory, and Digestive Systems in Human Being
  • Blood Groups, Composition, and Functions of Blood
  • Hormones
  • Genetics and Lifestyle Diseases
  • Human Diseases - Communicable and Non-communicable, Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic; Diagnosis and Control
  • Immunization and Vaccination
  • Drugs and Alcohol Abuse
  • Plant Parts and Their Functions
  • Plant Nutrition, Plant Growth Regulators
  • Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in Plants
  • Important Medicinal Plants with Special Reference to Rajasthan
  • Organic Farming
  • Biotechnology and Its Applications

Computer Science and Technology

Basic Computer Science

  • Networking and Types
  • Analogue and Digital Telecommunication
  • Frequency Spectrum
  • Mobile Telephony
  • Recent Developments in Information and Communication Technology
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Big Data
    • Cloud Computing
    • Internet of Things
    • Cryptocurrency
    • OTT Platforms and Social Media and Their Impacts
  • IT Industry in India
  • Digital India Initiatives

Contribution of Indian Scientists in Science and Technology

  • Scientific and Technological Advancements
    • Robotics
    • Machine Learning
    • Augmented Reality
    • Nanotechnology
    • RFID
    • Quantum Computing
  • Development of Science and Technology in Rajasthan
  • Government Policies Related to Science and Technology

Space Technology

  • Indian Space Programme
  • Satellites and Their Orbits
  • Various Launch Vehicles
  • Remote Sensing

Defence Technology

  • Missiles
  • Indian Missile Programme
  • Chemical and Biological Weapons

Unit III - Earth Science (Geography & Geology)

Part A - World

  • Structure of the Earth and Geological Time Scale
  • Broad Physical Features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Deserts
  • Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Types, Distribution, and Impact
  • Major Geopolitical Issues
  • Major Environmental Issues

Part B - India

  • Broad Physical Features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Deserts
  • Major Physiographic Divisions of India
  • Major Rivers
  • Climate: Origin of Monsoon, Climatic Characteristics, Distribution of Rainfall, and Climatic Regions
  • Natural Resources: Types and Uses of (a) Water, Forest, Soil (b) Rocks & Minerals
  • Population: Growth, Distribution, and Density; Sex-ratio, Literacy, Urban and Rural Population

Part C - Rajasthan

  • Broad Physical Features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Deserts
  • Major Rivers and Lakes
  • Climatic: Characteristics and Their Classification
  • Major Vegetation Types
  • Agriculture: Major Crops - Production and Distribution
  • Metallic Minerals and Non-Metallic Minerals - Types, Distribution, and Industrial Uses
  • Conventional and Non-Conventional Energy Resources
  • Demographic Characteristics and Major Tribes
  • Wildlife and Biodiversity: Threats and Conservation
  • Concept of UNESCO Geo-parks and Geo-heritage Sites: Potentials in Rajasthan
  • Major Environmental Issues