Idioms Of English Grammar

Idioms Of English Grammar

Idioms with Their Meaning And Example

Idioms are expressions in the English language that have a figurative or non-literal meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the individual words in the phrase. These expressions are often used to convey a specific idea, feeling, or concept in a colorful or unique way.
Idioms are an essential part of English grammar and can be challenging for non-native speakers to understand because their meaning is not always obvious based on the words used. Instead, idioms must be learned as whole phrases.
Here are a few examples of English idioms:

Idioms on "Black Color"

Black as night
• Meaning: Extremely dark or devoid of light.
• Example: The room was as black as night after the power outage.

• Meaning: Completely dark, like pitch or tar.
• Example: The cave was pitch-black; we couldn't see a thing without a flashlight.

Black sheep
• Meaning: Someone who is different or behaves oddly within a group.
• Example: In a family of doctors, he was the black sheep pursuing a career in art.

In the black
• Meaning: To be financially profitable or solvent.
• Example: Thanks to cost-cutting measures, the company is finally in the black again.

Black and blue
• Meaning: Bruised or injured.
• Example: After the accident, he was black and blue all over.

Black market
• Meaning: The illegal trade of goods or services.
• Example: During the war, a black market for essential supplies thrived.

• Meaning: A list of people or things that are disapproved of or banned.
• Example: The actor was put on a blacklist after his controversial comments.

Black tie
• Meaning: A formal dress code for elegant events.
• Example: The invitation stated that the gala was a black-tie affair.

• Meaning: A sudden loss of electrical power or consciousness.
• Example: The storm caused a blackout in the entire neighborhood.

Black gold
• Meaning: Crude oil, often due to its value.
• Example: Some countries heavily rely on their exports of black gold.

• Meaning: To threaten someone with revealing embarrassing or damaging information.
• Example: He tried to blackmail her into giving him the company's secrets.

• Meaning: Malicious or evil in nature.
• Example: The villain in the story was portrayed as a black-hearted character.

Blackout drunk
• Meaning: To be so drunk that one can't remember what happened.
• Example: He had too much to drink and ended up blackout drunk at the party.

Black and white
• Meaning: Clearly defined or easily distinguishable.
• Example: The rules of the game are black and white; there's no room for interpretation.

• Meaning: To exclude or ban someone or something.
• Example: The company decided to blacklist the problematic supplier.

Black as coal
• Meaning: Extremely dark in color.
• Example: Her hair was as black as coal, contrasting with her fair skin.

Black magic
• Meaning: The use of supernatural or evil forces for harmful purposes.
• Example: He believed that a curse had been placed on him using black magic.

Black ice
• Meaning: A thin, nearly invisible layer of ice on the road.
• Example: Be cautious while driving; the roads might have black ice.

Black hole
• Meaning: A region of space with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing can escape it.
• Example: Scientists study black holes to understand the mysteries of the universe.

Black cat
• Meaning: A symbol of superstition, often associated with bad luck.
• Example: Some people avoid black cats, believing they bring misfortune.

Blackout drunk
• Meaning: Extremely intoxicated to the point of memory loss.
• Example: He drank so much at the party that he was blackout drunk by midnight.

Black cat crossing your path
• Meaning: A superstition that a black cat crossing your path brings bad luck.
• Example: She hesitated to walk under the ladder, believing in the black cat superstition.

Black and white film
• Meaning: A type of film that lacks color, often associated with classic cinema.
• Example: The director chose to shoot the movie in black and white for a nostalgic feel.

Blackout curtains
• Meaning: Heavy curtains that block out all outside light.
• Example: The blackout curtains kept the bedroom dark even during the daytime.

Black Friday
• Meaning: The day following Thanksgiving in the United States, known for massive sales and discounts.
• Example: Shoppers eagerly wait for Black Friday to score great deals on electronics.

Black tie event
 Meaning: An event where formal attire, typically black tie, is required.
 Example: The awards ceremony is a black tie event, so make sure to wear your best tuxedo.

Black and white thinking
• Meaning: Seeing things in a simplistic, binary way, without considering nuance.
• Example: She has a tendency toward black and white thinking and struggles with gray areas.

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Idioms on "Blue Color"

Feeling blue
• Meaning: Feeling sad or down.
• Example: After the breakup, she's been feeling blue.

Out of the blue
• Meaning: Something unexpected or surprising.
• Example: His job offer came out of the blue.

Blue in the face
• Meaning: To be out of breath or exhausted.
• Example: She argued with him until she was blue in the face.

Singing the blues
• Meaning: Complaining or expressing sorrow.
• Example: He's been singing the blues about his problems lately.

Have the blues
• Meaning: Feeling sad or melancholic.
• Example: I have the blues on rainy days.

• Meaning: To edit or delete parts of a document.
• Example: The editor had to blue-pencil the manuscript to meet the word limit.

Turn blue
• Meaning: To become extremely cold or experience a medical emergency.
• Example: He turned blue from the icy water.

Blue moon
• Meaning: A rare event or occurrence.
• Example: Meeting an old friend is a blue moon moment.

In a blue funk
• Meaning: In a state of depression or unhappiness.
• Example: Ever since the news, he's been in a blue funk.

Blue-collar job
• Meaning: Manual or industrial work.
• Example: He worked a blue-collar job in the factory.

Once in a blue moon
• Meaning: Very rarely or occasionally.
• Example: They visit us once in a blue moon.

Hit the blues
• Meaning: To experience a bout of sadness or depression.
• Example: After the loss, she hit the blues for a while.

Talk a blue streak
• Meaning: To talk continuously and rapidly.
• Example: She talked a blue streak about her recent travels.

Blue on blue
• Meaning: A friendly fire incident involving one's own side.
• Example: The troops experienced a tragic blue on blue situation.

• Meaning: Having royal or noble lineage.
• Example: She comes from a blue-blood family with a long history of nobility.

Bolt from the blue
• Meaning: A surprise or shock that comes out of nowhere.
• Example: The sudden job loss was a bolt from the blue.

• Meaning: Skeptical or cautious.
• Example: She was blue-eyed when it came to promises from politicians.

• Meaning: Of the highest quality or excellence.
• Example: The blue-ribbon cake won first prize at the fair.

Blue-sky thinking
• Meaning: Creative thinking without constraints.
• Example: In the brainstorming session, they encouraged blue-sky thinking.

Blue in the gills
• Meaning: Feeling unwell or sickly.
• Example: He looked blue in the gills when he caught the flu.

Blue-plate special
• Meaning: A dish offered at a reduced price on a restaurant's daily menu.
• Example: The diner's blue-plate special today is meatloaf.

Blue book
• Meaning: A reference book containing vehicle values.
• Example: Before buying a car, he checked the blue book value.

Blue as a baby boy's eyes
• Meaning: A vivid shade of blue.
• Example: The ocean was as blue as a baby boy's eyes.

Into the wild blue yonder
• Meaning: Venturing into the unknown or taking risks.
• Example: They set off into the wild blue yonder to explore new territories.

Between the devil and the deep blue sea
• Meaning: In a difficult or challenging situation with no easy choices.
• Example: She found herself caught between the devil and the deep blue sea when deciding between two job offers.

Blue Monday
• Meaning: A day of the week, usually Monday, when people feel down after the weekend.
• Example: It's no wonder it's called Blue Monday; everyone's back to work after a relaxing weekend.

Blue language
• Meaning: The use of profane or vulgar language.
• Example: His blue language shocked everyone at the meeting.

Blue suit
• Meaning: Formal attire, typically a suit, often worn in professional settings.
• Example: He always wears a blue suit to important business meetings.

Blue planet
• Meaning: Earth, often referred to as the blue planet due to its abundant water.
• Example: Astronauts view our blue planet from space with awe.

Blue movie
• Meaning: A movie with explicit or adult content.
• Example: They decided not to watch the blue movie that night.

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Brown Idioms:

Brownie points
Meaning: Credits or recognition for good behavior.
Example: He earned brownie points with his boss by working late on the project.

Brown bag it
Meaning: To bring your lunch from home.
Example: I usually brown bag it to save money during the workweek.

Brown as a berry
Meaning: Having a deep tan.
Example: After a week at the beach, he was as brown as a berry.

Meaning: To excessively flatter or kiss up to someone.
Example: She's always brown-nosing the boss to get ahead. Brown study
Meaning: A state of deep thought or contemplation.
Example: He sat in a brown study, pondering the mysteries of the universe.

Brown bread
Meaning: Slang for being dead.
Example: He's been brown bread for years now.

Brown out
Meaning: A partial loss of electrical power.
Example: During the storm, we experienced a brown out, and the lights flickered.

Brown paper bag
Meaning: A bag often used to conceal the contents.
Example: He carried the confidential documents in a brown paper bag.

Brown sugar
Meaning: Slang for affection or sweetness.
Example: She has a heart full of brown sugar, always helping others.

Brown around the gills
Meaning: To appear unwell or sick.
Example: He looked brown around the gills after eating that questionable seafood.

Green Idioms:

Green with envy
Meaning: Extremely jealous or envious.
Example: She turned green with envy when her friend got the promotion.

The grass is always greener on the other side
Meaning: People often believe others have it better.
Example: She thinks living in the city is better, but the grass is always greener on the other side.

Green thumb
Meaning: A natural talent for gardening.
Example: Her green thumb has turned the backyard into a beautiful garden.

Go green
Meaning: To adopt environmentally friendly practices.
Example: Many companies are encouraging employees to go green by using public transport.

Green light
Meaning: Approval or permission.
Example: He got the green light to start the new project.

Meaning: A person who is inexperienced or new at something.
Example: As a greenhorn in the industry, he had a lot to learn.

Green around the gills
Meaning: To look ill or nauseated.
Example: After the roller coaster ride, she was green around the gills.

Green-eyed monster
Meaning: Jealousy or envy.
Example: The green-eyed monster reared its head when he saw his friend's success.

Give someone the green light
Meaning: To give approval or permission.
Example: The manager gave us the green light to proceed with the project.

Meaning: To falsely make something appear environmentally friendly.
Example: Some companies greenwash their products to attract eco-conscious consumers.

Grey Idioms:

Grey area
Meaning: A situation with unclear or undefined boundaries.
Example: The legality of the issue falls into a grey area.

Grey matter
Meaning: Brain tissue or intelligence.
Example: He's got plenty of grey matter; he's a genius.

Grey hair
Meaning: A sign of aging or wisdom.
Example: She started getting grey hair in her early thirties.

Grey power
Meaning: The influence or political strength of older people.
Example: The grey power vote can be a decisive factor in the election.

Grey market
Meaning: The trade of goods through unauthorized or unofficial channels.
Example: Some electronics are available on the grey market at lower prices.

Cast a grey shadow
Meaning: To bring negativity or sadness.
Example: The news of the accident cast a grey shadow over the family.

Grey as a ghost
Meaning: To appear pale or frightened.
Example: After hearing the ghost story, she turned as grey as a ghost.

Grey as a mouse
Meaning: Extremely inconspicuous or unremarkable.
Example: He's so quiet in meetings; he's as grey as a mouse.

Grey out
Meaning: To temporarily lose consciousness or vision.
Example: She felt dizzy and greyed out for a moment.

Grey hair in the right place
Meaning: Wisdom or experience in a particular field.
Example: His grey hair in the right place made him a valuable mentor.

Pink Idioms:

In the pink
Meaning: In good health and spirits.
Example: After a week of rest, she's back in the pink.

See the world through rose-colored glasses
Meaning: To have an overly optimistic or positive outlook.
Example: She always sees the world through rose-colored glasses, even in tough times.

Tickled pink
Meaning: Extremely pleased or delighted.
Example: She was tickled pink when she received the surprise gift.

Pink slip
Meaning: A notice of termination from a job.
Example: Unfortunately, he got the pink slip today.

Pink elephant
Meaning: An imaginary or unusual sight.
Example: Seeing a pink elephant is a rare occurrence.

Pink-collar job
Meaning: A job traditionally associated with women, such as nursing or teaching.
Example: Many pink-collar jobs require compassion and empathy.

Meaning: A slang term for a person with left-leaning political beliefs.
Example: Some accuse him of being a pinko due to his liberal views.

Pink cloud
Meaning: A feeling of euphoria or happiness.
Example: She's been on a pink cloud since she got engaged.

Pink collar
Meaning: Jobs typically held by women, often in service or caregiving industries.
Example: Nursing and teaching are considered pink collar professions.

Paint the town pink
Meaning: To go out and enjoy oneself, usually in a festive manner.
Example: We decided to paint the town pink for her birthday.

In the pink of condition
Meaning: In excellent physical condition.
Example: Despite his age, he's still in the pink of condition.

Pink ticket
Meaning: A ticket to a high-society or exclusive event.
Example: She managed to score a pink ticket to the gala.

Pink gin
Meaning: A cocktail made with gin and a few drops of Angostura bitters.
Example: He ordered a pink gin at the bar.

Pink collar crime
Meaning: Non-violent, white-collar crimes committed primarily by women.
Example: Embezzlement is a common pink collar crime.

Turn pink
Meaning: To blush or become embarrassed.
Example: She turned pink when he complimented her.

Purple Idioms:

Born to the purple
Meaning: Born into a royal or privileged family.
Example: He was born to the purple and enjoyed a life of luxury.

Purple prose
Meaning: Writing that is overly ornate and extravagant.
Example: The author's purple prose made the story hard to follow.

Purple patch
Meaning: A period of great success or achievement.
Example: His career had a purple patch when he won multiple awards.

Purple heart
Meaning: A military award for wounded or killed soldiers.
Example: He received a purple heart for his bravery in combat.

Purple reign
Meaning: A period of dominance or power.
Example: During his purple reign as CEO, the company's profits soared.

Red Idioms:

Red-letter day
Meaning: A special or significant day.
Example: Their wedding day was a red-letter day in their lives.

Caught red-handed
Meaning: Caught in the act of doing something wrong.
Example: He was caught red-handed stealing cookies from the jar.

Paint the town red
Meaning: To go out and enjoy oneself, often in a wild or extravagant manner.
Example: We decided to paint the town red on our vacation.

Red tape
Meaning: Bureaucratic procedures and regulations that hinder progress.
Example: Dealing with all the red tape at the government office was frustrating.

Red herring
Meaning: Something that distracts from the real issue.
Example: His argument was a red herring, diverting attention from the main problem.

Red eye
Meaning: A late-night or overnight flight.
Example: She took the red eye to arrive early for the meeting.

Red flag
Meaning: A warning sign or indicator of potential problems.
Example: His sudden temper outburst was a red flag for the team.

Roll out the red carpet
Meaning: To give someone a lavish and formal welcome.
Example: The city rolled out the red carpet for the visiting dignitaries.

Red in the face
Meaning: Embarrassed or flushed with anger.
Example: He turned red in the face when his mistake was pointed out.

Meaning: Caught in the act of doing something wrong.
Example: The thief was caught red-handed stealing from the store.

White Idioms:

White lie
Meaning: A harmless or small lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
Example: She told a white lie to spare his feelings about the gift.

White as a sheet
Meaning: Extremely pale, often due to fear or illness.
Example: He turned as white as a sheet when he saw the ghost.

White elephant
Meaning: An expensive or burdensome possession.
Example: The large house had become a white elephant; it was too costly to maintain.

Raise a white flag
Meaning: To surrender or give up in defeat.
Example: After hours of negotiations, they finally raised a white flag and reached a compromise.

White-knuckle ride
Meaning: A thrilling or terrifying experience.
Example: The roller coaster provided a white-knuckle ride for the thrill-seekers.

Yellow Idioms:

Meaning: Cowardly or lacking courage.
Example: He called him a yellow-bellied for not standing up to the bully.

Yellow journalism
Meaning: Sensationalized or biased reporting in the media.
Example: The newspaper was accused of practicing yellow journalism to boost sales.

Yellow flag
Meaning: A warning signal or sign of caution.
Example: The lifeguard raised the yellow flag due to strong currents in the water.

Yellow card
Meaning: A cautionary card shown in sports, particularly in soccer, to warn a player for misconduct.
Example: The referee issued a yellow card to the player for a hard foul.

Yellow fever
Meaning: A disease transmitted by mosquitoes.
Example: Travelers to tropical regions often get vaccinated against yellow fever.

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