Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Renunciatory Tradition and New Religious Ideas of 6th Century BC MCQs

Renunciatory Tradition and New Religious Ideas of 6th Century BC MCQs

  1. The 6th century BC saw the emergence of new religious ideas primarily in which region?

    A) Europe

    B) Middle East

    C) South Asia

    D) East Asia

  2. Who is considered the founder of Buddhism, a prominent religious movement of the 6th century BC?

    A) Mahavira

    B) Gautama Buddha

    C) Zarathustra

    D) Moses

  3. Which renunciant tradition originated in the 6th century BC, emphasizing asceticism and spiritual liberation?

    A) Jainism

    B) Zoroastrianism

    C) Confucianism

    D) Taoism

  4. Which ancient Indian prince renounced his royal privileges and became known as the Buddha?

    A) Siddhartha Gautama

    B) Chandragupta Maurya

    C) Ashoka the Great

    D) Bimbisara

  5. What is the term used to describe the state of ultimate liberation from suffering in Buddhism?

    A) Nirvana

    B) Moksha

    C) Samsara

    D) Dharma

  6. The teachings of the Buddha were primarily transmitted orally and later compiled into collections known as:

    A) Vedas

    B) Upanishads

    C) Tripitaka

    D) Mahabharata

  7. What was the central concept preached by Mahavira, the founder of Jainism?

    A) Ahimsa (Non-violence)

    B) Dharma (Righteousness)

    C) Karma (Action)

    D) Moksha (Liberation)

  8. Jainism emphasizes the importance of non-violence not only towards humans but also towards:

    A) Animals

    B) Plants

    C) Inanimate objects

    D) All of the above

  9. Which ancient religious text contains the hymns attributed to the ancient sage Zarathustra?

    A) Avesta

    B) Rigveda

    C) Torah

    D) Bible

  10. The teachings of Zarathustra primarily revolved around the conflict between:

    A) Good and evil

    B) Light and darkness

    C) Truth and falsehood

    D) All of the above

  11. The renunciatory tradition of the 6th century BC challenged the authority of:

    A) Kings

    B) Priests

    C) Merchants

    D) Farmers

  12. Which ruler of the Magadha kingdom became a follower of the teachings of the Buddha?

    A) Bimbisara

    B) Chandragupta Maurya

    C) Ashoka the Great

    D) Ajatasatru

  13. The new religious ideas of the 6th century BC contributed to the rise of:

    A) Monasticism

    B) Polytheism

    C) Militarism

    D) Materialism

  14. Which Indian state was the birthplace of Mahavira, the founder of Jainism?

    A) Bihar

    B) Uttar Pradesh

    C) Rajasthan

    D) Gujarat

  15. The concept of karma, as emphasized in the 6th century BC religious traditions, suggests that:

    A) Actions have consequences

    B) Liberation is achieved through meditation

    C) Rituals lead to salvation

    D) God determines fate

  16. The renunciatory tradition of the 6th century BC influenced the social and religious landscape of which ancient civilization?

    A) Mesopotamia

    B) Egypt

    C) China

    D) India

  17. Which of the following was NOT a feature of the renunciatory tradition of the 6th century BC?

    A) Asceticism

    B) Materialism

    C) Meditation

    D) Renunciation of worldly desires

  18. The teachings of the Buddha spread primarily through:

    A) Trade routes

    B) Military conquests

    C) Missionary activities

    D) Diplomatic negotiations

  19. Which ancient Indian ruler is credited with the patronage and propagation of Buddhism?

    A) Chandragupta Maurya

    B) Ashoka the Great

    C) Kanishka

    D) Harsha

  20. The new religious ideas of the 6th century BC challenged the authority of the traditional:

    A) Priestly class

    B) Warrior class

    C) Merchant class

    D) Peasant class

Multiple Choice Questions Answer

  1. C) South Asia
  2. B) Gautama Buddha
  3. A) Jainism
  4. A) Siddhartha Gautama
  5. A) Nirvana
  6. C) Tripitaka
  7. A) Ahimsa (Non-violence)
  8. D) All of the above
  9. A) Avesta
  10. A) Good and evil
  11. B) Priests
  12. C) Ashoka the Great
  13. A) Monasticism
  14. D) Gujarat
  15. A) Actions have consequences
  16. D) India
  17. B) Materialism
  18. C) Missionary activities
  19. B) Ashoka the Great
  20. A) Priestly class