HTML Language Complete Course Free - Course Content

HTML Language Complete Course, Free - Course Content

Course Content

Introduction to HTML

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a standard markup language used for creating web pages and applications. It provides the structure and content of a web page using tags and attributes to define elements such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and more. HTML is an essential language for web development and is widely used in conjunction with other technologies like CSS and JavaScript.

HTML Tags and Elements

HTML tags and elements are the building blocks used to create web pages. Tags define the structure and semantics of the content, while elements are made up of one or more tags and their associated content. Common elements include headings, paragraphs, links, images, forms, tables, and lists. Understanding tags and elements is crucial for creating well-structured and accessible web pages.

  1. The Importance of HTML Elements in Web Development

  2. Image to Prompt Converter code in html css and java

Web Page Structure and Layout

Web page structure and layout refer to the arrangement and organization of elements on a web page. This includes the use of HTML tags to create headers, footers, navigation menus, content areas, and more. Proper structure and layout help to improve usability and user experience.

Forms and Input Elements

Forms and input elements in HTML allow users to input data and interact with web pages. This includes elements such as text boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, and drop-down menus. Forms and input elements are commonly used for user registration, contact forms, and other interactive features on websites.

Media and Image Embedding

Media and image embedding in HTML allow for the integration of multimedia content into web pages. This includes images, videos, audio files, and other media formats. By using HTML tags and attributes, developers can embed and customize media content to enhance the user experience and improve the overall visual appeal of web pages.

HTML Best Practices and Accessibility

HTML best practices and accessibility refer to the guidelines and principles used to create web pages that are optimized for usability and accessibility. This includes using semantic markup, providing alternative text for images, and adhering to web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) to ensure all users can access and use web content.

Topic Link
Html Code Editor Html Code Checker
CSS Code Editor CSS Code Editor
Heading elements in HTML Heading elements in HTML
HTML Attributes - Syntax, Global & Event Attributes HTML Attributes - Syntax, Global & Event Attributes
Working with the root and metadata elements Working with the root and metadata elements
Quotation and Citation Elements Quotation and Citation Elements
HTML Comments HTML Comments
Working with HTML Comments Working with HTML Comments
HTML Comments and JavaScript HTML Comments and JavaScript
HTML Colors HTML Colors
Exploring Color Codes Exploring Color Codes
Psychology in Web Design Psychology in Web Design
Tools for checking contrast ratios Tools for checking contrast ratios
Tools for generating color palettes Tools for generating color palettes
HTML Styles - CSS HTML Styles - CSS
Color and Background Color and Background
Responsive Web Design with CSS Responsive Web Design with CSS
CSS Frameworks CSS Frameworks
HTML Elements: How to Create Effective Web Pages HTML Elements: How to Create Effective Web Pages
HTML Links HTML Links
Creating Basic HTML Links Creating Basic HTML Links
Experience with HTML Links Experience with HTML Links
SEO with HTML Links SEO with HTML Links
HTML Images Syntax HTML Images Syntax
Image Optimization Image Optimization
HTML Image Maps HTML Image Maps
Creating HTML Image Maps Creating HTML Image Maps
Navigation with Clickable Areas Navigation with Clickable Areas
How favicons are displayed How favicons are displayed
Favicon Generate From Text Favicon Generate From Text
How To Add a Favicon in HTML How To Add a Favicon in HTML
Adding the Favicon to HTML Adding the Favicon to HTML
Favicon.ico Generator Favicon.ico Generator
HTML Page Title HTML Page Title
Anatomy of an HTML Page Title Anatomy of an HTML Page Title
Crafting Effective HTML Page Titles Crafting Effective HTML Page Titles
HTML Tables HTML Tables
Formatting HTML Tables Formatting HTML Tables
Merging Cells in HTML Tables Merging Cells in HTML Tables
Styling HTML Tables with CSS Styling HTML Tables with CSS
Responsive HTML Tables Responsive HTML Tables
How to Play Multiple Video How to Play Multiple Video
Play Your Video Play Your Video
HTML Table Borders HTML Table Borders
Advanced Border Customization Techniques Advanced Border Customization Techniques
Creating Advanced Border Styles Creating Advanced Border Styles
HTML Lists HTML Lists