Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Judiciary Quiz

Judiciary MCQ

Question 1

Which is the highest judicial body in India?

  • A) Supreme Court
  • B) High Court
  • C) District Court
  • D) Magistrate Court

Question 2

Who is the head of the judiciary in India?

  • A) Chief Justice of India
  • B) President
  • C) Prime Minister
  • D) Governor

Question 3

How many judges are there in the Supreme Court of India including the Chief Justice?

  • A) 20
  • B) 25
  • C) 30
  • D) Variable, up to 34

Question 4

Who appoints the judges of the Supreme Court of India?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Chief Justice of India
  • D) Collegium system

Question 5

Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the establishment of the Supreme Court?

  • A) Article 121
  • B) Article 124
  • C) Article 131
  • D) Article 141

Question 6

How many High Courts are there in India?

  • A) 20
  • B) 24
  • C) 28
  • D) 32

Question 7

Who appoints the Chief Justice and judges of a High Court?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Governor of the respective state
  • D) Chief Minister of the respective state

Question 8

What is the term length of a judge of a High Court?

  • A) 5 years
  • B) 10 years
  • C) Till the age of 62 years
  • D) Till the age of 65 years

Question 9

Which of the following types of courts are at the lowest level in the Indian judiciary hierarchy?

  • A) Supreme Court
  • B) High Court
  • C) District Court
  • D) Sessions Court

Question 10

Who is the highest judicial authority in a district?

  • A) District Judge
  • B) Chief Judicial Magistrate
  • C) Sessions Judge
  • D) District Magistrate

Question 11

Who appoints the judges of the subordinate courts?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Governor of the respective state
  • D) Chief Justice of the respective High Court

Question 12

Who is the final interpreter of the Constitution of India?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Supreme Court
  • D) Parliament

Question 13

Who has the power to transfer a case from one High Court to another High Court?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Chief Justice of India
  • D) Chief Justice of the respective High Courts

Question 14

Which of the following courts has the power to issue writs for the enforcement of fundamental rights?

  • A) Supreme Court
  • B) High Court
  • C) District Court
  • D) Sessions Court

Question 15

What is the retirement age for judges of the Supreme Court of India?

  • A) 60 years
  • B) 62 years
  • C) 65 years
  • D) 70 years

Question 16

Who is the guardian of the Constitution in India?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Parliament
  • D) Judiciary

Question 17

What is the minimum qualification required to be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of India?

  • A) 10 years of practice as an advocate
  • B) 15 years of practice as an advocate
  • C) 20 years of practice as an advocate
  • D) 25 years of practice as an advocate

Question 18

Who administers the oath of office to the judges of the Supreme Court of India?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Chief Justice of India
  • D) Governor of the respective state

Question 19

Who has the power to remove a judge of the Supreme Court of India?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Parliament
  • D) Chief Justice of India

Question 20

Who has the power to appoint the Chief Justice of India?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Collegium system
  • D) Chief Justice of India


  1. A) Supreme Court: The Supreme Court of India is the highest judicial body in the country, with jurisdiction over constitutional matters and appeals from lower courts.
  2. A) Chief Justice of India: The Chief Justice of India is the head of the judiciary in India and also serves as the administrative head of the Supreme Court.
  3. D) Variable, up to 34: The total number of judges in the Supreme Court of India, including the Chief Justice, can vary but cannot exceed 34 as per the Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Amendment Act, 2019.
  4. D) Collegium system: Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President of India based on the recommendation of the Collegium system, which consists of the Chief Justice of India and a group of senior judges.
  5. B) Article 124: Article 124 of the Indian Constitution deals with the establishment and composition of the Supreme Court of India.
  6. B) 24: There are currently 24 High Courts in India, each serving a specific state or union territory.
  7. C) Governor of the respective state: The Chief Justice and judges of a High Court are appointed by the President of India on the advice of the Governor of the respective state or union territory.
  8. D) Till the age of 62 years: The term length for a judge of a High Court is generally until the age of 62 years.
  9. C) District Court: District Courts are at the lowest level in the Indian judiciary hierarchy, responsible for civil and criminal cases within their jurisdiction.
  10. A) District Judge: The District Judge is the highest judicial authority in a district, responsible for overseeing the functioning of the district judiciary.
  11. D) Chief Justice of the respective High Courts: Judges of the subordinate courts are appointed by the Chief Justice of the respective High Courts, with the approval of the Governor.
  12. C) Supreme Court: The Supreme Court of India is the final interpreter of the Constitution of India and has the authority to interpret and uphold its provisions.
  13. C) Chief Justice of India: The Chief Justice of India has the power to transfer cases from one High Court to another High Court for fair and impartial adjudication.
  14. B) High Court: High Courts have the power to issue writs for the enforcement of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India.
  15. C) 65 years: The retirement age for judges of the Supreme Court of India is 65 years.
  16. D) Judiciary: The judiciary, including the Supreme Court, acts as the guardian of the Constitution of India, ensuring its interpretation and enforcement.
  17. C) 20 years of practice as an advocate: The minimum qualification required to be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of India is 20 years of practice as an advocate or a distinguished jurist.
  18. A) President: The President of India administers the oath of office to the judges of the Supreme Court of India.
  19. C) Parliament: A judge of the Supreme Court of India can be removed from office by an impeachment process initiated by Parliament for proven misbehavior or incapacity.
  20. C) Collegium system: The Chief Justice of India, along with a group of senior judges, recommends the appointment of the Chief Justice of India through the Collegium system, which is then appointed by the President of India.

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