RPSC Mains 2016 GS Paper 3 Questions

RPSC Mains 2016 GS Paper 3 Questions

RPSC Mains 2016 GS Paper 3 Questions to boost YourSelf study.

Unit-I (75 Marks)

Part-A (Marks: 10)

  1. What is the constitutional status of 'Right to Property' in India?
  2. What is the relevance of 'Yekaterinburg Summit'?
  3. Enumerate the four grounds on which a member of Union Public Service Commission can be removed by the President of India.
  4. Explain the phenomenon of 'Politicisation of castes' in Rajasthan.
  5. Explain the relevance of G-20.

Part-B (Marks: 25)

  1. Discuss the major functions of Niti Aayog.
  2. What are the criteria for recognizing a political party as a National Political Party?
  3. What are the challenges confronting the SAARC at present?
  4. Discuss India's response to China's activities in the South China Sea.
  5. Point out the major recommendations of Punchi Commission.

Part-C (Marks: 40)

  1. What are the major features of Paris Agreement (COP 21) of the United Nations' framework convention on climate change?
  2. Discuss the significance of the landmark judgement of Supreme Court of 1997 regarding gender justice.
  3. Discuss the phenomenon of stabilisation of 'Two Party System' in the politics of Rajasthan since 1998.
  4. What are the important recommendations regarding electoral reforms in the 255th Report of the Law Commission of India?

Unit-II (65 Marks)

Part-A (Marks: 10)

  1. What is the purpose of writ of Habeas Corpus?
  2. What do you mean by Generalist Administrator?
  3. What do you understand by politico-administration dichotomy?
  4. Point out any two differences between authority and power.
  5. Write any two functions of State Secretariat.

Part-B (Marks: 25)

  1. Enumerate four basic features of New Public Administration.
  2. Explain the discretionary powers of the Governor.
  3. Write any five functions of Lok-Ayukta.
  4. Distinguish between Development Administration and Administrative Development.
  5. 'Grass-root unit of administration is Patwari'. Comment.

Part-C (Marks: 30)

  1. Critically examine the role of District Collector in District Administration.
  2. Point out the role of Chief Secretary in State Administration.
  3. Trace the evaluation of Public Administration as an independent academic discipline.

Unit-III (Section - A) (20 Marks)

Part-A (Marks: 10)

  1. Write the name of 'Cardinal Virtues' of Plato.
  2. What is the meaning of 'Utilitarianism' according to J.S. Mill?
  3. What is the concept of 'Naturalistic Fallacy'?
  4. Define 'Swadharma' according to Geeta.
  5. Explain the meaning of 'Categorical Imperatives' according to Kant.

Part-B (Marks: 10)

  1. Describe the notion of 'Niskamakarmayoga' according to Geeta.
  2. Explain the postulates of morality according to Kant.

Unit-III (Section - B) (20 Marks)

Part-A (Marks: 10)

  1. What is Social Intelligence?
  2. Describe Allport's definition of Personality.
  3. What do you understand by Retroactive Inhibition?
  4. What is Stress?
  5. Define Ebbingaus Curve.

Part-B (Marks: 10)

  1. How Semi projective techniques are useful to assess personality?
  2. Analyse different ways of Coping for stress management.

Unit-III (Section - C) (20 Marks)

Part-A (Marks: 10)

  1. State Salmon's definition of ownership.
  2. Who are entitled to seek information under the Right to Information Act, 2005?
  3. What is the definition of 'child' under the protection of women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005?
  4. Define 'Nazul Land' under the Rajasthan Law Revenue Act, 1956.
  5. What are the kinds of 'Person' under law.

Part-B (Marks: 10)

  1. What are the 'Primary Rights' of tenants under the Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955?
  2. What do you mean by 'Hacking with Computer System'?