Thought for Today

Thought for Today

Socio-religious Reforms MCQs
  1. What was a key motivation behind socio-religious reforms during the 19th century?

    • A) Economic empowerment
    • B) Political independence
    • C) Social justice and equality
    • D) Military conquest
  2. Which religious movement emerged in India during the 19th century, advocating for monotheism, social reform, and religious tolerance?

    • A) Brahmo Samaj
    • B) Sufism
    • C) Sikhism
    • D) Arya Samaj
  3. Who was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj, a socio-religious reform movement in India during the 19th century?

    • A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
    • B) Swami Vivekananda
    • C) Guru Nanak
    • D) Dayananda Saraswati
  4. Which socio-religious reformer campaigned against social evils such as sati (widow burning) and advocated for women's education in India during the 19th century?

    • A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
    • B) Swami Vivekananda
    • C) Guru Nanak
    • D) Dayananda Saraswati
  5. Which socio-religious reform movement in the United States during the 19th century focused on abolitionism and women's rights?

    • A) Temperance movement
    • B) Suffragist movement
    • C) Abolitionist movement
    • D) Prohibition movement
  6. Who was a prominent leader of the Suffragist movement, advocating for women's right to vote during the 19th century?

    • A) Susan B. Anthony
    • B) Harriet Tubman
    • C) Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    • D) Lucretia Mott
  7. What was the primary objective of the Temperance movement during the 19th century?

    • A) Religious revival
    • B) Social equality
    • C) Abolition of slavery
    • D) Reduction of alcohol consumption
  8. Which socio-religious reformer in the United States campaigned against slavery and advocated for civil rights for African Americans during the 19th century?

    • A) Frederick Douglass
    • B) John Brown
    • C) Harriet Beecher Stowe
    • D) William Lloyd Garrison
  9. Which religious reform movement in China during the 19th century sought to modernize Confucianism and promote social reform?

    • A) Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
    • B) White Lotus Rebellion
    • C) Boxer Rebellion
    • D) May Fourth Movement
  10. Who was the founder of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, a millenarian movement in China during the 19th century?

    • A) Hong Xiuquan
    • B) Sun Yat-sen
    • C) Mao Zedong
    • D) Kang Youwei
  11. What was the primary focus of the May Fourth Movement in China during the 19th century?

    • A) Cultural conservatism
    • B) Anti-imperialism and nationalism
    • C) Religious revival
    • D) Economic reform
  12. Which socio-religious reformer in the Ottoman Empire advocated for modernization, education, and equality for women during the 19th century?

    • A) Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
    • B) Muhammad Abduh
    • C) Mehmed Namık Kemal
    • D) Rifa'a al-Tahtawi
  13. What was the primary objective of the Young Ottomans, a reformist movement in the Ottoman Empire during the 19th century?

    • A) Restoration of the Caliphate
    • B) Preservation of traditional values
    • C) Constitutional reform and modernization
    • D) Establishment of an Islamic state
  14. Which socio-religious reform movement emerged in Japan during the 19th century, advocating for the restoration of imperial power and rejection of foreign influence?

    • A) Meiji Restoration
    • B) Taiping Rebellion
    • C) Boxer Rebellion
    • D) Satsuma Rebellion
  15. Who was the leader of the Meiji Restoration in Japan during the 19th century?

    • A) Emperor Meiji
    • B) Tokugawa Yoshinobu
    • C) Saigō Takamori
    • D) Katsu Kaishū
  16. What was the primary goal of the Satsuma Rebellion in Japan during the 19th century?

    • A) Restoration of imperial power
    • B) Abolition of feudalism
    • C) Protection of traditional values
    • D) Rejection of foreign influence
  17. Which socio-religious reform movement emerged in Iran during the 19th century, advocating for modernization and political reform?

    • A) Qajar Dynasty
    • B) Bábism
    • C) Constitutional Revolution
    • D) Islamic Revolution
  18. Who was the founder of Bábism, a religious movement in Iran during the 19th century?

    • A) Bahá'u'lláh
    • B) The Báb
    • C) Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
    • D) Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani
  19. What was the primary objective of the Constitutional Revolution in Iran during the 19th century?

    • A) Restoration of the monarchy
    • B) Abolition of the Islamic legal system
    • C) Establishment of a constitutional monarchy
    • D) Implementation of Sharia law
  20. Which socio-religious reformer in India during the 19th century advocated for social equality, education for women, and the eradication of caste discrimination?

    • A) Jyotirao Phule
    • B) Swami Vivekananda
    • C) Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
    • D) Sri Aurobindo

Answers to the MCQs

  1. C) Social justice and equality
  2. A) Brahmo Samaj
  3. A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
  4. A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
  5. C) Abolitionist movement
  6. A) Susan B. Anthony
  7. D) Reduction of alcohol consumption
  8. A) Frederick Douglass
  9. A) Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
  10. A) Hong Xiuquan
  11. B) Anti-imperialism and nationalism
  12. B) Muhammad Abduh
  13. C) Constitutional reform and modernization
  14. A) Meiji Restoration
  15. A) Emperor Meiji
  16. A) Restoration of imperial power
  17. C) Constitutional Revolution
  18. B) The Báb
  19. C) Establishment of a constitutional monarchy
  20. A) Jyotirao Phule