Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Kushan Dynasty MCQs

Kushan Dynasty MCQs

  1. Who founded the Kushan Empire?

    A) Kanishka

    B) Chandragupta Maurya

    C) Ashoka the Great

    D) Bindusara

  2. The Kushan Empire was primarily located in which region?

    A) Central Asia

    B) South Asia

    C) Southeast Asia

    D) East Asia

  3. Which Kushan ruler is renowned for his military conquests and expansion of the empire?

    A) Kanishka

    B) Vima Kadphises

    C) Huvishka

    D) Vasudeva I

  4. Under which Kushan ruler did the empire reach its zenith, both territorially and culturally?

    A) Kanishka

    B) Vima Kadphises

    C) Huvishka

    D) Vasudeva I

  5. Which ancient trade route passed through the Kushan Empire, connecting China with the Mediterranean?

    A) Silk Road

    B) Spice Route

    C) Incense Route

    D) Trans-Saharan Trade Route

  6. The Kushans are known for their support and patronage of which major religion?

    A) Hinduism

    B) Buddhism

    C) Jainism

    D) Zoroastrianism

  7. Who was the Kushan ruler responsible for the construction of the Mathura school of art?

    A) Kanishka

    B) Vima Kadphises

    C) Huvishka

    D) Vasudeva I

  8. The Kushans were known for their coinage, which featured images of deities such as:

    A) Shiva and Parvati

    B) Vishnu and Lakshmi

    C) Buddha and Bodhisattvas

    D) Brahma and Saraswati

  9. Which Kushan ruler is believed to have embraced Buddhism and convened the Fourth Buddhist Council?

    A) Kanishka

    B) Vima Kadphises

    C) Huvishka

    D) Vasudeva I

  10. The Kushan Empire played a significant role in the transmission of which cultural influence?

    A) Greek

    B) Roman

    C) Chinese

    D) Persian

  11. Which city served as the capital of the Kushan Empire during the reign of Kanishka?

    A) Purushapura (Peshawar)

    B) Taxila

    C) Mathura

    D) Kapisa

  12. The Kushan rulers were known for their diplomatic relations with which ancient empire?

    A) Roman Empire

    B) Persian Empire

    C) Gupta Empire

    D) Maurya Empire

  13. Which Kushan ruler is credited with the expansion of Gandhara art, blending Greek and Indian styles?

    A) Kanishka

    B) Vima Kadphises

    C) Huvishka

    D) Vasudeva I

  14. The Kushan Empire declined primarily due to:

    A) External invasions

    B) Economic instability

    C) Dynastic struggles

    D) All of the above

  15. Which Kushan ruler issued the first gold coins of the Kushan dynasty?

    A) Kanishka

    B) Vima Kadphises

    C) Huvishka

    D) Vasudeva I

  16. The Kushan Empire was known for its promotion of which ancient language?

    A) Sanskrit

    B) Greek

    C) Prakrit

    D) Pali

  17. Who succeeded Kanishka as the ruler of the Kushan Empire?

    A) Vima Kadphises

    B) Huvishka

    C) Vasudeva I

    D) Kanishka II

  18. The Kushan Empire extended its influence into which region of present-day India?

    A) Punjab

    B) Bengal

    C) Gujarat

    D) Rajasthan

  19. Which Kushan ruler issued coins with bilingual inscriptions in Greek and which other language?

    A) Prakrit

    B) Pali

    C) Aramaic

    D) Sanskrit

  20. The Kushan Empire saw the flourishing of which artistic and architectural style?

    A) Gandhara

    B) Maurya

    C) Gupta

    D) Pallava

Kanishka Multiple Choice Questions

  1. A) Kanishka
  2. A) Central Asia
  3. A) Kanishka
  4. A) Kanishka
  5. A) Silk Road
  6. B) Buddhism
  7. A) Kanishka
  8. C) Buddha and Bodhisattvas
  9. A) Kanishka
  10. A) Greek
  11. A) Purushapura (Peshawar)
  12. A) Roman Empire
  13. A) Kanishka
  14. D) All of the above
  15. A) Kanishka
  16. B) Greek
  17. B) Huvishka
  18. A) Punjab
  19. A) Prakrit
  20. A) Gandhara