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Phrasal Verbs of English Grammar

Phrasal Verbs of English Grammar

1400+ Phrasal Verbs with Their meaning and Examples

Ask around

Meaning: To inquire or seek information from multiple people. Example: I asked around the office to find out if anyone had seen my missing keys.

Ask for

Meaning: To request or demand something. Example: She asked for a raise after working at the company for five years.

Ask out

Meaning: To invite someone on a date or to go out socially. Example: He finally got the courage to ask Sarah out to dinner.

Ask around

Meaning: To seek information or opinions from various sources. Example: Before making a decision, it's a good idea to ask around and gather different perspectives.

Ask for

Meaning: To intentionally provoke or invite trouble or consequences. Example: If you keep ignoring your responsibilities, you're asking for trouble.

Ask in

Meaning: To invite someone into your home or a space. Example: The host asked us in for a cup of tea when we arrived.

Ask about

Meaning: To inquire about someone's well-being or health. Example: I haven't seen you in a while; I wanted to ask about your family.

Ask after

Meaning: To inquire about someone's health, well-being, or whereabouts. Example: When you see Mary, please ask after her brother who is recovering from surgery.

Ask around for

Meaning: To search or request something from various people or places. Example: I've been asking around for recommendations for a good restaurant in the area.

Ask for it

Meaning: To intentionally behave in a way that invites punishment or negative consequences. Example: If you keep being rude to your boss, you're going to ask for it, and you might get fired.

Account for

Meaning: To explain or provide reasons for something. Example: The suspect had to account for his whereabouts during the time of the crime.

Account to

Meaning: To be responsible to someone for one's actions or decisions. Example: As the team leader, she had to account to the manager for the project's success.

Account for

Meaning: To represent or make up a certain portion of something. Example: Sales of that product account for a significant portion of our revenue.

Account for

Meaning: To take into consideration or factor in when making decisions. Example: When planning the budget, we need to account for unexpected expenses.

Account for

Meaning: To take responsibility for something, often involving money. Example: She needed to account for the missing funds in her financial report.

Account for

Meaning: To clarify or explain a situation or discrepancy. Example: The auditor asked the company to account for the discrepancies in their financial statements.

Account for

Meaning: To show or prove the location or existence of something. Example: The inventory list accounts for all the items in the warehouse.

Account for

Meaning: To consider or include something in one's plans or decisions. Example: We need to account for inflation when projecting future expenses.

Account for

Meaning: To provide an excuse or justification for one's actions. Example: He needed to account for his poor performance in the meeting.

Account for

Meaning: To assign a value or importance to something. Example: The success of a marketing campaign can be accounted for by various factors, including timing and messaging.

Answer back

Meaning: To respond rudely or impertinently to someone in authority. Example: The student was reprimanded for answering back to the teacher during class.

Answer for

Meaning: To take responsibility or be held accountable for one's actions.

Example: He had to answer for his role in the project's failure during the team meeting.

Answer to

Meaning: To be responsible or report to someone in authority. Example: As the department head, she answers to the company's CEO.

Answer for

Meaning: To explain or justify something, especially when facing scrutiny or criticism. Example: The CEO had to answer for the company's declining profits during the shareholder meeting.

Answer to

Meaning: To provide an explanation or solution for a problem or question. Example: Can you answer to the discrepancy in the financial report?

Answer back

Meaning: To reply to someone's comment or question, often in a defiant or disrespectful manner. Example: Instead of answering back to your parents, try to have a respectful conversation.

Answer to

Meaning: To adhere to or comply with certain rules or standards. Example: All employees must answer to the company's code of conduct.

Answer back

Meaning: To respond or reply to a communication, such as an email or letter. Example: I'll answer back to your email as soon as I have the information you need.

Answer for

Meaning: To pay or make amends for one's actions or mistakes. Example: He had to answer for the damage caused by the accident.

Answer to

Meaning: To be a satisfactory explanation or solution for something. Example: The new software system seems to answer to our data management needs effectively.

Add up

Meaning: To calculate the total of a set of numbers or items. Example: Please add up the expenses and let me know the total.

Add on

Meaning: To include an extra or additional item or feature. Example: You can add on extra toppings to your pizza for a small fee.

Add in

Meaning: To include or introduce something into a situation or discussion. Example: She decided to add in her perspective during the team meeting.

Add to

Meaning: To increase the size, amount, or importance of something. Example: The new evidence will add to the complexity of the investigation.

Add on

Meaning: To increase in cost or value due to additional features or options. Example: The price of the car added on when they included all the extra features.

Add up to

Meaning: To result in a particular total or amount. Example: The expenses for the trip added up to more than we expected.

Add on

Meaning: To include or attach something as an extra part. Example: She decided to add on a new room to her house for additional space.

Add in

Meaning: To mention or insert something into a conversation or written text. Example: Let's add in some more details to make the story more interesting.

Add to

Meaning: To contribute to or make a situation worse. Example: His careless behavior only added to the existing problems.

Add up to

Meaning: To have a particular result or meaning when all the parts are considered. Example: Their combined efforts added up to a successful project.

Allow for

Meaning: To take into consideration or make provisions for something in advance. Example: The budget needs to allow for unexpected expenses.

Allow in

Meaning: To grant permission for someone to enter a place or join a group. Example: The security guard allowed us in after checking our identification.

Allow of

Meaning: To permit or tolerate a particular action or behavior. Example: The school does not allow of bullying among its students.

Allow for

Meaning: To make room for or accommodate something. Example: The design of the house allows for a spacious living room.

Allow through

Meaning: To grant permission for something to pass through a barrier or checkpoint. Example: The customs officer allowed the shipment through without inspection.

Allow for

Meaning: To consider or anticipate a particular possibility or factor. Example: When planning the event, we must allow for bad weather.

Allow out

Meaning: To grant permission for someone to leave a place or confinement. Example: The teacher allowed the students out for a short break.

Allow up

Meaning: To acknowledge or recognize the existence of something. Example: The evidence allowed up the possibility of foul play in the case.

Allow for

Meaning: To allocate or set aside time, resources, or opportunities for something. Example: We need to allow for training sessions in the project schedule.

Allow in

Meaning: To make an exception and permit someone to enter or participate. Example: The event was full, but they allowed in a few more attendees.

Act up

Meaning: To misbehave or malfunction. Example: The computer started to act up, and I couldn't finish my work.

Act out

Meaning: To express emotions or feelings through actions or behavior. Example: Instead of talking about his anger, he tends to act it out.

Act on

Meaning: To take action or make decisions based on advice or information. Example: The government acted on the recommendations of the expert panel.

Act on

Meaning: To have a particular effect or influence on something. Example: The new law will act on reducing pollution in the city.

Act as

Meaning: To serve or perform the function of something. Example: She acted as the mediator during the dispute resolution.

Act up

Meaning: To behave disruptively or inappropriately, often referring to children. Example: The kids tend to act up when they're tired.

Act for

Meaning: To represent or perform the role of someone else. Example: The understudy had to act for the lead actor when he fell ill.

Act on

Meaning: To react or respond to a situation or event. Example: The company acted quickly on the customer's complaint.

Act out

Meaning: To reenact or perform a scene, often from a play or story. Example: The students were asked to act out a famous historical event in their drama class.

Act up

Meaning: To show symptoms or signs of a medical condition. Example: Her allergies always act up during the spring season.

Ache for

Meaning: To feel a strong and persistent desire or longing for something. Example: She ached for the peacefulness of the countryside while living in the city.

Ache all over

Meaning: To experience pain or discomfort in various parts of the body. Example: After the intense workout, my muscles ached all over.

Ache with

Meaning: To experience a specific type of pain or emotion intensely. Example: His heart ached with sadness when he heard the news of his friend's passing.

Ache for

Meaning: To feel a deep and emotional longing for someone. Example: He ached for his family while studying abroad.

Ache after

Meaning: To desire or yearn for something intensely. Example: Ever since she quit her job, she's been aching after a sense of purpose.

Ache with

Meaning: To experience a physical or emotional pain accompanied by a specific feeling or sensation. Example: His knee ached with a sharp, shooting pain whenever he tried to walk.

Ache to

Meaning: To have a strong and persistent desire to do something. Example: She ached to travel and explore new cultures.

Ache through

Meaning: To endure a period of pain or discomfort. Example: He had to ache through a long recovery process after the surgery.

Ache up

Meaning: To experience pain or discomfort in a specific area of the body. Example: Her back ached up after hours of sitting at her desk.

Ache over

Meaning: To grieve or feel deep sadness over the loss of something or someone. Example: She ached over the loss of her beloved pet.

Abound in

Meaning: To exist in large quantities or to be plentiful. Example: The forest abounds in diverse wildlife species.

Abound with

Meaning: To have a surplus of something or to be rich in a particular quality. Example: The city's markets abound with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Abound on

Meaning: To be present or found in great numbers or abundance. Example: During spring, colorful flowers abound on the hillsides.

Abound throughout

Meaning: To be present or spread widely across a particular area or period. Example: Historical artifacts abound throughout the ancient city.

Abound in

Meaning: To have a large number or variety of something. Example: The library's collection abounds in rare books and manuscripts.

Abound with

Meaning: To be filled or overflowing with something, often positive attributes. Example: The restaurant's menu abounds with delicious options.

Abound in

Meaning: To be rich or abundant in a particular quality or characteristic. Example: The region abounds in natural beauty and scenic landscapes.

Abound with

Meaning: To have an excess or surplus of something. Example: Their garden abounds with fresh produce during the summer months.

Abound on

Meaning: To be found in great numbers or quantity in a specific place. Example: During the beach cleanup, litter and plastic debris abounded on the shore.

Abound throughout

Meaning: To be widespread or present extensively across various areas. Example: Artistic talent can be found and abound throughout the entire community.

Abide by

Meaning: To follow or obey a rule, law, or agreement. Example: Employees must abide by the company's code of conduct.

Abide with

Meaning: To stay or remain with someone or something. Example: She promised to abide with her friend during the difficult times.

Abide in

Meaning: To live or dwell in a particular place. Example: He chose to abide in the peaceful countryside after retirement.

Abide by

Meaning: To adhere to a decision or promise, especially when facing difficulties. Example: She vowed to abide by her decision to quit smoking, even when tempted.

Abide by

Meaning: To accept or tolerate a particular situation or condition. Example: We must learn to abide by the changes brought about by technology.

Abide in

Meaning: To find comfort or solace in a particular belief or faith. Example: He abides in his faith during challenging times.

Abide with

Meaning: To offer support or companionship to someone in need. Example: Friends often abide with each other through thick and thin.

Abide by

Meaning: To stay true to one's principles or values. Example: He always abides by his moral compass, no matter the circumstances.

Abide in

Meaning: To be deeply absorbed or engrossed in a state of mind or thought. Example: She abides in a state of meditation for inner peace.

Abide by

Meaning: To endure or bear a challenging situation with patience. Example: He had to abide by the difficult conditions during his military service.

Back up

Meaning: To make a copy of data or information for safekeeping. Example: Don't forget to back up your important files regularly.

Back down

Meaning: To withdraw from a position, argument, or challenge due to pressure or intimidation. Example: After the negotiations, they had to back down from their initial demands.

Back off

Meaning: To move away from someone or something, often in response to a threat or danger. Example: The dog growled, so I slowly backed off to avoid a confrontation.

Back out

Meaning: To withdraw from a commitment or agreement. Example: Unfortunately, she had to back out of the project due to personal reasons.

Back up

Meaning: To provide support or assistance to someone. Example: I'll back you up in the meeting and support your ideas.

Back up

Meaning: To reverse a vehicle, especially a car. Example: Be careful when you back up the car; there might be obstacles behind you.

Back away

Meaning: To move backward slowly, typically when feeling threatened or fearful. Example: She had to back away cautiously from the aggressive animal.

Back out of

Meaning: To withdraw from a commitment or situation that was previously agreed upon. Example: He decided to back out of the business deal at the last minute.

Back up

Meaning: To provide evidence or support for a claim or statement. Example: His research data backs up his hypothesis.

Back into

Meaning: To accidentally drive a vehicle in reverse into an object or space. Example: I didn't see the pole, and I ended up backing into it while parking.

Bank on

Meaning: To rely or depend on something happening in the future. Example: We can bank on good weather for our outdoor event.

Bank up

Meaning: To accumulate or store something, especially money. Example: She has been banking up her savings for a vacation.

Bank against

Meaning: To bet or gamble against a particular outcome. Example: He decided to bank against his team winning the match.

Bank in

Meaning: To deposit money into a bank account. Example: I need to bank in this check before it expires.

Bank out

Meaning: To withdraw money from a bank account. Example: I'll need to bank out some cash for the weekend trip.

Bank on

Meaning: To have confidence or trust in someone or something. Example: We can bank on John to complete the project on time.

Bank up

Meaning: To form a slope or embankment along a body of water. Example: The riverbank is steep, making it challenging to access the water.

Bank against

Meaning: To work or plan against a particular outcome or goal. Example: They decided to bank against the company's expansion due to financial risks.

Bank on

Meaning: To expect or anticipate something with confidence. Example: We can bank on a busy day at the store during the holiday season.

Bank on

Meaning: To make financial investments or decisions. Example: They have been actively banking on the stock market for years.

Be about

Meaning: To involve or concern a particular topic or subject. Example: The discussion will be about climate change and its impact.

Be along

Meaning: To arrive or appear, often in the context of waiting for someone. Example: I'm just waiting for my friend; she'll be along soon.

Be down

Meaning: To feel sad, depressed, or emotionally low. Example: She has been feeling down since she lost her job.

Be in

Meaning: To be trendy or fashionable. Example: Wearing bright colors is currently in this season.

Be out

Meaning: To be unavailable or not present. Example: I'm sorry, but the item you're looking for is currently out of stock.

Be up

Meaning: To be awake and out of bed. Example: I woke up early this morning; I've been up since 5 AM.

Be up to

Meaning: To be doing something, often something mischievous or secretive. Example: What are those kids up to in the backyard?

Be out of

Meaning: To lack or not have something in stock or supply. Example: We're out of milk; I need to buy some from the store.

Be on

Meaning: To be scheduled or airing, often referring to television shows or events. Example: The new episode of your favorite show will be on tonight.

Be off

Meaning: To not be working or functioning properly, often used for machines or appliances. Example: The car wouldn't start this morning; something must be off with the engine.

Bear with

Meaning: To have patience or endure a difficult or challenging situation. Example: Please bear with us while we resolve the technical issue.

Bear up

Meaning: To cope with or withstand a difficult situation or hardship. Example: Despite the loss, he managed to bear up and continue with his work.

Bear down

Meaning: To exert pressure or force, often in a determined manner. Example: The opposing team is bearing down on our goal; we need to defend it.

Bear out

Meaning: To confirm or support the truth or validity of a statement or claim. Example: The evidence provided will bear out his version of the events.

Bear away

Meaning: To win or achieve victory in a competition or race. Example: The athlete managed to bear away the gold medal in the 100-meter sprint.

Bear off

Meaning: To steer or move a vehicle or object away from a particular direction or obstacle. Example: The captain had to bear off to avoid colliding with the rocks.

Bear up under

Meaning: To withstand or endure a heavy load or pressure. Example: The bridge has to bear up under the weight of heavy traffic.

Bear down on

Meaning: To approach something or someone quickly and with force. Example: Dark clouds are bearing down on us; it looks like a storm is coming.

Bear up

Meaning: To remain emotionally strong or composed during a difficult time. Example: She managed to bear up despite the loss of her beloved pet.

Bear upon

Meaning: To have an influence or impact on something. Example: The economic factors will bear upon the company's decision to expand.

Beat up

Meaning: To physically assault someone, causing injuries. Example: The gang beat up the victim in a dark alley.

Beat down

Meaning: To lower or reduce, often referring to prices or expectations. Example: The negotiations beat down the asking price for the house.

Beat off

Meaning: To fend off or defend against an attacker or threat. Example: He had to beat off the aggressive dogs with a stick.

Beat out

Meaning: To surpass or defeat someone or something in competition. Example: Our team managed to beat out the rival team in the championship.

Beat back

Meaning: To repel or drive away attackers or invaders. Example: The soldiers managed to beat back the enemy forces.

Beat down

Meaning: To persuade or negotiate to get a lower price or deal. Example: She managed to beat down the cost of the car through skillful bargaining.

Beat up

Meaning: To damage or wear out something through repeated use. Example: The old car was beat up after years of rough driving.

Beat off

Meaning: To masturbate, often used informally. Example: It's not appropriate to talk about beating off in public.

Beat in

Meaning: To force or shape something by hitting it repeatedly. Example: He used a hammer to beat in the dent on the car's door.

Beat down

Meaning: To discourage or undermine someone's enthusiasm or confidence. Example: Don't let criticism beat you down; keep pursuing your goals.

Blow up

Meaning: To explode or cause something to explode. Example: The engineers had to blow up the old bridge to make way for the new one.

Blow out

Meaning: To extinguish a flame or fire by blowing on it. Example: She blew out the candles on her birthday cake.

Blow over

Meaning: To pass or end without causing significant harm or damage. Example: The storm was intense, but it quickly blew over.

Blow away

Meaning: To be greatly impressed or amazed by something. Example: The breathtaking view from the mountaintop blew us away.

Blow in

Meaning: To arrive suddenly or unexpectedly, often referring to people. Example: He blew in just in time for the meeting.

Blow up

Meaning: To become very angry or lose one's temper. Example: He tends to blow up when things don't go his way.

Blow off

Meaning: To ignore or fail to fulfill a commitment or obligation. Example: He blew off the appointment, leaving us waiting.

Blow out

Meaning: To burst or rupture, often referring to a tire or balloon. Example: We had to change the tire because it blew out on the highway.

Blow over

Meaning: To be forgotten or no longer an issue after a period of time. Example: The scandal eventually blew over, and the company continued its operations.

Blow up

Meaning: To enlarge or inflate something, such as a photograph or a balloon. Example: She decided to blow up the picture and hang it on her wall.

Break down

Meaning: To stop working or functioning due to a mechanical failure or emotional distress. Example: My car broke down on the way to work, so I had to call for assistance.

Break up

Meaning: To end a romantic relationship or a partnership. Example: They decided to break up after being together for five years.

Break in

Meaning: To enter a building or property illegally, often with the intent to steal or vandalize. Example: The burglars tried to break in through the back door.

Break away

Meaning: To free oneself from a controlling or confining situation or relationship. Example: She finally managed to break away from her toxic friendship.

Break out

Meaning: To start suddenly or erupt, often referring to a fire, war, or disease. Example: A fire broke out in the factory, and firefighters rushed to the scene.

Break through

Meaning: To overcome a barrier or obstacle. Example: The team worked hard to break through the tough defense of their opponents.

Break off

Meaning: To end a conversation, discussion, or negotiation suddenly. Example: They had to break off the meeting due to time constraints.

Break down

Meaning: To analyze or explain something in detail. Example: Let me break down the steps for you so you can understand better.

Break up

Meaning: To disperse or scatter into smaller parts or groups. Example: The protest rally began to break up as darkness fell.

Break in

Meaning: To wear something, such as new shoes or a jacket, until it becomes more comfortable. Example: I need to break in these new sneakers before I can go for a long run.

Boil over

Meaning: To overflow or spill over the edges of a container while boiling. Example: Be careful when cooking pasta; it might boil over if the heat is too high.

Boil down

Meaning: To reduce or condense something, often a liquid, by boiling it to remove excess water. Example: To make syrup, you need to boil down the maple sap.

Boil up

Meaning: To bring a liquid to a boil or to start boiling. Example: She waited for the water to boil up before adding the pasta.

Boil away

Meaning: To evaporate or disappear through boiling. Example: The sauce boiled away, leaving the pan empty.

Boil over

Meaning: To become very angry or agitated. Example: His temper boiled over when he discovered the broken window.

Boil up

Meaning: To become emotionally upset or distressed. Example: She tends to boil up whenever someone criticizes her work.

Boil down to

Meaning: To be reducible or summarized to a particular point or essence. Example: The argument boils down to a simple matter of miscommunication.

Boil away

Meaning: To dissipate or disappear, often referring to emotions or enthusiasm. Example: Her initial excitement boiled away as the project became more challenging.

Boil up

Meaning: To prepare or cook something by boiling it. Example: She decided to boil up some vegetables for dinner.

Boil over

Meaning: To become uncontrollable or difficult to manage, often used for situations or emotions. Example: The conflict in the region has boiled over into a full-blown crisis.

Bring about

Meaning: To cause or make something happen. Example: The new policies will bring about positive changes in the company.

Bring along

Meaning: To bring something or someone with you when you go somewhere. Example: Don't forget to bring along your passport when you travel internationally.

Bring back

Meaning: To return something to its original location or to revive a past memory or practice. Example: I want to bring back the old tradition of family dinners.

Bring down

Meaning: To lower or reduce something, such as prices, expenses, or a person's confidence. Example: The company decided to bring down the cost of its products to attract more customers.

Bring forth

Meaning: To produce or generate something, often referring to ideas, products, or offspring. Example: Her innovative thinking brought forth a new product line.

Bring in

Meaning: To introduce or bring something new, often to a discussion or a group. Example: Let's bring in some fresh perspectives on this issue.

Bring off

Meaning: To successfully accomplish something challenging or difficult. Example: They managed to bring off a flawless performance at the concert.

Bring on

Meaning: To cause or initiate something, often referring to a particular state or condition. Example: Stress can bring on various health problems.

Bring out

Meaning: To reveal or make something visible or noticeable. Example: The bright colors bring out the beauty of the artwork.

Bring up

Meaning: To raise or rear children, or to introduce a topic in conversation. Example: She decided to bring up her children in a nurturing environment.

Burn out

Meaning: To become physically or emotionally exhausted due to overwork or stress. Example: She suffered from burnout after working long hours for weeks.

Burn up

Meaning: To consume or destroy something by fire. Example: The wildfire burned up acres of forest in a matter of hours.

Burn down

Meaning: To destroy a building or structure completely by fire. Example: The old factory burned down in a massive blaze.

Burn off

Meaning: To get rid of calories or energy through exercise. Example: I need to burn off those extra calories I consumed at dinner.

Burn through

Meaning: To use up or spend money or resources quickly. Example: They burned through their savings during the vacation.

Burn with

Meaning: To feel strong emotions, often negative ones, intensely. Example: She burned with jealousy when she saw her ex with someone else.

Burn up

Meaning: To become very hot, often referring to weather or temperatures. Example: The desert can burn up with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Burn off

Meaning: To eliminate or remove something unwanted, often through a controlled process. Example: The technician had to burn off the excess paint from the metal surface.

Burn out

Meaning: To cause a light or electrical device to stop working by exceeding its capacity. Example: The power surge burned out the computer's motherboard.

Burn away

Meaning: To gradually decrease or disappear, often referring to a feeling or condition. Example: With time, his anger toward the situation began to burn away.

Burst out

Meaning: To suddenly express strong emotions, often laughter or tears. Example: She burst out laughing when she heard the joke.

Burst into

Meaning: To enter or appear in a place suddenly, often with great energy. Example: The children burst into the room with excitement.

Burst in

Meaning: To enter a place suddenly and forcefully, often without permission. Example: He burst in through the door, surprising everyone in the meeting.

Burst forth

Meaning: To suddenly emerge or become visible, often referring to natural phenomena. Example: The flowers burst forth in a riot of colors in the spring.

Burst out

Meaning: To speak or say something loudly and forcefully. Example: He burst out the news of his promotion to everyone in the office.

Burst through

Meaning: To break or force one's way through a barrier or obstacle. Example: The runner burst through the finish line, winning the race.

Burst apart

Meaning: To break into pieces suddenly and violently. Example: The old bridge burst apart during the earthquake.

Burst out

Meaning: To become visible suddenly or dramatically. Example: The sun burst out from behind the clouds, bathing the landscape in light.

Burst out

Meaning: To reveal or disclose something, often a secret or emotion. Example: She couldn't hold it any longer and burst out her feelings.

Burst into

Meaning: To start doing something suddenly and energetically. Example: He burst into action when he saw the accident and rushed to help.

Build up

Meaning: To develop or increase something gradually over time. Example: He worked hard to build up his savings for retirement.

Build on

Meaning: To use a foundation or existing knowledge as a basis for further development. Example: The new software builds on the features of the previous version.

Build in

Meaning: To incorporate or include something as an integral part of a design or plan. Example: They decided to build in additional safety measures into the construction project.

Build into

Meaning: To make something an inherent or natural part of something else. Example: The theme of unity was built into the fabric of the organization.

Build up

Meaning: To accumulate or gather gradually. Example: Regular exercise helps build up endurance and strength.

Build off

Meaning: To start or create something based on a previous idea or concept. Example: The new marketing campaign built off the success of the previous one.

Build toward

Meaning: To work steadily toward a goal or achievement. Example: The team is building toward winning the championship.

Build on

Meaning: To enhance or expand upon an existing idea or concept. Example: The students were encouraged to build on their creativity and innovate.

Build off

Meaning: To derive inspiration or motivation from something. Example: The artist built off the vibrant colors of nature in her paintings.

Build up

Meaning: To praise or promote someone or something. Example: The manager built up the new employee's confidence by recognizing their efforts.

Brush up

Meaning: To refresh or improve one's skills or knowledge in a particular area. Example: I need to brush up on my Spanish before my trip to Mexico.

Brush off

Meaning: To dismiss or ignore someone or something, often in a casual or indifferent manner. Example: He brushed off my suggestion as unimportant.

Brush away

Meaning: To remove something, such as dust or crumbs, by using a brush or a similar tool. Example: She brushed away the dirt from the table.

Brush out

Meaning: To detangle or remove knots from hair using a brush. Example: She had to brush out her daughter's long hair after swimming.

Brush over

Meaning: To briefly mention or touch upon a topic without going into detail. Example: The lecturer brushed over the historical context before diving into the main topic.

Brush up

Meaning: To make something appear neater or cleaner by brushing or polishing it. Example: He brushed up his shoes before the job interview.

Brush by

Meaning: To move or pass by something or someone closely, often without stopping. Example: The car brushed by the pedestrian but didn't hit them.

Brush against

Meaning: To make contact with something lightly, often unintentionally. Example: I brushed against the wet paint and got some on my clothes.

Brush up

Meaning: To review or practice something to improve one's performance. Example: He needs to brush up on his presentation skills for the upcoming conference.

Brush down

Meaning: To flatten or smooth something using a brush, typically used in the context of fabric or clothing. Example: She brushed down the wrinkles in her dress before the party.

Bail out

Meaning: To release someone from custody by providing a sum of money as a guarantee that they will appear in court. Example: His family had to bail him out of jail after he was arrested.

Bail out

Meaning: To rescue or help someone or something in a difficult or failing situation. Example: The government had to bail out the struggling airline to prevent its bankruptcy.

Bail out

Meaning: To abandon or exit a situation or endeavor. Example: He decided to bail out of the project when it became too complex.

Bail on

Meaning: To cancel or abandon plans with someone or an event. Example: She bailed on the party at the last minute.

Bail up

Meaning: To confront or stop someone, often with the intent to rob or threaten. Example: The masked robbers bailed up the bank customers during the heist.

Bail in

Meaning: To contribute or invest money to help stabilize a failing financial institution. Example: Shareholders had to bail in their investments to prevent the bank's collapse.

Bail out on

Meaning: To abandon or leave someone in a difficult or challenging situation. Example: He felt guilty for bailing out on his friends when they needed him.

Bail up

Meaning: To herd or round up livestock, especially cattle. Example: The ranchers bailed up the cattle for branding and inspection.

Bail out

Meaning: To jump or exit from a moving vehicle or aircraft in an emergency. Example: The pilot had to bail out of the plane when the engine failed.

Bail out

Meaning: To remove water from a boat or ship to prevent it from sinking. Example: The crew had to bail out the water that had leaked into the boat.

Bargain for

Meaning: To expect or anticipate something, often in terms of an outcome or result. Example: She didn't bargain for such a challenging task when she took on the project.

Bargain with

Meaning: To negotiate or haggle with someone over the terms of a deal or price. Example: He bargained with the seller to get a lower price for the car.

Bargain down

Meaning: To successfully negotiate a lower price or better terms. Example: After some negotiation, they managed to bargain down the rent for the apartment.

Bargain away

Meaning: To give up or sacrifice something in exchange for a deal or agreement. Example: He bargained away some of his vacation days to get a more flexible work schedule.

Bargain for

Meaning: To prepare or plan for something, often with the expectation of a particular outcome. Example: They didn't bargain for the heavy snowstorm during their hiking trip.

Bargain in

Meaning: To include or offer something as part of a deal or arrangement. Example: The package bargain in a free subscription to the magazine.

Bargain on

Meaning: To rely or depend on something happening or being available. Example: We can't bargain on the weather being perfect for the outdoor event.

Bargain out

Meaning: To reach an agreement or settlement through negotiation. Example: After hours of discussion, they finally bargained out the terms of the contract.

Bargain for

Meaning: To accept or endure a situation, often with resignation or stoicism. Example: She had to bargain for the long commute when she moved to the new job location.

Bargain for

Meaning: To hope or wish for something, often with an understanding of the potential difficulties. Example: She knew she couldn't bargain for an easy road to success in her career.

Bend over

Meaning: To lean forward at the waist with your upper body lowered. Example: He had to bend over to tie his shoelaces.

Bend down

Meaning: To lower oneself or something by bending the knees. Example: She had to bend down to pick up the fallen book.

Bend back

Meaning: To move something into a position where it is bent in the opposite direction. Example: He accidentally bent back the page of the book while reading.

Bend to

Meaning: To yield to someone's authority or pressure. Example: Eventually, they had to bend to the demands of the union.

Bend out

Meaning: To curve or extend outward. Example: The branches of the tree bend out in all directions.

Bend off

Meaning: To deviate or change direction away from a straight path. Example: The road bends off to the left just ahead.

Bend in

Meaning: To curve or fold inward. Example: The paper will bend in the wind if it's not secured.

Bend up

Meaning: To raise or lift something by bending it upward. Example: She bent up the corner of the page to mark her place in the book.

Bend round

Meaning: To go around a curved or circular path. Example: We'll have to bend round the mountain to reach the other side.

Bend to

Meaning: To apply effort or force to make something bend. Example: He had to bend the wire to fit it into the desired shape.

Bid for

Meaning: To make an offer or attempt to acquire something, often through a competitive process. Example: Several companies are bidding for the construction contract.

Bid up

Meaning: To increase the price of something through competitive bidding. Example: The enthusiastic bidders bid up the price of the rare painting at the auction.

Bid out

Meaning: To request bids or offers from multiple parties for a project or contract. Example: The government agency decided to bid out the construction project to get the best deal.

Bid in

Meaning: To make the highest or winning bid in an auction. Example: She successfully bid in the antique vase at the auction.

Bid farewell

Meaning: To say goodbye or part with someone or something. Example: We gathered to bid farewell to our colleague on her last day at the office.

Bid down

Meaning: To lower the price of something through competitive bidding. Example: The seller tried to bid down the price of the used car to attract buyers.

Bid on

Meaning: To place a bid or offer on an item or project. Example: He decided to bid on the online auction for the vintage comic book.

Bid up

Meaning: To raise or increase the value or importance of something. Example: Their innovative marketing campaign bid up the company's brand reputation.

Bid for

Meaning: To make an attempt or effort to gain or achieve something. Example: He decided to bid for the position of team captain.

Bid down

Meaning: To negotiate or persuade someone to lower their demands or expectations. Example: After some discussion, they managed to bid down the contractor's price for the renovation.

Block out

Meaning: To prevent something from entering or being seen. Example: She used curtains to block out the sunlight in the morning.

Block off

Meaning: To close or seal an area or passage to prevent access. Example: The police blocked off the street during the parade.

Block up

Meaning: To become or cause something to become obstructed or clogged. Example: The debris in the drain blocked up the water flow.

Block in

Meaning: To park a vehicle in a way that prevents other vehicles from leaving. Example: Someone blocked in my car, and I couldn't get out.

Block out

Meaning: To consciously forget or suppress a memory or thought. Example: She tried to block out the traumatic experience from her mind.

Block up

Meaning: To fill or stuff a hole or opening to prevent air, water, or pests from getting in. Example: He blocked up the cracks in the walls to keep the insects out.

Block off

Meaning: To set aside a portion of something, such as time or money, for a specific purpose. Example: She blocked off an hour each day for studying.

Block up

Meaning: To become constipated or suffer from an intestinal blockage. Example: Eating too much cheese can block up your digestive system.

Block in

Meaning: To create an outline or rough draft of something, often in art or writing. Example: The artist blocked in the basic shapes before adding the details to the painting.

Block out

Meaning: To plan or organize one's schedule or time to include specific activities or events. Example: She blocked out time for meetings and appointments in her calendar.

Blot out

Meaning: To completely obscure or cover something so that it cannot be seen. Example: The heavy rainstorm blotted out the view of the mountains.

Blot up

Meaning: To absorb or soak up liquid, often referring to using a cloth or paper towel. Example: She used a sponge to blot up the spilled coffee from the table.

Blot out

Meaning: To forget or try to remove a memory or thought from one's mind.

Example: She wanted to blot out the painful memories of the accident. Blot on

Meaning: To tarnish or spoil the reputation or image of something or someone. Example: His behavior was a blot on the company's otherwise excellent record.

Blot out

Meaning: To eliminate or extinguish something, often a problem or issue. Example: The new regulations were introduced to blot out corruption in the industry.

Blot up

Meaning: To absorb or take in knowledge or information quickly. Example: He has the ability to blot up new languages effortlessly.

Blot out

Meaning: To overshadow or outshine something or someone. Example: Her talent as a singer could blot out the competition.

Blot out

Meaning: To block or cancel an event or appointment from one's schedule. Example: He had to blot out the meeting due to a family emergency.

Blot up

Meaning: To enjoy or consume something eagerly or enthusiastically. Example: The kids blotted up the ice cream at the birthday party.

Blot out

Meaning: To eliminate or cover up an error or mistake. Example: She tried to blot out the errors in her essay before submitting it.

Branch out

Meaning: To expand or diversify into new areas or activities. Example: The company decided to branch out into international markets.

Branch off

Meaning: To separate or diverge from the main path or topic. Example: The hiking trail branches off into two different routes.

Branch into

Meaning: To enter or start a new field or category related to one's existing area of expertise. Example: She decided to branch into fashion design after years of working as a textile engineer.

Branch off

Meaning: To divide or subdivide into smaller sections or groups. Example: The river branches off into numerous smaller streams.

Branch up

Meaning: To grow or extend upward, often referring to trees and plants. Example: The vines began to branch up the trellis.

Branch out

Meaning: To try new things or activities outside one's comfort zone. Example: He wanted to branch out and explore different hobbies.

Branch off

Meaning: To create a separate group or entity from a larger organization or system. Example: The company decided to branch off its software development division into an independent company.

Branch down

Meaning: To hang or extend downward, often referring to tree branches. Example: The heavy snow caused the branches to branch down, blocking the path.

Branch out

Meaning: To seek or create opportunities beyond one's current boundaries. Example: After years in the same job, she decided to branch out and explore new career options.

Branch off

Meaning: To start a separate or related discussion or topic. Example: During the meeting, we branched off into a discussion about future projects.

Call off

Meaning: To cancel an event, meeting, or activity. Example: Due to the bad weather, they had to call off the outdoor picnic.

Call out

Meaning: To publicly criticize or challenge someone's behavior or actions. Example: The manager had to call out the employee for his unprofessional conduct.

Call up

Meaning: To contact someone by telephone. Example: I'll call up my friend to see if he can join us for dinner.

Call for

Meaning: To require or demand a particular action or response. Example: The situation calls for immediate attention from the authorities.

Call on

Meaning: To visit someone for a short period of time. Example: I decided to call on my grandparents during the weekend.

Call in

Meaning: To request or bring in someone's expertise or assistance. Example: The company had to call in a consultant to solve the complex problem.

Call back

Meaning: To return a phone call to someone who has previously tried to contact you. Example: I'll call you back as soon as I'm finished with this meeting.

Call off

Meaning: To withdraw or stop an attack or pursuit. Example: The soldiers were ordered to call off the mission due to the unexpected obstacles.

Call up

Meaning: To bring a memory, image, or feeling to mind. Example: The old photograph called up fond memories of their childhood.

Call for

Meaning: To predict or suggest a particular response or outcome. Example: The current situation calls for caution and careful planning.

Care for

Meaning: To have a liking or affection for someone or something. Example: She cares for her pet dog deeply and takes excellent care of it.

Care about

Meaning: To be concerned or interested in someone's well-being or a particular issue. Example: John cares about the environment and always recycles.

Care for

Meaning: To provide assistance or look after someone or something. Example: She cares for her elderly parents, helping them with daily tasks.

Care for

Meaning: To have responsibility for or be in charge of someone or something. Example: The nurse cares for the patients in the hospital ward.

Care for

Meaning: To like or enjoy certain food or activities. Example: He cares for spicy food, so he ordered the hottest curry on the menu.

Care for

Meaning: To take precautions or protect something. Example: You should care for your skin by wearing sunscreen in the sun.

Care for

Meaning: To be willing to do something or consider something as an option. Example: Would you care for some tea? (Would you like some tea?)

Care off

Meaning: To remove or eliminate something with care or caution. Example: She carefully cared off the dust from the old book.

Care down

Meaning: To become sad or depressed. Example: After the loss, he cared down for a while before finding his spirits again.

Care out

Meaning: To create or carve something with great precision or attention. Example: The artist carefully cared out a beautiful sculpture from a block of wood.

Carry on

Meaning: To continue doing something. Example: Despite the challenges, he decided to carry on with his research.

Carry out

Meaning: To complete or execute a task, plan, or order. Example: The team will carry out the project as per the client's instructions.

Carry over

Meaning: To transfer or extend something from one situation or time to another. Example: You can carry over your unused vacation days to the next year.

Carry forward

Meaning: To bring something from the past into the present or future. Example: Her dedication and skills were carried forward into her new job.

Carry off

Meaning: To succeed in doing something difficult or challenging. Example: Against all odds, they managed to carry off the championship.

Carry away

Meaning: To be overwhelmed or excessively enthusiastic about something. Example: She was carried away by the beautiful scenery on her vacation.

Carry through

Meaning: To complete a task or project despite difficulties or obstacles. Example: With determination, she managed to carry through her ambitious plan.

Carry along

Meaning: To bring someone or something with you as you go. Example: Don't forget to carry along your ID when you travel.

Carry on

Meaning: To behave in a particular way, often in a negative or irresponsible manner. Example: He can't just carry on ignoring his responsibilities at work.

Carry forward

Meaning: To advance or promote a particular idea, cause, or initiative. Example: The organization aims to carry forward its mission of environmental conservation.

Cast aside

Meaning: To discard or reject something or someone. Example: He cast aside his old ideas and embraced a new perspective.

Cast off

Meaning: To untie or release a boat or ship from its moorings. Example: The sailors cast off the ropes, and the ship sailed out of the harbor.

Cast out

Meaning: To expel or force someone or something to leave a place. Example: They cast out the intruders from the private property.

Cast up

Meaning: To vomit or expel the contents of one's stomach. Example: He felt so sick that he cast up his dinner.

Cast about

Meaning: To search or look around for something. Example: She cast about for her missing car keys.

Cast down

Meaning: To make someone feel sad or disheartened. Example: The criticism cast him down, but he bounced back with determination.

Cast in

Meaning: To include something as a component or part of a larger whole. Example: The new design cast in innovative features to enhance user experience.

Cast aside

Meaning: To neglect or disregard something, often a responsibility. Example: She cast aside her duties and decided to take a spontaneous trip.

Cast off

Meaning: To remove a plaster cast or bandage from a wound or injury. Example: After six weeks, the doctor cast off the patient's arm.

Cast away

Meaning: To abandon or discard something, often referring to possessions. Example: He decided to cast away all unnecessary belongings and live a minimalist lifestyle.

Catch on

Meaning: To understand or grasp a concept or idea. Example: It took a while, but eventually, she caught on to how the new software worked.

Catch up

Meaning: To reach the same level or status as others. Example: She worked hard to catch up with her classmates after missing a week of school.

Catch on

Meaning: To become popular or widely accepted. Example: The new fashion trend didn't catch on as quickly as expected.

Catch out

Meaning: To expose someone's mistake or deception. Example: The detective caught out the suspect in a lie during the interrogation.

Catch at

Meaning: To eagerly try to grasp or seize an opportunity. Example: He caught at the chance to showcase his artwork in the gallery.

Catch in

Meaning: To involve someone in a difficult or compromising situation. Example: He was caught in a dilemma between his loyalty to two friends.

Catch out

Meaning: To discover or find someone doing something wrong or dishonest. Example: The teacher caught out the students cheating on the exam.

Catch up

Meaning: To meet or communicate with someone to update each other on recent events. Example: Let's catch up over coffee and discuss what's been happening in our lives.

Catch on to

Meaning: To become aware or realize something, often after a period of confusion. Example: It took a while for her to catch on to the fact that she had been pranked.

Catch up with

Meaning: To reach or overtake someone or something that was ahead. Example: The runner finally caught up with the leader in the last lap of the race.

Cheer up

Meaning: To become happier or to make someone feel happier. Example: When she's feeling down, her friends always try to cheer her up.

Cheer on

Meaning: To support or encourage someone or a team, especially in a competition. Example: The fans gathered to cheer on their favorite soccer team.

Cheer for

Meaning: To express support or approval for someone or something. Example: The audience cheered for the talented young singer at the talent show.

Cheer up

Meaning: To make a sad or unhappy place more joyful or lively. Example: They decorated the room with colorful balloons to cheer up the atmosphere.

Cheer up

Meaning: To become more cheerful or optimistic. Example: After a tough day at work, he gradually began to cheer up.

Cheer along

Meaning: To join in and participate in a cheer or celebration. Example: The whole neighborhood gathered to cheer along with the parade.

Cheer up

Meaning: To make a situation less serious or tense through humor or positive remarks. Example: He tried to cheer up the meeting with a few jokes.

Cheer for

Meaning: To root for or support a particular team, individual, or cause. Example: She always cheers for the underdog in any competition.

Cheer up

Meaning: To improve someone's mood or outlook by offering comfort or encouragement. Example: His friend's kind words helped to cheer him up during a difficult time.

Cheer on

Meaning: To vocally and enthusiastically support someone during a challenging task. Example: The crowd cheered on the marathon runners as they neared the finish line.

Clear out

Meaning: To remove or get rid of things that are no longer needed. Example: They decided to clear out their attic and donate old clothes and toys.

Clear up

Meaning: To make something tidier or neater. Example: She spent the morning clearing up her cluttered workspace.

Clear away

Meaning: To remove something that is blocking or obstructing a space. Example: The crew cleared away the fallen trees from the road after the storm.

Clear off

Meaning: To leave a place or area, especially in a hurried manner. Example: The protestors were asked to clear off from the premises.

Clear up

Meaning: To become brighter or less cloudy, often referring to the weather. Example: The rain finally stopped, and the sky began to clear up.

Clear up

Meaning: To provide an explanation or resolve a misunderstanding. Example: He tried to clear up the confusion by offering a detailed explanation.

Clear off

Meaning: To clean or wipe away dirt or debris from a surface. Example: She used a cloth to clear off the dust from the furniture.

Clear out

Meaning: To leave a place quickly, especially to escape danger or avoid trouble. Example: The party got rowdy, so some guests decided to clear out early.

Clear up

Meaning: To recover from an illness or skin condition. Example: With the right medication, her skin condition cleared up in a few weeks.

Clear with

Meaning: To obtain approval or permission from someone before taking action. Example: He needed to clear his vacation plans with his manager before booking his trip.

Climb up

Meaning: To ascend or go upward, often by scaling a height or surface. Example: The hikers had to climb up the steep mountain to reach the summit.

Climb down

Meaning: To descend or go downward, typically from a height or elevated position. Example: He carefully climbed down the ladder from the rooftop.

Climb over

Meaning: To surmount an obstacle or barrier by moving over it. Example: She had to climb over the fallen tree to continue along the trail.

Climb into

Meaning: To enter a vehicle or confined space by climbing. Example: The children climbed into the car for a family road trip.

Climb out

Meaning: To exit a vehicle or confined space by climbing. Example: After reaching the campsite, they climbed out of the car.

Climb up

Meaning: To increase in value or level, often referring to prices or rankings. Example: The demand for housing has caused property prices to climb up.

Climb aboard

Meaning: To get on a vehicle or vessel. Example: Passengers climbed aboard the train before it departed.

Climb up

Meaning: To improve one's position or status, often through hard work or dedication. Example: With determination and effort, she climbed up the corporate ladder.

Climb out of

Meaning: To escape or overcome a difficult or undesirable situation. Example: It took years of hard work for the company to climb out of its financial crisis.

Climb up

Meaning: To advance or progress in one's career or life. Example: With his education and skills, he is poised to climb up in the music industry.

Close down

Meaning: To cease operations or shut a business permanently. Example: The small bookstore had to close down due to competition from online retailers.

Close in

Meaning: To surround or encircle someone or something, often in a threatening way. Example: The police closed in on the fugitive as he tried to escape.

Close up

Meaning: To shut or fasten something, such as a door, window, or suitcase. Example: Please close up the windows before it starts raining.

Close in

Meaning: To approach or move nearer to a destination or target. Example: The airplane began to close in on its destination.

Close off

Meaning: To block or restrict access to a particular area or route. Example: The authorities had to close off the road due to a major accident.

Close up

Meaning: To move closer together or become crowded. Example: The audience began to close up to get a better view of the performance.

Close out

Meaning: To conclude or finish something, often a business deal or project. Example: The company plans to close out the fiscal year with strong sales.

Close up

Meaning: To heal or seal, often referring to a wound or cut. Example: The doctor applied stitches to help the wound close up properly.

Close in

Meaning: To feel confined or oppressed by something. Example: The walls of the small room seemed to close in on her.

Close off

Meaning: To isolate or separate from others or a larger group. Example: The organizers had to close off the VIP section for security reasons.

Cloud over

Meaning: To become overcast with clouds, often indicating that the weather is about to change. Example: The sky started to cloud over, and we knew rain was on the way.

Cloud up

Meaning: To become cloudy or filled with clouds. Example: As the day progressed, the sky began to cloud up.

Cloud over

Meaning: To become gloomy or sad, often referring to a person's mood. Example: His face clouded over when he received the bad news.

Cloud out

Meaning: To obscure or block something, often vision or sunlight, by clouds. Example: The thick fog clouded out the view of the mountains.

Cloud up

Meaning: To become obscured or less transparent, often referring to liquids. Example: The glass of cold water quickly clouded up in the hot weather.

Cloud up

Meaning: To become less clear or straightforward, often referring to a situation or issue. Example: The negotiations between the two parties began to cloud up with disagreements.

Cloud over

Meaning: To become uncertain or doubtful. Example: The future of the project started to cloud over as funding became an issue.

Cloud with

Meaning: To fill or cover something with a cloud-like substance or feeling. Example: The room was clouded with the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies.

Cloud over

Meaning: To darken or spoil a mood or atmosphere. Example: The argument between friends clouded over what was supposed to be a fun gathering.

Cloud up Meaning: To become

filled with worry or concern. Example: Her mind began to cloud up with anxiety as the deadline approached.

Come across

Meaning: To find or encounter something unexpectedly. Example: While hiking, we came across a hidden waterfall in the woods.

Come along

Meaning: To make progress or develop. Example: The project is coming along nicely; we should be done soon.

Come by

Meaning: To obtain or acquire something, often through effort or chance. Example: She managed to come by a rare book at the antique store.

Come down

Meaning: To descend from a higher position or place. Example: Please be careful when you come down the ladder.

Come forward

Meaning: To offer information or help, especially in a situation or investigation. Example: The witness decided to come forward with valuable information about the crime.

Come in

Meaning: To enter a building or place. Example: Please come in and have a seat; the meeting is about to start.

Come off

Meaning: To succeed or occur as planned. Example: The event came off without any major issues, and everyone had a great time.

Come out

Meaning: To be revealed or disclosed, often a secret or the truth. Example: The truth about the scandal finally came out in the newspapers.

Come to

Meaning: To regain consciousness after fainting or being unconscious. Example: After a few minutes, she came to and realized she was in the hospital.

Come up

Meaning: To arise or happen, often referring to a problem or issue. Example: A new issue has come up in the negotiations that we need to address.

Come off

Meaning: To detach or separate from something. Example: The handle of the suitcase came off when I was at the airport.

Come through

Meaning: To successfully overcome a difficult situation or challenge. Example: Despite the obstacles, he managed to come through and complete the project on time.

Come about

Meaning: To happen or occur, often in unexpected ways. Example: The opportunity to travel to Europe came about when her colleague couldn't go.

Come down

Meaning: To reduce in price or value. Example: The cost of the product came down after the sale was announced.

Come over

Meaning: To visit someone's house or location. Example: Why don't you come over to my place for dinner tonight?

Come in for

Meaning: To receive or experience something, often criticism or praise. Example: The actor's performance came in for high praise from the critics.

Come out with

Meaning: To produce or release something, such as a new product or idea. Example: The company plans to come out with a new smartphone model next year.

Come to terms with

Meaning: To accept or reconcile oneself to a difficult or unpleasant situation. Example: It took her some time to come to terms with the loss of her beloved pet.

Come down with

Meaning: To become ill with a specific illness or condition. Example: She came down with a severe cold and had to stay home from work.

Come apart

Meaning: To break or disassemble into separate pieces. Example: The old book started to come apart at the spine due to its age.

Count on

Meaning: To rely or depend on someone or something. Example: You can count on me to help you with your project.

Count out

Meaning: To exclude or leave someone or something out of a calculation or decision. Example: Unfortunately, we had to count out John from the team due to his injury.

Count up

Meaning: To add or calculate numbers to find a total. Example: Please count up the money and see if it's enough to pay the bill.

Count toward

Meaning: To contribute to a goal or accumulate as progress. Example: Every small step counts toward achieving your long-term objectives.

Count in

Meaning: To include someone or something in a calculation or plan. Example: Don't forget to count in the expenses for transportation when budgeting your trip.

Count off

Meaning: To enumerate or list items in sequence. Example: Each player had to count off their jersey number during the team roster check.

Count down

Meaning: To decrease or reduce in number or time. Example: The countdown to the New Year's celebration began with ten seconds left.

Count for

Meaning: To be significant or important in a particular context. Example: Your dedication and hard work will definitely count for something in the long run.

Count up

Meaning: To accumulate or collect over time. Example: The charity's donations have been counting up steadily each month.

Count as

Meaning: To be considered or regarded as something. Example: His years of experience in the field count as an advantage in the job interview.

Crop up

Meaning: To occur or appear unexpectedly or suddenly. Example: The issue of funding cropped up during the meeting, causing a delay in the project.

Crop out

Meaning: To remove unwanted parts of a photograph or image. Example: She cropped out the background to focus on the subject in the photo.

Crop in

Meaning: To zoom in or magnify a portion of an image or video. Example: The director decided to crop in on the actor's face for a close-up shot.

Crop down

Meaning: To reduce the size or length of something. Example: The article was too long, so the editor had to crop it down to fit the magazine's space.

Crop up

Meaning: To grow or produce a new batch of plants or crops. Example: The farmers are preparing to crop up a fresh harvest of tomatoes this season.

Crop out

Meaning: To exclude or omit someone or something from a group or picture. Example: Unfortunately, his name had to be cropped out of the list due to a mistake.

Crop up

Meaning: To mention or bring up a topic or issue in conversation. Example: She couldn't help but crop up the subject of their upcoming vacation.

Crop off

Meaning: To remove or cut off a portion of something, often referring to the top or end. Example: He decided to crop off the dead branches from the tree to promote healthy growth.

Crop up

Meaning: To emerge or become visible, especially when previously hidden. Example: New evidence in the case has cropped up, potentially changing the outcome.

Crop in

Meaning: To encroach or move closer to a particular area or boundary. Example: The neighboring city's population is cropping in on our town's borders.

Crowd around

Meaning: To gather closely around someone or something. Example: The tourists crowded around the street performer to watch his magic tricks.

Crowd in

Meaning: To enter a space or area in a group, making it feel congested. Example: As the subway arrived, commuters crowded in, trying to find a spot to stand.

Crowd out

Meaning: To force someone or something out of a limited space or situation due to excessive presence. Example: The arrival of more competitors crowded out the smaller businesses in the market.

Crowd out

Meaning: To make something less noticeable or significant by surrounding it with other things. Example: The loud music at the party crowded out their attempts at conversation.

Crowd into

Meaning: To squeeze or cram a large number of people or things into a confined space. Example: Fans crowded into the stadium to watch the championship game.

Crowd together

Meaning: To move or huddle closely together as a group. Example: The students crowded together in the library to study for their exams.

Crowd out

Meaning: To overshadow or replace someone or something by being more popular or prevalent. Example: The new fashion trend crowded out the old one within a few weeks.

Crowd around

Meaning: To form a circle or gather around something or someone. Example: The children crowded around the birthday cake, eager to blow out the candles.

Crowd out

Meaning: To exclude or push aside someone or something because of competition or pressure. Example: The influx of tourists often crowds out local residents from popular tourist spots.

Crowd in

Meaning: To include extra people or elements in a limited space. Example: They decided to crowd in a few more chairs for the impromptu meeting.

Cry out

Meaning: To shout or yell loudly, often as a reaction to surprise, pain, or fear. Example: She cried out for help when she saw the spider in her room.

Cry over

Meaning: To express deep sadness or regret about something. Example: He spent hours crying over the loss of his favorite childhood toy.

Cry for

Meaning: To strongly indicate a need or desire for something. Example: The parched earth and dying plants cry for rain.

Cry out for

Meaning: To be in desperate need of something. Example: The neglected park cries out for maintenance and renovation.

Cry down

Meaning: To criticize or belittle someone or something. Example: They tried to cry down her accomplishments, but she remained confident.

Cry off

Meaning: To cancel a plan or commitment, often at the last minute. Example: He had to cry off from the hiking trip due to an unexpected work assignment.

Cry out

Meaning: To demand or call for a response or action. Example: The public outcry against the government's decision led to a reconsideration.

Cry for

Meaning: To be an obvious sign or indication of something. Example: The empty streets at night cry for improved safety measures.

Cry up

Meaning: To praise or promote something enthusiastically. Example: The marketing team will cry up the benefits of the new product in the campaign.

Cry on

Meaning: To confide in or seek emotional support from someone. Example: She always turns to her best friend to cry on her shoulder when she's upset.

Cut down

Meaning: To reduce the size, amount, or quantity of something. Example: To save money, they decided to cut down on unnecessary expenses.

Cut off

Meaning: To disconnect or isolate something or someone from a source or group. Example: The storm cut off power to the entire neighborhood.

Cut through

Meaning: To take a more direct or efficient route to reach a destination. Example: We decided to cut through the forest to get to the campsite faster.

Cut in

Meaning: To interrupt a conversation or activity by speaking or getting involved. Example: He tried to cut in while we were discussing the project, but we asked him to wait his turn.

Cut out

Meaning: To remove or eliminate something, often unnecessary or undesirable. Example: She decided to cut out sugary snacks from her diet to improve her health.

Cut up

Meaning: To chop or slice something into smaller pieces. Example: She cut up the vegetables to prepare a salad for lunch.

Cut back

Meaning: To reduce or decrease spending, consumption, or usage. Example: The company had to cut back on expenses during the economic downturn.

Cut loose

Meaning: To set free or release someone or something. Example: They decided to cut loose the balloons and watch them float away into the sky.

Cut to

Meaning: To switch or change to a different scene or viewpoint, often in a movie or TV show. Example: The film cut to a flashback to explain the character's past.

Cut in

Meaning: To enter or join a line or queue, often without waiting your turn. Example: He tried to cut in at the front of the line, but the others didn't let him.

Deal with

Meaning: To handle or manage a situation, problem, or task. Example: She's the manager who has to deal with customer complaints.

Deal out

Meaning: To distribute or give something to others, often in a fair manner. Example: The teacher dealt out the test papers to the students.

Deal in

Meaning: To engage in or trade a particular type of product or commodity. Example: Their family business deals in antique furniture.

Deal out

Meaning: To administer punishment or justice. Example: The judge dealt out a harsh sentence to the convicted criminal.

Deal with

Meaning: To face or confront something, especially something difficult or unpleasant. Example: It's important to deal with your fears and anxieties for personal growth.

Deal out

Meaning: To give or present a playing card to each player in a card game. Example: The dealer dealt out the cards for a game of poker.

Deal with

Meaning: To be in charge of or responsible for something. Example: He was asked to deal with the logistics of the event.

Deal in

Meaning: To be involved in a particular kind of business or trade. Example: The company deals in innovative technology products.

Deal out

Meaning: To distribute or mete out a specific quantity of something. Example: The coach dealt out advice to each player on the team.

Deal with

Meaning: To negotiate or reach an agreement, especially in a business context. Example: The two companies are currently in talks to deal with a potential merger.

Die down

Meaning: To become less intense or subside, often referring to a fire, storm, or noise. Example: After a few hours, the strong winds finally began to die down.

Die out

Meaning: To become extinct or disappear completely. Example: Some endangered species may die out if conservation efforts aren't successful.

Die away

Meaning: To gradually fade or decrease in volume or intensity. Example: The applause from the audience began to die away as the curtain fell.

Die off

Meaning: To decrease in number or perish, especially in a large group. Example: The old trees in the forest started to die off due to disease.

Die for

Meaning: To desire something intensely or be willing to do anything for it. Example: I would die for a chance to visit Paris one day.

Die back

Meaning: To experience a reduction in growth, often referring to plants. Example: The cold winter caused some of the garden plants to die back.

Die in

Meaning: To pass away while in a particular location or situation. Example: Many soldiers died in battle during the war.

Die from

Meaning: To succumb to a specific cause of death or illness. Example: He tragically died from a rare disease at a young age.

Die on

Meaning: To experience a fatal event while doing something or in a particular situation. Example: He died on the operating table during surgery.

Die down

Meaning: To lose enthusiasm or interest in something. Example: Her passion for painting gradually died down as she got busier with work.

Do away with

Meaning: To eliminate or get rid of something. Example: The company decided to do away with outdated procedures to improve efficiency.

Do up

Meaning: To fasten or close something, often clothing or a bag. Example: She quickly did up her coat to stay warm in the cold weather.

Do over

Meaning: To redo or repeat a task or activity. Example: The chef had to do the entire recipe over because of a mistake in the first attempt.

Do without

Meaning: To manage or survive without something, often due to its unavailability. Example: While camping, they had to do without electricity and running water.

Do up

Meaning: To renovate or refurbish a place or object. Example: They plan to do up their old farmhouse and turn it into a cozy vacation home.

Do in

Meaning: To exhaust or wear out someone, often physically or mentally. Example: The long hike in the mountains did me in; I'm completely tired.

Do over

Meaning: To redecorate or redesign a space or room. Example: They decided to do over their living room with a fresh coat of paint and new furniture.

Do up

Meaning: To fasten or tie something securely. Example: He did up the package with strong tape to ensure it wouldn't come undone during shipping.

Do in

Meaning: To harm or cause harm to someone. Example: The intense workout routine could do serious harm to your muscles if not done correctly.

Do away with

Meaning: To abolish or remove a rule, law, or tradition. Example: The government plans to do away with certain outdated regulations to foster innovation.

Dig up

Meaning: To unearth or uncover something by digging. Example: Archaeologists dug up ancient artifacts at the excavation site.

Dig in

Meaning: To start eating with enthusiasm. Example: After a long day of hiking, they dug into a delicious meal.

Dig out

Meaning: To remove something that is buried or stuck. Example: He had to dig out his car from the snowdrift after the blizzard.

Dig into

Meaning: To delve deeply into a subject or issue. Example: Researchers are planning to dig into the data to find patterns.

Dig at

Meaning: To make a mocking or critical remark about someone or something. Example: He couldn't resist digging at her choice of outfit during the party.

Dig through

Meaning: To search or look through something, often a pile or stack. Example: I had to dig through my messy drawer to find my keys.

Dig down

Meaning: To investigate or explore something thoroughly. Example: We need to dig down and find the root cause of this problem.

Dig out

Meaning: To help someone escape from a difficult situation. Example: His friends dug him out of a tight spot when he needed financial assistance.

Dig in

Meaning: To firmly establish oneself in a place or position. Example: They decided to dig in and make their new city their permanent home.

Dig on

Meaning: To have a strong attraction or affection for someone. Example: Jenny has been digging on her new colleague since they met at the office.

Drag on

Meaning: To continue for a long time, often causing boredom or annoyance. Example: The meeting seemed to drag on for hours, and everyone was eager to leave.

Drag out

Meaning: To make something last longer than necessary. Example: She kept dragging out the conversation with irrelevant details.

Drag along

Meaning: To bring someone or something with difficulty, often due to unwillingness. Example: He had to drag his younger brother along to the event because he didn't want to come.

Drag off

Meaning: To forcefully remove someone or something from a particular place. Example: The security personnel had to drag the unruly fan off the field.

Drag in

Meaning: To involve or include someone or something in a situation. Example: She tried to avoid dragging her friends into her personal problems.

Drag up

Meaning: To bring up or mention something from the past, often unpleasant. Example: He always drags up old grievances during arguments.

Drag down

Meaning: To make someone feel sad, depressed, or less enthusiastic. Example: The constant negative comments can really drag down a person's morale.

Drag through

Meaning: To endure or force someone to endure a difficult or unpleasant situation. Example: The team had to drag through the challenging project to meet the deadline.

Drag out of

Meaning: To persuade or extract information from someone unwilling to share it. Example: It took hours, but they finally managed to drag the truth out of the witness.

Drag on

Meaning: To wear or use something that hinders movement or is uncomfortable. Example: She felt like the heavy backpack was dragging her down during the hike.

Drain away

Meaning: To flow or disappear gradually, often referring to liquids. Example: The rainwater started to drain away through the pavement's cracks.

Drain out

Meaning: To remove all the liquid or contents from a container or space. Example: She had to drain out the dirty water from the sink.

Drain off

Meaning: To redirect or channel liquid away from a particular area. Example: The gutters are designed to drain off rainwater from the roof.

Drain down

Meaning: To reduce the level or amount of something, often resources or energy. Example: The continuous work without breaks can drain down one's energy.

Drain away

Meaning: To lose one's vitality or enthusiasm gradually. Example: The stress of the job can cause your motivation to drain away over time.

Drain off

Meaning: To pour or release excess liquid from a container or vessel. Example: He had to drain off some of the soup because the pot was too full.

Drain on

Meaning: To impose a heavy burden or demand on someone or something. Example: The constant financial responsibilities can be a drain on a family's budget.

Drain away

Meaning: To lose a significant amount of money, often gradually. Example: Their savings started to drain away due to unexpected expenses.

Drain out

Meaning: To force someone or something to leave a place or situation. Example: The manager had to drain out the disruptive customers from the restaurant.

Drain away

Meaning: To diminish or disappear, often referring to feelings or emotions. Example: Her initial excitement began to drain away as the project became more challenging.

Draw in

Meaning: To become darker as evening approaches. Example: The sky started to draw in, signaling the end of the day.

Draw out

Meaning: To make something last longer than expected. Example: He managed to draw out the meeting by asking numerous questions.

Draw up

Meaning: To create or prepare a document, plan, or agreement. Example: The lawyer will draw up the contract for the business partnership.

Draw on

Meaning: To use something as a source or reference. Example: The author drew on personal experiences to write the novel.

Draw out

Meaning: To encourage someone to share their thoughts or feelings. Example: She tried to draw out her shy friend by asking open-ended questions.

Draw back

Meaning: To move away from something suddenly due to fear or surprise. Example: He drew back when he saw the spider crawling towards him.

Draw in

Meaning: To attract or engage someone's interest or attention. Example: The colorful artwork on the walls drew in many visitors to the gallery.

Draw down

Meaning: To use up or reduce a resource, often referring to money or reserves. Example: The company had to draw down its cash reserves to cover unexpected expenses.

Draw up

Meaning: To stop a vehicle by the side of the road. Example: The driver had to draw up the car to check the map for directions.

Draw away

Meaning: To create distance between oneself and a competitor, often in a race or competition. Example: The athlete gradually drew away from the pack and secured first place.

Drink up

Meaning: To finish drinking all of something, often a beverage. Example: She drank up her glass of water before leaving the restaurant.

Drink in

Meaning: To enjoy and savor the experience or atmosphere. Example: We sat by the beach, drinking in the beautiful sunset. Drink down Meaning: To consume a liquid quickly, often in one gulp. Example: He drank down the entire glass of juice in seconds. Drink to Meaning: To raise a glass and make a toast in honor of someone or something. Example: Let's drink to the newlyweds' happiness! Drink away Meaning: To use alcohol excessively as a way of coping with problems. Example: He started to drink away his sorrows after losing his job. Drink up Meaning: To absorb or take in all available information or knowledge. Example: She was eager to drink up the wisdom of her mentor. Drink up Meaning: To become intoxicated or drunk from alcohol. Example: They drank up at the party and had a great time. Drink out Meaning: To go to a bar, restaurant, or other establishment for drinks. Example: Let's drink out tonight and celebrate your birthday. Drink off Meaning: To remove a liquid stain by drinking or blotting it up. Example: She accidentally spilled coffee on her shirt and had to drink it off with a napkin. Drink through Meaning: To consume a large quantity of a particular type of drink. Example: They managed to drink through all the beer at the party. Dress up Meaning: To wear formal or fancy clothing, often for a special occasion. Example: She dressed up in a beautiful gown for the gala. Dress down Meaning: To wear casual or informal clothing. Example: We were told to dress down for the company picnic. Dress for Meaning: To choose clothing suitable for a specific purpose or situation. Example: He always dresses for success when going to job interviews. Dress in Meaning: To put on clothing of a particular style or type. Example: She dressed in a traditional kimono for the cultural festival. Dress out Meaning: To clean and prepare a fish, animal, or poultry for cooking. Example: He knows how to dress out a deer after a successful hunt. Dress up as Meaning: To put on a costume to look like a specific character or role. Example: The kids dressed up as superheroes for Halloween. Dress down Meaning: To reprimand or criticize someone for their behavior or attire. Example: The boss had to dress him down for his unprofessional conduct. Dress up Meaning: To improve or decorate something to make it look more appealing. Example: They dressed up the venue with flowers and fairy lights for the wedding. Dress up Meaning: To pretend to be someone or something different for fun or deception. Example: They decided to dress up as spies for the costume party. Dress down Meaning: To become less formal or relaxed in appearance or behavior. Example: After the ceremony, they all dressed down and enjoyed a casual dinner. Drive up Meaning: To approach or move closer to a location, often in a vehicle. Example: He drove up to the entrance of the hotel to drop off his luggage. Drive off Meaning: To leave a place quickly, often while driving a vehicle. Example: The car thieves tried to drive off with the stolen vehicle. Drive through Meaning: To go through a place or establishment without stopping, such as a drive-through restaurant. Example: They decided to drive through the fast-food restaurant to grab some burgers. Drive away Meaning: To cause someone or something to leave or go away, often unintentionally. Example: The loud noise from the construction site drove away the birds. Drive up Meaning: To increase the price or value of something. Example: The high demand for the product drove up its market price. Drive on Meaning: To continue moving forward, often while driving. Example: After a short break, they decided to drive on and reach their destination. Drive out Meaning: To force someone or something to leave a place. Example: The goal is to drive out illegal activity from the neighborhood. Drive forward Meaning: To make progress or advance in a determined manner. Example: She drove forward with her career despite facing obstacles. Drive up Meaning: To increase or raise enthusiasm or support for something. Example: The campaign aims to drive up public interest in environmental issues. Drive at Meaning: To hint or suggest something indirectly. Example: She kept dropping hints, but I couldn't figure out what she was driving at. Drop off Meaning: To deliver or leave someone or something at a specific location. Example: He dropped off the package at the post office on his way to work. Drop by Meaning: To visit someone briefly or informally. Example: Feel free to drop by my house if you're in the neighborhood. Drop out Meaning: To leave or quit an activity, course, or organization before completing it. Example: He decided to drop out of college and pursue a career in music. Drop in Meaning: To visit someone or somewhere without a prior arrangement or invitation. Example: We were surprised when our friends dropped in for a chat. Drop down Meaning: To fall or descend to a lower position. Example: The temperature dropped down significantly overnight. Drop back Meaning: To move to a position behind others in a race or competition. Example: He dropped back in the final lap of the race due to exhaustion. Drop off Meaning: To decrease in quantity or quality. Example: The quality of the product tends to drop off after some time. Drop off Meaning: To fall asleep unintentionally or suddenly. Example: I accidentally dropped off during the boring lecture. Drop out Meaning: To lose consciousness, often due to exhaustion or illness. Example: She felt dizzy and eventually dropped out during the strenuous workout. Drop in Meaning: To make an unexpected or sudden appearance or occurrence. Example: The unexpected raindrop-in during the outdoor event ruined our plans. Dry up Meaning: To become completely dry or to make something completely dry. Example: After the rain stopped, the puddles began to dry up in the sun. Dry off Meaning: To remove moisture or water from someone or something. Example: She used a towel to dry off after swimming in the pool. Dry out Meaning: To become free from moisture or dampness, often referring to a place or object. Example: The basement took several days to dry out after the flooding. Dry up Meaning: To stop speaking or become silent, often due to nervousness or forgetfulness. Example: She had a tendency to dry up during public speaking. Dry up Meaning: To exhaust or deplete a resource, often money. Example: The unexpected expenses caused their savings to dry up quickly. Dry up Meaning: To cause a shortage of something, often referring to a supply. Example: The drought began to dry up the water sources in the region. Dry up Meaning: To cease to produce a particular substance or secretion, often related to the body. Example: Allergies can cause the nose to dry up and become congested. Dry off Meaning: To cool down or calm down after a period of excitement or activity. Example: After the intense workout, she needed a few minutes to dry off. Dry up Meaning: To lose creative inspiration or the ability to produce new ideas. Example: The artist feared that he would dry up and no longer be able to paint. Dry out Meaning: To stop using drugs or alcohol and become sober or clean. Example: He decided to dry out and seek help for his addiction. Dwell on Meaning: To think or talk about something for a long time, often something negative or unpleasant. Example: She tends to dwell on past mistakes instead of moving forward. Dwell in Meaning: To live or reside in a particular place. Example: They dwell in a cozy cottage by the lake. Dwell with Meaning: To coexist or live together harmoniously with someone or something. Example: The different species of birds dwell with each other in the forest. Dwell upon Meaning: To think deeply or ponder something extensively. Example: He often dwells upon the mysteries of the universe late at night. Dwell in Meaning: To be immersed or deeply involved in a particular state or condition. Example: She was dwelling in happiness after the good news. Dwell upon Meaning: To focus or emphasize a particular aspect or detail. Example: The artist dwells upon the intricate details in his paintings. Dwell on Meaning: To continue to think or talk about something to the point of obsession. Example: It's not healthy to dwell on your fears; try to let them go. Dwell with Meaning: To associate or be in the company of someone or something. Example: He chose to dwell with like-minded individuals who shared his interests. Dwell in Meaning: To remain in a particular state or condition. Example: They dwelled in uncertainty until they received the test results. Dwell with Meaning: To endure or withstand a difficult situation or circumstance. Example: Their friendship allowed them to dwell with the challenges they faced. Eat up Meaning: To consume all the food on one's plate or in a container. Example: He always tells his kids to eat up their vegetables. Eat out Meaning: To dine at a restaurant or eat a meal away from home. Example: Let's eat out tonight and try that new Italian restaurant. Eat into Meaning: To use up or reduce a portion of something, such as time or savings. Example: Unexpected expenses can eat into your monthly budget. Eat away Meaning: To gradually erode or corrode something. Example: The acid rain has been eating away at the metal statue. Eat like a horse Meaning: To have a very hearty or voracious appetite. Example: After the soccer game, he always eats like a horse. Eat into Meaning: To encroach upon or infringe on someone's time, space, or resources. Example: Work-related stress can eat into your personal life if not managed. Eat out Meaning: To consume a meal at a restaurant rather than cooking at home. Example: We decided to eat out because we didn't feel like cooking tonight. Eat away at Meaning: To slowly undermine or destroy something, often referring to one's confidence or self-esteem. Example: Constant criticism can eat away at a person's self-esteem. Eat through Meaning: To consume something quickly or with great enthusiasm. Example: They ate through the entire batch of cookies in no time. Eat up Meaning: To believe or accept something without question. Example: Don't just eat up everything the media tells you; do your research. End up Meaning: To eventually reach or arrive at a particular situation or result, often unexpectedly. Example: Despite the detour, we ended up at the right destination. End in Meaning: To have a particular result or outcome. Example: The argument ended in a compromise between the two parties. End with Meaning: To conclude or finish with a particular action or event. Example: The concert ended with a spectacular fireworks display. End up Meaning: To find oneself in a specific state or situation, usually unplanned. Example: If you keep overspending, you'll end up in financial trouble. End off Meaning: To conclude or finish something. Example: She ended the letter off with warm regards and her signature. Endear to Meaning: To make someone or something lovable or dear to someone else. Example: Her kindness and generosity endeared her to everyone she met. End up Meaning: To use or consume all of something. Example: We ended up using all of the ingredients in the recipe. End by Meaning: To conclude or finish with a particular action or statement. Example: He ended the speech by thanking the audience for their support. End off Meaning: To conclude or terminate something. Example: We should end off the project with a final review meeting. End around Meaning: To bypass or go around something in a clever or indirect manner. Example: They tried to end around the traffic jam by taking a different route. Enter into Meaning: To start or become involved in a particular agreement, relationship, or discussion. Example: They decided to enter into a business partnership. Enter upon Meaning: To begin or commence a new phase or period in one's life or career. Example: She entered upon a new chapter in her life after retirement. Enter through Meaning: To go into a place or building through a particular entrance or door. Example: Visitors must enter through the main entrance of the museum. Enter upon Meaning: To start or initiate a new task or endeavor. Example: He entered upon the project with great enthusiasm. Enter in Meaning: To write or record information in a document or record. Example: Please enter in your name and contact details on the registration form. Enter upon Meaning: To begin or commence a specific period or stage of time. Example: They entered upon a challenging phase of their relationship. Enter upon Meaning: To start or embark on a particular career or profession. Example: After completing her degree, she entered upon a career in medicine. Enter through Meaning: To gain access to a place or building by going through a particular entrance. Example: Visitors must enter through the security checkpoint at the airport. Enter in Meaning: To participate or join in a discussion, debate, or conversation. Example: He entered in the debate with a well-prepared argument. Enter upon Meaning: To officially begin or assume a role or position. Example: The new president will enter upon office next week. Explain away Meaning: To provide reasons or excuses in an attempt to make something less significant or to justify it. Example: He tried to explain away his absence by saying he had car trouble. Explain to Meaning: To give a detailed account or clarification to someone about a particular topic or issue. Example: She explained to her students the importance of the scientific method. Explain off Meaning: To dismiss or minimize something by providing a simple or superficial explanation. Example: She explained off her sudden mood change as tiredness. Explain away Meaning: To rationalize or make excuses for one's behavior or actions. Example: He tried to explain away his mistake by blaming it on stress. Explain in Meaning: To provide a detailed explanation or description of something. Example: The professor explained in great detail how the experiment was conducted. Explain out Meaning: To clarify or elaborate on a topic or concept. Example: She asked him to explain out the complicated process step by step. Explain to Meaning: To make someone understand a situation, often to correct a misunderstanding. Example: He had to explain to his friend that he didn't mean to hurt their feelings. Explain back Meaning: To restate or summarize something that has been explained. Example: After the lecture, she asked her students to explain back what they had learned. Explain out Meaning: To provide a thorough or exhaustive explanation. Example: The lawyer explained out the legal implications of the contract. Explain to Meaning: To inform someone about a particular fact or piece of information. Example: She explained to her boss that the project deadline had been extended. Fade away Meaning: To gradually disappear or become less visible or noticeable. Example: The old photographs have faded away over the years. Fade out Meaning: To gradually diminish in intensity, such as sound or light. Example: The music in the movie faded out as the scene ended. Fade into Meaning: To transition smoothly or gradually into a different state or situation. Example: The dreamy scene in the movie faded into a nightmare. Fade back Meaning: To retreat or move away gradually from a position. Example: The soldiers had to fade back when they encountered heavy enemy fire. Fade off Meaning: To slowly lose interest or enthusiasm for something. Example: She used to be passionate about painting, but her interest faded off over time. Fade in Meaning: To gradually become more noticeable or prominent, as in a movie or music. Example: The movie started with a fade-in from black to reveal a beautiful landscape. Fade out Meaning: To end or conclude gradually, as in a story or presentation. Example: The movie faded out with a touching farewell scene. Fade away Meaning: To weaken or diminish gradually, especially in health or strength. Example: His health started to fade away after years of illness. Fade into Meaning: To merge or blend smoothly into a different scene or situation. Example: The colors of the sunset faded into the darkness of the night. Fade in Meaning: To appear or become visible gradually, as in a picture or video. Example: The text faded in on the screen to introduce the topic. Fall down Meaning: To lose one's balance and collapse to the ground. Example: She slipped on the icy sidewalk and fell down. Fall over Meaning: To tip or overturn and land on the ground. Example: The strong wind caused the tree to fall over. Fall behind Meaning: To fail to keep up with a particular pace or schedule. Example: Due to his illness, he started to fall behind in his coursework. Fall for Meaning: To be deceived or tricked by someone's charm or deceit. Example: She couldn't believe she had fallen for his smooth talk. Fall in Meaning: To collapse inward or sink into a lower position. Example: The roof of the old building finally fell in after years of neglect. Fall out Meaning: To have a disagreement or argument with someone. Example: They fell out over a misunderstanding about the project. Fall off Meaning: To decrease in quantity, quality, or performance. Example: Sales tend to fall off during the winter months. Fall through Meaning: To fail to happen or be completed, often due to unexpected obstacles. Example: Their plans to go on vacation fell through because of flight cancellations. Fall in Meaning: To conform or comply with rules or expectations. Example: All students are expected to fall in with the school's dress code. Fall over Meaning: To be greatly surprised or shocked by something. Example: I nearly fell over when I heard the news of their engagement. Feel up Meaning: To touch or grope someone inappropriately or without their consent. Example: It's important to respect personal boundaries and not feel up anyone. Feel out Meaning: To gather information or opinions from someone gradually and discreetly. Example: The manager felt out the team to see how they felt about the new project. Feel for Meaning: To empathize or sympathize with someone who is going through a difficult time. Example: I really feel for her after her recent loss. Feel up to Meaning: To have the physical or emotional capability or energy to do something. Example: After a good night's rest, I felt up to tackling the challenging task. Feel out Meaning: To test or assess someone's reactions or opinions. Example: She felt out the audience's response before sharing her new idea. Feel around Meaning: To search or explore something by touch, often in a cautious manner. Example: He felt around in the dark for the light switch. Feel like Meaning: To have the desire or inclination to do something. Example: I feel like going for a walk in the park this evening. Feel through Meaning: To carefully consider or examine a problem or situation. Example: We need to feel through all the possible solutions before making a decision. Feel out Meaning: To become more comfortable or familiar with a new environment or situation. Example: It took a while, but I finally felt out my new job and colleagues. Feel up to Meaning: To recover or regain one's health or strength. Example: After a bout of illness, she finally felt up to resuming her daily activities. Fight back Meaning: To resist or defend against an attack or challenge. Example: She fought back tears as she spoke about her late father. Fight off Meaning: To defend oneself against an attacker or to repel something, such as an illness or danger. Example: He had to fight off a group of bullies after school. Fight for Meaning: To advocate or make an effort to achieve or protect something important. Example: They fought for equal rights and social justice throughout their lives. Fight against Meaning: To oppose or resist something, often a force or influence. Example: The environmental activists fought against deforestation in the region. Fight through Meaning: To persist or endure despite difficulties or obstacles. Example: She fought through exhaustion to complete the marathon. Fight on Meaning: To continue or persevere in a struggle or conflict. Example: The team decided to fight on despite being behind in the game. Fight with Meaning: To argue or have a disagreement with someone. Example: They often fought with each other about politics. Fight back Meaning: To suppress or control one's emotions or reactions. Example: She had to fight back her anger during the heated debate. Fight off Meaning: To successfully prevent or ward off a potential threat. Example: He managed to fight off the flu with plenty of rest and fluids. Fight out Meaning: To resolve or settle a dispute or conflict through discussion or negotiation. Example: They decided to fight out their differences in a mediation session. Fill up Meaning: To make something full or to reach maximum capacity. Example: Please fill up the gas tank before we hit the road. Fill in Meaning: To complete or provide missing information or details. Example: Can you fill in this form with your personal information? Fill out Meaning: To complete a form, document, or application by providing all the necessary information. Example: He needed to fill out the job application to be considered for the position. Fill with Meaning: To become full of a particular emotion or feeling. Example: His heart filled with joy when he saw his family after a long time. Fill in for Meaning: To temporarily replace someone in their role or job. Example: She had to fill in for her colleague who was on vacation. Fill up Meaning: To eat or drink until you are no longer hungry or thirsty. Example: The buffet was so delicious that I filled up on the first round. Fill with Meaning: To become crowded or occupied. Example: The stadium filled with fans eager to watch the game. Fill in Meaning: To provide supplementary information or details. Example: The teacher asked the students to fill in the gaps in their knowledge. Fill up Meaning: To become completely occupied or booked. Example: The hotel tends to fill up quickly during the holiday season. Fill out Meaning: To add bulk or substance to something. Example: The additional research will help fill out the report with more data. Find out Meaning: To discover or learn something that was previously unknown. Example: She found out about the surprise party we were planning for her. Find by Meaning: To locate something using a specific method or approach. Example: You can find your keys by retracing your steps. Find in Meaning: To discover or identify something within a larger context. Example: I was surprised to find the answer in the last paragraph of the article. Find with Meaning: To discover or detect something in association with another action or object. Example: She found the note with her name written on it. Find off Meaning: To fend off or repel a threat or danger. Example: The guard found off the intruders and protected the premises. Find up Meaning: To discover or come across something unexpectedly. Example: While hiking, we found up a hidden waterfall in the forest. Find by Meaning: To use a method or strategy to locate something. Example: I found the recipe by searching online. Find with Meaning: To discover or encounter something in the company of someone or something else. Example: They found the lost treasure chest with the help of a metal detector. Find on Meaning: To discover or locate something on a particular surface or location. Example: She found her lost ring on the kitchen counter. Find off Meaning: To successfully defend against or resist a challenge or attack. Example: The team found off their opponents' attempts to score. Finish off Meaning: To complete the last part of something. Example: I'll finish off the report and then send it to you. Finish up Meaning: To conclude or complete something. Example: Let's finish up this meeting and discuss the next steps. Finish with Meaning: To end or conclude a particular activity or task. Example: She finished with her morning yoga routine and felt refreshed. Finish off Meaning: To consume the last part of food or drink. Example: He finished off the cake in just a few bites. Finish up Meaning: To reach the end of a process or period. Example: The project is finishing up, and we'll be ready to launch soon. Finish on Meaning: To end or conclude a discussion or topic. Example: Let's finish on a positive note and discuss our achievements. Finish off Meaning: To defeat or overpower someone or something completely. Example: The team finished off their opponents with a last-minute goal. Finish with Meaning: To no longer need or use something. Example: I've finished with this old computer, so I'm donating it. Finish up Meaning: To use the last remaining amount of something. Example: Please finish up the milk; we need to buy more. Finish on Meaning: To end a performance or event with a specific action or note. Example: The concert finished on a high note with the encore performance. Follow along Meaning: To understand or keep up with what is happening or being said. Example: Please follow along with the lecture notes to grasp the concept. Follow through Meaning: To carry out or complete a task or plan as promised. Example: It's important to follow through on your commitments. Follow up Meaning: To continue an action or process that was started earlier. Example: The doctor will follow up with you after the surgery to check your progress. Follow suit Meaning: To imitate or do the same thing as others. Example: After seeing his friends succeed, he decided to follow suit and start his own business. Follow on Meaning: To come after or succeed something in a sequence. Example: The second book in the series follows on from the first. Follow up Meaning: To contact someone for further information or action. Example: The sales team will follow up with potential customers to answer any questions. Follow in Meaning: To continue a tradition or pursue a similar path as someone else. Example: He followed in his father's footsteps and became a doctor. Follow through Meaning: To pursue a course of action to its conclusion without changing plans. Example: She had a great idea and decided to follow through with it. Follow after Meaning: To come after or be the offspring of someone. Example: She follows after her mother with her artistic talents. Follow out Meaning: To carry out a set of instructions or orders. Example: The soldiers were trained to follow out the commander's orders precisely. Get up Meaning: To rise from a sitting or lying position. Example: I need to get up early tomorrow for a meeting. Get by Meaning: To manage or survive with limited resources or means. Example: With careful budgeting, they were able to get by during tough times. Get through Meaning: To successfully complete or endure a difficult task or situation. Example: She worked hard to get through the challenging exam. Get along Meaning: To have a harmonious relationship or rapport with someone. Example: They get along well with their neighbors. Get across Meaning: To communicate or convey a message or idea effectively. Example: He struggled to get his point across during the presentation. Get over Meaning: To recover from an illness, setback, or emotional distress. Example: It took her some time to get over her breakup. Get in Meaning: To enter or arrive at a place. Example: We need to get in the car and head to the airport. Get off Meaning: To disembark or leave a vehicle or mode of transportation. Example: Please get off the bus at the next stop. Get ahead Meaning: To make progress in one's career or life. Example: She worked hard to get ahead in her profession. Get by Meaning: To pass or be accepted with a minimum level of performance. Example: He managed to get by in the exam by answering the easiest questions. Go ahead Meaning: To proceed or continue with something. Example: You can go ahead and start the meeting without me. Go on Meaning: To continue or proceed with an action or conversation. Example: Please go on with your explanation. Go over Meaning: To review or examine something thoroughly. Example: Let's go over the details of the project one more time. Go out Meaning: To leave one's home or a place for social activities or entertainment. Example: We plan to go out for dinner tonight. Go for Meaning: To choose or select something. Example: I think I'll go for the chocolate ice cream. Go off Meaning: To explode or make a sudden loud noise. Example: The firecracker went off with a bang. Go through Meaning: To experience or endure a difficult or challenging situation. Example: He had to go through a tough period of training. Go by Meaning: To pass or elapse, especially with regard to time. Example: The days go by quickly when you're having fun. Go along with Meaning: To agree or comply with someone's plan or suggestion. Example: I decided to go along with their idea for the project. Go under Meaning: To fail or go bankrupt, especially a business. Example: The company might go under if it doesn't recover soon. Go around Meaning: To be sufficient or available for everyone. Example: There's enough food to go around for everyone at the party. Go without Meaning: To live or endure without something. Example: During the camping trip, we had to go without electricity. Go back on Meaning: To break a promise or fail to fulfill an agreement. Example: He promised to help, but he went back on his word. Go out Meaning: To extinguish or turn off a light or fire. Example: Please go out the candles before you leave the room. Go over Meaning: To explain or review something in detail. Example: The teacher will go over the homework assignment in class. Go against Meaning: To oppose or be contrary to something. Example: His decision to quit his job goes against his family's wishes. Go by Meaning: To be guided or influenced by something. Example: Many people go by their instincts when making decisions. Go with Meaning: To choose or select something to complement or match. Example: The blue tie will go well with your gray suit. Go off Meaning: To become bad or spoiled, especially food. Example: The milk went off, and it smelled terrible. Go under Meaning: To submerge or sink beneath a surface, often in water. Example: The ship began to go under after hitting an iceberg. Grow up Meaning: To mature and become an adult. Example: She grew up in a small town and later moved to the city. Grow into Meaning: To gradually fit or become suitable for a particular role or size. Example: The company grew into a major player in the industry over the years. Grow out of Meaning: To no longer have an interest or need for something as you mature. Example: He grew out of his childhood fascination with superheroes. Grow on Meaning: To become more appealing or likable over time. Example: At first, I didn't like the song, but it grew on me after a while. Grow apart Meaning: To become less close or distant in a relationship or friendship. Example: Over time, they grew apart and had different interests. Grow together Meaning: To become closer or more connected in a relationship or friendship. Example: Despite challenges, their shared experiences helped them grow together as a couple. Grow up Meaning: To develop or increase in size, amount, or intensity. Example: The number of students at the school has grown up significantly. Grow out Meaning: To allow something, like hair or nails, to become longer or more abundant. Example: She decided to grow out her hair for a change in style. Grow on Meaning: To become accustomed to or start to like something that you initially disliked. Example: The taste of sushi took some time to grow on him, but now he loves it. Grow beyond Meaning: To exceed or outgrow a certain limit or size. Example: The company's success allowed it to grow beyond its local market. Hand out Meaning: To distribute or give something to a group of people. Example: The teacher will hand out the assignments at the beginning of the class. Hand over Meaning: To give or transfer control, responsibility, or possession of something to someone else. Example: The CEO decided to hand over the company to his successor. Hand in Meaning: To submit or deliver something, usually a document or assignment. Example: Please hand in your completed forms by the end of the day. Hand down Meaning: To pass on or transmit something to the next generation or others. Example: The family heirloom was handed down through many generations. Hand off Meaning: To transfer or delegate a task or responsibility to another person. Example: The manager decided to hand off the project to a more experienced team member. Hand back Meaning: To return something to its original owner or rightful recipient. Example: After grading the papers, the teacher will hand them back to the students. Hand on Meaning: To pass on knowledge, information, or skills to someone else. Example: The experienced chef is eager to hand on her culinary expertise to the apprentices. Hand in Meaning: To surrender or give oneself up to authorities, often related to a criminal context. Example: The fugitive finally decided to hand himself in to the police. Hand off Meaning: In sports, to pass the ball or possession to a teammate. Example: The quarterback handed off the football to the running back. Hand down Meaning: To announce or deliver a judgment or decision in a legal context. Example: The judge will hand down the verdict in the trial tomorrow. Hang up Meaning: To end a phone call by placing the receiver back on the phone. Example: She hung up after a brief conversation with her friend. Hang on Meaning: To wait or hold on for a short period of time. Example: Hang on for a moment while I grab my coat. Hang out Meaning: To spend time with friends or in a casual, relaxed setting. Example: They like to hang out at the local coffee shop on weekends. Hang around Meaning: To stay in a place without a specific purpose or waiting for something. Example: The kids were hanging around the park all afternoon. Hang over Meaning: To remain as a lingering effect, especially after a night of drinking. Example: I had a terrible hangover after the party last night. Hang together Meaning: To stay united or cohesive as a group. Example: It's important for the team to hang together during challenging times. Hang with Meaning: To spend time with a particular person or group. Example: He likes to hang with his cousins during family gatherings. Hang up on Meaning: To abruptly end a phone call by disconnecting without saying goodbye. Example: She was so angry that she hung up on her boss during the argument. Hang in Meaning: To persist or endure through difficult circumstances. Example: Hang in there; things will get better soon. Hang back Meaning: To stay behind or refrain from moving forward with a group. Example: She decided to hang back and let the others go ahead on the hike. Have on Meaning: To be wearing a particular piece of clothing or an accessory. Example: She had on a beautiful dress at the party last night. Have over Meaning: To invite someone to one's home or a place for a visit or gathering. Example: We should have them over for dinner sometime. Have out Meaning: To invite someone to a public event or gathering. Example: They had us out to their charity fundraiser. Have up Meaning: To invite someone to a higher position or level. Example: The boss had him up to her office for a meeting. Have off Meaning: To be given a day off from work or responsibilities. Example: I'm planning to have the day off on my birthday. Have in Meaning: To keep something in stock or supply something. Example: They have fresh vegetables in the market today. Have back Meaning: To return something to its rightful owner. Example: I'll have to have the library book back by next week. Have away Meaning: To give something away as a gift or prize. Example: The company plans to have a giveaway contest for its customers. Have at Meaning: To attack or approach something eagerly or with enthusiasm. Example: The children had at the piñata with excitement. Have up Meaning: To bring up or mention a topic or issue. Example: He had to have the difficult conversation with his boss about a pay raise. Hear out Meaning: To listen to someone's complete explanation or argument. Example: Please hear me out before making a decision. Hear about Meaning: To receive information or news about something. Example: I heard about the new job opening from a friend. Hear from Meaning: To receive communication or contact from someone. Example: I haven't heard from my cousin in months. Hear of Meaning: To be aware of or know about someone or something. Example: Have you ever heard of that famous author? Hear through the grapevine Meaning: To learn about something through informal or unofficial sources. Example: I heard through the grapevine that she's getting a promotion. Hear back Meaning: To receive a response or feedback after contacting someone or applying for something. Example: I'm still waiting to hear back from the job interview. Hear from Meaning: To learn about someone's condition or well-being. Example: I heard from your sister that you're doing well in college. Hear out Meaning: To give someone a chance to express their thoughts or feelings. Example: Let's hear out the students' opinions on the new school policy. Hear over Meaning: To listen or pay attention to what is being said or announced over a loudspeaker or public address system. Example: Please hear over the announcement for any flight updates. Hear out Meaning: To endure or tolerate hearing something unpleasant or annoying. Example: I had to hear out their complaints about the noisy construction next door. Help out Meaning: To assist or lend a hand to someone in need. Example: Can you help out with the charity event this weekend? Help with Meaning: To provide assistance or support in a particular task or activity. Example: She always helps with the cooking during family gatherings. Help along Meaning: To aid or facilitate the progress or development of something. Example: Regular exercise can help along your recovery after surgery. Help out Meaning: To contribute or provide support financially. Example: They helped out by donating money to the disaster relief fund. Help through Meaning: To assist someone in dealing with a difficult or challenging situation. Example: Her friends helped her through the tough times after her breakup. Help down Meaning: To assist someone in getting down from a higher position or place. Example: He offered to help her down from the ladder. Help out Meaning: To step in and assist when needed, especially in a crisis. Example: The neighbors helped out when our car broke down. Help up Meaning: To raise or lift someone or something. Example: She helped up the child who had fallen on the playground. Help along Meaning: To encourage or support the progress of a project or initiative. Example: Their expertise helped along the success of the research project. Help out Meaning: To make a situation or problem easier to deal with. Example: The extra funding will help out in addressing the housing crisis. Hit on Meaning: To flirt with or make romantic advances towards someone. Example: He was hitting on her at the bar last night. Hit off Meaning: To establish a positive or friendly relationship with someone quickly. Example: We hit it off right away when we met at the conference. Hit up Meaning: To approach someone, often for a favor or to request something, especially money. Example: He hit me up for a loan to cover his rent. Hit back Meaning: To retaliate or respond to an attack or criticism. Example: After being criticized, he hit back with a strong rebuttal. Hit the books Meaning: To study or engage in serious academic work. Example: I need to hit the books for my upcoming exams. Hit the road Meaning: To start a journey or trip, often by car. Example: We're going to hit the road early tomorrow morning. Hit the jackpot Meaning: To achieve a great success or win a substantial prize. Example: She hit the jackpot with her new business venture. Hit the hay Meaning: To go to bed or get some sleep. Example: I'm exhausted; I need to hit the hay early tonight. Hit the ground running Meaning: To start a task or project quickly and energetically. Example: The new employee hit the ground running and made an immediate impact. Hit the nail on the head Meaning: To describe or identify something accurately and precisely. Example: His analysis of the situation hit the nail on the head. Hold on Meaning: To wait or pause for a short period of time. Example: Please hold on; I'll be with you in a moment. Hold up Meaning: To delay or obstruct something or someone. Example: Traffic accidents can hold up your commute to work. Hold back Meaning: To restrain or keep something from progressing or moving forward. Example: She couldn't hold back her tears during the emotional movie. Hold out Meaning: To resist or continue to withstand pressure, challenges, or difficulties. Example: The team held out against the opposing team's offense. Hold in Meaning: To suppress or keep one's emotions or feelings from showing. Example: He tried to hold in his laughter during the serious meeting. Hold off Meaning: To delay or postpone an event, action, or decision. Example: They decided to hold off on the project until more funds were available. Hold down Meaning: To keep a job or position successfully. Example: She has been able to hold down the same job for over a decade. Hold together Meaning: To maintain cohesion or unity despite challenges. Example: The team managed to hold together during a period of turmoil. Hold to Meaning: To stick to or adhere to a promise, commitment, or plan. Example: He always holds to his principles, no matter what. Hold off Meaning: To prevent or delay something, often referring to bad weather. Example: The rain held off long enough for us to finish the outdoor event. Hunt down Meaning: To search relentlessly for someone or something until found. Example: The detective was determined to hunt down the suspect. Hunt for Meaning: To search for something, often in a systematic or organized manner. Example: They went hunting for wild mushrooms in the forest. Hunt out Meaning: To find or discover something, typically after searching for it. Example: I had to hunt out the old family photo album in the attic. Hunt up Meaning: To find or locate someone or something, often after making an effort. Example: I need to hunt up that book I borrowed from you. Hunt through Meaning: To search through a pile or collection of items, often in a disorganized way. Example: He had to hunt through his messy desk to find his car keys. Hunt around Meaning: To search in various places or locations for something. Example: We had to hunt around the house for the missing remote control. Hunt off Meaning: To drive away or chase off animals or people. Example: The farmer used a scarecrow to hunt off the crows from his crops. Hunt out Meaning: To locate or identify someone or something by searching. Example: The archaeologists hunted out ancient artifacts from the excavation site. Hunt up Meaning: To find or search for information or details. Example: I need to hunt up some references for my research paper. Hunt for Meaning: To actively look for or pursue a particular goal or objective. Example: She's been hunting for a new job for months. Hunger for Meaning: To have a strong desire or craving for something. Example: After a long day of hiking, they hungered for a hearty meal. Hunger down Meaning: To crouch or huddle down due to hunger or cold. Example: The homeless man hungered down in the alley, seeking shelter from the rain. Hunger after Meaning: To passionately pursue or seek something, often a goal or ambition. Example: She has always hungered after success in her career. Hunger out Meaning: To suffer or endure hunger for an extended period. Example: During the famine, many people hungered out in the rural areas. Hunger up Meaning: To increase or intensify feelings of hunger. Example: Skipping breakfast only hungered up their appetites by lunchtime. Hunger along Meaning: To continue moving or progressing despite being hungry. Example: The marathon runners hungered along the course, determined to finish. Hunger for Meaning: To have a strong desire or need for knowledge or information. Example: He hungered for knowledge and spent hours reading books. Hunger down Meaning: To hunker down or take shelter during a time of food scarcity. Example: During the drought, many animals had to hunger down in search of water. Hunger for Meaning: To long or yearn for a specific experience or opportunity. Example: Young artists often hunger for their first gallery exhibition. Hunger for Meaning: To actively seek or pursue a goal, often with great determination. Example: The team hungered for victory and trained tirelessly for the championship. Hush up Meaning: To keep something secret or quiet, especially to avoid embarrassment or scandal. Example: They tried to hush up the company's financial troubles. Hush down Meaning: To reduce the volume or intensity of noise or commotion. Example: The teacher hushed down the noisy classroom. Hush over Meaning: To create a quiet or subdued atmosphere. Example: A hush fell over the room as the speaker began. Hush away Meaning: To take or remove someone or something quietly. Example: She hushed away the child who was causing a disturbance. Hush into Meaning: To speak or calm someone into a quieter state. Example: She hushed the baby into a peaceful sleep. Hush over Meaning: To become quiet or subdued. Example: The crowd hushed over as they watched the sunset. Hush up Meaning: To silence or suppress someone by not allowing them to speak or share their opinion. Example: The manager hushed up the employee's complaints. Hush down Meaning: To calm or pacify a situation or a person. Example: She tried to hush down her upset friend. Hush into Meaning: To persuade someone to be quiet or to stop talking. Example: He hushed his chatty friend into focusing on the lecture. Hush away Meaning: To hide or conceal something by putting it out of sight. Example: She hushed away her diary to keep it private. Idle away Meaning: To waste time doing nothing productive. Example: He idled away the afternoon watching TV. Idle about Meaning: To spend time aimlessly or lazily. Example: Instead of working on the project, they idled about the office. Idle along Meaning: To move slowly or without purpose. Example: The boat idled along the calm river. Idle by Meaning: To pass time without taking any action or getting involved. Example: They idled by while the argument escalated. Idle down Meaning: To reduce the speed of an engine or machine. Example: He idled down the car's engine to save fuel. Idle in Meaning: To be present without being engaged or active. Example: He was idling in the meeting without contributing. Idle off Meaning: To disengage or turn off a machine or device. Example: Please idle off the computer before leaving the office. Idle over Meaning: To spend excessive time or attention on something without productive results. Example: Don't idle over your homework; get it done efficiently. Idle up Meaning: To increase the speed or activity of an engine or machine. Example: She idled up the lawnmower to cut the grass faster. Idle on Meaning: To stay inactive or unemployed for a long period. Example: After losing his job, he idled on for months before finding a new one. Imbue with Meaning: To inspire or instill a particular quality or feeling in someone or something. Example: The teacher imbued her students with a love for literature. Imbue into Meaning: To deeply integrate or infuse a particular characteristic or idea into something. Example: The values of integrity and honesty were imbued into the company's culture. Imbue with Meaning: To saturate or fill something with a particular quality or essence. Example: The artist's paintings were imbued with vibrant colors and emotion. Imbue with Meaning: To impart or invest something with a sense of purpose or significance. Example: Their wedding ceremony was imbued with cultural traditions. Imbue with Meaning: To influence or permeate someone's thoughts or beliefs. Example: His mentor imbued him with a passion for social justice. Imbue with Meaning: To empower or infuse someone with confidence. Example: The coach's pep talk imbued the team with the belief that they could win. Imbue with Meaning: To fill or charge something with a particular flavor or aroma. Example: The chef imbued the dish with the rich taste of herbs and spices. Imbue in Meaning: To deeply embed or instill a concept or principle in a person or thing. Example: The school imbued in its students the importance of environmental conservation. Imbue with Meaning: To infuse or endow something with a sense of beauty or artistry. Example: The garden was imbued with sculptures and exquisite landscaping. Imbue with Meaning: To instill or invest something with a sense of purpose or meaning. Example: The charity's mission was imbued with a commitment to improving lives. Inquire about Meaning: To seek information or ask questions about something. Example: She inquired about the availability of hotel rooms for the weekend. Inquire into Meaning: To investigate or examine something in a systematic manner. Example: The authorities decided to inquire into the cause of the accident. Inquire after Meaning: To ask about someone's well-being or to check on their condition. Example: He called to inquire after his friend who had been ill. Inquire around Meaning: To ask multiple people or sources for information about a particular topic. Example: She inquired around the neighborhood to find her lost dog. Inquire for Meaning: To request or ask for something, often in a formal manner. Example: The customer inquired for a quotation for the construction project. Inquire within Meaning: To ask questions or seek information from a particular organization or group. Example: If you have questions about the company's policies, please inquire within HR. Inquire after Meaning: To show interest in someone's welfare or situation. Example: He often inquires after his elderly neighbor to make sure she's okay. Inquire around Meaning: To make inquiries or ask for information from various sources or people. Example: She inquired around the office to gather data for her report. Inquire for Meaning: To ask or request information or assistance from someone. Example: She inquired for directions when she got lost in the city. Inquire within Meaning: To seek information or answers from a specific organization or institution. Example: To obtain a copy of your medical records, please inquire within the hospital's records department. Insist on Meaning: To demand or require something strongly. Example: She insisted on finishing the project before the deadline. Insist upon Meaning: To be unwavering in one's determination or demands. Example: He insisted upon having a face-to-face meeting with the client. Insist that Meaning: To assert or maintain firmly that something is true or should be done. Example: The teacher insisted that the students submit their assignments on time. Insist in Meaning: To persistently or repeatedly state a point of view. Example: He insisted in telling the story, despite everyone's lack of interest. Insist to Meaning: To emphasize or stress a particular point when communicating with someone. Example: She insisted to her team the importance of teamwork. Insist on Meaning: To be determined or resolute about a particular course of action. Example: They insisted on implementing the new safety measures in the workplace. Insist against Meaning: To resist or oppose a strong demand or request. Example: The employee insisted against working overtime on the weekend. Insist on Meaning: To be firm or unwavering in one's convictions or beliefs. Example: He insisted on following his own principles, no matter what others said. Insist to Meaning: To repeatedly express or communicate a strong viewpoint or opinion to someone. Example: She insisted to her children the importance of good manners. Insist upon Meaning: To require or stipulate something as a condition or necessity. Example: The contract insists upon regular maintenance of the equipment. Interfere with Meaning: To disrupt or hinder the normal functioning of something. Example: The bad weather interfered with our outdoor picnic plans. Interfere in Meaning: To involve oneself in a situation or matter where one is not welcome or needed. Example: Please don't interfere in their personal conflicts; let them resolve it themselves. Interfere on behalf of Meaning: To intervene or take action in support of someone else's interests or cause. Example: The lawyer decided to interfere on behalf of his client to ensure a fair trial. Interfere with Meaning: To meddle in or tamper with something. Example: He was accused of interfering with the company's financial records. Interfere with Meaning: To cause problems or complications in a process or activity. Example: Technical issues can interfere with the smooth flow of an online meeting. Interfere against Meaning: To actively oppose or work against something. Example: The environmental group is determined to interfere against the construction of the new factory. Interfere with Meaning: To have a negative impact on someone's personal life or well-being. Example: His excessive workload was interfering with his family time. Interfere with Meaning: To interrupt or disturb a conversation or event. Example: Please don't interfere with the speaker while they are addressing the audience. Interfere with Meaning: To tamper or meddle with someone's personal belongings. Example: She was upset when she found out that her brother had interfered with her diary. Interfere on the side of Meaning: To support or take the side of someone in a dispute or conflict. Example: The teacher decided to interfere on the side of the student who was being bullied. Itch for Meaning: To have a strong desire or craving for something. Example: After weeks of dieting, she itched for a piece of chocolate cake. Itch to Meaning: To have a strong urge or inclination to do something. Example: He itched to travel and explore new countries. Itch up Meaning: To increase the intensity or desire for something. Example: The competitive spirit in him itched up as the race approached. Itch away Meaning: To gradually remove or alleviate an uncomfortable feeling. Example: He couldn't resist itching away the mosquito bite. Itch at Meaning: To cause discomfort or irritation by scratching or rubbing. Example: The woolen sweater started to itch at his neck. Itch back Meaning: To experience a recurrence of a previous feeling or desire. Example: The nostalgia made her itch back to her childhood days. Itch off Meaning: To scratch or rub something vigorously to relieve itching. Example: He couldn't wait to get home and itch off the poison ivy rash. Itch in Meaning: To feel an uncomfortable sensation on the skin from an insect bite or irritation. Example: The mosquito bites made her skin itch in various places. Itch out Meaning: To try to remove or alleviate an irritation or discomfort. Example: She used a soothing lotion to itch out the discomfort caused by the rash. Itch up Meaning: To intensify or exacerbate an existing desire or craving. Example: The sight and smell of freshly baked bread itched up his hunger. Impress upon Meaning: To emphasize or convey a point or idea to someone. Example: The teacher impressed upon her students the importance of hard work. Impress with Meaning: To make a favorable or lasting impact on someone by demonstrating skill or quality. Example: The candidate impressed the interviewers with his knowledge and experience. Impress on Meaning: To strongly emphasize or communicate an idea or belief to someone. Example: He tried to impress on his children the value of honesty. Impress by Meaning: To cause someone to be amazed or in awe due to one's actions or abilities. Example: The magician impressed the audience by performing incredible tricks. Impress with Meaning: To use one's appearance or style to make a positive impact. Example: She always impresses with her fashionable outfits. Impress on Meaning: To firmly communicate or make someone understand something. Example: The coach impressed on his team the need for discipline and teamwork. Impress upon Meaning: To strongly convey a sense of importance or significance. Example: The CEO impressed upon the employees the company's commitment to environmental sustainability. Impress with Meaning: To create a favorable impression through one's manners or behavior. Example: He impressed the dinner guests with his politeness and charm. Impress on Meaning: To make someone fully aware of the consequences or gravity of a situation. Example: The counselor impressed on the students the dangers of substance abuse. Impress by Meaning: To cause admiration or respect through one's achievements or actions. Example: Her dedication and hard work impressed everyone in the company. Jump at Meaning: To eagerly accept or take advantage of an opportunity. Example: When she was offered the promotion, she jumped at the chance to advance her career. Jump in Meaning: To enter a conversation or situation suddenly or without hesitation. Example: She couldn't resist jumping in and offering her opinion during the heated debate. Jump on Meaning: To criticize or confront someone quickly and forcefully. Example: The manager jumped on the employee for repeatedly missing deadlines. Jump out at Meaning: To be very noticeable or stand out in a noticeable way. Example: The vibrant colors of the painting jumped out at me as soon as I entered the room. Jump around Meaning: To move or dance energetically and enthusiastically. Example: The kids were jumping around with excitement at the birthday party. Jump off Meaning: To start or begin something, often an event or a project. Example: The race will jump off as soon as the starter's gun is fired. Jump to Meaning: To quickly reach a conclusion or make an assumption without proper consideration. Example: Don't jump to conclusions without all the facts. Jump out of Meaning: To move quickly out of something, such as a vehicle or a bed. Example: He jumped out of bed when he heard the fire alarm. Jump down Meaning: To descend or move downward quickly, often from a height. Example: She jumped down from the treehouse and landed safely on the ground. Jump around Meaning: To act in a playful or excited manner. Example: The puppies were jumping around in the backyard, full of energy. Keep up Meaning: To maintain a certain level or pace. Example: She had to run to keep up with the faster runners in the marathon. Keep on Meaning: To continue doing something without stopping. Example: Despite the challenges, they decided to keep on working towards their goal. Keep to Meaning: To stick to a plan, schedule, or limit. Example: He tried to keep to his daily routine even during busy times. Keep off Meaning: To avoid stepping on or touching something. Example: Please keep off the freshly painted floor until it dries. Keep away Meaning: To stay at a distance or avoid coming closer. Example: The guard dogs are trained to keep intruders away from the property. Keep in Meaning: To refrain from disclosing or sharing information or feelings. Example: She decided to keep her thoughts and emotions to herself. Keep from Meaning: To prevent or refrain from doing something. Example: He had to keep from laughing during the serious meeting. Keep out Meaning: To prevent something or someone from entering a place. Example: The fence is designed to keep out unauthorized personnel. Keep down Meaning: To control or limit something, such as expenses or noise. Example: They are trying to keep down the costs of the project. Keep back Meaning: To hold back or restrain someone or something. Example: The teacher had to keep back the enthusiastic students from running out of the classroom. Knock on Meaning: To strike a door or surface with one's knuckles to get someone's attention or seek entry. Example: She knocked on the neighbor's door to return their borrowed book. Knock out Meaning: To render someone unconscious or defeat them completely. Example: The boxer managed to knock out his opponent with a powerful punch. Knock over Meaning: To accidentally cause something to fall over or topple. Example: He accidentally knocked over a glass of water on the table. Knock down Meaning: To cause something to collapse or dismantle it. Example: The construction crew will knock down the old building to make way for the new one. Knock off Meaning: To finish work or a task for the day. Example: Let's knock off early today and enjoy the weekend. Knock around Meaning: To treat someone roughly or engage in casual physical activity. Example: They used to knock around the neighborhood playing soccer. Knock back Meaning: To consume a drink or beverage quickly. Example: He knocked back a few shots of espresso to stay awake. Knock about Meaning: To travel or move around casually, often without a specific plan. Example: During their gap year, they decided to knock about Europe. Knock into Meaning: To collide with someone or something accidentally. Example: He wasn't looking where he was going and knocked into a lamppost. Knock up Meaning: To make someone pregnant. Example: They were surprised to find out that she had been knocked up and was expecting a baby. Kick off Meaning: To start or initiate an event, game, or activity. Example: The football match will kick off at 3 PM. Kick up Meaning: To cause a commotion or stir up dust, problems, or controversy. Example: His comments on social media kicked up a heated debate. Kick in Meaning: To contribute or provide money or resources for a cause or group effort. Example: Everyone chipped in to kick in for the charity fundraiser. Kick out Meaning: To expel or remove someone from a place or group. Example: The bouncer had to kick out the unruly patron from the nightclub. Kick around Meaning: To discuss or consider an idea or topic informally. Example: We should kick around some ideas for our next project. Kick back Meaning: To relax or take it easy after a period of work or stress. Example: After a long week, he decided to kick back and watch a movie. Kick up Meaning: To protest or make a fuss about something. Example: The employees decided to kick up when their salaries were delayed. Kick up Meaning: To increase in intensity or force. Example: The storm is expected to kick up later this evening. Kick in Meaning: To take effect or start working, often referring to the impact of a drug or medication. Example: The pain reliever should kick in within 30 minutes. Kick back Meaning: To retaliate or respond to an attack or criticism. Example: He didn't hesitate to kick back when his reputation was questioned. Lash out Meaning: To express anger or frustration by speaking or behaving aggressively. Example: He lashed out at his colleague for not completing the project on time. Lash into Meaning: To criticize or attack someone verbally or in writing. Example: The journalist lashed into the government's handling of the crisis. Lash down Meaning: To secure something firmly using ropes, straps, or ties. Example: They had to lash down their belongings on the roof of the car before the road trip. Lash back Meaning: To react strongly or negatively to criticism or an attack. Example: Her fans lashed back at the critics who panned her new movie. Lash in Meaning: To make something secure by fastening it tightly. Example: He lashed in the tent stakes to prevent it from blowing away in the strong winds. Lash together Meaning: To tie or bind two or more things together using a rope or cord. Example: They lashed together logs to build a makeshift raft. Lash out at Meaning: To physically attack or strike someone suddenly and violently. Example: The boxer lashed out at his opponent during the match. Lash out against Meaning: To criticize or oppose something vehemently. Example: The activists lashed out against the government's environmental policies. Lash up Meaning: To create something in a hasty or improvised manner. Example: We had to lash up a temporary shelter with whatever materials we could find. Lash down Meaning: To restrain or control one's emotions or actions. Example: She had to lash down her anger when dealing with difficult customers. Laugh off Meaning: To dismiss or treat something as unimportant or humorous. Example: She tried to laugh off the embarrassing incident at the party. Laugh at Meaning: To mock or make fun of someone. Example: It's not polite to laugh at someone's mistakes. Laugh away Meaning: To use laughter to alleviate or minimize discomfort or tension. Example: He tried to laugh away the nervousness before his presentation. Laugh along Meaning: To join in with others' laughter or find something funny together. Example: We all laughed along with the comedian's jokes. Laugh out Meaning: To express laughter loudly or uncontrollably. Example: The comedy show had the audience laughing out loud. Laugh up Meaning: To find something amusing or funny. Example: She couldn't help but laugh up at the clever cartoon. Laugh with Meaning: To share a laugh or find something funny together with someone. Example: They always laugh with each other, even during tough times. Laugh off Meaning: To make light of a difficult or serious situation through humor. Example: He tried to laugh off the stressful workload with his colleagues. Laugh away Meaning: To use humor to avoid or divert attention from a sensitive topic. Example: She laughed away the question about her future plans. Laugh down Meaning: To suppress laughter, often in inappropriate or serious situations. Example: It was difficult for her to laugh down her amusement during the solemn ceremony. Lay down Meaning: To establish or specify rules, guidelines, or conditions. Example: The company decided to lay down new policies for remote work. Lay off Meaning: To terminate or dismiss employees from their jobs due to economic reasons or restructuring. Example: The company had to lay off several employees during the recession. Lay out Meaning: To arrange or display something systematically or clearly. Example: She carefully laid out her plans for the project on the whiteboard. Lay aside Meaning: To set something aside or save it for later use. Example: He decided to lay aside some money from each paycheck for his vacation. Lay into Meaning: To attack or criticize someone or something vehemently. Example: The media laid into the politician for his controversial remarks. Lay out Meaning: To spend time outdoors, especially in a relaxed manner. Example: They planned to lay out in the park and enjoy the sunny weather. Lay up Meaning: To save or store something for future use, typically related to supplies or resources. Example: They decided to lay up food and water in preparation for the storm. Lay low Meaning: To keep a low profile or avoid drawing attention to oneself. Example: He decided to lay low for a while after the controversy. Lay off Meaning: To refrain from using or taking something, especially temporarily. Example: She had to lay off desserts to maintain a healthy diet. Lay in Meaning: To stock up on supplies or provisions, especially before an event or situation. Example: They decided to lay in groceries for the holiday feast. Launch into Meaning: To start or begin something enthusiastically or energetically. Example: She launched into her new fitness routine with determination. Launch out Meaning: To start a new business or venture. Example: After years of planning, he decided to launch out as an entrepreneur. Launch off Meaning: To start a journey or mission, especially one that involves significant planning. Example: The astronauts will launch off into space tomorrow morning. Launch out Meaning: To extend or expand one's abilities, often into new areas. Example: She decided to launch out into learning a new language. Launch upon Meaning: To begin something suddenly or without prior preparation. Example: He decided to launch upon a career in acting after a chance audition. Launch forth Meaning: To express or communicate something, such as ideas or opinions, openly and boldly. Example: The speaker launched forth with a passionate speech about social justice. Launch in Meaning: To start or engage in an activity or project with enthusiasm. Example: They launched in with great energy to complete the construction project on time. Launch off Meaning: To set something in motion, such as a plan or initiative. Example: The organization decided to launch off a new campaign to raise awareness. Launch away Meaning: To start a conversation or discussion, often with enthusiasm. Example: She launched away with stories about her recent travels. Launch into Meaning: To engage in an activity or task quickly and energetically. Example: He launched into his work as soon as he arrived at the office. Leave behind Meaning: To forget or unintentionally not take something with you. Example: She accidentally left her phone behind at the restaurant. Leave out Meaning: To exclude or not include someone or something. Example: Don't leave anyone out when making the guest list for the party. Leave off Meaning: To stop doing something or cease an activity. Example: He decided to leave off working on the project and take a break. Leave for Meaning: To depart or start a journey to a specific destination. Example: They will leave for their vacation in Europe next week. Leave out of Meaning: To omit or exclude someone or something from a list or consideration. Example: The report accidentally left out an important detail. Leave off Meaning: To omit or exclude a part or section from something. Example: Please leave off the last paragraph from the final draft. Leave behind Meaning: To abandon or forsake someone or something. Example: He decided to leave behind his old habits and start anew. Leave to Meaning: To entrust or delegate a task or decision to someone. Example: The manager will leave the decision to the project lead. Leave with Meaning: To depart or take something with you when you go. Example: He will leave with his backpack once he finishes packing. Leave off Meaning: To stop talking about or discussing a particular topic. Example: Let's leave off the argument and find a compromise. Let down Meaning: To disappoint or fail to meet someone's expectations. Example: She felt let down when her friends didn't come to her party. Let in Meaning: To allow someone to enter a place or premises. Example: He knocked on the door, and she let him in. Let go Meaning: To release or relinquish one's grip on something or someone. Example: She decided to let go of the past and move forward. Let off Meaning: To excuse or forgive someone for a mistake or wrongdoing. Example: The teacher decided to let off the students for their late submission. Let on Meaning: To reveal or disclose information that was previously kept secret. Example: He didn't let on about the surprise party they had planned for him. Let out Meaning: To release or set free, often referring to a sound or a person. Example: The cat let out a loud meow when it was startled. Let up Meaning: To decrease in intensity or relent, often referring to bad weather or a difficult situation. Example: The rain didn't let up until late in the evening. Let on Meaning: To pretend or act as if something is true when it's not. Example: He let on that he knew the answer to the riddle, but he was just guessing. Let down Meaning: To lower or drop something, such as a rope or ladder. Example: They let down the rope to rescue the hikers stranded on the cliff. Let up Meaning: To ease off or become less severe. Example: The traffic congestion finally let up, and we could move freely. Lie down Meaning: To recline or rest in a horizontal position. Example: After a long day at work, she decided to lie down on the couch and relax. Lie about Meaning: To intentionally tell false or misleading information about something. Example: He was caught lying about his qualifications on his resume. Lie around Meaning: To be idle or do nothing in a relaxed manner. Example: Instead of lying around all day, let's go for a hike. Lie in Meaning: To stay in bed longer than usual in the morning, especially on weekends. Example: I like to have a lie-in on Sundays and sleep in. Lie low Meaning: To keep a low profile or stay hidden to avoid attention or trouble. Example: He decided to lie low until the controversy surrounding him subsided. Lie ahead Meaning: To be in the future or to be something that will happen later. Example: The challenges of the project lie ahead, but we are well-prepared. Lie with Meaning: To be the responsibility or fault of someone. Example: The decision to cancel the event lies with the organizers. Lie through one's teeth Meaning: To tell a blatant and obvious lie. Example: He lied through his teeth when he said he wasn't involved in the prank. Lie in wait Meaning: To hide and wait for an opportunity to take action. Example: The hunters lay in wait for the deer to pass by. Lie in ruins Meaning: To be completely destroyed or in a state of extreme disrepair. Example: After the earthquake, the city lay in ruins, and many buildings were destroyed. Live on Meaning: To have the means to survive or sustain oneself with a particular income or resource. Example: With his savings depleted, he had to live on a tight budget. Live up to Meaning: To fulfill or meet expectations, standards, or one's own potential. Example: She always strives to live up to her parents' high expectations. Live out Meaning: To experience something fully or to the utmost, often a dream or ambition. Example: He moved to the countryside to live out his dream of a peaceful life. Live with Meaning: To tolerate or accept a difficult or unpleasant situation. Example: Despite the challenges, they learned to live with their noisy neighbors. Live through Meaning: To endure or survive a difficult or traumatic experience. Example: The survivors of the accident had to live through the ordeal. Live for Meaning: To have a strong passion or dedication to something. Example: She lives for her art and spends hours painting every day. Live in Meaning: To reside or inhabit a particular place or dwelling. Example: They live in a cozy cottage in the countryside. Live it up Meaning: To enjoy life to the fullest, often by indulging in luxuries or experiences. Example: They decided to live it up on their vacation and stayed at a luxurious resort. Live off Meaning: To depend on someone or something for financial support or sustenance. Example: After retirement, they planned to live off their savings and investments. Live by Meaning: To adhere to a particular set of principles or rules in one's life. Example: He tries to live by the philosophy of kindness and generosity. Look after Meaning: To take care of or be responsible for someone or something. Example: She looks after her younger brother while their parents are at work. Look ahead Meaning: To focus on the future and anticipate what is to come. Example: It's essential to look ahead and plan for the company's growth. Look around Meaning: To examine or inspect a place or object. Example: Let's look around the new house and see if everything is in order. Look away Meaning: To avert one's gaze or turn one's eyes away from something. Example: She couldn't bear to watch the scary movie and had to look away. Look back Meaning: To reflect on past events or memories. Example: As he reached retirement, he looked back on his long and successful career. Look for Meaning: To search for something or someone. Example: She's looking for her keys; she can't find them anywhere. Look into Meaning: To investigate or examine a situation or problem. Example: The company will look into the customer's complaint and address it. Look out Meaning: To be cautious and watchful, often to avoid danger. Example: Look out! There's a car coming from the left. Look over Meaning: To review or examine something carefully. Example: Before submitting the report, please look it over for any errors. Look past Meaning: To ignore or disregard someone's faults or flaws. Example: She was able to look past his mistakes and forgive him. Look up Meaning: To search for information in a reference source or online. Example: I'll look up the meaning of that word in the dictionary. Look down on Meaning: To have a condescending or disdainful attitude toward someone. Example: Some people look down on others based on their social status. Look out for Meaning: To watch for and be attentive to something or someone. Example: When hiking in the woods, always look out for wildlife. Look forward to Meaning: To anticipate with pleasure or excitement. Example: She looks forward to her upcoming vacation in the mountains. Look up to Meaning: To admire or have great respect for someone. Example: Many young athletes look up to their sports heroes as role models. Make up Meaning: To invent or fabricate a story or explanation. Example: She made up an excuse for being late to the meeting. Make out Meaning: To discern or understand something with difficulty, often referring to unclear writing or distant objects. Example: I can't make out what that sign says from here. Make for Meaning: To head in a particular direction, often in a hurry. Example: They decided to make for the nearest exit when the fire alarm went off. Make up for Meaning: To compensate for a deficiency or previous mistake. Example: He tried to make up for his absence by bringing flowers as an apology. Make off with Meaning: To steal or take something quickly, especially when it doesn't belong to you. Example: The thieves made off with valuable jewelry from the museum. Make do Meaning: To manage or cope with the resources or circumstances available, even if they are limited. Example: We had to make do with the ingredients we had in the kitchen. Make up one's mind Meaning: To decide or reach a conclusion after considering options. Example: She took her time to make up her mind about which college to attend. Make out Meaning: To engage in kissing and cuddling, often romantically. Example: They were making out in the park last night. Make over Meaning: To transform or change the appearance or condition of something or someone. Example: They decided to make over their old house into a modern, stylish home. Make it up to Meaning: To do something to compensate or apologize for a wrong or hurtful action. Example: He promised to make it up to her after forgetting their anniversary. Make inroads into Meaning: To gradually achieve progress or success in a particular area or market. Example: The company is making inroads into the Asian market with its new product. Make of Meaning: To form an opinion or judgment about something or someone. Example: What do you make of the new employee? Is she a good fit for the team? Make out Meaning: To achieve success or progress in a specific endeavor. Example: He worked hard to make out as a successful entrepreneur. Make off Meaning: To leave quickly or escape, often to avoid getting caught. Example: The suspect made off before the police arrived at the scene. Make it Meaning: To succeed or achieve a goal or objective. Example: Despite the challenges, she was determined to make it as a professional singer. Meet up Meaning: To arrange and gather with someone, often for social purposes. Example: We decided to meet up at the coffee shop after work. Meet with Meaning: To have a formal or planned discussion or encounter with someone. Example: The manager will meet with the team to discuss the new project. Meet someone halfway Meaning: To reach a compromise or agreement by both parties making concessions. Example: In a negotiation, it's essential to be willing to meet the other side halfway. Meet the deadline Meaning: To complete a task or project within the specified time frame. Example: They worked diligently to meet the deadline for the report. Meet head-on Meaning: To confront a problem, challenge, or obstacle directly. Example: She decided to meet the issue head-on and find a solution. Meet by chance Meaning: To encounter or come across someone or something accidentally. Example: I met her by chance while shopping at the mall. Meet expectations Meaning: To perform as anticipated or to fulfill what is expected. Example: The product should meet customers' expectations in terms of quality. Meet and greet Meaning: To welcome or receive guests or visitors in a friendly manner. Example: The event included a meet and greet session with the author. Meet one's match Meaning: To encounter someone with equal skill, ability, or determination. Example: In the chess tournament, he finally met his match in the final round. Meet up with Meaning: To encounter or reunite with someone, often unexpectedly. Example: I met up with an old friend from school while traveling abroad. Mess up Meaning: To make a mistake or mess something up, often causing confusion or disorder. Example: I accidentally messed up the schedule for the meeting. Mess around Meaning: To behave in a careless, playful, or unserious manner. Example: Stop messing around and focus on your homework. Mess with Meaning: To tamper with or interfere with something or someone, often in a negative way. Example: Don't mess with the settings on the computer unless you know what you're doing. Make a mess Meaning: To create disorder or untidiness, often by spilling or scattering things. Example: The kids made a mess in the living room with their toys. Clean up the mess Meaning: To tidy or organize a chaotic or disordered situation. Example: It took hours to clean up the mess in the kitchen after the dinner party. Get in a mess Meaning: To become involved in a difficult or problematic situation. Example: He got in a mess when he couldn't find his passport the day before his flight. Sort out the mess Meaning: To resolve or fix a complicated or confusing situation. Example: The project manager had to sort out the mess caused by miscommunication among team members. Leave a mess Meaning: To depart or exit a place without cleaning up after oneself. Example: They left a mess in the picnic area, with trash scattered everywhere. Make a mess of Meaning: To mismanage or mishandle a task or situation, resulting in a poor outcome. Example: He made a mess of his presentation by forgetting key points. Mess someone about/around Meaning: To treat someone in a thoughtless or inconsiderate manner, often causing confusion or inconvenience. Example: It's not fair to mess people around with last-minute changes to the schedule. Move on Meaning: To progress or continue with one's life or activities after a difficult or challenging experience. Example: After the breakup, it's essential to grieve and then find the strength to move on. Move in Meaning: To begin living in a new place, often a house or apartment. Example: They plan to move in together once they get married. Move out Meaning: To leave one's current residence or living situation. Example: He decided to move out of the city and into a quieter town. Move forward Meaning: To make progress or advance in a particular endeavor. Example: The team needs to move forward with the project to meet the deadline. Move up Meaning: To advance in one's career or social status. Example: She worked hard and eventually moved up to a higher position in the company. Move away Meaning: To relocate or leave one's current location or home. Example: The family had to move away for a job opportunity in another city. Move aside Meaning: To step out of the way to allow someone or something to pass. Example: Please move aside so that others can get off the elevator. Move in on Meaning: To approach or encroach upon something or someone, often with the intention of taking control or seizing an opportunity. Example: Competitors are trying to move in on our market share. Move out of the way Meaning: To step aside or clear a path to avoid an obstacle or danger. Example: The pedestrians had to move out of the way when the car approached. Move forward with Meaning: To continue or proceed with a plan or decision. Example: Despite the challenges, they decided to move forward with the construction project. Nestle down Meaning: To settle comfortably into a cozy or relaxed position, often in preparation for sleep. Example: After a long day of hiking, they nested down by the campfire. Nestle in Meaning: To snuggle or settle oneself comfortably in a particular place or location. Example: She nestled in the armchair with a good book and a cup of tea. Nestle among Meaning: To position or place something among other things in a cozy or snug manner. Example: The small cabin nestled among the tall trees in the forest. Nestle against Meaning: To position something or someone in close contact with another surface or object. Example: The cat nestled against its owner's leg for warmth. Nestle up to Meaning: To snuggle or move close to someone for warmth, comfort, or affection. Example: On a cold winter night, the children nestled up to their parents in bed. Nestle up Meaning: To move or position oneself comfortably close to something or someone. Example: She nestled up to the fireplace to keep warm. Nestle away Meaning: To hide or store something in a secure and cozy place. Example: She decided to nestle away her valuables in a secret compartment. Nestle down into Meaning: To settle or position oneself comfortably into a soft or cushioned surface. Example: He nestled down into the plush couch and closed his eyes. Nestle in with Meaning: To become part of a close-knit group or community. Example: They quickly nested in with the local community after moving to the area. Nestle up with Meaning: To form a close and comfortable relationship or partnership with someone. Example: The two companies nested up with each other to collaborate on a new project. Nose around Meaning: To snoop or investigate something or someone in a curious or intrusive manner. Example: She nosed around in her colleague's desk when he was away. Nose out Meaning: To discover or find something by diligent searching or investigation. Example: It took a while, but they finally nosed out the source of the strange smell in the kitchen. Nose in Meaning: To immerse oneself deeply in a book, task, or activity. Example: He had his nose in a novel all weekend and didn't answer calls. Nose up Meaning: To tilt or angle something, such as an aircraft or a car, upwards. Example: The pilot had to nose up the plane to avoid hitting the mountains. Nose down Meaning: To tilt or angle something, such as an aircraft or a car, downwards. Example: The car nosed down the steep hill, picking up speed. Nose off Meaning: To start a journey or depart, often used informally. Example: They nosed off on their road trip early in the morning. Nose out of joint Meaning: To feel offended or upset because of someone else's success or recognition. Example: Her coworker's promotion left her with her nose out of joint. Nose into Meaning: To interfere or become involved in someone else's business or affairs. Example: He should learn not to nose into other people's problems. Nose for Meaning: To have a natural talent or ability to detect or find something. Example: She has a nose for great investment opportunities. Nose up to Meaning: To confront or face a challenge or difficulty directly. Example: He had to nose up to his fear of public speaking to advance in his career. Note down Meaning: To write or record something for future reference. Example: Please note down the important points from the meeting. Take note of Meaning: To pay attention to or observe something carefully. Example: It's essential to take note of the warning signs on the road. Make a mental note Meaning: To remember something without writing it down. Example: I made a mental note to call my friend later. Compare notes Meaning: To share and discuss information or experiences with others for comparison. Example: The students compared notes to prepare for the exam. Strike a sour note Meaning: To say or do something that disrupts a harmonious situation or conversation. Example: His negative comment struck a sour note in the otherwise cheerful gathering. Sound a note of caution Meaning: To express a warning or word of caution about something. Example: The manager sounded a note of caution regarding the company's financial situation. End on a high note Meaning: To finish something successfully or positively. Example: The concert ended on a high note with the audience cheering loudly. Strike the right note Meaning: To do or say something that is appropriate and well-received. Example: Her speech at the conference struck the right note with the audience. Make a note of Meaning: To specifically record or take note of something for future reference. Example: Don't forget to make a note of the meeting time in your calendar. Compare notes with Meaning: To discuss and share information or experiences with someone for comparison. Example: He decided to compare notes with his colleague who had visited the same destination. Nuzzle up Meaning: To snuggle or cuddle closely, often seeking affection or warmth. Example: The dog nuzzled up to its owner on the couch. Nuzzle into Meaning: To press or burrow one's face or body into something or someone affectionately. Example: The cat nuzzled into the soft blanket for a nap. Nuzzle against Meaning: To rub or press gently against someone or something, often as a sign of affection. Example: The horse nuzzled against the rider's hand, seeking a treat. Nuzzle around Meaning: To explore or search for something by sniffing or nudging with the nose. Example: The pig nuzzled around in the mud for truffles. Nuzzle under Meaning: To seek refuge or warmth by snuggling under something. Example: The child nuzzled under the blankets to stay warm on a cold night. Nuzzle up to Meaning: To approach or snuggle closely to someone in a loving or affectionate manner. Example: The baby nuzzled up to its mother for comfort. Nuzzle in Meaning: To cozy up or snuggle down comfortably, often in bed. Example: She nuzzled in under the warm duvet and drifted off to sleep. Nuzzle along Meaning: To move slowly and affectionately, often while touching or rubbing against something. Example: The cat nuzzled along the edge of the sofa. Nuzzle through Meaning: To search or rummage through something by using the nose or face. Example: The dog nuzzled through the pile of toys to find its favorite one. Nuzzle at Meaning: To gently touch or rub with the nose or face, especially as a sign of affection. Example: The kitten nuzzled at the back of the owner's hand, purring contentedly. Offend against Meaning: To violate or break a law, rule, or moral code. Example: His actions offended against the company's code of conduct. Offend by Meaning: To cause offense or hurt to someone through one's actions or words. Example: She didn't mean to offend him by her comments; it was just a misunderstanding. Offend against Meaning: To commit a wrongdoing or offense against someone or something. Example: The graffiti on the public wall offends against public decency. Offend in Meaning: To behave in an offensive or inappropriate manner within a particular setting or context. Example: It's important not to offend in a formal business meeting. Offend on Meaning: To commit an offense or wrongdoing on behalf of or in the name of someone or something. Example: He felt it was his duty to defend his family's honor, even if it meant offending on their behalf. Offend against Meaning: To violate or transgress societal norms or standards. Example: The comedian's jokes often offended against political correctness. Offend with Meaning: To use offensive language or behavior towards someone. Example: He offended with his insensitive remarks during the argument. Offend by Meaning: To hurt or upset someone by doing something that goes against their values or beliefs. Example: She offended her friend by making fun of her religious beliefs. Offend against Meaning: To contravene or break a law, regulation, or principle. Example: The company's unethical practices offended against industry standards. Offend with Meaning: To include or use something that may be considered offensive in a piece of content. Example: The movie offended with its explicit content, resulting in controversy. Open up Meaning: To start to speak more freely or honestly about one's thoughts or feelings. Example: After a long conversation, she finally opened up about her concerns. Open to Meaning: To be receptive or willing to accept new ideas, suggestions, or experiences. Example: He's open to trying new foods from different cultures. Open out Meaning: To unfold, expand, or spread something out. Example: She opened out the map to see the entire hiking trail. Open up Meaning: To begin or start a new business, venture, or opportunity. Example: They decided to open up a coffee shop in the city center. Open for Meaning: To be available or ready for business, customers, or visitors. Example: The store is open for business from 9 AM to 6 PM. Open onto Meaning: To have a view or connection that leads to a particular area or scene. Example: The balcony opens onto a beautiful garden. Open up to Meaning: To reveal or disclose something that was previously hidden or unknown. Example: The investigation opened up to reveal a larger fraud scheme. Open with Meaning: To begin or start something using a particular action or event. Example: The concert opened with an impressive fireworks display. Open up Meaning: To become more accessible or available for use or participation. Example: The new highway will open up the region to tourism. Open up Meaning: To create an opportunity for discussion or negotiation. Example: Let's open up talks with the other team to reach a compromise. Opt for Meaning: To choose or select a particular option or alternative. Example: She opted for the vegetarian menu at the restaurant. Opt out Meaning: To choose not to participate or be involved in something. Example: He decided to opt out of the team-building exercise. Opt in Meaning: To choose to participate or be included in something. Example: You can opt in to receive email notifications from our newsletter. Opt into Meaning: To actively choose to join or become a part of a group or program. Example: He opted into the company's retirement savings plan. Opt against Meaning: To choose not to proceed with a particular option or course of action. Example: They opted against hiring additional staff due to budget constraints. Opt through Meaning: To carefully consider and navigate various options or choices. Example: He opted through multiple job offers before making a decision. Opt up Meaning: To choose a higher or more advanced level or option. Example: She decided to opt up to the premium membership for additional features. Opt down Meaning: To choose a lower or less advanced level or option. Example: Many users opt down to the basic plan to save on costs. Opt for Meaning: To choose a particular style, design, or feature. Example: He opted for the red car instead of the blue one. Opt in favor of Meaning: To choose one option or alternative over another due to preference or advantage. Example: They opted in favor of the newer technology for their project. Part with Meaning: To give up or relinquish something, often reluctantly. Example: She had to part with her favorite childhood toy when she moved. Part from Meaning: To separate from someone or something, usually temporarily or permanently. Example: It's always difficult to part from loved ones when going on a long trip. Part with Meaning: To sell or transfer ownership of something in exchange for money. Example: He decided to part with his antique collection to raise funds for charity. Part with Meaning: To be willing to share or reveal information or secrets. Example: She wouldn't easily part with the details of her surprise party. Part with Meaning: To let go of a habit or addiction. Example: It took him years to part with his smoking habit. Partake in Meaning: To participate or engage in an activity or event. Example: They were excited to partake in the annual charity run. Part out Meaning: To disassemble or divide something into smaller parts. Example: He had to part out the old car to sell its individual components. Part with Meaning: To bid farewell or say goodbye to someone. Example: It was an emotional moment when they had to part with their closest friends. Partake of Meaning: To consume or enjoy something, often referring to food or drinks. Example: We were invited to partake of the delicious homemade desserts. Part with Meaning: To distance oneself or break away from a group, organization, or ideology. Example: He decided to part with the political party he had been affiliated with for years. Pass away Meaning: To die or pass on. Example: Sadly, her grandmother passed away last night. Pass down Meaning: To transfer or hand down something, such as traditions or knowledge, to the next generation. Example: The family passed down the recipe for their famous apple pie. Pass off Meaning: To present or represent something, often falsely, as something else. Example: He tried to pass off the counterfeit money as genuine. Pass on Meaning: To transmit or convey information, news, or a message to others. Example: Please pass on the important announcement to all employees. Pass out Meaning: To lose consciousness or faint. Example: The heat was so intense that she passed out during the outdoor event. Pass by Meaning: To move past something or someone without stopping. Example: We watched the parade pass by our street. Pass up Meaning: To decline or miss an opportunity or chance. Example: He regretted passing up the job offer from the prestigious company. Pass through Meaning: To travel or move through a place or area. Example: Many tourists pass through our town on their way to the national park. Pass over Meaning: To disregard or ignore someone or something. Example: They decided to pass over his proposal in favor of a more practical one. Pass into Meaning: To transition or move into a different state or condition. Example: The calm waters passed into a turbulent sea during the storm. Pay back Meaning: To return borrowed money or settle a debt. Example: He promised to pay back the money he borrowed from his friend. Pay off Meaning: To yield positive results or bring success after hard work or effort. Example: Her dedication to her studies paid off when she graduated with honors. Pay up Meaning: To settle a debt or payment, often used to urge someone to do so. Example: The landlord asked the tenant to pay up the rent for the past three months. Pay out Meaning: To release or disburse money, especially a large sum. Example: The insurance company paid out a substantial amount to cover the damages. Pay in Meaning: To deposit money into a bank account or financial institution. Example: You can pay in your paycheck through the ATM. Pay for Meaning: To be responsible for the cost or consequences of something. Example: He had to pay for the damages to the car he crashed. Pay down Meaning: To reduce the outstanding balance of a debt or loan. Example: They decided to pay down their mortgage by making extra payments. Pay out Meaning: To endure or suffer the consequences of an action or situation. Example: He had to pay out for his reckless behavior during the party. Pay off Meaning: To bribe or give money to someone to influence their actions or decisions. Example: The company tried to pay off the inspector to overlook the safety violations. Pay in Meaning: To submit or present a document, application, or form for consideration. Example: Please pay in your application for the job before the deadline. Pick up Meaning: To lift or gather something from a surface or location. Example: She bent down to pick up the fallen books. Pick out Meaning: To choose or select something from a group or array. Example: Can you help me pick out a dress for the party? Pick on Meaning: To tease, bully, or unfairly target someone repeatedly. Example: He always picks on his younger brother, which isn't fair. Pick through Meaning: To carefully examine or search through a collection of items. Example: She picked through the jewelry box, looking for her missing earring. Pick off Meaning: To shoot or remove individual members from a group. Example: The sniper managed to pick off several enemy soldiers. Pick at Meaning: To eat small amounts of food without much appetite. Example: She wasn't feeling well, so she just picked at her dinner. Pick apart Meaning: To criticize or analyze something in great detail, often finding faults. Example: The reviewers were quick to pick apart the flaws in the movie's plot. Pick up on Meaning: To notice or become aware of something, especially subtle cues or signals. Example: She was quick to pick up on his discomfort during the meeting. Pick away at Meaning: To gradually reduce or erode something, such as a task or problem. Example: He continued to pick away at the mountain of paperwork on his desk. Pick through Meaning: To sort or select items from a pile or collection, often leaving some behind. Example: The children picked through the toys, looking for their favorites. Play around Meaning: To engage in recreational or frivolous activities, often without a specific goal. Example: During the weekend, they like to play around with various outdoor games. Play on Meaning: To exploit or use something, especially emotions or situations, for one's advantage. Example: The politician tried to play on the fears of the voters during the campaign. Play up Meaning: To emphasize or exaggerate something to gain attention or sympathy. Example: The news outlets tend to play up sensational stories for higher ratings. Play along Meaning: To cooperate or pretend to agree with someone, often in a playful or humorous manner. Example: She decided to play along with her friend's prank. Play out Meaning: To unfold or develop as a situation or event progresses. Example: The drama between the two characters played out over several episodes. Play with Meaning: To manipulate or experiment with something, often in a casual or playful way. Example: He likes to play with gadgets and figure out how they work. Play down Meaning: To minimize or reduce the importance or significance of something. Example: The company tried to play down the negative impact of the product recall. Play for Meaning: To perform or compete on behalf of a particular team, organization, or cause. Example: He plays for the local soccer team and is their star striker. Play off Meaning: To compete against someone or a team to determine a winner or resolve a tie. Example: The two tennis players will play off in the final match of the tournament. Play into Meaning: To contribute to or support a particular situation or outcome. Example: Her actions inadvertently played into the hands of her opponents. Pull apart Meaning: To separate or dismantle something by pulling it in different directions. Example: They had to pull apart the old engine to repair it. Pull off Meaning: To succeed in accomplishing something difficult or challenging. Example: Against all odds, she managed to pull off the risky stunt. Pull over Meaning: To stop a vehicle by the side of the road or highway. Example: The police officer asked the driver to pull over for a routine check. Pull through Meaning: To recover from an illness, injury, or difficult situation. Example: Thanks to the medical treatment, he was able to pull through his illness. Pull together Meaning: To work collectively as a team or group to achieve a common goal. Example: The team needs to pull together to meet the project deadline. Pull in Meaning: To attract or earn money or revenue. Example: The new marketing campaign helped pull in more customers. Pull out Meaning: To remove something from a place, often abruptly. Example: She pulled out the plug to stop the machine. Pull up Meaning: To come to a stop, often abruptly or unexpectedly. Example: The driver had to pull up suddenly to avoid hitting the pedestrian. Pull down Meaning: To demolish or destroy a building or structure. Example: They decided to pull down the old warehouse to make space for a new development. Pull in Meaning: To arrest or apprehend someone, often by law enforcement. Example: The police managed to pull in the suspect for questioning. Push ahead Meaning: To continue moving forward, often despite obstacles or difficulties. Example: Despite the challenges, the team decided to push ahead with the project. Push back Meaning: To resist or oppose a force or argument. Example: The workers pushed back against the proposed changes in their contracts. Push for Meaning: To advocate strongly for something or to try to achieve a particular goal. Example: Environmental activists are pushing for stricter regulations on carbon emissions. Push through Meaning: To make something happen or succeed by force or determination. Example: She managed to push through the tough negotiations and secure the deal. Push off Meaning: To start or initiate a journey or departure. Example: They decided to push off early in the morning for their hiking trip. Push up Meaning: To increase the price, value, or quantity of something. Example: The recent demand for the product has pushed up its market price. Push up Meaning: To exercise by raising one's body off the ground with the arms. Example: She does push-ups as part of her daily workout routine. Push over Meaning: To cause something or someone to fall over by applying force. Example: The strong wind pushed over several trees in the forest. Push out Meaning: To force someone or something out of a particular place or situation. Example: The company had to push out the non-performing employees. Push for Meaning: To exert pressure or influence to achieve a particular outcome. Example: The union is pushing for better working conditions for its members. Put on Meaning: To dress oneself or someone else in clothing or accessories. Example: She put on her coat before heading out into the cold. Put off Meaning: To postpone or delay something to a later time. Example: They had to put off the meeting until next week due to scheduling conflicts. Put up Meaning: To provide accommodations or lodging for someone. Example: The hotel put up the guests in comfortable rooms during their stay. Put away Meaning: To tidy up or store something in its proper place. Example: After dinner, she put away the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Put out Meaning: To extinguish or quench a fire, flame, or light. Example: He used a fire extinguisher to put out the small kitchen fire. Put forward Meaning: To propose or suggest an idea or plan for consideration. Example: She put forward a new strategy to improve company efficiency. Put down Meaning: To criticize or belittle someone or something. Example: It's not fair to constantly put down your colleague's ideas. Put in Meaning: To invest time, effort, or resources into a task or project. Example: They put in long hours to complete the project ahead of schedule. Put off Meaning: To repel or discourage someone from doing something. Example: The bad weather put us off going for a hike. Put aside Meaning: To reserve or save something, often for a specific purpose. Example: She put aside some money from her paycheck for a vacation fund. Qualify for Meaning: To meet the requirements or criteria necessary for something. Example: She qualified for the scholarship due to her excellent grades. Qualify as Meaning: To officially become recognized or certified as something. Example: After passing the exam, he qualified as a certified accountant. Qualify under Meaning: To be eligible for a particular program or status under specific conditions. Example: He qualified under the new immigration policy because of his skills. Qualify in Meaning: To achieve a certain level of proficiency or expertise in a particular subject or skill. Example: She qualified in advanced mathematics after years of study. Qualify through Meaning: To gain entrance or eligibility through a specific process or pathway. Example: He qualified through a series of rigorous interviews. Qualify out Meaning: To no longer meet the requirements or criteria for something. Example: He initially qualified for the competition but later qualified out due to an injury. Qualify up Meaning: To improve one's qualifications or skills to a higher level. Example: She decided to qualify up by pursuing a master's degree. Qualify as Meaning: To be considered or recognized as a specific type or category. Example: The new discovery could qualify as a breakthrough in medical research. Qualify down Meaning: To reduce or lower the requirements or standards for something. Example: The company had to qualify down the job specifications to attract more candidates. Qualify off Meaning: To remove or disqualify someone from a competition or event. Example: He was disqualified and qualified off the racing team due to a rule violation. Quarrel with Meaning: To have a disagreement or dispute with someone. Example: She often quarrels with her brother over trivial matters. Quarrel over Meaning: To argue or dispute about a particular issue or topic. Example: They quarreled over the division of the family inheritance. Quarrel about Meaning: To engage in an argument or disagreement concerning something. Example: They constantly quarrel about their different political beliefs. Quarrel over Meaning: To fight or argue intensely about something. Example: The two neighbors quarreled over the boundary line between their properties. Quarrel with Meaning: To find fault or criticize someone. Example: He quarreled with his colleague's work performance during the meeting. Quarrel with Meaning: To have a falling out or dispute that strains a relationship. Example: She quarreled with her best friend, and they haven't spoken in weeks. Quarrel about Meaning: To argue passionately about a particular subject. Example: They quarreled about the best approach to solving the problem. Quarrel over Meaning: To contend or vie for something in a heated manner. Example: The two teams quarreled over the championship title. Quarrel down Meaning: To silence or end an argument through persuasion or authority. Example: The teacher had to quarrel down the disruptive students in class. Quarrel out Meaning: To resolve or settle a dispute through discussion or negotiation. Example: They managed to quarrel out their differences and reach a compromise. Quest for Meaning: To actively search for or pursue something, often a goal or objective. Example: He embarked on a quest for knowledge by reading books on various subjects. Quest after Meaning: To seek or chase something relentlessly, usually with great determination. Example: She has been questing after success in her career for years. Quest out Meaning: To explore or venture out in search of something, typically an adventure or discovery. Example: The explorers quested out into the unknown wilderness to find new species. Quest into Meaning: To investigate or delve deeply into a particular topic or issue. Example: The researchers quested into the origins of the ancient civilization. Quest around Meaning: To travel or move around in search of something. Example: They quested around the city to find the hidden treasure. Quest for Meaning: To strive for or desire something fervently. Example: Her quest for justice led her to become a human rights activist. Quest down Meaning: To track down or pursue something until it is found or captured. Example: The detective quested down the suspect until he was apprehended. Quest forward Meaning: To progress or move forward in the pursuit of a goal or vision. Example: The company quested forward to expand its market presence. Quest up Meaning: To prepare or gear up for a challenging task or adventure. Example: The mountaineers quested up the mountain with all their climbing gear. Quest on Meaning: To continue or persevere in a journey or mission, often despite obstacles. Example: They quested on through difficult times, never giving up on their dream. Queue up Meaning: To stand in line or wait in an orderly fashion, typically in anticipation of something. Example: We had to queue up outside the store before it opened to get the best deals. Queue in Meaning: To join a line or group of people who are waiting for something. Example: They queued in to buy tickets for the concert. Queue behind Meaning: To stand in line or wait behind someone or something. Example: Please queue behind the others in an orderly manner. Queue ahead Meaning: To move forward in a line or queue. Example: The line was moving slowly, but we managed to queue ahead a few steps. Queue out Meaning: To leave or exit a line or queue. Example: Some people got tired of waiting and decided to queue out. Queue off Meaning: To signal the start or movement of a line or queue. Example: The usher queued off the attendees to enter the theater. Queue through Meaning: To pass through a line or queue without stopping. Example: Vehicles were queuing through the toll booth without delay. Queue along Meaning: To continue waiting in line while moving in the same direction. Example: We had to queue along the street to enter the popular restaurant. Queue back Meaning: To move backward in a line or queue. Example: Due to the confusion, some people had to queue back to rejoin the line. Queue for Meaning: To wait in line specifically to obtain or access something. Example: People were queuing for hours to get their hands on the latest smartphone. Read up on Meaning: To study or research a particular topic or subject thoroughly. Example: She read up on ancient history before her trip to Greece. Read through Meaning: To go through or examine something carefully, such as a document or a book. Example: He read through the contract to understand its terms. Read out Meaning: To read something aloud, typically in a formal or public setting. Example: The professor read out the names of the graduates during the ceremony. Read into Meaning: To interpret or understand something in a particular way, often with added meaning. Example: Don't read too much into his words; he might not have meant it that way. Read over Meaning: To review or examine something briefly. Example: Before submitting the report, make sure to read it over for any errors. Read between the lines Meaning: To infer or understand a deeper or hidden meaning in what someone is saying or writing. Example: She could read between the lines of his message and knew he was upset. Read out loud Meaning: To read something audibly, often to oneself or to others. Example: Reading out loud can help improve your pronunciation. Read off Meaning: To recite or announce information from a list or display. Example: The teacher asked the student to read off the answers to the quiz. Read up Meaning: To acquire knowledge or information by reading extensively. Example: He decided to read up on climate change to better understand its effects. Read for Meaning: To prepare for a specific purpose or role by reading relevant material. Example: She was reading for the role of a detective in an upcoming movie. Rub in Meaning: To apply a substance, such as lotion or ointment, by massaging it into the skin. Example: She rubbed in the sunscreen to protect her skin from the sun. Rub off Meaning: To remove or cause something to be removed by rubbing or friction. Example: The stain on the fabric wouldn't rub off no matter how hard she tried. Rub down Meaning: To give someone or something a thorough massage or vigorous rub. Example: After the workout, the athlete received a rub down from the trainer. Rub out Meaning: To erase or remove something by rubbing it vigorously. Example: He tried to rub out the pencil marks on the paper. Rub up Meaning: To refresh or improve one's knowledge or skills in a particular area. Example: He needed to rub up on his Spanish before his trip to Mexico. Rub along Meaning: To have a peaceful or cooperative relationship with someone. Example: Despite their differences, they managed to rub along and work together. Rub against Meaning: To come into contact with something while rubbing or scraping against it. Example: The rough surface of the wall rubbed against her skin, causing irritation. Rub down Meaning: To clean or polish something by rubbing it. Example: He spent hours rubbing down and polishing his antique furniture. Rub through Meaning: To wear or erode something over time through repeated rubbing or friction. Example: The constant use of the mouse rubbed through the surface of the mousepad. Rub together Meaning: To create friction between two objects by rubbing them against each other. Example: When he rubbed the sticks together, they created sparks for the campfire. Rule out Meaning: To exclude or eliminate as a possibility or option. Example: The doctor ruled out any serious illness after running tests. Rule in Meaning: To include or consider something as a possibility or option. Example: The detective ruled in the possibility of foul play in the investigation. Rule over Meaning: To exercise authority or control over a group or territory. Example: The king ruled over the kingdom for several decades. Rule against Meaning: To make a decision or judgment that is unfavorable or against something. Example: The judge ruled against the defendant in the court case. Rule by Meaning: To govern or control a group of people or a state. Example: The dictator ruled by fear and oppression. Rule out of Meaning: To exclude someone or something from a particular situation or group. Example: The teacher ruled the disruptive student out of the class discussion. Rule up Meaning: To organize or arrange something in an orderly manner. Example: The manager ruled up the documents for the meeting. Rule upon Meaning: To make a decision or judgment about something. Example: The jury will rule upon the verdict after deliberation. Rule through Meaning: To govern or control something by using specific rules or regulations. Example: The organization rules through a strict code of conduct. Rule with Meaning: To govern or lead using a particular style or approach. Example: The manager ruled with a combination of authority and empathy. Run out of Meaning: To deplete or exhaust a supply of something. Example: We ran out of milk, so I couldn't have cereal for breakfast. Run into Meaning: To encounter unexpectedly or by chance. Example: I ran into an old friend at the supermarket yesterday. Run over Meaning: To collide with or run a vehicle over someone or something. Example: Unfortunately, I accidentally ran over my neighbor's bicycle in the driveway. Run up Meaning: To accumulate or create a debt or bill. Example: He ran up a large credit card debt by buying unnecessary items. Run off Meaning: To produce copies or print something, typically in a hurry. Example: We need to run off more copies of the handout for the meeting. Run by Meaning: To present or explain something to someone for their consideration or approval. Example: Before finalizing the proposal, I'll run it by the manager for feedback. Run down Meaning: To criticize or speak negatively about someone or something. Example: It's not polite to run down your colleagues in front of others. Run with Meaning: To embrace or accept an idea or suggestion and proceed with it. Example: The team decided to run with the new marketing campaign strategy. Run for Meaning: To compete as a candidate for a political office or position. Example: She decided to run for mayor in the upcoming election. Run against Meaning: To compete directly with someone in a race or competition. Example: He will run against several strong opponents in the swimming competition. See through Meaning: To perceive the true nature or intentions of someone or something, often when they are trying to deceive. Example: She saw through his lies and realized he was not being honest. See off Meaning: To accompany someone to their departure point, typically a station or airport, as a gesture of farewell. Example: We went to the airport to see off our friends before their flight. See to Meaning: To attend to or take care of something or someone. Example: I need to see to the repairs in the house before winter arrives. See about Meaning: To investigate or attend to a matter or issue. Example: I'll see about getting the necessary permits for the construction project. See ahead Meaning: To have the ability to anticipate or predict future events or outcomes. Example: The experienced manager can see ahead and plan for potential challenges. See out Meaning: To remain with someone until the end of an event or period. Example: We stayed to see out the fireworks display on New Year's Eve. See over Meaning: To guide or show someone around a place, such as a house or property. Example: The real estate agent saw us over the property for sale. See through to Meaning: To continue a course of action or process until it reaches its conclusion or desired outcome. Example: They were determined to see through to the end and complete the project successfully. See off Meaning: To refuse or reject someone or something. Example: The committee decided to see off the proposal due to budget constraints. See eye to eye Meaning: To have the same viewpoint, opinion, or understanding as someone else. Example: Although they often disagree, they manage to see eye to eye on this particular issue. Sell out Meaning: To exhaust the supply of a product by selling all available items. Example: The concert tickets sold out within minutes of being released. Sell off Meaning: To dispose of goods or assets quickly, often at a reduced price. Example: The company had to sell off some of its old equipment to raise funds. Sell up Meaning: To sell one's entire business, property, or assets. Example: After retirement, they decided to sell up and move to the countryside. Sell on Meaning: To resell something to another party after buying it. Example: He bought the vintage comic books and later sold them on eBay. Sell for Meaning: To be available for purchase at a specific price. Example: The antique vase is currently selling for a high price at the auction. Sell to Meaning: To successfully persuade someone to buy a product or service. Example: The skilled salesperson can sell to even the most skeptical customers. Sell down the river Meaning: To betray or deceive someone, often for personal gain. Example: He felt like his business partner had sold him down the river by stealing his ideas. Sell in Meaning: To promote or market a product to retailers or distributors for resale. Example: The company's sales team worked hard to sell in their new product to local stores. Sell out of Meaning: To deplete the stock of a particular item. Example: The store sold out of winter coats as the cold weather approached. Sell down Meaning: To reduce the quantity of something that you own or hold. Example: He decided to sell down his stock portfolio to free up some cash. Send out Meaning: To distribute or dispatch something to multiple recipients. Example: The company will send out invitations to the product launch event. Send off Meaning: To dispatch or mail something, usually to a specific destination. Example: She sent off her college application to her dream university. Send in Meaning: To submit or forward something, often as part of a formal process. Example: Please send in your resumes for the job vacancy. Send for Meaning: To request someone's presence or assistance by sending a message. Example: In case of an emergency, we'll send for the doctor immediately. Send up Meaning: To imitate or mock someone or something, often in a humorous way. Example: The comedian can send up famous celebrities with spot-on impressions. Send away Meaning: To dismiss or remove someone from a place or situation. Example: The headmaster had to send away the disruptive student from the classroom. Send back Meaning: To return something to its original sender or source. Example: The restaurant had to send back the dish because it was undercooked. Send over Meaning: To transmit or transfer something from one location to another. Example: Can you send over the files we need for the presentation? Send down Meaning: To sentence someone to prison or a punishment. Example: The judge decided to send the criminal down for ten years. Send out for Meaning: To order food or goods for delivery from a restaurant or store. Example: We're too tired to cook, so let's send out for pizza tonight. Set up Meaning: To establish or arrange something, often a system, organization, or equipment. Example: She set up her own business after years of planning. Set aside Meaning: To reserve or allocate something for a specific purpose or time. Example: We need to set aside some funds for unexpected expenses. Set in Meaning: To begin or establish, usually referring to a change or condition. Example: Winter has set in, and it's getting colder every day. Set off Meaning: To trigger or cause something to start or happen, often suddenly. Example: The loud noise set off the alarm system in the building. Set out Meaning: To start a journey or task with a particular goal or intention. Example: They set out early in the morning to hike to the summit. Set down Meaning: To place or position something carefully on a surface or location. Example: She set down the fragile vase on the table. Set back Meaning: To delay or hinder progress or development. Example: The unexpected rainstorm set back our construction project by a week. Set in motion Meaning: To initiate or start a process or action. Example: The new manager set in motion several changes to improve the company's efficiency. Set on Meaning: To encourage or incite someone to do something, often negative. Example: He set on his friends to help him with the prank. Settle down Meaning: To establish a stable and permanent residence or lifestyle. Example: After years of traveling, he decided to settle down in a quiet countryside town. Settle in Meaning: To become familiar with a new environment or place and make it your home. Example: It took a few weeks for the new students to settle in at the boarding school. Settle down Meaning: To establish a stable and calm life, often involving marriage or finding a permanent home. Example: After traveling the world, she decided it was time to settle down and start a family. Settle for Meaning: To accept something less than what you originally wanted or expected. Example: He couldn't find his dream job, so he settled for a position that paid the bills. Settle up Meaning: To pay a debt or bill that is owed to someone. Example: Before leaving the restaurant, they needed to settle up the tab. Settle on Meaning: To make a decision or choice after considering various options. Example: After hours of discussion, they finally settled on a design for the new logo. Settle with Meaning: To reach an agreement or resolution, often in a legal context. Example: They decided to settle with the other party out of court to avoid a lengthy trial. Settle for Meaning: To be content or satisfied with what is available or attainable. Example: She wanted a larger house, but she had to settle for a smaller one due to budget constraints. Settle into Meaning: To become accustomed to a routine or situation over time. Example: After a few months, she settled into her new job and started feeling comfortable. Settle back Meaning: To relax and become comfortable, often after a period of tension or activity. Example: After a long day of hiking, they settled back at the campfire to enjoy the evening. Settle for Meaning: To agree to or accept something as a compromise, even if it's not ideal. Example: They couldn't agree on a restaurant, so they settled for fast food instead. Shake off Meaning: To get rid of something or someone by shaking forcefully. Example: The dog tried to shake off the water after jumping in the pool. Shake up Meaning: To disrupt or change something significantly to bring about improvements or new energy. Example: The new manager was brought in to shake up the company and increase productivity. Shake down Meaning: To extort money or coerce someone through threats or intimidation. Example: The criminals tried to shake down the small business owner for protection money. Shake out Meaning: To remove or shake out dirt, dust, or debris from something. Example: She shook out the rugs to clean them thoroughly. Shake up Meaning: To cause someone to feel shocked or emotionally affected by an event or news. Example: The unexpected accident shook up the entire community. Shake out Meaning: To resolve or work out details or issues through discussion or negotiation. Example: They need to shake out the contract terms before signing it. Shake down Meaning: To test or examine something thoroughly to ensure its quality or functionality. Example: The engineers had to shake down the new aircraft before its first flight. Shake apart Meaning: To cause something to break or fall apart by shaking it vigorously. Example: The earthquake shook apart several buildings in the city. Shake with Meaning: To tremble or shake due to a strong emotion, such as fear or excitement. Example: She shook with nervousness before her big presentation. Shake down Meaning: To investigate or search a person or place thoroughly, often for illegal activities. Example: The police conducted a raid to shake down the suspected drug den. Show off Meaning: To display or exhibit something, often to impress or boast. Example: She always likes to show off her new jewelry at parties. Show up Meaning: To arrive or appear, especially when expected or needed. Example: He promised to help, but he didn't show up for the meeting. Show around Meaning: To give a tour or guide someone through a place. Example: The museum curator showed us around the art gallery. Show out Meaning: To escort someone to the door or exit as a gesture of politeness. Example: After the dinner party, he showed the guests out of the house. Show in Meaning: To admit or allow someone to enter a place. Example: The receptionist showed the visitors in to meet the manager. Show over Meaning: To guide someone through a property or area, especially when considering purchasing it. Example: The real estate agent showed us over the house for sale. Show through Meaning: To become visible or noticeable through a surface or material. Example: The stain on the shirt showed through even after washing it. Show out Meaning: To display or reveal something that was previously hidden or secret. Example: The investigation revealed evidence that showed out the suspect's guilt. Show down Meaning: To confront or challenge someone in a direct or competitive way. Example: The two athletes showed down in a fierce wrestling match. Show in Meaning: To exhibit or display something as part of an event or showcase. Example: The artist showed in her latest paintings at the art gallery. Smile at Meaning: To express happiness or friendliness with a smile directed towards someone. Example: She smiled at her co-worker to acknowledge their help. Smile away Meaning: To try to hide or suppress a smile, often unsuccessfully. Example: She couldn't help but smile away her amusement during the serious meeting. Smile back Meaning: To respond to someone's smile with a smile of one's own. Example: When he smiled at her, she smiled back in return. Smile through Meaning: To endure or maintain a positive attitude with a smile despite facing difficulties or challenges. Example: She smiled through the pain and continued to help others. Smile out Meaning: To emit a warm or inviting smile that affects others positively. Example: His genuine smile always made the room feel welcoming. Smile on Meaning: To look favorably upon or bless someone with good fortune. Example: Luck seemed to smile on him as he found a job right after graduation. Smile down on Meaning: To bless or watch over someone from a higher or happier place. Example: She believed her late grandmother was smiling down on her wedding day. Smile through Meaning: To endure or maintain a positive attitude with a smile despite facing difficulties or challenges. Example: She smiled through the pain and continued to help others. Smile away Meaning: To try to hide or suppress a smile, often unsuccessfully. Example: He couldn't smile away his amusement during the comedian's performance. Smile up at Meaning: To look at someone with a warm and affectionate smile, usually from a lower position. Example: The child smiled up at her as she bent down to pick him up. Shut down Meaning: To close a business, operation, or machine temporarily or permanently. Example: The factory had to shut down for maintenance. Shut in Meaning: To confine or isolate someone or something within a closed space. Example: The snowstorm shut us in the cabin for two days. Shut out Meaning: To prevent someone or something from entering or being included. Example: They shut out all distractions to focus on their work. Shut off Meaning: To stop the flow of a liquid, gas, or power supply by closing a valve or switch. Example: He shut off the water supply to fix the leak. Shut up Meaning: To stop talking or making noise suddenly. Example: Please, just shut up and let me concentrate. Shut away Meaning: To isolate or confine someone in a room or space, often as a form of punishment. Example: The child was shut away in his room for misbehaving. Shut up Meaning: To close a building, such as a house, for an extended period. Example: They decided to shut up their summer cottage for the winter. Shut out Meaning: In sports, to prevent the opposing team from scoring any points or goals. Example: The goalkeeper managed to shut out the opposing team in the final match. Shut down Meaning: To close a computer or electronic device by turning it off. Example: It's important to shut down your computer properly to avoid data loss. Shut off Meaning: To isolate or disconnect something, such as a part of a building or a room. Example: He shut off the attic from the rest of the house to save energy. Sleep in Meaning: To stay in bed later than usual in the morning. Example: On weekends, I like to sleep in and relax. Sleep off Meaning: To sleep to recover from the effects of something, such as a hangover or illness. Example: He needed to sleep off the jet lag after a long flight. Sleep through Meaning: To remain asleep and not wake up during something noisy or disruptive. Example: She can sleep through thunderstorms without being disturbed. Sleep over Meaning: To spend the night as a guest at someone else's house. Example: My friends are coming to sleep over at my place tonight. Sleep on Meaning: To postpone a decision until the following day after thinking about it overnight. Example: I'll sleep on it and let you know my answer in the morning. Sleep through Meaning: To be unaware of or not notice something because one is sleeping. Example: I slept through the alarm and was late for work. Sleep with Meaning: To have sexual relations with someone. Example: It's important to have a discussion before deciding to sleep with someone. Sleep around Meaning: To have multiple sexual partners or engage in promiscuous behavior. Example: He's known for sleeping around, and it's not safe. Sleepwalk Meaning: To walk around and perform actions while asleep, usually without being aware of it. Example: She used to sleepwalk when she was a child. Sleep tight Meaning: A friendly way to wish someone a restful and peaceful night's sleep. Example: "Goodnight, sleep tight," she said to her children before bedtime. Slip away Meaning: To leave quietly or unnoticed, often in a secretive manner. Example: The thief managed to slip away before the police arrived. Slip in Meaning: To insert or add something discreetly or unexpectedly. Example: She tried to slip in a joke during the serious meeting. Slip up Meaning: To make a mistake or error, especially one that is careless or accidental. Example: I slipped up and sent the email to the wrong person. Slip by Meaning: To pass or go unnoticed, especially when one fails to seize an opportunity. Example: Time slipped by, and I didn't realize how late it had become. Slip out Meaning: To leave a place quietly or discreetly. Example: She slipped out of the party without saying goodbye. Slip off Meaning: To remove or take off something, such as clothing or shoes. Example: He slipped off his shoes before entering the house. Slip into Meaning: To put on or wear something quickly and easily. Example: She slipped into her pajamas and went to bed. Slip through Meaning: To escape or avoid detection, often narrowly. Example: The suspect managed to slip through the police barricade. Slip down Meaning: To move or slide downward gradually or unintentionally. Example: The book slipped down from the shelf and fell on the floor. Slip back Meaning: To return to a previous state or condition, often without realizing it. Example: After his promotion, he didn't want to slip back into his old habits. Sit down Meaning: To take a seat or lower oneself into a sitting position. Example: Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable. Sit up Meaning: To straighten one's posture from a sitting position, often to pay closer attention. Example: The students were asked to sit up and listen to the lecture. Sit in Meaning: To attend or participate in a meeting, event, or class as a guest or observer. Example: She decided to sit in on the music rehearsal to see how it was going. Sit out Meaning: To not participate in an activity or event, often by choice. Example: I'm going to sit out this dance; I'm not in the mood to dance tonight. Sit tight Meaning: To remain in one's current position and wait patiently. Example: We'll have to sit tight until the traffic clears up. Sit around Meaning: To spend time idly or without a specific purpose. Example: Instead of sitting around all day, let's go for a hike. Sit through Meaning: To endure or tolerate something, such as a long and boring presentation or movie. Example: I had to sit through a three-hour lecture on a topic I had no interest in. Sit by Meaning: To remain inactive or uninvolved when action is needed. Example: I can't just sit by and watch them struggle; I need to help. Sit for Meaning: To be a model for a portrait or painting. Example: The artist asked her to sit for a portrait that would hang in a gallery. Sit with Meaning: To keep someone company or stay with them for a period of time. Example: Can you sit with me while I wait for my friend at the cafe? Stand up Meaning: To rise from a seated or lying position to an upright one. Example: When the teacher enters the classroom, everyone should stand up. Stand by Meaning: To be ready and available to help or support someone if needed. Example: I'll stand by in case you need any assistance with the project. Stand out Meaning: To be easily noticeable or distinguishable from the surrounding environment or others. Example: Her red dress really makes her stand out in the crowd. Stand for Meaning: To represent or symbolize something. Example: The eagle on the national flag stands for freedom and strength. Stand by Meaning: To remain loyal to a person, cause, or belief. Example: He always stood by his principles, no matter the consequences. Stand up to Meaning: To resist or confront someone or something in a courageous manner. Example: She decided to stand up to the bullies at school and report their behavior. Stand down Meaning: To resign or step aside from a position or responsibility. Example: The CEO decided to stand down after several years of leading the company. Stand in Meaning: To temporarily replace someone or serve as a substitute for them. Example: I'll stand in for John at the meeting since he can't attend. Stand together Meaning: To unite with others in support of a common cause or goal. Example: The community decided to stand together to address the issue of pollution. Stand off Meaning: To keep a safe distance or remain in a standoff situation, often in a conflict. Example: The two rival gangs stood off, neither willing to initiate a fight. Stay in Meaning: To remain at home or indoors instead of going out. Example: I decided to stay in and relax rather than going to the party. Stay out Meaning: To remain outside and not return to one's home or accommodation. Example: The kids asked if they could stay out a bit longer to play in the park. Stay up Meaning: To stay awake and not go to bed at the usual time. Example: I had to stay up late to finish my work for tomorrow's presentation. Stay over Meaning: To spend the night at someone else's house or accommodation. Example: Can I stay over at your place tonight? I missed the last train. Stay ahead Meaning: To maintain a lead or advantage over others. Example: In the race, he managed to stay ahead of the competition and win. Stay behind Meaning: To remain in a place after others have left. Example: I'll stay behind after the meeting to discuss some additional details. Stay out of Meaning: To avoid getting involved in a situation or staying away from trouble. Example: It's best to stay out of their argument; it doesn't concern us. Stay on Meaning: To continue or prolong one's stay at a place. Example: Due to the pleasant weather, we decided to stay on for another week. Stay with Meaning: To remain in someone's memory or consciousness. Example: The beautiful sunset will stay with me forever; it was breathtaking. Stay put Meaning: To remain in one place and not move. Example: Please stay put while I go get some help for the broken-down car. Stay in Meaning: To remain at home or indoors instead of going out. Example: I decided to stay in and relax rather than going to the party. Stay out Meaning: To remain outside and not return to one's home or accommodation. Example: The kids asked if they could stay out a bit longer to play in the park. Stay up Meaning: To stay awake and not go to bed at the usual time. Example: I had to stay up late to finish my work for tomorrow's presentation. Stay over Meaning: To spend the night at someone else's house or accommodation. Example: Can I stay over at your place tonight? I missed the last train. Stay ahead Meaning: To maintain a lead or advantage over others. Example: In the race, he managed to stay ahead of the competition and win. Stay behind Meaning: To remain in a place after others have left. Example: I'll stay behind after the meeting to discuss some additional details. Stay out of Meaning: To avoid getting involved in a situation or staying away from trouble. Example: It's best to stay out of their argument; it doesn't concern us. Stay on Meaning: To continue or prolong one's stay at a place. Example: Due to the pleasant weather, we decided to stay on for another week. Stay with Meaning: To remain in someone's memory or consciousness. Example: The beautiful sunset will stay with me forever; it was breathtaking. Stay put Meaning: To remain in one place and not move. Example: Please stay put while I go get some help for the broken-down car. Step down Meaning: To resign or voluntarily give up a position or role. Example: After serving as the CEO for many years, she decided to step down and retire. Step up Meaning: To take action or make an effort to increase one's involvement or contribution. Example: It's time for everyone to step up and help with the charity fundraiser. Step in Meaning: To intervene or become involved in a situation, often to help or take over. Example: When the manager was absent, John had to step in and oversee the project. Step out Meaning: To leave one's current location, often temporarily. Example: I need to step out for a moment to grab some groceries. Step aside Meaning: To move out of the way or yield to allow someone else to pass or take over. Example: He graciously stepped aside and let the more experienced colleague lead the team. Step forward Meaning: To offer one's help, services, or information willingly. Example: Several volunteers stepped forward to assist with the disaster relief efforts. Step off Meaning: To descend or get off a platform, vehicle, or elevated surface. Example: Be careful when you step off the bus; there's a high curb. Step by Meaning: To proceed or progress gradually through a process or sequence. Example: Let's go step by step to understand this complex mathematical concept. Step on Meaning: To accidentally or intentionally apply pressure or crush something underfoot. Example: I didn't mean to step on your glasses; it was a complete accident. Step into Meaning: To enter a new situation, role, or job, often with enthusiasm. Example: She was excited to step into her new role as the company's marketing manager. Stick around Meaning: To remain in a place or situation, often when you're not expected to. Example: I'll stick around for a while after the meeting in case anyone has questions. Stick to Meaning: To adhere to or continue doing something consistently. Example: If you want to lose weight, you should stick to your diet plan. Stick out Meaning: To be easily noticeable or different from the surroundings. Example: His bright red shirt really stuck out in the sea of black and white. Stick up for Meaning: To defend or support someone or something in an argument or conflict. Example: She always sticks up for her friends when they're being criticized. Stick together Meaning: To remain united or in close association, especially in difficult times. Example: In times of crisis, it's essential for the team to stick together. Stick with Meaning: To continue with something or someone despite difficulties or doubts. Example: I decided to stick with my current job, even though it's challenging. Stick out like a sore thumb Meaning: To be extremely conspicuous or obvious. Example: His mismatched outfit made him stick out like a sore thumb at the formal event. Stick it out Meaning: To endure or continue with a challenging or unpleasant situation. Example: Despite the difficulties, she was determined to stick it out until she succeeded. Stick to your guns Meaning: To remain firm and resolute in one's beliefs or decisions, even when facing opposition. Example: He stuck to his guns and refused to compromise on the project's principles. Stick your nose into Meaning: To interfere in someone else's business or affairs. Example: It's not your place to stick your nose into their personal problems. Stop by Meaning: To visit a place or person briefly, often on the way to somewhere else. Example: I'll stop by your house on my way to work to drop off the package. Stop over Meaning: To break a journey with a short stay at a place along the way to your final destination. Example: Our flight to Paris stops over in London for a few hours. Stop in Meaning: To visit a place casually or briefly. Example: I'll stop in at the library to return the books on my way home. Stop up Meaning: To block or close a passage, hole, or opening. Example: Please stop up the leak in the roof before it rains again. Stop short Meaning: To come to a sudden stop or halt, often unexpectedly. Example: The car in front of us stopped short, and I had to slam on the brakes. Stop dead in your tracks Meaning: To come to an abrupt and complete stop, usually due to shock or surprise. Example: When he saw the bear in the woods, he stopped dead in his tracks. Stop off Meaning: To make a brief stop or detour during a journey. Example: We'll stop off at the gas station to refuel before continuing our road trip. Stop down Meaning: To reduce the aperture of a camera lens to decrease the amount of light entering. Example: The photographer decided to stop down the lens to capture a sharper image. Stop in your tracks Meaning: To suddenly stop moving or halt due to surprise or a sudden realization. Example: The unexpected noise made me stop in my tracks and look around. Stop short of Meaning: To refrain from doing something or to avoid taking an action just before it happens. Example: She stopped short of revealing the surprise party plans to her friend. Strike out Meaning: To fail or be unsuccessful in an endeavor or attempt. Example: He struck out in his attempt to convince the team to change their strategy. Strike up Meaning: To initiate or begin something, such as a conversation, relationship, or friendship. Example: She struck up a conversation with a stranger at the coffee shop. Strike down Meaning: To defeat or overpower someone or something, often with force or authority. Example: The court struck down the new law as unconstitutional. Strike back Meaning: To retaliate or respond aggressively to an attack or criticism. Example: After the criticism, he decided to strike back with his own arguments. Strike off Meaning: To remove or erase something from a list or record. Example: The committee decided to strike off his name from the membership list. Strike through Meaning: To draw a line through a word or text to indicate deletion or correction. Example: She struck through the error in the document and made the necessary correction. Strike up a deal Meaning: To negotiate and reach an agreement or contract, especially in a business context. Example: The two companies struck up a deal to collaborate on the project. Strike out on your own Meaning: To start a new venture, project, or journey independently, without assistance. Example: After years of working for others, she decided to strike out on her own and start her own business. Strike it rich Meaning: To become very wealthy or successful, often unexpectedly. Example: He struck it rich with his innovative invention and became a millionaire. Strike a chord Meaning: To resonate with someone or evoke a strong emotional response. Example: The novel's theme of love and loss struck a chord with many readers. Sum up Meaning: To provide a concise summary or brief overview of something. Example: Can you please sum up the main points of the presentation? Summarize Meaning: To give a brief statement or account of the main points or highlights of something. Example: She summarized the novel's plot in just a few sentences. Sum to Meaning: To add up to a particular total or amount. Example: The expenses for the project sum to $5,000 in total. Sum out Meaning: To calculate the total or sum of something, often involving detailed calculations. Example: It took her hours to sum out the financial report accurately. Sum in Meaning: To include or encompass as part of a larger total or calculation. Example: Don't forget to sum in the additional costs for shipping and handling. Sum over Meaning: To calculate the total of something by considering all the individual parts or elements. Example: The final score is obtained by summing over the scores of all the rounds. Sum down Meaning: To reduce or decrease the total or sum of something. Example: They had to sum down the budget due to unexpected expenses. Sum off Meaning: To subtract or deduct a specific amount from a total or sum. Example: You can sum off the discount from the total cost of your purchase. Sum together Meaning: To combine or add together two or more sums or totals. Example: Let's sum together the revenues from all our branches to get the company's total income. Sum out to Meaning: To result in or equal a particular total or sum when all calculations are done. Example: After accounting for all the expenses, it sums out to a profit of $10,000. Switch on Meaning: To activate or turn on a device, light, or appliance. Example: Please switch on the lights; it's getting dark in here. Switch off Meaning: To deactivate or turn off a device, light, or appliance. Example: Don't forget to switch off the TV when you're done watching. Switch over Meaning: To change from one thing or system to another, often involving a transition. Example: The company decided to switch over to a more efficient software system. Switch around Meaning: To rearrange or change the order of things or people. Example: Let's switch around the furniture in the living room for a fresh look. Switch out Meaning: To replace or substitute one thing with another. Example: She decided to switch out her old phone for a newer model. Switch up Meaning: To vary or diversify something, often to avoid monotony. Example: It's a good idea to switch up your exercise routine for better results. Switch gears Meaning: To change one's focus or approach to a task or situation. Example: After working on the project for hours, he decided to switch gears and take a short break. Switch off from Meaning: To disconnect mentally or emotionally from a particular situation or topic. Example: She had to switch off from work mode to enjoy her vacation. Switch places Meaning: To exchange positions or roles with someone. Example: The twins often switch places to confuse their friends. Switch back Meaning: To return to a previous state or situation after a change. Example: After experimenting with a new diet, she decided to switch back to her old eating habits. Talk over Meaning: To discuss something thoroughly or in detail with someone. Example: Let's talk over the project proposal during our meeting tomorrow. Talk up Meaning: To speak enthusiastically or positively about something or someone to promote or endorse it. Example: The manager talked up the benefits of the new product in the presentation. Talk down to Meaning: To condescend or speak to someone as if they are less intelligent or inferior. Example: He shouldn't talk down to his colleagues; they're all experts in their fields. Talk out of Meaning: To persuade someone not to do something or to change their mind. Example: She tried to talk her friend out of quitting her job. Talk through Meaning: To explain something step by step or in detail. Example: The instructor talked us through the process of assembling the furniture. Talk back Meaning: To respond impolitely or rudely when someone in authority speaks to you. Example: It's not acceptable for children to talk back to their teachers. Talk into Meaning: To convince or persuade someone to do something they were initially hesitant about. Example: He talked her into going on a spontaneous road trip. Talk behind someone's back Meaning: To discuss someone in a negative or gossipy way when they are not present. Example: Gossiping and talking behind someone's back can damage relationships. Talk down (prices) Meaning: To negotiate or persuade someone to lower the price of something. Example: She managed to talk down the price of the car at the dealership. Talk out Meaning: To express one's emotions or problems to someone, often in a therapeutic context. Example: It's important to talk out your feelings with a therapist if you're going through a tough time. Take in Meaning: To absorb or understand information, often at a glance. Example: She can take in a lot of information from a single lecture. Take on Meaning: To accept a challenge, responsibility, or task. Example: He decided to take on the role of project manager for the new assignment. Take off Meaning: To become successful or popular suddenly. Example: The company's new product idea really took off in the market. Take up Meaning: To start a new hobby, activity, or interest. Example: She decided to take up painting as a creative outlet. Take over Meaning: To assume control or responsibility for something. Example: The new CEO will take over the company's operations next month. Take down Meaning: To write or record information, usually in writing. Example: Please take down the minutes of our meeting. Take apart Meaning: To disassemble or dismantle something into its individual parts. Example: He had to take apart the engine to repair it. Take for Meaning: To mistakenly believe or assume something about someone or something. Example: Don't take her silence for indifference; she's just shy. Take out Meaning: To remove something from a container or location. Example: He took out a book from the library to read over the weekend. Take in (a guest) Meaning: To provide accommodation for someone, often temporarily. Example: They decided to take in a friend who needed a place to stay for a few weeks. Tear up Meaning: To destroy or rip something into pieces, typically paper. Example: She tore up the old love letters and threw them away. Tear apart Meaning: To separate or destroy something by pulling or ripping it apart. Example: The dog tore apart the stuffed toy in minutes. Tear down Meaning: To demolish or destroy a building or structure. Example: The city decided to tear down the old factory and build a park in its place. Tear into Meaning: To criticize or scold someone harshly and angrily. Example: The manager tore into the employee for repeatedly arriving late to work. Tear out Meaning: To remove something from a larger object, typically by tearing it. Example: He tore out the page with the recipe from the magazine. Tear through Meaning: To move or pass through something or somewhere quickly and energetically. Example: The tornado tore through the small town, causing extensive damage. Tear along Meaning: To move very fast, often while driving. Example: He tore along the highway to catch up with the rest of the convoy. Tear off Meaning: To remove a piece or part of something by tearing it. Example: She tore off a small section of the bread to taste it. Tear away Meaning: To forcibly remove or separate someone from a particular place or situation. Example: It was hard to tear the child away from the playground when it was time to leave. Tear up (an agreement) Meaning: To invalidate or cancel a contract or agreement. Example: They decided to tear up the contract and renegotiate the terms. Tell off Meaning: To scold or reprimand someone for their behavior or actions. Example: The teacher told off the student for talking during the class. Tell on Meaning: To report or inform someone in authority about someone else's actions or misdeeds. Example: The children promised not to tell on their friend for breaking the vase. Tell apart Meaning: To distinguish or recognize the differences between two or more similar things or people. Example: Identical twins can be difficult to tell apart. Tell over Meaning: To repeat or recount a story or information to someone. Example: She told the story over to her friend who had missed it earlier. Tell from Meaning: To discern or differentiate one thing from another based on certain characteristics. Example: It's hard to tell one brand of cola from another in a blind taste test. Tell against Meaning: To have a negative effect on someone's chances or reputation. Example: His previous criminal record may tell against him in the job interview. Tell on (oneself) Meaning: To unintentionally reveal or disclose something about oneself. Example: She told on herself when she admitted to eating the last piece of cake. Tell of Meaning: To narrate or describe something in a story or account. Example: He told of his adventures during his trip to South America. Tell (someone) apart from (someone else) Meaning: To distinguish one person from another when they are very similar. Example: I can't tell the twins apart; they look exactly the same. Tell (someone) off Meaning: To criticize or scold someone for their actions or behavior. Example: She told her coworker off for constantly interrupting her during meetings. Think over Meaning: To carefully consider or ponder a decision or idea before making a choice. Example: I need some time to think over the job offer before giving my final answer. Think up Meaning: To invent or create something, such as an idea, plan, or solution. Example: She always thinks up innovative ways to solve problems at work. Think through Meaning: To thoroughly analyze or evaluate a situation or problem. Example: Before making any major financial decisions, it's important to think through the consequences. Think ahead Meaning: To plan or anticipate future events or outcomes. Example: Good financial planners always think ahead and save for retirement. Think out Meaning: To carefully plan or consider something before executing it. Example: He took the time to think out his presentation, and it was very well-received. Think of Meaning: To remember or come up with an idea, suggestion, or solution. Example: Can you think of a good name for our new product? Think for oneself Meaning: To form one's own opinions and make independent decisions. Example: It's important to encourage children to think for themselves and not just follow others. Think back (to) Meaning: To remember or reflect on past events or experiences. Example: He often thinks back to his childhood and the adventures he had. Think highly of Meaning: To have a high opinion or regard for someone or something. Example: She thinks highly of her mentor and values their guidance. Think on one's feet Meaning: To make quick and effective decisions or responses in a challenging or unexpected situation. Example: During the crisis, she had to think on her feet to come up with a solution. Throw away Meaning: To discard or get rid of something that is no longer needed. Example: I decided to throw away all the old magazines cluttering my room. Throw on Meaning: To quickly put on clothing or an item without much thought or preparation. Example: I had to throw on a jacket because it was unexpectedly cold outside. Throw off Meaning: To remove or cast off something, often in a hurried or abrupt manner. Example: He tried to throw off his pursuers by taking a different route. Throw out Meaning: To discard or dispose of something, often because it is no longer useful. Example: We need to throw out these old appliances that are no longer working. Throw up Meaning: To vomit or expel the contents of one's stomach. Example: The food didn't agree with him, and he had to throw up. Throw in Meaning: To include something extra or as a bonus in a deal or arrangement. Example: The seller agreed to throw in a free accessory with the purchase of the car. Throw off balance Meaning: To surprise or confuse someone, making them lose their equilibrium. Example: Her unexpected question threw me off balance during the interview. Throw down the gauntlet Meaning: To issue a challenge or provoke someone to take action. Example: He threw down the gauntlet and challenged his rival to a duel. Throw in the towel Meaning: To give up or surrender in the face of a difficult situation. Example: After hours of negotiation, they finally threw in the towel and accepted the terms. Throw a fit Meaning: To have a sudden, emotional outburst or tantrum. Example: When he couldn't get his way, the child threw a fit in the store. Touch up Meaning: To improve or enhance the appearance of something, often by making minor corrections or adjustments. Example: The photographer had to touch up the photos before they were ready for publication. Touch on Meaning: To briefly mention or discuss a topic without going into great detail. Example: The presentation will touch on the main points of the report, but for more information, refer to the document. Touch down Meaning: To land, especially referring to aircraft or spacecraft. Example: The plane is scheduled to touch down at the airport at 3:30 PM. Touch off Meaning: To trigger or cause a reaction, often an emotional one. Example: The news of the layoffs touched off a wave of anxiety among the employees. Touch upon Meaning: To briefly mention or allude to a topic without going into depth. Example: During the interview, he touched upon his early career but focused more on recent achievements. Touch in Meaning: To make a brief visit or stop at a place. Example: I'll touch in at the office for a few hours before heading home. Touch off on Meaning: To begin a discussion or conversation about a particular subject. Example: The meeting will touch off on the new project proposals. Touch up on Meaning: To review or refresh one's knowledge or skills in a particular area. Example: I need to touch up on my Spanish before our trip to Mexico. Touch for Meaning: To request or demand money from someone, often in a casual or indirect manner. Example: He touched me for a small loan to cover his unexpected expenses. Touch and go Meaning: Referring to a situation that is uncertain or risky, with a possibility of success or failure. Example: The surgery was touch and go, but thankfully, the patient pulled through. Try out Meaning: To test or experiment with something to see if it works or if you like it. Example: I decided to try out the new recipe for dinner last night. Try on Meaning: To put on clothing or accessories to see how they fit or look. Example: She tried on several dresses before choosing the perfect one for the party. Try for Meaning: To make an effort to achieve or obtain something, often a goal or position. Example: He is going to try for a promotion at work next year. Try against Meaning: To compete or test one's abilities against others. Example: She tried herself against the best chess players in the world. Try something on Meaning: To attempt a new approach or method to see if it works. Example: We should try something new in our marketing strategy to attract more customers. Try it on Meaning: To behave in a deceptive or insincere way to see if it's accepted. Example: He's just trying it on when he pretends not to know what happened. Try for Meaning: To make an effort to achieve or obtain something, often a goal or position. Example: She's going to try for a scholarship to help with her education costs. Try back Meaning: To return or come back to a place or situation to see if there have been any developments. Example: He said he'd try back later to check if the repairs were complete. Try at Meaning: To make an attempt or effort to do something. Example: I'll try my hand at painting this weekend and see how it goes. Try on Meaning: To make an effort to understand or empathize with someone else's perspective or feelings. Example: Try to put yourself in her shoes and see how she feels about the situation. Tumble down Meaning: To fall suddenly or collapse, usually from a height. Example: The old building finally tumbled down after years of neglect. Tumble over Meaning: To fall or topple over, often accidentally. Example: He tripped on the uneven pavement and tumbled over. Tumble out Meaning: To fall or emerge from a container or enclosure. Example: Coins tumbled out of the piggy bank when it was opened. Tumble about Meaning: To move or roll around in a disorderly manner. Example: The children tumbled about in the pile of leaves. Tumble into Meaning: To fall into a situation or place suddenly, often without planning. Example: We tumbled into an adventure when we got lost in the woods. Tumble across Meaning: To discover or find something accidentally. Example: While hiking, we tumbled across a hidden waterfall. Tumble along Meaning: To move forward or progress in a haphazard or unorganized way. Example: The project tumbled along without a clear plan. Tumble through Meaning: To complete something hastily or without much preparation. Example: He tumbled through the presentation, forgetting important details. Tumble around Meaning: To move or circulate aimlessly or without a specific direction. Example: People were tumbling around the mall during the Black Friday sales. Tumble out of Meaning: To lose a position or fall out of favor. Example: After his mistake, he tumbled out of the manager's good graces. Turn on Meaning: To activate or start a device or appliance. Example: Please turn on the lights; it's getting dark in here. Turn off Meaning: To deactivate or stop a device or appliance. Example: Don't forget to turn off the TV when you're done watching. Turn up Meaning: To arrive or appear, often unexpectedly or without prior notice. Example: She didn't RSVP, but she still turned up at the party. Turn down Meaning: To decrease the volume or intensity of something. Example: Can you turn down the music? It's too loud. Turn out Meaning: To attend an event or gather in a large number. Example: Many people turned out for the charity fundraiser. Turn over Meaning: To flip or rotate something to the other side. Example: Please turn over the pancake; it's ready to cook on the other side. Turn in Meaning: To submit or hand in something, typically a task or assignment. Example: Don't forget to turn in your homework by tomorrow morning. Turn around Meaning: To change direction or reverse one's course. Example: We had to turn around because we forgot something at home. Turn up Meaning: To increase in volume or intensity. Example: Can you turn up the heat? It's chilly in here. Turn to Meaning: To seek help, advice, or support from someone. Example: When in doubt, you can always turn to your parents for guidance. Use up Meaning: To deplete or exhaust a supply of something. Example: We've used up all the printer paper; we need to buy more. Use as Meaning: To employ or utilize something for a specific purpose. Example: You can use this wrench as a makeshift hammer in a pinch. Use for Meaning: To employ something for a particular function or purpose. Example: These containers are perfect for use as storage for small items. Use in Meaning: To include or incorporate something in a particular context or situation. Example: You should use this statistic in your presentation to support your argument. Use on Meaning: To apply or utilize something for a specific object or person. Example: You can use this sunscreen on your skin to protect it from the sun. Use with Meaning: To combine or employ something in conjunction with another. Example: This sauce goes well when used with grilled chicken. Use by Meaning: To indicate the expiration date or deadline for using something. Example: The milk should be consumed by the "use by" date on the carton. Use off Meaning: To remove or eliminate something by using it. Example: You can use sandpaper to use off the rough edges of the wood. Use out Meaning: To utilize something until it is no longer functional or effective. Example: I've used out all the batteries in the remote; we need to replace them. Use as Meaning: To consider or regard someone or something in a particular role or function. Example: She often uses her sister as a mentor for career advice. Usher in Meaning: To introduce or bring in something new or significant. Example: The discovery of electricity ushered in a new era of technology. Usher out Meaning: To escort someone or something out of a place or situation. Example: The security personnel ushered out the unruly guest from the event. Usher away Meaning: To lead or guide someone or something away from a particular location. Example: The receptionist ushered away the visitors to a quieter waiting area. Usher through Meaning: To facilitate or guide someone through a process or procedure. Example: The experienced lawyer helped usher the client through the legal paperwork. Usher up Meaning: To escort or lead someone or something to a higher or more prominent position. Example: The elevator ushered us up to the top floor of the skyscraper. Usher forward Meaning: To move someone or something ahead in a group or line. Example: The teacher asked the students to usher forward one by one to receive their certificates. Usher into Meaning: To guide or lead someone or something into a particular place or situation. Example: The tour guide ushered us into the historic castle. Usher off Meaning: To escort or lead someone away from a public or social gathering. Example: The hostess politely ushered off the uninvited guests from the party. Usher down Meaning: To accompany or guide someone or something to a lower position. Example: The flight attendant ushered passengers down the aisle to their seats. Usher back Meaning: To accompany or guide someone or something back to where they started. Example: The park ranger ushered us back to the trailhead after the hike. Vouch for Meaning: To confirm or guarantee the truth or reliability of something or someone. Example: I can vouch for his honesty; he has always been trustworthy. Vouchsafe with Meaning: To grant or bestow something, often as a favor. Example: The manager vouchsafed the employee with an extra day off for their hard work. Vouch in Meaning: To officially endorse or approve of something or someone. Example: The board of directors vouched in the new company policy. Vouch against Meaning: To express doubt or disapproval of something or someone. Example: The committee members vouched against the proposed changes to the constitution. Vouch to Meaning: To personally affirm or confirm something to someone. Example: She vouched to her friend that she would complete the project on time. Vouch out Meaning: To confirm or validate something publicly. Example: The expert vouched out that the artwork was indeed an original. Vouch by Meaning: To support or endorse something through one's reputation. Example: The renowned scientist's presence vouched by the credibility of the research. Vouch off Meaning: To formally declare or authorize something. Example: The CEO vouched off the company's commitment to sustainability. Vouch through Meaning: To confirm or validate something through a specific process or procedure. Example: The document needs to be vouched through the legal department before it can be finalized. Vouch up Meaning: To enhance or improve the credibility or reputation of something. Example: The successful product launch vouched up the company's image in the market. Vote for Meaning: To choose or support a candidate or option in an election or poll. Example: I will vote for the candidate who promises better healthcare. Vote against Meaning: To express opposition or disapproval by marking a ballot against a candidate or proposal. Example: Many citizens decided to vote against the proposed tax increase. Vote down Meaning: To reject or defeat a proposal or motion by voting against it. Example: The committee voted down the new budget proposal. Vote in Meaning: To officially elect or approve someone to a position through a vote. Example: The citizens voted in a new mayor last night. Vote out Meaning: To remove or dismiss someone from a position through a vote. Example: The shareholders voted out the underperforming CEO. Vote on Meaning: To cast a vote or make a decision regarding a specific issue or proposal. Example: We will vote on the new company policies during the meeting. Vote up Meaning: To support or approve a proposal or idea by casting a positive vote. Example: The board voted up the expansion plan for the business. Vote through Meaning: To successfully pass a proposal or motion through a formal vote. Example: The new legislation was voted through the parliament. Vote by Meaning: To make a decision or express a preference through casting a vote. Example: The members will vote by secret ballot. Vote with Meaning: To align one's vote or decision with a particular group or ideology. Example: She chose to vote with her party on the important bill. Wait for Meaning: To stay in one place or delay action until something expected happens. Example: I will wait for you at the coffee shop until you arrive. Wait on Meaning: To serve someone by taking their orders, bringing food or drinks, and attending to their needs. Example: The waiter waited on us attentively throughout the meal. Wait up Meaning: To delay going to bed or staying awake until someone arrives, especially when waiting for them. Example: I asked my friend to wait up for me because I was running late. Wait out Meaning: To endure a period of waiting until a particular situation or condition changes. Example: We had to wait out the storm before we could continue our hike. Wait around Meaning: To linger or remain in a place with no specific purpose or task. Example: I don't want to wait around all day; let's go do something. Wait in Meaning: To remain at home or a specific location in anticipation of a visitor or delivery. Example: I'll wait in for the package to be delivered. Wait upon Meaning: To serve or attend to someone's needs or desires. Example: The butler waited upon the guests at the formal dinner. Wait behind Meaning: To stay in a place after others have left, often for a specific reason. Example: I had to wait behind to finish some paperwork after the meeting. Wait out Meaning: To endure or survive a difficult or unpleasant situation by being patient. Example: We had to wait out the long traffic jam. Wait for it Meaning: To anticipate something exciting or significant that is about to happen. Example: The suspense in the movie was intense; you just had to wait for it. Wake up Meaning: To stop sleeping and become conscious. Example: I usually wake up at 7 AM on weekdays. Wake someone up Meaning: To rouse or cause someone to stop sleeping. Example: Please wake me up when the alarm goes off. Wake to Meaning: To become aware of or notice something upon waking up. Example: I woke to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. Wake from Meaning: To recover from a state of unconsciousness or deep sleep. Example: She woke from a deep slumber feeling refreshed. Wake to something Meaning: To become aware of or acknowledge a particular fact or situation. Example: He woke to the reality that he had missed an important meeting. Wake on Meaning: To stay awake during a particular period, especially at night. Example: They decided to wake on Christmas Eve to open their presents at midnight. Wake someone/something out of Meaning: To make someone or something stop sleeping or being in a state of inactivity. Example: The loud noise woke her out of her nap. Wake up to Meaning: To become aware of or realize something, especially a problem or a new perspective. Example: I woke up to the fact that I needed to change my lifestyle for better health. Wake on up Meaning: To gradually become more alert and active after waking up. Example: I need a cup of coffee to wake on up in the mornings. Wake up and smell the coffee Meaning: To become more aware of reality or face the truth. Example: It's time for him to wake up and smell the coffee; he can't ignore the problems any longer. Walk in Meaning: To enter a place on foot. Example: He decided to walk in the park to enjoy the fresh air. Walk out Meaning: To leave a place, especially as a form of protest or disagreement. Example: The employees decided to walk out of the meeting in protest. Walk away Meaning: To leave a situation or place, often to avoid further involvement or confrontation. Example: He couldn't handle the argument, so he chose to walk away. Walk off Meaning: To reduce or eliminate the effects of something through physical activity, typically walking. Example: After a big meal, she walked off the excess calories by taking a long stroll. Walk through Meaning: To explain or guide someone through a process or procedure. Example: The instructor walked us through the steps of assembling the furniture. Walk up Meaning: To approach someone or something on foot. Example: She decided to walk up to the podium and deliver her speech. Walk around Meaning: To explore or move about a place casually on foot. Example: They enjoyed walking around the historic town, admiring the architecture. Walk into Meaning: To enter a situation or place unexpectedly, often without prior knowledge. Example: She walked into the room and surprised everyone with her presence. Walk over Meaning: To treat someone with disregard or disrespect, often taking advantage of them. Example: He's too nice; people tend to walk over him in business negotiations. Walk on air Meaning: To feel extremely happy or elated. Example: After receiving the good news, she felt like she was walking on air all day. Wash up Meaning: To clean your hands or face. Example: Before dinner, it's essential to wash up to prevent the spread of germs. Wash down Meaning: To clean a surface or object using water or a liquid. Example: He washed down the patio furniture to remove the dirt and pollen. Wash out Meaning: To become ineffective or ruined due to exposure to water. Example: The heavy rain washed out our plans for a picnic. Wash away Meaning: To be carried away or removed by water, often due to flooding or erosion. Example: The river's rising water levels threatened to wash away the bridge. Wash off Meaning: To remove something by washing it with water. Example: She had to wash off the mud from her shoes after hiking in the rain. Wash over Meaning: To cover or immerse something completely in water or another liquid. Example: She watched as the waves washed over the shore during high tide. Wash out Meaning: To cancel or render something null and void. Example: The rainstorm washed out the outdoor concert, so it was rescheduled for the next day. Wash up Meaning: To clean and tidy a place, typically a kitchen, after cooking or eating. Example: After the big family dinner, they all pitched in to wash up the dishes. Wash over Meaning: To feel a sudden and strong emotion. Example: A sense of relief washed over him when he found his lost wallet. Wash away Meaning: To eliminate or remove a feeling or memory. Example: Time will wash away the pain of that difficult breakup. Watch out Meaning: To be cautious or careful about something. Example: While driving, you should always watch out for pedestrians crossing the street. Watch over Meaning: To protect or take care of someone or something. Example: The lifeguard watched over the swimmers to ensure their safety. Watch for Meaning: To be on the lookout for something or someone. Example: We need to watch for the delivery truck to arrive with our new furniture. Watch out for Meaning: To be alert and cautious in anticipation of something. Example: Please watch out for any suspicious activity in the neighborhood. Watch up Meaning: To clean or polish something, especially shoes or jewelry. Example: She spent hours watching up her silver jewelry collection. Watch down Meaning: To observe or monitor from a higher vantage point. Example: The police officer watched down on the crowd from the rooftop. Watch through Meaning: To complete or observe something until the end. Example: He decided to watch through the entire movie, despite the slow start. Watch off Meaning: To stop paying attention or monitoring something. Example: Don't watch off the stove while cooking to avoid burning the food. Watch back Meaning: To review or reexamine something. Example: Let's watch back the security footage to see if we can identify the intruder. Watch on Meaning: To keep an eye on something continuously. Example: The scientist watched on as the experiment unfolded, taking notes along the way. Wave off Meaning: To make a hand gesture to say goodbye or dismiss someone. Example: She waved off her friends as they left the airport. Wave down Meaning: To signal or attract someone's attention by waving, usually for a taxi or assistance. Example: We had to wave down a passing car to help us with the flat tire. Wave in Meaning: To greet or welcome someone with a wave. Example: The crowd waved in the arriving parade participants. Wave aside Meaning: To dismiss or ignore something as unimportant. Example: She waved aside the criticism and continued with her project. Wave through Meaning: To allow someone or something to pass through a barrier or checkpoint. Example: The security guard waved us through after checking our passes. Wave out Meaning: To signal or motion for someone or something to leave or exit. Example: The manager waved out the employees at the end of the workday. Wave over Meaning: To beckon or invite someone to come closer by waving. Example: She waved him over to join her at the table. Wave around Meaning: To brandish or display something by waving it in the air. Example: He waved around the flag to show his team's victory. Wave back Meaning: To respond to someone's wave with a wave of your own. Example: She waved at her neighbor, who waved back from across the street. Wave up Meaning: To cause a commotion or disturbance by waving or gesturing. Example: The protester waved up a banner to draw attention to their cause. Wind up Meaning: To conclude or finish something. Example: We need to wind up the meeting before lunch. Wind down Meaning: To relax or reduce activity, especially after a busy day. Example: After a long day at work, he likes to wind down by watching TV. Wind around Meaning: To twist or coil around something. Example: The ivy vines wind around the old oak tree. Wind through Meaning: To navigate through a complex path or maze. Example: The hiking trail winds through the dense forest. Wind off Meaning: To unwind or unroll something, like a hose or cable. Example: Please wind off the extension cord carefully to avoid tangles. Wind up Meaning: To tease or provoke someone intentionally. Example: He knows how to wind up his little brother with jokes. Wind in Meaning: To retract or pull something inward. Example: She wound in the fishing line as she felt a tug on the hook. Wind out Meaning: To unwind or extend something. Example: He wound out the measuring tape to check the length of the room. Wind around Meaning: To move in a twisting or meandering path. Example: The river winds around the picturesque countryside. Wind away Meaning: To disappear or move away gradually, often used for time or problems. Example: As the days passed, her worries about the exam wound away. Wipe off Meaning: To remove dirt or moisture from a surface by rubbing it with a cloth or one's hand. Example: She used a tissue to wipe off the spill from the table. Wipe out Meaning: To eliminate or destroy completely. Example: The tsunami wiped out the entire village. Wipe down Meaning: To clean the entire surface of something, often with a damp cloth. Example: After cooking, it's important to wipe down the kitchen counters. Wipe away Meaning: To remove tears or moisture from one's face. Example: She wiped away her tears and put on a brave smile. Wipe up Meaning: To clean up a mess or spill on the floor. Example: Please grab a mop and help me wipe up this spilled milk. Wipe over Meaning: To give something a quick and light cleaning. Example: I'll wipe over the furniture before the guests arrive. Wipe out Meaning: To exhaust or tire oneself completely. Example: The long hike wiped me out; I need a rest. Wipe off the map Meaning: To completely destroy or obliterate something, often used metaphorically. Example: The economic crisis wiped several small businesses off the map. Wipe in Meaning: To clean or apply a substance by rubbing it gently into a surface. Example: To get rid of the stain, you should wipe the detergent in. Wipe something from memory Meaning: To forget something intentionally or to erase a memory. Example: After the breakup, he tried to wipe her from his memory. Work out Meaning: To find a solution or resolve a problem. Example: We need to work out the details of the project before we start. Work up Meaning: To build up or develop, often used in the context of emotions or feelings. Example: The suspense in the movie worked up my excitement. Work on Meaning: To focus on improving or making progress in something. Example: I need to work on my presentation skills for the upcoming meeting. Work off Meaning: To eliminate or reduce something, typically weight or excess energy, through physical activity. Example: I jog every morning to work off the extra calories. Work through Meaning: To systematically solve a problem or complete a task by going through it step by step. Example: Let's work through these math problems together. Work in Meaning: To include or add something as part of a larger project or plan. Example: We should work in some time for a coffee break during the meeting. Work out Meaning: To exercise or engage in physical activity, often at a gym. Example: I work out at the gym three times a week to stay in shape. Work up to Meaning: To gradually progress to a higher level or position. Example: She worked up to a managerial role through dedication and hard work. Work over Meaning: To thoroughly review or examine something. Example: The teacher asked the students to work over their essays before submission. Work for Meaning: To be employed by a particular company or individual. Example: I used to work for a software company before starting my own business. Write down Meaning: To record information or thoughts on paper or in a document. Example: Please write down the important points from the meeting. Write up Meaning: To create a detailed report or summary from notes or rough drafts. Example: She needs to write up the research findings for the project report. Write out Meaning: To write something in full or spell it out completely. Example: Can you write out your full name for me, please? Write off Meaning: To consider something as a loss or not worth pursuing. Example: After several failed attempts, they decided to write off the investment. Write in Meaning: To send a letter, email, or submission to a publication or competition. Example: I'm planning to write in to the magazine with my article on travel. Write back Meaning: To respond to a letter or message in writing. Example: I wrote back to the email I received from my old friend. Write away Meaning: To begin writing immediately or without delay. Example: He was so inspired that he started to write away in his journal. Write up Meaning: To write a positive review or appraisal of something. Example: The critic wrote up a glowing review of the new restaurant in town. Write in Meaning: To include something in a document or report. Example: Let's write in the latest sales figures in the quarterly report. Write off Meaning: To dismiss or ignore something as unimportant or irrelevant. Example: Don't just write off his suggestions; they might be valuable. Yearn for Meaning: To have a strong and intense desire or longing for something. Example: She yearned for adventure and decided to travel the world. Yearn after Meaning: To continue to desire or long for something over a period of time. Example: He yearned after a simpler life in the countryside. Yearn to Meaning: To have a strong desire or aspiration to do something. Example: She yearned to become a successful novelist from a young age. Yearn over Meaning: To grieve or feel sorrow for something or someone you've lost. Example: She yearned over the loss of her beloved pet. Yearn towards Meaning: To direct your desires or aspirations toward a particular goal or outcome. Example: He yearned towards a career in medicine to help others. Yearn out Meaning: To express your longing or desires openly. Example: She yearned out her dreams of traveling to distant lands. Yearn away Meaning: To daydream or think about something you desire while neglecting the present. Example: He spent hours yearning away, imagining a life of luxury. Yearn back Meaning: To feel nostalgic and long for the past. Example: She yearned back to the carefree days of her youth. Yearn up Meaning: To increase in intensity or strength, typically referring to desires or longings. Example: Her ambition continued to yearn up as she achieved her goals. Yearn on Meaning: To persist in desiring or longing for something despite obstacles. Example: He yearned on for a better future, even when faced with setbacks. Yell at Meaning: To shout loudly and angrily at someone. Example: The coach yelled at the players for not following the game plan. Yell out Meaning: To shout something loudly and suddenly. Example: She yelled out in excitement when she won the lottery. Yell down Meaning: To shout from a higher position to someone below. Example: He had to yell down from the balcony to get his friend's attention. Yell for Meaning: To demand or request something loudly by shouting. Example: The protesters yelled for justice outside the courthouse. Yell over Meaning: To shout in order to be heard over a noisy environment or background. Example: They had to yell over the music at the crowded party. Yell back Meaning: To respond to someone's shouting with loud speech or shouting. Example: She yelled back, asking her neighbor to turn down the music. Yell down Meaning: To shout in a forceful or authoritative manner in order to control a situation. Example: The teacher had to yell down the unruly class to regain order. Yell out for Meaning: To express a strong need or desire for something loudly. Example: He yelled out for help when he got trapped in the elevator. Yell out in Meaning: To shout loudly in a particular emotion, such as anger or pain. Example: He yelled out in frustration when he couldn't find his car keys. Yell up Meaning: To shout or call to someone who is in a higher location. Example: She had to yell up to her friend on the second floor to come down. Zip up Meaning: To close or fasten a zipper on clothing. Example: She zipped up her jacket to keep warm in the cold weather. Zip through Meaning: To complete something quickly or with great speed. Example: He zipped through the book in just a few hours because he couldn't put it down. Zip along Meaning: To move or travel quickly. Example: The car zipped along the highway at over 100 miles per hour. Zip around Meaning: To move rapidly from one place to another. Example: She zipped around the city running errands all day. Zip by Meaning: To pass quickly or unnoticed. Example: The days of summer vacation zipped by, and school started again. Zip down Meaning: To descend or move rapidly down a slope or incline. Example: They zipped down the hill on their sleds. Zip off Meaning: To quickly remove or detach something, often with force. Example: He zipped off the old wallpaper from the wall. Zip ahead Meaning: To move forward quickly or make progress faster than others. Example: With her talent and determination, she zipped ahead in her career. Zip through Meaning: To read or review something quickly and easily. Example: He zipped through the exam questions because he had studied thoroughly. Zip it Meaning: To be quiet or stop talking. Example: The teacher told the students to zip it during the test.

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