Narration of English Grammar pdf

Definition of Narration
Narration in English grammar refers to the process of conveying a story, event, or incident, either in spoken or written form, by changing the perspective from which it is presented.

Types of Narration:

In English grammar, there are two primary types of narration: direct speech and indirect speech.

1. Direct Speech:

This type of narration involves quoting the exact words spoken by a person, enclosed within quotation marks. It is used to represent someone's speech verbatim.

2. Indirect Speech:

Indirect speech involves reporting what someone has said without quoting their exact words. Instead, it summarizes or paraphrases the original statement and typically introduces a reporting verb (e.g., said, told) to attribute the statement to the speaker.

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Direct Narration change Into Indirect Narration (Reported Speech):

Direct Narration:

    1. She said, "I love this movie."
    2. "Please pass me the salt," he requested.
    3. "What time is the meeting?" she inquired.
    4. "I'm going to the store," he declared.
    5. "Don't forget to call me," she reminded.
    6. "It's raining outside," they observed.
    7. "Could you please help me?" he asked.
    8. "Happy birthday!" they cheered.
    9. "I'll be there at 9 AM," she promised.
    10. "This cake is delicious," he complimented.

Indirect Narration (Reported Speech):

1. She said that she loved the movie.
2. He requested to pass him the salt.
3. She inquired about the time of the meeting.
4. He declared that he was going to the store.
5. She reminded not to forget to call her.
6. They observed that it was raining outside.
7. He asked if someone could help him.
8. They cheered and wished a happy birthday.
9. She promised that she would be there at 9 AM.
10. He complimented the cake and mentioned that it was delicious.

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Types of Sentence

1. Declarative Sentence:
 Definition: A declarative sentence makes a statement or expresses an opinion. It ends with a period.

 Example:
 The sun rises in the east.
 Elephants are herbivores.
 Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
 She is a talented musician.
 The Earth revolves around the sun.
 Dogs are known for their loyalty.
 I enjoy hiking in the mountains.

2. Assertive Sentence (Statement):
 Definition: An assertive sentence, also known as a declarative sentence, is used to make a statement or convey information. It provides facts, opinions, or descriptions and typically ends with a period.
3. Conditional Sentence:
 Definition: A conditional sentence expresses a condition and its potential result. It typically has an "if" clause and a main clause.
4. Exclamatory Sentence:
 Definition: An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion or excitement. It ends with an exclamation mark.
5. Imperative Sentence:
 Definition: An imperative sentence gives a command, request, or instruction. It usually ends with a period but can end with an exclamation mark for strong emphasis.

 Example:
 Please pass the salt.
 Close the door behind you.
 Don't forget to call me later.
 Hand me the wrench.
 Be quiet during the movie.
 Take out the trash.
 Clean your room before you go out.
 Pay attention in class.

6. Optative Sentence (Wish or Hope):
 Definition: An optative sentence is used to express a wish, hope, or desire. It often contains words like "may," "wish," or "hope" and is used to convey good wishes or blessings. Optative sentences typically end with an exclamation mark.
7. Interrogative Sentence:
 Definition: An interrogative sentence asks a question. It ends with a question mark.

 Example:
 Is it raining outside?
 Are you coming to the party?
 What time is the meeting?
 Have you seen my keys?
 Did she finish her homework?
 Where is the nearest coffee shop?
 Can you pass me the salt, please?

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Grammar Topic Link
Part of Speech Part of speech
Narration Narration
Noun Noun
Pronoun Pronoun
Adjective Adjective
Tense Tense
Verb Verb
Idioms Idioms