Verb of English Grammar

Verb of English Grammar

Definition of Verb
A verb is a part of speech that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.

Definitions for each type of verb:

 Action Verbs:

 Definition: Action verbs are verbs that describe actions or activities performed by a subject. They indicate what someone or something is doing.

• Example Sentence: "She danced gracefully on the stage."
• Run, Jump, Write, Dance, Sing

 Linking Verbs:

 Definition: Linking verbs are verbs that connect the subject of a sentence to a subject complement, which can be a noun, pronoun, or adjective. They do not show action but rather describe a state of being or a condition.

• Example Sentence: "He is a talented musician."
• Is, Am, Are, Was, Were

 Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs:

 Definition: Auxiliary verbs, also known as helping verbs, are used with main verbs to create verb phrases that convey various tenses, moods, or aspects of an action.

• Example Sentence: "She has completed her homework."
• Have, Do, Can, Will, Must

 Modal Verbs:

 Definition: Modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verb used to express necessity, possibility, permission, ability, or other conditions related to an action.

• Example Sentence: "You should attend the meeting."
• Should, Could, Might, May, Shall

 Transitive Verbs:

• Definition: Transitive verbs are verbs that require a direct object to complete their meaning. They act upon or affect something or someone.
• Example Sentence: "She read a fascinating book."
• Eat, Paint, Read, Kick, Build

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Changing Rules of Verbs of English Grammar

1. Add "-ed" to the base form:
V1: Walk → V2: Walked → V3: Walked

2. For verbs ending in "e," add only "-d" to form V2 and V3:
V1: Dance → V2: Danced → V3: Danced

3. For verbs ending in "y" after a consonant, change the "y" to "i" and add "-ed":

V1: Study → V2: Studied → V3: Studied

4. For verbs ending in a vowel + "y," simply add "-ed":
V1: Play → V2: Played → V3: Played

Rules for Irregular Verbs (not following the regular pattern):

. Verbs with the same V1, V2, and V3 forms:
V1: Put → V2: Put → V3: Put

. Verbs with V1 and V2 the same, but different V3 form:
V1: Cost → V2: Cost → V3: Cost

. Verbs with completely different forms for V1, V2, and V3:
V1: Go → V2: Went → V3: Gone

. Verbs with vowel changes in V2 and V3:
V1: Sing → V2: Sang → V3: Sung

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Verbs Forms

Grammar Topic Link
Part of Speech Part of speech
Narration Narration
Noun Noun
Pronoun Pronoun
Adjective Adjective
Tense Tense
Verb Verb
Idioms Idioms