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Thought for Today

Gupta Dynasty MCQs

Gupta Dynasty MCQs

  1. Who is considered the founder of the Gupta Empire?

    A) Chandragupta I

    B) Samudragupta

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Skandagupta

  2. The Gupta Empire was primarily located in which region of ancient India?

    A) Northern India

    B) Southern India

    C) Western India

    D) Eastern India

  3. The Gupta rulers were known for their patronage of which religion?

    A) Hinduism

    B) Buddhism

    C) Jainism

    D) Zoroastrianism

  4. Who was the Gupta emperor known for his military conquests and extensive territorial expansion?

    A) Chandragupta I

    B) Samudragupta

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Skandagupta

  5. Which ancient trade route flourished during the Gupta period, connecting India with the Mediterranean world?

    A) Silk Road

    B) Spice Route

    C) Incense Route

    D) Trans-Saharan Trade Route

  6. The Gupta Empire is often referred to as the "Golden Age" of which civilization?

    A) Indian

    B) Greek

    C) Roman

    D) Persian

  7. Who was the Gupta ruler famous for his support and patronage of art, literature, and science?

    A) Chandragupta I

    B) Samudragupta

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Skandagupta

  8. The Gupta period saw significant advancements in which field of science?

    A) Mathematics

    B) Astronomy

    C) Medicine

    D) All of the above

  9. What was the capital city of the Gupta Empire?

    A) Pataliputra

    B) Ujjain

    C) Ayodhya

    D) Varanasi

  10. The Gupta dynasty is known for its contributions to which field of literature?

    A) Sanskrit poetry

    B) Tamil literature

    C) Pali scriptures

    D) Greek philosophy

  11. Who was the Gupta emperor who issued the famous "Allahabad Pillar Inscription"?

    A) Chandragupta I

    B) Samudragupta

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Skandagupta

  12. The Gupta Empire reached its zenith under the rule of which prominent ruler?

    A) Chandragupta I

    B) Samudragupta

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Skandagupta

  13. Which Gupta ruler is known for his successful military campaigns against foreign invaders and neighboring kingdoms?

    A) Chandragupta I

    B) Samudragupta

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Skandagupta

  14. The Gupta Empire saw the compilation of which famous Sanskrit legal code?

    A) Manusmriti

    B) Arthashastra

    C) Dharmashastra

    D) Yajnavalkya Smriti

  15. The Gupta rulers issued gold coins known as:

    A) Dinars

    B) Rupiya

    C) Karshapana

    D) Ashrafi

  16. Who among the following Gupta rulers was a great patron of learning and is credited with establishing the Nalanda University?

    A) Chandragupta I

    B) Samudragupta

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Skandagupta

  17. The Gupta Empire witnessed the flourishing of which classical dance form?

    A) Bharatanatyam

    B) Kathak

    C) Odissi

    D) Kuchipudi

  18. The Gupta Empire declined primarily due to:

    A) Foreign invasions

    B) Economic instability

    C) Internal rebellions

    D) Dynastic disputes

  19. Who was the last notable ruler of the Gupta dynasty who faced invasions from the Huns?

    A) Chandragupta I

    B) Samudragupta

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Skandagupta

  20. The Gupta period is known for the development of which architectural style characterized by intricately carved temples and stupas?

    A) Nagara

    B) Dravida

    C) Vesara

    D) Gupta

Gupta Empire Multiple Choice Questions - Answers

  1. A) Chandragupta I
  2. A) Northern India
  3. A) Hinduism
  4. B) Samudragupta
  5. A) Silk Road
  6. A) Indian
  7. C) Chandragupta II
  8. D) All of the above
  9. A) Pataliputra
  10. A) Sanskrit poetry
  11. B) Samudragupta
  12. B) Samudragupta
  13. B) Samudragupta
  14. C) Dharmashastra
  15. B) Rupiya
  16. C) Chandragupta II
  17. A) Bharatanatyam
  18. D) Dynastic disputes
  19. D) Skandagupta
  20. A) Nagara