History of Rajasthan from Pre-Stone Age to Ancient Civilizations

History of Rajasthan from Pre-Stone Age to Ancient Civilizations

Prehistoric Times

During this era, no written records exist, and our understanding is solely based on archaeological excavations. Prehistoric times are further divided into:

  1. Paleolithic Age: Sites like Bigod (Bhilwara), Mandapiya (Chittaurgarh), and Didwana (Nagaur) reveal artifacts resembling those from distant regions like China, Myanmar, and Java, thus termed as the Sohan culture.
  2. Mesolithic Period: Notable sites include Bagor (Bhilwara) and Tilwara (Barmer).
  3. Neolithic Age: Marked by settlements such as Ahad (Udaipur), Ozhiyana, Gilund (Rajsamand), and Ganeshwar (Sikar). This period witnessed the invention of the wheel and the advent of agriculture, representing a pivotal shift in human civilization. The axe emerged as the earliest known weapon during this time.

Protohistoric Period

Spanning from 3000 BC to 600 BC, this period marks the emergence of writing systems, although deciphering their scripts remains a challenge. Notable civilizations like the Indus Valley Civilization and the Kalibanga Civilization of Rajasthan belong to this era. Animal husbandry became prevalent during this time.

Historical Period

Beginning around 600 BC, written records become decipherable, facilitating a deeper understanding of historical events. This period is further divided into:

  • Ancient Time
  • Medieval Period (Mughal Period)
  • Modern Period: Starting from the 1857 revolution onwards, encompassing significant socio-political changes up to the present day.

Pre-Stone Age in Rajasthan:

  • Archaeological findings suggest Rajasthan's history traces back to the Pre-Stone Age, approximately one lakh years ago.
  • Early human settlements predominantly existed along the Banas River and surrounding areas beyond the Aravalli Range.
  • Nomadic lifestyles prevailed as primitive humans roamed in search of sustenance, utilizing stone tools for survival. Artefacts discovered near Bairath, Raidh, and Bhangarh corroborate this.

Ancient Rivers and Civilizations:

  • Contrary to the present desert landscape, north-western Rajasthan once boasted significant rivers like the Saraswati and Drishdwati.
  • Flourishing cultures such as the Harappan, Grey-Ware, and Rangmahal thrived in the fertile river valleys.
  • Excavations, notably near Kalibangan, unveiled a sophisticated urban civilization dating back five millennia.
  • The Harappan, Grey-Ware, and Rangmahal cultures spanned vast regions of Rajasthan, extending hundreds of miles southward.

Kalibangan Civilization (Hanumangarh):

  • Located near the Saraswati River (modern-day Ghagghar), the Kalibangan Civilization flourished from 3000 BC to 1750 BC, representing the Copper Age.
  • Discovered by Amlanand Ghos in 1952, its extensive excavation (1961-69) was led by B.B. Lal and B.O.F. Thapar.
  • Key features include evidence of plowed fields, fortified city structures, wooden drains, fire pits with animal remains, cotton-wrapped razors, cotton cultivation, burnt rice, couple's tombs, clay scales, and surgical artefacts.

Ahad Civilization (Udaipur):

  • Established in Ayad (along the Berach River) from 1900 BC to 1200 BC, the Ahad Civilization thrived during the Copper Age.
  • Discovered by Akshay Kirti Vyas in 1953, extensive excavation in 1956 was conducted by R.C. Agarwal and H.D. Sankalia.
  • Notable features include copper seals and coins, copper smelting furnaces, burial practices with jewellery, and its affiliation with the Banas River Civilization, also known as Banas Culture.

Other Ancient Civilizations in Rajasthan:

  • Gilund: Unearthed remnants of Copper Age civilization near the Banas River.
  • Bagaur (Bhilwara): Excavated mounds revealing Mesolithic cultural remnants.
  • Balathal (Udaipur): Chalcolithic civilization excavated in 1993, showcasing advanced settlements.
  • Ganeshwar (Neemkathana-Sikar): Pre-Harappan site with abundant Copper Age tools.
  • Rang Mahal (Hanumangarh): Archaeological site near the Ghaggar River.
  • Noh (Bharatpur): Discoveries include painted gray ocher vessels.
  • Bairath (Jaipur): Early civilizations dating back to the Maurya period found during excavations.
  • Nagari/Madhyamika (Chittaurgarh): Excavations revealing Gupta period artifacts and Shivi district coins.
  • Jodhpura (Jaipur): Specialized civilization during the Shangu and Kushan periods, with evidence of iron tool production.
  • Red (Tonk): Abundance of pre-Gupta iron material, earning the moniker "Tata Nagar of ancient India."
  • Sunari (Khetri-Jhunjhunu): Site of the oldest iron furnace, yielding various iron tools and utensils.