General Studies–Paper-4 Questions

General Studies–Paper-4 Questions

Unit-II (80 Marks)

  1. Identify the error/errors in the following sentences and rewrite them:
    1. A virtuous are respected by all.
    2. Can I have any more sugar please?
    3. We were not invited for lunch.
    4. Write your name in the top of the page.
    5. She is learning English for five years.
    6. She was playing the Sitar when the bell was ringing.
    7. Walk fast lest you would miss the train.
    8. Should you like tea or coffee?
    9. With what will you satisfied?
    10. She said me she did not like tea.

    Choose the correct word/phrase : (Ques. No. 11-15)

    1. The opposite of the word 'attract' is .
    2. The word 'delicious' is similar in meaning to the word .
    3. The antonym of the word wisdom is .
    4. In the end he his mind to go by train.
    5. "To burn the midnight oil" means that someone .

    Write one word substitutes for the following expressions : (Ques No. 16-18)

    1. A word or statement which can be interpreted in more than one way.
    2. Someone incapable of being corrected.
    3. Impossible or very difficult to believe.

    Select the correct word/phrase (Ques. No. 19-20)

    1. We the dancer after her outstanding performance.
    2. I met an professor of English today.

    Part-B Marks: 30

    (A) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (Ques. No. 21-25)

    Scientists tell us that without the presence of the cohesive force among the atoms that comprise this world, it would crumble to pieces and we would cease to be and even as there is cohesive force that binds matter so must there be in all things animate. The name for that cohesive force among animate beings is love. We have to learn to use that force and in the use of it consists our knowledge of God. Where there is love there is life; hatred leads to destruction. Only with love would a well-ordered society be intelligible and life worth living.

    All the teachers that have ever lived have preached this law with more or less the same vigour. If love was not the law of life, life would not have persisted in the midst of death. Life is the perpetual triumph over the grave. If there is a fundamental distinction between man and beast, it is the former's progressive recognition of the law and its application and practice in his personal life. All the saints of the world, ancient and modern, approve of this supreme law of our being. That the brute in us seems so often to gain an easy triumph is true enough. But that does not disprove the law. It shows the difficulty of practicing it.

    Questions and Answers:

    21. What's 'force' the writer is talking about? How does it bind things animate?

    The 'force' the writer is talking about is love. It binds things animate by acting as a cohesive force that connects and unites living beings, enabling them to coexist harmoniously.

    22. What according to the writer, does the knowledge of God consist in?

    According to the writer, the knowledge of God consists in learning to use the force of love among animate beings.

    23. When and how would life be worth living?

    Life would be worth living when it is governed by love. Only with love would a well-ordered society be intelligible and life meaningful.

    24. What would happen if love was not there?

    If love was not there, life would not have persisted in the midst of death. The world would lack cohesion, leading to destruction and chaos.

    25. Give the meaning of the word 'triumph' and use it in a sentence of your own.

    The meaning of the word 'triumph' is a great victory or achievement.

    Sentence: "The scientist's breakthrough in cancer research was a triumph that brought hope to millions of patients worldwide."

  2. Translate the following sentences into English:
    1. कार्यकारी समिति की बैठक की कार्यसूची सदस्यों को नहीं भेजी गई है।
    2. सड़क के बीच खेलना बच्चों के लिए सुरक्षित नहीं है।
    3. भूकंप की तीव्रता अधिक थी।
    4. क्या आप सभी मुझसे सहमत हैं?
    5. वह इतना निराश क्यों लग रहा है?

Part-C Marks: 30

(C) Write a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title: 10 Marks

If you were to ask various people the meaning of fitness, you would get different answers. Fitness is everything to most people, a precious commodity which enables us to live our lives to the full yet is really cherished only when it begins to fade away. To an older person, it might be a feeling of youthful vigour, to an athlete the capacity to run a mile in four minutes, to a stenographer the ability to type for eight hours at a stretch without developing aching shoulder muscles. To a coach it is something that comes with training, to a physician it is a functional state of the body defined in technical terms. Fitness is all these things and more. It is strength, flexibility, agility, power, speed and muscular and cardiovascular endurance. It is the ability to enjoy our daily lives and to achieve our goals without undue fatigue or stress. It is having a reserve of physical stamina and strength for safety and the enjoyment of leisure activities. It is protection against degenerative diseases and feeling youthful even when we are growing old.

Title: The Essence of Fitness

Fitness is a multifaceted concept valued differently by various people. To many, it is a precious asset that enables a full life, often appreciated only when lost. Older individuals associate it with youthful vigor, athletes with high performance, and stenographers with endurance. Coaches view fitness as a result of training, while physicians define it technically. Overall, fitness encompasses strength, flexibility, agility, power, speed, and endurance. It allows us to enjoy life and meet goals without excessive fatigue, provides physical stamina for safety and leisure, protects against diseases, and helps maintain youthfulness with age.

(Precis: 99 words)

32. Write a paragraph on any one of the following in approximately 200 words: 10 Marks

Incredible India

India, often referred to as "Incredible India," is a land of immense diversity and rich cultural heritage. Spanning from the snow-capped Himalayas in the north to the tropical shores of the south, India's landscape is as varied as its people. This vast country is home to over a billion people who speak different languages, follow various religions, and practice numerous traditions. The cultural tapestry of India is woven with threads of ancient civilizations, spiritual traditions, and vibrant festivals. Historical landmarks like the Taj Mahal, ancient temples, and bustling bazaars tell stories of a glorious past. India's cuisine is a delightful journey through flavors and spices, reflecting its diverse regions. The country's commitment to preserving wildlife is evident in its numerous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Modern India is a hub of technology and innovation, juxtaposed with traditional crafts and practices. Despite challenges, India's spirit of unity in diversity stands strong, making it a truly incredible nation. Whether it's the serene backwaters of Kerala, the vibrant colors of Rajasthan, or the metropolitan hustle of Mumbai, India offers an unforgettable experience that captivates every visitor.

Generation Gap

The term "generation gap" refers to the differences in attitudes, behaviors, and values between one generation and the next. This gap is often most visible between parents and their children. Technological advancements, cultural shifts, and changing societal norms contribute significantly to these differences. For instance, the older generation might value hard work and discipline, having grown up in a time when resources were scarce, while the younger generation, raised in a digital age, might prioritize creativity and instant access to information. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, as each generation struggles to comprehend the other's perspective. However, the generation gap is not necessarily negative. It can foster a dynamic exchange of ideas where both generations can learn from each other. Older individuals can offer wisdom and experience, while younger ones bring fresh ideas and innovation. Bridging the generation gap requires empathy, open communication, and a willingness to understand and respect each other's viewpoints. By doing so, we can create a more harmonious and progressive society.

Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is the process of enabling women to have equal access to opportunities, resources, and rights, thereby allowing them to realize their full potential. This concept encompasses various dimensions, including economic, social, political, and educational empowerment. Economically, empowering women involves ensuring equal pay for equal work, providing access to financial resources, and encouraging female entrepreneurship. Socially, it means challenging stereotypes and breaking down barriers that limit women's roles in society. Politically, it involves increasing female representation in decision-making processes and ensuring that women's voices are heard in policy formulation. Educational empowerment focuses on providing girls and women with access to quality education, which is fundamental for their personal and professional growth. Women empowerment leads to a more inclusive and equitable society, as empowered women contribute to the economic development, health, and well-being of their families and communities. It fosters gender equality and paves the way for a future where everyone, regardless of gender, can thrive and succeed.

33. Elaborate any one of the following themes in approximately 150 words: 10 Marks

No Pain, No Gain

The adage "No pain, no gain" emphasizes the importance of effort and perseverance in achieving success. It suggests that without enduring challenges and hardships, one cannot attain significant accomplishments. This principle is widely applicable, from personal fitness to academic and professional pursuits. Athletes, for instance, undergo rigorous training and push their limits to improve performance. Similarly, students must invest time and energy in studying to excel in exams. The process often involves discomfort, sacrifice, and persistence. However, these struggles are essential for growth and development. The satisfaction and rewards that follow are proportionate to the efforts invested. Embracing this mindset fosters resilience and determination, encouraging individuals to face difficulties head-on. Ultimately, "No pain, no gain" serves as a reminder that success is not easily obtained; it requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to overcome obstacles.

Cell Phone is More Than a Phone

The modern cell phone is far more than just a device for making calls. It has evolved into a multifunctional tool essential for everyday life. With internet access, it serves as a gateway to global information, social media, and entertainment. The smartphone's camera capabilities have revolutionized photography, allowing users to capture and share moments instantly. Productivity apps enable users to manage schedules, emails, and documents on the go. Additionally, cell phones provide access to online banking, shopping, and navigation, making daily tasks more convenient. Health and fitness apps help monitor physical well-being, while educational apps offer learning opportunities. The integration of artificial intelligence enhances user experience through personalized assistance. In essence, the cell phone has become an indispensable personal assistant, a source of entertainment, and a connection to the digital world, profoundly impacting how we communicate, work, and live.

Uneasy Lies the Head That Wears the Crown

The phrase "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown" highlights the inherent difficulties and responsibilities that come with leadership and power. Those in positions of authority, such as kings, presidents, or CEOs, often face immense pressure and scrutiny. Their decisions impact many lives, leading to constant stress and the burden of accountability. Leaders must navigate complex political, social, and economic challenges, often making tough choices that can result in criticism and conflict. The fear of failure and the need to maintain authority add to their unease. Despite the privileges and respect associated with power, leaders frequently experience loneliness and isolation, as they cannot easily share their burdens. This phrase underscores that leadership is not just about glory and privilege but also about enduring the weight of responsibility, making sacrifices, and facing the relentless demands of guiding others.

34. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your city complaining about the poor sanitary conditions of your locality and the mosquito menace caused by this. 10 Marks (150 Words)

Letter to Municipal Commissioner

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]

The Municipal Commissioner
[City Municipality]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Complaint about Poor Sanitary Conditions and Mosquito Menace

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention the deteriorating sanitary conditions in our locality, [Your Locality Name]. The area is plagued with overflowing garbage bins and stagnant water, creating a breeding ground for mosquitoes. This has led to a significant increase in mosquito-borne diseases, causing great concern among residents. Despite several complaints, no action has been taken to address the issue. We request immediate intervention to clean the area and implement measures to prevent mosquito breeding. Your prompt action will greatly improve the living conditions and health of the residents.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.

[Your Name]

....... Or........

34. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your city complaining about the poor sanitary conditions of your locality and the mosquito menace caused by this. 10 Marks (150 Words)

Report on Air Pollution in and Around [Your Town]

To: The State Pollution Control Board
From: [Your Name], Member of the State Pollution Control Board
Date: [Date]

Subject: Report on the Level of Air Pollution in and Around [Your Town]

The purpose of this report is to present the current status of air pollution in and around [Your Town]. Over the past year, we have observed a significant increase in the levels of pollutants, including particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO).

Our monitoring stations have recorded PM2.5 levels consistently above the safe limit of 60 µg/m³, with peaks reaching up to 120 µg/m³ during peak traffic hours. The primary sources of these pollutants are vehicular emissions, industrial discharges, and construction activities. The industrial area in the north of the town has been a major contributor to sulfur dioxide levels, which have exceeded the permissible limit of 80 µg/m³ on multiple occasions.

The health implications of these elevated pollution levels are severe, including respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and aggravated asthma conditions among residents. Immediate measures are required to address these issues. Recommendations include stricter emission regulations for industries, promotion of public transportation, implementation of green zones, and regular monitoring of air quality.

Addressing air pollution is critical for the health and well-being of our community. Collaborative efforts between government bodies, industries, and citizens are essential to achieve sustainable improvements in air quality.

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Member, State Pollution Control Board