Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Maurya Dynasty MCQs

Maurya Dynasty MCQs

  1. Who was the founder of the Maurya dynasty?

    A) Chandragupta Maurya

    B) Ashoka the Great

    C) Bindusara

    D) Bimbisara

  2. What was the capital city of the Maurya Empire during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya?

    A) Pataliputra

    B) Takshashila

    C) Ujjain

    D) Magadha

  3. Which ancient Greek ambassador visited the court of Chandragupta Maurya?

    A) Alexander the Great

    B) Seleucus I Nicator

    C) Darius III

    D) Ptolemy I Soter

  4. Who was the Mauryan emperor known for his extensive conquests and the unification of India?

    A) Chandragupta Maurya

    B) Bindusara

    C) Ashoka the Great

    D) Chandragupta II

  5. Which famous battle led to the annexation of the northwestern territories of the Mauryan Empire under Chandragupta?

    A) Battle of Kalinga

    B) Battle of Hydaspes

    C) Battle of Plassey

    D) Battle of Tarain

  6. What was the major trade route established during the Mauryan period, connecting India with the Mediterranean world?

    A) Silk Road

    B) Spice Route

    C) Indus Valley Trade Route

    D) Grand Trunk Road

  7. Which Mauryan emperor was known for his patronage of Buddhism and the propagation of its principles?

    A) Chandragupta Maurya

    B) Bindusara

    C) Ashoka the Great

    D) Chandragupta II

  8. The Edicts of Ashoka were inscriptions primarily written in which language?

    A) Pali

    B) Sanskrit

    C) Prakrit

    D) Greek

  9. Which edict of Ashoka is famous for its promotion of religious tolerance and moral principles?

    A) Rock Edict XII

    B) Pillar Edict VII

    C) Major Rock Edict I

    D) Minor Rock Edict I

  10. Under Ashoka's rule, which region was brought under Mauryan control, extending the empire to its greatest extent?

    A) South India

    B) Central Asia

    C) Sri Lanka

    D) Southeast Asia

  11. What is the name of the pillar erected by Ashoka to mark the spot where the Buddha attained enlightenment?

    A) Sarnath Pillar

    B) Sanchi Stupa

    C) Lumbini Pillar

    D) Bodh Gaya Pillar

  12. Which Mauryan emperor was succeeded by his grandson Ashoka?

    A) Chandragupta Maurya

    B) Bindusara

    C) Chandragupta II

    D) Ashoka the Great

  13. Ashoka sent Buddhist missionaries to spread the teachings of Buddhism to which region outside of India?

    A) Sri Lanka

    B) China

    C) Greece

    D) Egypt

  14. The Mauryan Empire declined after the reign of Ashoka due to:

    A) Foreign invasions

    B) Economic instability

    C) Internal rebellions

    D) All of the above

  15. What was the administrative system implemented by Ashoka to ensure effective governance and communication?

    A) Dhamma Mahamattas

    B) Nandas

    C) Kharoshthi script

    D) Mauryan bureaucracy

  16. Ashoka convened which famous council to uphold the principles of Buddhism and resolve doctrinal disputes?

    A) First Buddhist Council

    B) Second Buddhist Council

    C) Third Buddhist Council

    D) Fourth Buddhist Council

  17. Which Mauryan emperor was known for his efficient and centralized administrative reforms?

    A) Chandragupta Maurya

    B) Bindusara

    C) Ashoka the Great

    D) Chandragupta II

  18. Ashoka's Rock Edicts are primarily located in which regions of the Indian subcontinent?

    A) Central India

    B) Southern India

    C) Northern India

    D) Western India

  19. Ashoka's conversion to Buddhism occurred after witnessing the devastation caused by:

    A) The Battle of Kalinga

    B) The Battle of Hydaspes

    C) The Battle of Tarain

    D) The Battle of Plassey

  20. Which Greek ruler made a treaty with Chandragupta Maurya, exchanging territories and fostering diplomatic relations?

    A) Alexander the Great

    B) Seleucus I Nicator

    C) Darius III

    D) Ptolemy I Soter

Ashoka the Great Multiple Choice Questions

  1. A) Chandragupta Maurya
  2. A) Pataliputra
  3. B) Seleucus I Nicator
  4. A) Chandragupta Maurya
  5. B) Battle of Hydaspes
  6. D) Grand Trunk Road
  7. C) Ashoka the Great
  8. C) Prakrit
  9. B) Pillar Edict VII
  10. C) Sri Lanka
  11. D) Bodh Gaya Pillar
  12. B) Bindusara
  13. A) Sri Lanka
  14. D) All of the above
  15. A) Dhamma Mahamattas
  16. C) Third Buddhist Council
  17. C) Ashoka the Great
  18. A) Central India
  19. A) The Battle of Kalinga
  20. B) Seleucus I Nicator