Class 12 Political Science Solutions of NCERT Books

Class 12 Political Science Solutions of NCERT Books

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science

The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science provide comprehensive answers and explanations for all the chapters covered in the Class 12 Political Science textbooks. These solutions are designed to help students understand complex political concepts, prepare for exams, and achieve academic excellence. Below, you will find a detailed list of all the chapters along with links to each chapter's solutions.


Part A: Contemporary World Politics

Part B: Politics in India since Independence

Chapter 1: The Cold War Era

This chapter introduces students to the Cold War era, focusing on the ideological conflict between the US and the Soviet Union. It discusses the formation of military alliances such as NATO and the Warsaw Pact, the arms race, and the impact of the Cold War on global politics. The chapter also covers the concepts of deterrence and the balance of power.

Chapter 2: The End of Bipolarity

This chapter covers the events leading to the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. It discusses the emergence of new countries from the former Soviet Union, the transition from a planned to a market economy, and the impact of these changes on global politics. The chapter also examines the role of Russia and other successor states in the post-Cold War world.

Chapter 3: US Hegemony in World Politics

This chapter focuses on the emergence of the United States as the dominant global power after the end of the Cold War. It discusses the concept of hegemony, the economic and military dominance of the US, and its influence on international institutions and global governance. The chapter also explores the challenges to US hegemony from other countries and international actors.

Chapter 4: Alternative Centres of Power

This chapter explores the rise of alternative centers of power in the world, such as the European Union, China, and India. It discusses the economic and political strategies of these powers, their role in regional and global politics, and their impact on the existing international order. The chapter also examines the concept of multipolarity in contemporary world politics.

Chapter 5: Contemporary South Asia

This chapter examines the political, economic, and social developments in South Asia, focusing on countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. It discusses the challenges of nation-building, regional cooperation, and the role of SAARC. The chapter also explores the impact of globalisation and regional conflicts on South Asia.

Chapter 6: International Organisations

This chapter provides an overview of international organisations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. It discusses their roles, functions, and the challenges they face in promoting international peace, security, and development. The chapter also examines the need for reforms in these organisations to address contemporary global issues.

Chapter 7: Security in the Contemporary World

This chapter explores the concept of security in the contemporary world, focusing on traditional and non-traditional security threats. It discusses issues such as terrorism, nuclear proliferation, cyber security, and environmental security. The chapter also examines the role of international and regional organisations in addressing these security challenges.

Chapter 8: Environment and Natural Resources

This chapter highlights the importance of environmental protection and the sustainable use of natural resources. It discusses global environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. The chapter also examines international agreements and efforts to address these issues, including the role of the United Nations and other international organisations.

Chapter 9: Globalisation

This chapter examines the concept of globalisation and its impact on politics, economics, and society. It discusses the drivers of globalisation, such as technology and trade, and its effects on national sovereignty, cultural diversity, and economic development. The chapter also explores the challenges and opportunities presented by globalisation, including the role of international institutions and global governance.

Chapter 1: Challenges of Nation-Building

This chapter discusses the challenges faced by India in the process of nation-building after independence. It covers issues such as partition, the integration of princely states, and the reorganisation of states on linguistic lines. The chapter also examines the challenges of establishing democracy and building a unified nation amidst diversity.

Chapter 2: Era of One-Party Dominance

This chapter explores the era of one-party dominance in India, focusing on the role of the Indian National Congress in shaping the country's political landscape. It discusses the reasons for the Congress's dominance, its impact on Indian politics, and the challenges to its hegemony from other political parties and movements.

Chapter 3: Politics of Planned Development

This chapter examines the politics of planned development in India, focusing on the role of the Planning Commission and the formulation of Five-Year Plans. It discusses the objectives, achievements, and challenges of planned development, including issues such as poverty, inequality, and regional disparities.

Chapter 4: India’s External Relations

This chapter explores India's external relations and foreign policy since independence. It discusses the principles guiding India's foreign policy, its relations with major powers and neighbouring countries, and its role in international organisations. The chapter also examines the impact of global events on India's foreign policy and its approach to international issues.

Chapter 5: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System

This chapter discusses the challenges to the Congress system in India during the 1960s and 1970s and its eventual restoration. It covers events such as the rise of opposition parties, the split in the Congress, and the return of the Congress to power. The chapter also examines the impact of these developments on Indian politics and democracy.

Chapter 6: The Crisis of Democratic Order

This chapter examines the crisis of democratic order in India during the Emergency period (1975-1977). It discusses the reasons for the imposition of the Emergency, its impact on political and civil liberties, and the role of opposition parties and civil society in resisting authoritarianism. The chapter also explores the aftermath of the Emergency and its lessons for Indian democracy.

Chapter 7: Rise of Popular Movements

This chapter explores the rise of popular movements in India, focusing on movements for social justice, environmental protection, and women's rights. It discusses the role of grassroots organisations, non-governmental organisations, and social activists in mobilising public opinion and influencing policy. The chapter also examines the impact of these movements on Indian politics and society.

Chapter 8: Regional Aspirations

This chapter examines the regional aspirations and demands for autonomy and statehood in different parts of India. It discusses the causes of regional movements, the responses of the central and state governments, and the impact of these movements on national integration. The chapter also explores the role of regional parties in Indian politics.

Chapter 9: Recent Developments in Indian Politics

This chapter covers the recent developments in Indian politics, focusing on the major political, economic, and social changes since the 1990s. It discusses the rise of coalition politics, economic liberalisation, and the impact of globalisation on India. The chapter also examines the challenges and opportunities facing Indian democracy in the contemporary era.