Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Parliament of India Quiz

Parliament of India MCQ

Question 1

Which of the following is the lower house of the Indian Parliament?

  • A) Lok Sabha
  • B) Rajya Sabha
  • C) Vidhan Sabha
  • D) Legislative Assembly

Question 2

What is the maximum strength of members in the Lok Sabha?

  • A) 500
  • B) 545
  • C) 552
  • D) 550

Question 3

How are members of the Lok Sabha elected?

  • A) By the President
  • B) By the Chief Justice
  • C) By the people of India
  • D) By the members of Rajya Sabha

Question 4

What is the tenure of a member of the Lok Sabha?

  • A) 3 years
  • B) 4 years
  • C) 5 years
  • D) 6 years

Question 5

Which of the following is the upper house of the Indian Parliament?

  • A) Lok Sabha
  • B) Rajya Sabha
  • C) Vidhan Sabha
  • D) Legislative Council

Question 6

What is the maximum strength of members in the Rajya Sabha?

  • A) 220
  • B) 240
  • C) 250
  • D) 260

Question 7

How are members of the Rajya Sabha elected?

  • A) By the President
  • B) By the Chief Justice
  • C) By the people of India
  • D) By the members of Lok Sabha

Question 8

What is the tenure of a member of the Rajya Sabha?

  • A) 3 years
  • B) 4 years
  • C) 5 years
  • D) 6 years

Question 9

What is the minimum age required to become a member of the Lok Sabha?

  • A) 21 years
  • B) 25 years
  • C) 30 years
  • D) 35 years

Question 10

What is the minimum age required to become a member of the Rajya Sabha?

  • A) 21 years
  • B) 25 years
  • C) 30 years
  • D) 35 years

Question 11

Who is the presiding officer of the Lok Sabha?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Speaker
  • D) Deputy Speaker

Question 12

Who is the presiding officer of the Rajya Sabha?

  • A) President
  • B) Prime Minister
  • C) Chairman
  • D) Deputy Chairman

Question 13

Who has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha?

  • A) Prime Minister
  • B) President
  • C) Speaker
  • D) Chief Justice

Question 14

Who has the power to dissolve the Rajya Sabha?

  • A) Prime Minister
  • B) President
  • C) Chairman
  • D) Chief Justice

Question 15

Which house of Parliament has members representing the states and union territories?

  • A) Lok Sabha
  • B) Rajya Sabha
  • C) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
  • D) None of the above

Question 16

Which house of Parliament is considered more powerful in terms of legislative powers?

  • A) Lok Sabha
  • B) Rajya Sabha
  • C) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha are equal
  • D) Neither Lok Sabha nor Rajya Sabha

Question 17

Who has the power to introduce a money bill in Parliament?

  • A) Prime Minister
  • B) President
  • C) Speaker of Lok Sabha
  • D) Chairman of Rajya Sabha

Question 18

Who approves the budget presented by the government?

  • A) Prime Minister
  • B) President
  • C) Lok Sabha
  • D) Rajya Sabha

Question 19

Who has the power to impeach the President of India?

  • A) Lok Sabha
  • B) Rajya Sabha
  • C) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha together
  • D) Supreme Court

Question 20

Who has the power to amend the Constitution of India?

  • A) Lok Sabha
  • B) Rajya Sabha
  • C) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha together
  • D) President


  1. A) Lok Sabha: The Lok Sabha, also known as the House of the People, is the lower house of the Indian Parliament.
  2. B) 545: The Lok Sabha can have a maximum of 545 members, including up to 530 members representing states, up to 20 members representing union territories, and 2 members nominated by the President from the Anglo-Indian community.
  3. C) By the people of India: Members of the Lok Sabha are elected by the people of India through general elections held every five years, based on adult suffrage.
  4. C) 5 years: The tenure of a member of the Lok Sabha is five years, unless dissolved earlier.
  5. B) Rajya Sabha: The Rajya Sabha, also known as the Council of States, is the upper house of the Indian Parliament.
  6. C) 250: The Rajya Sabha can have a maximum of 250 members, of which 238 members are elected by the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States and Union territories, and 12 members are nominated by the President.
  7. A) By the President: Members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the States and Union territories.
  8. C) 6 years: The tenure of a member of the Rajya Sabha is six years, with one-third of its members retiring every two years.
  9. B) 25 years: The minimum age required to become a member of the Lok Sabha is 25 years.
  10. B) 30 years: The minimum age required to become a member of the Rajya Sabha is 30 years.
  11. C) Speaker: The presiding officer of the Lok Sabha is called the Speaker, who is elected by the members of the Lok Sabha.
  12. C) Chairman: The presiding officer of the Rajya Sabha is called the Chairman, who is elected by the members of the Rajya Sabha.
  13. B) President: The Lok Sabha can be dissolved by the President of India on the advice of the Prime Minister.
  14. D) Chief Justice: The Rajya Sabha does not get dissolved; one-third of its members retire every two years, and new members are elected or nominated to fill the vacancies.
  15. B) Rajya Sabha: The Rajya Sabha has members representing the states and union territories of India.
  16. A) Lok Sabha: The Lok Sabha is considered more powerful in terms of legislative powers because it has the final authority in matters of legislation.
  17. C) Speaker of Lok Sabha: A money bill can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha, and the Speaker of the Lok Sabha is responsible for approving such bills.
  18. C) Lok Sabha: The Lok Sabha approves the budget presented by the government.
  19. C) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha together: The President of India can be impeached by a resolution passed by both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha with a two-thirds majority.
  20. C) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha together: Amendments to the Constitution of India require the approval of both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, followed by the assent of the President.

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