Nature and Characteristics of Indian Constitution

Nature and Characteristics of Indian Constitution

Key Features of the Indian Constitution

Here are 11 key features of the Indian Constitution along with explanations:

Feature Explanation
Lengthy and Detailed The Indian Constitution is one of the longest and most detailed constitutions globally, covering various aspects of governance, rights, duties, and directive principles.
Federal System India follows a federal system where powers are divided between the central government and state governments, each having its own sphere of authority.
Parliamentary Democracy India operates as a parliamentary democracy where the Parliament is the supreme legislative body, and the government is elected by and accountable to it.
Secular State The Indian Constitution declares India as a secular state, ensuring that the state does not endorse any religion as the state religion and promotes equal treatment of all religions.
Written Constitution The Indian Constitution is a written document, formally drafted, detailed, and codified, unlike unwritten constitutions in some countries.
Rigid and Flexible The Indian Constitution is both rigid and flexible. Some provisions can be amended only by a special majority of Parliament, while others can be amended by a simple majority.
Single Citizenship India follows the concept of single citizenship, where every citizen is a citizen of India and enjoys the same rights and responsibilities across the country.
Fundamental Rights Fundamental Rights are essential rights guaranteed to all citizens of India to ensure their dignity and freedom, enforceable by the courts.
Directive Principles of State Policy Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are guidelines for the government to establish a just society. While not enforceable by courts, they are fundamental in governance.
Independent Judiciary India has an independent judiciary that operates separately from the executive and legislative branches, ensuring the rule of law and protecting citizen rights.
Universal Adult Suffrage Universal Adult Suffrage grants all adult citizens the right to vote without any discrimination based on race, caste, religion, or gender, ensuring democratic participation.

Downloadable Resources:

Resource Link
Nature and Characteristics of Indian Constitution PDF Download Click Here
Federal Features of the Indian Constitution PDF Download Click Here
Unitary Features of The Indian Constitution PDF Download Click Here
Objective Questions for Unitary and Federal Features of The Indian Constitution PDF Download Click Here
Why a Constitution is Needed PDF Download Click Here
Provisions Adopted From Other Countries' Constitutions PDF Download Click Here
12th Schedule of the Indian Constitution PDF Download Click Here
"22 Parts (Bhag) of the Indian Constitution" PDF Download Click Here
"100 Objective Questions of The Indian Constitution" PDF Download Click Here
"Subjective Questions of the Indian Constitution" PDF Download Click Here

More Resources:

Resource Link
Indian Constitutional Article PDF Download Click Here
Indian Constitutional Amendments List PDF Download Click Here
Union and its Territories Click Here