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Thought for Today

MCQs on Cultural Achievements of the Vijayanagara Empire

20 Multiple Choice Questions on the Cultural Achievements of the Vijayanagara Empire

  1. Which ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire is known for his patronage of literature, art, and architecture?

    • a) Krishnadevaraya
    • b) Devaraya II
    • c) Bukka I
    • d) Harihara I
  2. The Vijayanagara Empire was renowned for its architectural marvels, including the creation of which famous temple complex?

    • a) Hampi
    • b) Khajuraho
    • c) Ellora
    • d) Konark
  3. Which renowned Sanskrit poet and scholar flourished during the Vijayanagara Empire and authored the epic "Amuktamalyada"?

    • a) Kalidasa
    • b) Vidyaranya
    • c) Tenali Ramakrishna
    • d) Krishnadevaraya
  4. The Vijayanagara Empire is known for its contributions to which classical dance form of India?

    • a) Kathak
    • b) Bharatanatyam
    • c) Odissi
    • d) Kuchipudi
  5. Which musical treatise, authored by the Vijayanagara Emperor Krishnadevaraya, is considered a classic in Carnatic music?

    • a) Sangita Ratnakara
    • b) Natya Shastra
    • c) Sangeet Makarand
    • d) Sangeet Samhita
  6. Which famous festival, celebrated with great pomp and splendor, originated during the Vijayanagara Empire and is still observed in parts of South India?

    • a) Diwali
    • b) Pongal
    • c) Hampi Utsav
    • d) Dussehra
  7. Which renowned poet and scholar, often referred to as the "Kavi Ratna" (Gem among poets), served as the court poet of Krishnadevaraya?

    • a) Kalidasa
    • b) Tenali Ramakrishna
    • c) Vidyaranya
    • d) Annamacharya
  8. The Vijayanagara Empire is credited with the development of which traditional martial art form of South India?

    • a) Kalaripayattu
    • b) Silambam
    • c) Gatka
    • d) Kusti
  9. Which architectural feature, characterized by its tall, ornate entrance gateways, became emblematic of Vijayanagara architecture?

    • a) Gopuram
    • b) Minaret
    • c) Stupa
    • d) Dome
  10. Which famous festival, celebrated in honor of the deity Virupaksha, is held annually in the city of Hampi, once the capital of the Vijayanagara Empire?

    • a) Diwali
    • b) Pongal
    • c) Hampi Utsav
    • d) Navratri
  11. The Vijayanagara Empire was a center of learning and scholarship, with the establishment of which famous educational institution?

    • a) Nalanda University
    • b) Vikramshila University
    • c) Hampi University
    • d) Sri Krishnadevaraya University
  12. Which famous Vijayanagara ruler was a great patron of Telugu literature and is believed to have authored the work "Amuktamalyada"?

    • a) Krishnadevaraya
    • b) Devaraya II
    • c) Bukka I
    • d) Harihara I
  13. The Vijayanagara Empire is known for its contributions to which Indian classical language, particularly in the field of literature?

    • a) Sanskrit
    • b) Tamil
    • c) Telugu
    • d) Kannada
  14. Which architectural style, characterized by its intricate carvings and massive monolithic structures, was popularized during the Vijayanagara Empire?

    • a) Dravidian
    • b) Mughal
    • c) Indo-Islamic
    • d) Gothic
  15. Which famous Vijayanagara king is known for his military prowess and successful campaigns against the Bahmani Sultanate?

    • a) Krishnadevaraya
    • b) Devaraya II
    • c) Bukka I
    • d) Harihara I
  16. The Vijayanagara Empire is credited with the development of which traditional performing art form, characterized by its elaborate costumes and intricate makeup?

    • a) Kathakali
    • b) Bharatanatyam
    • c) Kuchipudi
    • d) Yakshagana
  17. Which famous Vijayanagara ruler is associated with the construction of the iconic Vittala Temple, known for its musical pillars?

    • a) Krishnadevaraya
    • b) Devaraya II
    • c) Bukka I
    • d) Harihara I
  18. The Vijayanagara Empire was a hub of religious tolerance and cultural syncretism, with the patronage of which major religious traditions?

    • a) Hinduism and Islam
    • b) Hinduism and Christianity
    • c) Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism
    • d) Hinduism and Sikhism
  19. Which famous festival, celebrated to commemorate the victory of Lord Rama over Ravana, gained prominence during the Vijayanagara Empire?

    • a) Diwali
    • b) Pongal
    • c) Hampi Utsav
    • d) Dussehra
  20. Which renowned poet-saint of the Bhakti movement composed devotional songs in praise of Lord Vishnu and was patronized by the Vijayanagara rulers?

    • a) Kabir
    • b) Tulsidas
    • c) Surdas
    • d) Purandara Dasa

Multiple Choice Questions - Answers

  1. a) Krishnadevaraya
  2. a) Hampi
  3. d) Krishnadevaraya
  4. b) Bharatanatyam
  5. a) Sangita Ratnakara
  6. c) Hampi Utsav
  7. d) Annamacharya
  8. d) Kusti
  9. a) Gopuram
  10. c) Hampi Utsav
  11. c) Hampi University
  12. a) Krishnadevaraya
  13. c) Telugu
  14. a) Dravidian
  15. a) Krishnadevaraya
  16. c) Kuchipudi
  17. a) Krishnadevaraya
  18. c) Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism
  19. d) Dussehra
  20. d) Purandara Dasa