Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Indus and Vedic Age MCQs

Indus and Vedic Age MCQs

  1. What is the approximate time period of the Indus Valley Civilization?

    A) 5000-3000 BCE

    B) 3300-1300 BCE

    C) 1500-500 BCE

    D) 1000-600 BCE

  2. Which of the following modern-day countries was NOT a part of the Indus Valley Civilization?

    A) India

    B) Pakistan

    C) Afghanistan

    D) Bangladesh

  3. What was the primary material used for constructing houses in the cities of the Indus Valley Civilization?

    A) Stone

    B) Mud bricks

    C) Wood

    D) Metal

  4. The script of the Indus Valley Civilization is yet to be deciphered. What is this script called?

    A) Sanskrit

    B) Cuneiform

    C) Hieroglyphics

    D) Indus Script

  5. Which of the following cities is NOT one of the major urban centers of the Indus Valley Civilization?

    A) Harappa

    B) Mohenjo-Daro

    C) Lothal

    D) Taxila

  6. What was the main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization?

    A) Agriculture

    B) Trading

    C) Fishing

    D) Hunting

  7. What was the drainage system like in the cities of the Indus Valley Civilization?

    A) Open drains

    B) Closed sewers

    C) Underground canals

    D) None of the above

  8. The discovery of the Great Bath is associated with which ancient Indus Valley city?

    A) Harappa

    B) Mohenjo-Daro

    C) Lothal

    D) Kalibangan

  9. Which animal was NOT depicted on the seals of the Indus Valley Civilization?

    A) Bull

    B) Elephant

    C) Rhino

    D) Tiger

  10. The Vedic Age in India is associated with which ancient scripture?

    A) Vedas

    B) Upanishads

    C) Puranas

    D) Ramayana

  11. What is the term used to describe the social and economic system of the Vedic Age?

    A) Varna system

    B) Jati system

    C) Caste system

    D) Tribal system

  12. Who were the main deities worshipped during the Vedic Age?

    A) Indra and Agni

    B) Vishnu and Shiva

    C) Lakshmi and Saraswati

    D) Ganesha and Hanuman

  13. What was the primary occupation of the people during the Vedic Age?

    A) Agriculture

    B) Trade

    C) Animal husbandry

    D) Fishing

  14. Which of the following rivers is NOT mentioned in the Rigveda?

    A) Ganges

    B) Yamuna

    C) Saraswati

    D) Sindhu

  15. What was the term used for the ritual sacrifice performed by the Vedic people?

    A) Yagna

    B) Puja

    C) Havan

    D) Homam

  16. The Vedic literature is composed in which language?

    A) Prakrit

    B) Sanskrit

    C) Pali

    D) Tamil

  17. Which ancient Indian text provides detailed information about the social and religious practices during the Vedic Age?

    A) Rigveda

    B) Upanishads

    C) Mahabharata

    D) Manusmriti

  18. Who is considered the founder of the Vedic civilization?

    A) Brahma

    B) Vishnu

    C) Indra

    D) Manu

  19. Which Veda contains hymns dedicated to healing and medicine?

    A) Rigveda

    B) Samaveda

    C) Yajurveda

    D) Atharvaveda

  20. The transition from the Indus Valley Civilization to the Vedic Age is marked by the arrival of which group of people?

    A) Aryans

    B) Dravidians

    C) Greeks

    D) Persians

Multiple Choice Questions Answer

  1. B) 3300-1300 BCE
  2. D) Bangladesh
  3. B) Mud bricks
  4. D) Indus Script
  5. D) Taxila
  6. A) Agriculture
  7. C) Underground canals
  8. B) Mohenjo-Daro
  9. C) Rhino
  10. A) Vedas
  11. A) Varna system
  12. A) Indra and Agni
  13. A) Agriculture
  14. C) Saraswati
  15. A) Yagna
  16. B) Sanskrit
  17. A) Rigveda
  18. D) Manu
  19. D) Atharvaveda
  20. A) Aryans