The Bubble the Straw and the Shoe

Chapter 4: "The Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe"

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NCERT Class 1 English Chapter 4: "The Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe"


Chapter 4 of NCERT Class 1 English is a story titled "The Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe." This story is about three friends who try to cross a river. Each character has its own unique qualities, and the story teaches a valuable lesson about teamwork and practicality.

Story Summary

Once upon a time, there were three friends: a Bubble, a Straw, and a Shoe. They decided to go on a journey together. As they traveled, they came across a river. They needed to find a way to cross it.

Detailed Explanation

The Characters

The Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe are the main characters. Each has unique qualities:

  • Bubble: Light and airy.
  • Straw: Long and thin.
  • Shoe: Solid and can float.


The Bubble is like a soap bubble that floats in the air. The Straw is similar to a drinking straw, and the Shoe is like any shoe we wear.

Finding a Solution

They brainstormed ways to cross the river. The Straw suggested that they stretch across the river so the Bubble and the Shoe could cross safely.


The Straw acting as a bridge shows how they tried to use each other's strengths to solve their problem.

The Attempt to Cross

The Shoe started to cross first by walking on the Straw. However, the Straw could not hold the Shoe's weight and broke, causing the Shoe to fall into the water. The Bubble, seeing this, laughed so hard that it burst.


This part shows the failure of their plan due to a lack of practical thinking and teamwork.

The Outcome

In the end, none of the friends could cross the river, and they all ended up in the water. The story concludes with a moral about thinking practically and working together effectively.


Their failed attempt teaches a lesson about the importance of cooperation and practical solutions.

Word Meanings

  • Bubble: A thin sphere of liquid enclosing air or another gas.
  • Straw: A thin tube used for sucking up liquid.
  • Shoe: A covering for the foot, typically made of leather or another strong material.
  • River: A large, natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
  • Cross: To go from one side to the other.
  • Laugh: To make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • 1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  • The main characters are the Bubble, the Straw, and the Shoe.
  • 2. What problem do the characters face?
  • They need to find a way to cross a river.
  • 3. What solution does the Straw suggest?
  • The Straw suggests stretching across the river to act as a bridge.
  • 4. What happens when the Shoe tries to cross the river?
  • The Straw breaks under the Shoe's weight, causing the Shoe to fall into the water.
  • 5. Why does the Bubble burst?
  • The Bubble bursts because it laughs too hard.
  • 6. What lesson does the story teach?
  • The story teaches the importance of practical thinking and teamwork.
  • 7. Why couldn't the Straw hold the Shoe's weight?
  • The Straw was too weak and thin to support the Shoe's weight.
  • 8. What does the Shoe represent in the story?
  • The Shoe represents a practical but heavy object that needs support.
  • 9. How do the characters feel at the end of the story?
  • They likely feel disappointed and wet, having failed to cross the river.
  • 10. What could they have done differently?
  • They could have thought of a more practical solution that utilized each of their strengths effectively.
  • 11. What is the moral of the story?
  • The moral is to work together and think practically to solve problems.
  • 12. How does this story help children?
  • The story helps children learn about cooperation, problem-solving, and the consequences of impractical plans.

What We Learn from This Chapter

  • Importance of teamwork: Working together helps solve problems more effectively.
  • Practical thinking: Solutions should be practical and take into account everyone's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Problem-solving: Facing challenges requires careful thought and planning.
  • Consequences of actions: Actions have consequences, and it's important to think ahead.
  • Creativity and imagination: Thinking creatively is important, but ideas must be feasible.