Human Strengths And Meeting Life Challenges

Human Strengths And Meeting Life Challenges

Chapter 3: Meeting Life Challenges


Life is full of challenges and stress is a common experience in response to these challenges. This chapter delves into the nature, types, and sources of stress, as well as its effects on psychological functioning and health. It also explores strategies for managing stress and promoting positive health and well-being.

Nature, Types and Sources of Stress

Stress is a part of everyday life and can arise from a variety of sources. It can be categorized into different types:

  • Acute Stress: This is short-term stress that can be positive or more distressing.
  • Chronic Stress: This is long-term stress that persists over an extended period.
  • Eustress: Positive stress that motivates individuals to achieve their goals.
  • Distress: Negative stress that can be harmful to health.

Sources of stress can include daily hassles, major life events, and environmental factors such as noise and pollution.

A Measure of Stressful Life Events

Stressful life events are significant occurrences that require a person to adjust or change their lifestyle. The Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory is one measure used to assess the impact of such events on an individual's stress level. Events such as the death of a loved one, divorce, and job loss are high on the list, indicating a higher level of stress associated with these events.

Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and Health

Stress can have a profound impact on psychological functioning, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Physiologically, stress can contribute to health problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and a weakened immune system.

Examination Anxiety

Examination anxiety is a specific type of stress experienced by students. It can affect performance and well-being. Symptoms include nervousness, fear of failure, and physical symptoms such as sweating and rapid heartbeat.

Stress and Health

Prolonged stress can lead to various health issues, including chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Managing stress is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being.

General Adaptation Syndrome

Developed by Hans Selye, the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) describes the body's short-term and long-term reactions to stress. It consists of three stages:

  • Alarm Stage: The initial reaction to stress, where the body prepares for a "fight or flight" response.
  • Resistance Stage: If the stress continues, the body adapts and tries to resist the stressor.
  • Exhaustion Stage: Prolonged stress can deplete the body's resources, leading to burnout and health problems.

Stress and Immune System

Stress can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Chronic stress is particularly harmful as it continuously suppresses immune function.


Lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, and unhealthy habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can exacerbate the effects of stress. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is essential for managing stress and maintaining good health.

Coping with Stress

Coping strategies are essential for managing stress effectively. They can be broadly categorized into:

  • Problem-focused coping: Involves tackling the problem directly to reduce stress.
  • Emotion-focused coping: Involves managing emotions that arise from stress.

Stress Management Techniques

There are various techniques to manage stress, including:

  • Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga.
  • Physical exercise to release built-up tension and improve mood.
  • Time management to prioritize tasks and reduce workload.
  • Seeking social support from friends, family, or professional counselors.

Promoting Positive Health and Well-being

Positive health and well-being can be promoted through:

  • Maintaining a balanced diet and regular physical activity.
  • Practicing mindfulness and positive thinking.
  • Engaging in hobbies and activities that bring joy and relaxation.
  • Building strong social connections and support networks.

Life Skills

Life skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and effective communication are crucial for managing stress and leading a healthy life. These skills help individuals navigate life's challenges more effectively.

Resilience and Health

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and maintain psychological well-being. It is an important factor in managing stress and promoting health. Building resilience involves developing a positive outlook, being adaptable, and having a strong support system.

After reading this chapter, you would be able to:

  • Understand the nature, types, and sources of stress as life challenges.
  • Examine the effects of stress on psychological functioning.
  • Learn ways to cope with stress.
  • Know about the life skills that help people to stay healthy.
  • Understand the factors that promote positive health and well-being.

Chapter 3: Meeting Life Challenges Question-answer Solutions

Question 1. Explain the concept of stress. Give examples from daily life.


Stress is derived from the Latin word 'strictus', which means tight or narrow. Stress can be described as the pattern of responses an organism makes to a stimulus event that disturbs the equilibrium and exceeds a person’s ability to cope. All the challenges, problems, and difficult circumstances put us under stress. It gives energy, increases human arousal, and affects performance. High stress can produce unpleasant effects and cause our performance to deteriorate. Conversely, too little stress may cause one to feel somewhat listless and low on motivation, which may lead to slow and inefficient performance. It is important to remember that not all stress is inherently bad or destructive.

Examples from daily life:
  • Attending parties may be stressful for a person who likes to spend quiet evenings at home.
  • Getting lower marks than expected may be stressful and a sign of frustration for a student.
  • Being forced to choose a job due to family pressure can be stressful.

Question 2. State the symptoms and sources of stress.


Symptoms of stress: Symptoms of stress can be physical, emotional, and behavioral. These symptoms indicate a degree of stress which, if left unresolved, might have serious implications.

Sources of stress: A wide range of events and conditions can generate stress. Among the most important of these are major stressful life events, such as the death of a loved one or personal injury, the annoying frequent hassles of everyday life, and traumatic events that affect our lives.

Question 3. Describe the GAS model and illustrate the relevance of this model with the help of an example.


Selye studied the body when stress is prolonged by subjecting animals to a variety of stressors such as high temperature, X-rays, and insulin injections in the laboratory over a long period. He also observed patients with various injuries and illnesses in hospitals. Selye noticed a similar pattern of bodily response in all of them, which he called the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). According to him, GAS involves three stages: alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion.

Stages of GAS:
  1. Alarm reaction stage: The presence of a noxious stimulus or stressor leads to the activation of the adrenal-pituitary-cortex system. This triggers the release of hormones producing the stress response, preparing the individual for fight or flight.
  2. Resistance stage: If stress is prolonged, the resistance stage begins. The parasympathetic nervous system calls for more cautious use of the body’s resources, and the organism makes efforts to cope with the threat, as through confrontation.
  3. Exhaustion stage: Continued exposure to the same stressor or additional stressors drains the body of its resources, leading to the exhaustion stage. The physiological systems involved in alarm reaction and resistance become ineffective, and susceptibility to stress-related diseases such as high blood pressure becomes more likely.

Question 4. Enumerate the different ways of coping with stress.


Different ways of coping with stress include:

Task-oriented Strategy: This involves obtaining information about the stressful situation and alternative courses of action and their probable outcome. It includes deciding priorities and acting to deal directly with the stressful situation. For example, scheduling time better or thinking about how similar problems have been solved.

Emotion-oriented Strategy: This involves efforts to maintain hope and control emotions. It can also involve venting feelings of anger and frustration, or deciding that nothing can be done to change things. For example, telling oneself that it is not really happening or worrying about what to do.

Avoidance-oriented Strategy: This involves denying or minimizing the seriousness of the situation. It also includes conscious suppression of stressful thoughts and their replacement by self-protective thoughts. Examples include watching TV, phoning a friend, or trying to be with other people.

Question 5. Explain the effect of stress on psychological functioning.


Emotional Effects: Stress can cause mood swings and erratic behavior that may alienate individuals from family and friends, potentially leading to more serious emotional problems such as anxiety and depression.

Physiological Effects: Stress increases the production of certain hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can cause marked changes in heart rate, blood pressure levels, metabolism, and physical activity. While short-term stress responses can be beneficial, long-term stress can be extremely damaging to the body.

Cognitive Effects: High levels of stress can cause mental overload, leading to poor decision-making. This can result in arguments, failure, financial loss, or job loss.

Behavioral Effects: Stress can lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor nutritional habits, increased intake of stimulants like caffeine, excessive consumption of cigarettes, alcohol, and other drugs. These behaviors can cause disrupted sleep patterns, increased absenteeism, and reduced work performance.

Question 6. Describe how life skills can help meet life’s challenges.


Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Effective life skills can enhance personal competence, which can help manage stress, improve communication, and build healthier relationships. Skills such as self-awareness, empathy, critical thinking, decision making, problem-solving, and effective communication are crucial in managing life's challenges.

Question 7: Discuss the factors that lead to positive health and well-being.


Positive health and well-being are influenced by a variety of factors:

Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and avoidance of harmful habits such as smoking and excessive drinking contribute to physical well-being.

Positive Relationships: Having supportive relationships with family, friends, and colleagues can provide emotional support and reduce stress.

Effective Stress Management: Utilizing coping strategies to manage stress effectively helps in maintaining mental and emotional balance.

Purpose and Goals: Having clear goals and a sense of purpose can provide direction and motivation in life, leading to greater satisfaction and well-being.

Question 8: How does stress affect the immune system?


Stress affects the immune system by reducing the effectiveness of its response to infections. Prolonged stress can suppress the immune function, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses. For instance, stress can decrease the production of T-cells, which are crucial for fighting off pathogens. Reduced levels of natural killer cell activity, which are important for defending against infections and cancer, have been found in highly stressed individuals. This can lead to an increased vulnerability to infections and slower recovery from illnesses.

Question 9: Give an example of a life event which is likely to be stressful. Suggest reasons why it is likely to cause different degrees of stress to the person experiencing it.


Changes, both big and small, sudden and gradual, affect our life from the moment we are born. We learn to cope with small, everyday changes but major life events can be stressful because they disturb our routine and cause upheaval. If several of these life events, whether planned (e.g., moving into a new house) or unpredicted (e.g., break-up of a long-term relationship), occur within a short period of time, we find it difficult to cope with them and will be more prone to the symptoms of stress.

Unexpected accidents or trauma, or the death of a close family member, are examples of life events that are very stressful for the family members, relatives, and friends involved. The impact of most life events varies from person to person. Factors such as the age at which the event was first experienced, frequency of occurrence, duration of the stressful event, and social support are likely to cause different degrees of stress to the person experiencing it.

Question 10: Given what you know about coping strategies, what suggestions would you give to your friends to avoid stress in their everyday lives?


Coping is a dynamic situation-specific reaction to stress. It involves a set of concrete responses to stressful situations or events that are intended to resolve the problem and reduce stress. I would suggest my friends adopt problem-focused strategies and emotion-focused strategies. Both are coping strategies that can be used to handle stressful situations.

Problem-focused strategies attack the problem itself, with behaviors designed to gain information, to alter the event, and to alter beliefs and commitments. They increase the person’s awareness, level of knowledge, and range of behavioral and cognitive coping options. They can act to reduce the threat value of the event. For example, "I made a plan of action and followed it".

Emotion-focused strategies call for psychological changes designed primarily to limit the degree of emotional disruption caused by an event, with minimal effort to alter the event itself. For example, "I did some things to let it out of my system". While both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping are necessary when facing stressful situations, research suggests that people generally tend to use the former more often than the latter.

Question 11: Reflect on the environmental factors that have (a) a positive impact on the being, and (b) a negative effect.


(a) Environmental factors that have a positive impact on the being include social and public campaigns, fair governmental policies, plantation of green plants, and medical policies.

(b) Environmental factors that have a negative impact on the being are unavoidable such as air pollution, crowding, noise, heat of the summer, winter cold, etc. Another group includes catastrophic events or disasters such as fire, earthquake, floods, etc.

Question 12: We know that certain lifestyle factors can cause stress and may lead to diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease, yet we are unable to change our behaviour. Explain why.


Stress can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle or health-damaging behavior. Lifestyle is the overall pattern of decisions and behaviors that determine a person’s health and quality of life. Stressed individuals may be more likely to expose themselves to pathogens, which are agents causing physical illness. People who are stressed have poor nutritional habits, sleep less, and are likely to engage in other health-risking behaviors like smoking and alcohol abuse.

Such health-impairing behaviors develop gradually and are accompanied by pleasant experiences temporarily. However, we tend to ignore their long-term damaging effects and underestimate the risk they pose to our lives. Studies have revealed that health-promoting behaviors like a balanced diet, regular exercise, family support, etc., play an important role in good health. Adhering to a lifestyle that includes a balanced low-fat diet, regular exercise, and continued activity along with positive thinking enhances health and longevity. The modern lifestyle of excesses in eating, drinking, and the so-called fast-paced good life has led to the violation of basic principles of health in some of us, as to what we eat, think, or do with our lives.