Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Jainism MCQs

Jainism MCQs

  1. Who is considered the founder of Jainism?

    A) Mahavira

    B) Gautama Buddha

    C) Makkhali Gosala

    D) Adi Shankaracharya

  2. In which ancient Indian kingdom was Mahavira born?

    A) Magadha

    B) Kosala

    C) Vajji

    D) Kalinga

  3. What is the name of the concept in Jainism that refers to non-violence and respect for all living beings?

    A) Karma

    B) Ahimsa

    C) Dharma

    D) Nirvana

  4. The followers of Jainism are known as:

    A) Buddhists

    B) Jains

    C) Hindus

    D) Sikhs

  5. What is the term used in Jainism to describe the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth?

    A) Nirvana

    B) Dharma

    C) Samsara

    D) Moksha

  6. The supreme goal of Jainism is to attain:

    A) Nirvana

    B) Karma

    C) Dharma

    D) Samsara

  7. Jainism emphasizes the practice of:

    A) Meditation

    B) Rituals

    C) Asceticism

    D) Sacrifice

  8. Who was Mahavira's chief disciple and the one who compiled his teachings into scriptures?

    A) Gautama

    B) Ananda

    C) Indrabhuti Gautama

    D) Gautama Swami

  9. What is the name of the Jain scripture composed of teachings attributed to Mahavira?

    A) Vedas

    B) Upanishads

    C) Tripitaka

    D) Agamas

  10. Jain monks and nuns are known for wearing clothes made of:

    A) Silk

    B) Wool

    C) Cotton

    D) Linen

  11. What is the symbol of Jainism representing the Jain philosophy of non-violence and harmony?

    A) Lotus flower

    B) Swastika

    C) Dharmachakra

    D) Jain Prateek Chihna

  12. Jainism divides the universe into how many eternal and uncreated categories?

    A) 1

    B) 2

    C) 3

    D) 4

  13. The principle of non-possessiveness or non-attachment in Jainism is known as:

    A) Ahimsa

    B) Aparigraha

    C) Asteya

    D) Satya

  14. What is the term for the strict fasting practiced by Jains, particularly during Paryushana?

    A) Upavasa

    B) Tapasya

    C) Sallekhana

    D) Penance

  15. Who was the twenty-third Tirthankara in Jainism?

    A) Parshvanatha

    B) Rishabhanatha

    C) Mahavira

    D) Adinatha

  16. The principle of non-violence in Jainism extends not only to humans but also to:

    A) Animals

    B) Plants

    C) Insects

    D) All of the above

  17. What is the term for the state of omniscience attained by a Tirthankara in Jainism?

    A) Moksha

    B) Nirvana

    C) Kevala Jnana

    D) Dharma

  18. Jainism originated in which part of ancient India?

    A) Northern India

    B) Southern India

    C) Western India

    D) Eastern India

  19. Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Great Vows (Mahavratas) observed by Jain monks and nuns?

    A) Ahimsa

    B) Satya

    C) Asteya

    D) Aparigraha

  20. What is the term for the ritual of renunciation practiced by some Jain monks and nuns at the end of their lives?

    A) Upavasa

    B) Tapasya

    C) Sallekhana

    D) Penance

Jainism Multiple Choice Questions

  1. A) Mahavira
  2. A) Magadha
  3. B) Ahimsa
  4. B) Jains
  5. C) Samsara
  6. A) Nirvana
  7. C) Asceticism
  8. D) Gautama Swami
  9. D) Agamas
  10. C) Cotton
  11. B) Swastika
  12. D) 4
  13. B) Aparigraha
  14. C) Sallekhana
  15. A) Parshvanatha
  16. D) All of the above
  17. C) Kevala Jnana
  18. C) Western India
  19. B) Satya
  20. C) Sallekhana