Chapter Two What is Long? What is Round?

Chapter Two What is Long? What is Round?

NCERT Solutions for class one Mathematics Chapter two - What is Long? What is Round?

Ask children to play this game in the class. Let the children name two things — one long and one round. Every time, they can take the name of a new thing and avoid repetition. For long objects, children may focus on one dimension like tall, wide, etc. For example, some may say a tumbler is long whereas for some others, it may be round. Both views need to be considered. Let children explain their logic of saying so.

Vidya didi asked all the children to sit in a circle.

My pencil box is long and my ball is round.
Look around, look around.

What is long? What is round?
Look around, look around.

My legs are long and my face is round.
Look around, look around.

Look Around! Look Around!

Think and Do

Think and Do

A. Draw round objects and long objects.

Answer: This question is activity-based. Students need to draw objects that are round (e.g., ball, coin) and objects that are long (e.g., pencil, stick).

B. Match the objects which are similar in shape.

Answer: This question is activity-based. Students need to find objects with similar shapes and match them.

C. Tick the shape which is similar to a ball.

Answer: This question is activity-based. Students need to tick objects that have a round shape similar to a ball.

D. Tick the shape which is similar to a cap.

Answer: This question is activity-based. Students need to tick objects that have a shape similar to a cap.

E. Tick the shape which is similar to a glass.

Answer: This question is activity-based. Students need to tick objects that have a cylindrical shape similar to a glass.

F. Tick the shape which is similar to a matchbox.

Answer: This question is activity-based. Students need to tick objects that have a rectangular shape similar to a matchbox.

Divide the children in four groups. Give one shape to each group and ask children to bring two different used or waste objects similar to that shape. Display all the collected things in the classroom and let children share their things and the reason why they choose those particular things.

Make a house, toy, tower, robot, bus or anything you like using different objects in your surroundings. You can also use notebooks, books, pencil box, water bottle, waste or old boxes, birthday caps, funnels, etc.

Wise Grandmother

Once there was a little lamb who was going to meet her grandmother. The wolf saw the lamb and wanted to catch her.

Wolf: Please don’t eat me now.
Lamb: Let me first go to my grandmother’s place and grow big.

The lamb told everything about the wolf to her grandmother. The grandmother got an idea and put the lamb into a dholak and rolled it back to her house.

Read aloud the story and ask children to enact it.

The dholak rolled very fast and the wolf started running behind it. The wolf could not catch the lamb and she reached home safely.

Let children reason out why the dholak rolled. Arrange a discussion about its shape and the sloppy/inclined surface from the jungle to the lamb’s house.

Let us Slide

Let us Slide

A. Write ‘R’ for rolling objects and ‘S’ for sliding objects in the given picture.

Answer: This question is activity-based. Students need to identify objects that roll and those that slide.

B. Collect different objects from your surroundings and see if they roll or slide.

Answer: This question is activity-based. Students need to test various objects from their surroundings to see if they roll or slide.

C. Do you see things which can do both, roll and slide? If yes, discuss in the class.

Answer: Yes, some objects can both roll and slide, such as a cylindrical can. This can be discussed in class to understand why certain shapes can do both.

Find whether the following objects roll, slide or do both. Put a checkmark or a cross.

Children are playing carrom as shown below. You can also play and see how a striker slides to reach the corner.

My striker (gotti) rolled instead of sliding.

Project Work

Project Work

A. Collect cardboard boxes like shoe boxes, empty food boxes, fruit boxes, etc. Make a slit on the front of the box and draw eyes, mouth, and nose. Make a puppet with the help of your parent or teacher and play with it. Make puppets from your favourite stories and do a puppet show in your classroom.

Answer: This question is project-based. Students need to create puppets from cardboard boxes and perform a puppet show.

B. Make towers with different objects. Find which shape of objects make taller and stable towers.

Answer: This question is project-based. Students need to experiment with building towers using objects of different shapes to find which shapes provide more stability and height.

C. Create different shapes and objects by using clay.

Answer: This question is project-based. Students need to use clay to create various shapes and objects, exploring their creativity and understanding of different forms.